Am I the only girl here who made one of these?
The Wire - Character Tier List
10/10 list
Pretty good, but Ziggy needs to be higher
Just started a rewatch, finished Season 1 finale a few minutes ago. This show is great. BB gets all the hype but have no desire to watch it again. and GoT was so shit couldn't even make it through the first season.
>not perfect
stopped reading there desu.
>that low
He drives me nuts but Ziggy really should be higher.
Sobotka should be A too.
Yeah OP has level 1 opinions. He made a list for people that have seen the show once.
She, sorry
How am I supposed to tell all those niggers apart but their faces?
>Slim not S tier
>Daniels not S tier
>Rawls that low
>Cheese D tier
Noone cares, this is an anonymous board.
Slim needs to be S tier
Why tho?
Stringer is not S
Stringer is the best character of season 3.
You need to put Sobotka in S+ tier and move stringer bell (that jew nigger) down but other than that it's a pretty solid list
What is that thing between Bodie and Greggs?
Slim Charles wins you over by the last season.
Jamal Ginsberg
how do you even watch this show, all black people look the same
careful, he could knock your fucking lights out
A fucking mess, OP. Rewatch the show 5 more times then come back here with a revised tier list.
I think we can all agree that Namond's Mom is the best character.
>frank sobotka not in S tier
you fucked up
String is more nuanced than most give him credit but he's rarely recognized as the main foil that he is, starting immediately with his resentment towards Dee way back in season 1.
Laugh at 'muh corners' all you want but having a viable product is exactly what their focus should've been, and what caused them to lose traction before they even started to lose them. It directly allowed the east siders to penetrate which in turn led to Marlo's rapid come up since all they had to do at that point was have Chris and Snoop regulate a few because there was no retaliation even possible.
It might've been dumb to try and hold a war with the skeleton crew by the time Avon was out, but it would've been better than letting it all go to shit because a delusional co-founder wanted to pretend to be legit by leasing out condos.
One of the funniest parts is String taking night school classes only to completely fail at even getting the first things you're supposed to know about running a business.
Not surprising Marlo immediately recognized String's weakness after their first face to face. There's no waterside negotiation chat happening there. Marlo knew it was about muh corners just as much as Avon did.
Took me more than an hour to finish, but mainly because it was so difficult to find that bald detective cunt whom I placed out of spite in F tier. It's weird how literal who background characters like him are there, but the more memorable ones (i.e. Pakusa, Monk from Stanfield's crew, Old Face Andre, the Greek that gets shot by Ziggy, etc.) don't get on the list.
S+ = best character that was also the best in a particular season
S = best character (classic)
S- = best character after he grows on you
D'Angelo = Season 1
Ziggy = Season 2
Stringer = Season 3
Duquan = Season 4
Bubbles = Season 5
>that shitty self inserted journo
He is black.
>Avon in S tier
>cheese in B tier
That's about high that bitch can get for killing prop joe
>Jews are white
I'm Jewish and white
One or the other greedrubber
Ziggy is an awful character, terrible choice. Frank Sobotka is better in every respect. Even Beadie and Horseface are better in season 2
I'm Jewish and black (black non-Jewish father).
consider sepukku
he is literally me
>identifying with the complete fuckup laughingstock failure
Mine is simply in terms of enjoyability when they are on screen.
I don't really identify with any characters from The Wire though. Ziggy was just fun to watch every time he was on screen.