So I just finished binging the first season of Heroes at this is possibly one of the best shows I've ever seen

So I just finished binging the first season of Heroes at this is possibly one of the best shows I've ever seen.

Holy crap why does no one talk about this? I can't wait to binge the next season after work today.

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I know i just finished a kino called Prison Break. S2 tomorrow

Quit now user. Seriously.

If you enjoyed the first season, you should just stop there.

>I can't wait to binge the next season after work today.

dont do it. trust us, season 1 is as good as it gets.

Oh no ....

* he doesn't know *

Heroes season 1 is one of the best series ever made.

The other seasons were so bad they destroyed Heroes season 1 and it's why no one talks about it.

Not talking about it is honoring season 1.

We did talk about it. Quite recently even. See, the problem is that while the first season is KINO in tv-format, from the second onward the quality drops more and more. And while the second is still somewhat watchable, the third is the one where most just stop since it shits the bed really hard. The few who made it to the fourth, just do it to see how bad it can really get and it does get really fucking bad.
The biggest problem I had with the later seasons was simply that characters who had their story finished where brought back for the dumbest reasons, and that others started to behave completely out of character. You wouldn't believe me if I tell you what Peter and Matt will do later on right now, It's just that fucking dumb.
Have fun with the second season, but after that I would advise you to stop and keep it as the good show that you think it is in your mind.

I had the exact same reaction as you but i quit season 2 five episodes in
Just don't bother friendo


Here's a spoiler for later seasons
Everyone's parents have powers and worked on experiments together in the 60s.

Stop and don't go any further. There was a writers strike and the producers fucked the show because Zachary Quinto was just so cute! We have to listen to these fan girls in our forums and keep him around. We'll figure the rest out!

weak bait thread starter. Everyone and there sister knows what happened to this

>why is no one talking about this extremely popular show that aired on television 13 years ago!?
Shit bait

2011 called

I couldn't bring myself to watch the last season.
The entire thing about President Sylar made my blood boild. WHY DIDN'T THEY KILL HIM, WHY DID THEY TRY TO USE HIM, JUST FUCKING KILL HIM THE MOMENT YOU CAN

Don't get too attached to the cutie. You'll know who I'm talking about when you see her.

A writers strike fucked season 3 and 4 and led to short seasons truncated plots arc and the canceling of the show

Do you ever wonder if the cheerleader can heal does her Hyman heal every time

Play by Hayden Pantytree

>Irish cutie
>get's stuck in some hellscape future
>the electro girl
>fucking dies
What was writer's fucking problem?

I don't even think they knew what they were doing that season.

Why is she such a mudshark bros?

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First season is great. Now stop watching. Please.

the writer's strike also caused season 2 to only be half a season

I still love saying

Peter Petrelli

>the electro girl
The perfect mixture between cute and hot.

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ok then it was season 2 and 3 and it threw it all off track

How come when ever i see Kristin Bell i go look up porn with Chrissy Anne from the Anal twins

user, I...

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Never before has a show been more fitting of the phrase "It's all downhill from here".

I found the first season unwatchable it's like cape tropes the show but done badly.

There was a small glimmer of hope when it looked like it was turning into Villains but that ended after like three episodes.

never seen heroes, is it worth watching the first season and thats it?

>binging your favorite Programming after wageslaving
good goy

because you have a porn addiction.

Nº one talks about it because we watched the other seasons, mongrel.

Stop being an aspie and finish the series

This is so retarded that I have no doubt that it's true.

Sylar flipping back and forth from hero to villain was campy in a fun way *hisses* I'm a monsterrrrr

with the superhero craze still going strong, they should reboot this show

They did, it was called Heroes Reborn and it was shit

Back to /pol/

they tried a fewa years ago, haven't they? it was shit

Because you're dumb and weak.

I haven't watched porn in years nor do I miss it.

Watch season two, then you'll understand why no one talks about Heroes

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Don't bother.

They did. It was garbage.

Shut the fuck up.

Yes, it's worth the first season

It's the wrong type of superhero show to take advantage of it.
For the current year you'd need to basically make Buffy with a cape



Yeah, but really only the first season, and while the first two episodes might be a bit jarring, it really gets going afterwards and doesn't stop until the end.

>all those moments of staying up late on school nights to catch heroes episodes so i could talk to my friends about it between classes
>lost, like sylar's plotline in season 5

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writer’s strike.


>sylar's plotline in season 5

>be villain
>be heo
>be villain
>be hoero
>muh parent
>be villain
>muh parent
>be hero
>be villain

shouldve died season 1

Found the capeshitter