I just watched this. Ask me anything.
I just watched this. Ask me anything
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what did you have for a snack?
you only watched this because one of michael jacksons left over fuck babys told you to, sort it out you spastic sheep
I like to think of it as being the same universe as Clockwork Orange.
reddit letter media told you to cuck
This is the american version
When did you realize you were a fag?
I watched it two months ago :^)
Every city looked like a shit hole in the 70s. What happened to change that?
>seething that more people are discovering a kino
You are such insecure little faggots
How do I shot web?
Nevermind the hundreds of posts on it before they ever got their hands on it. Imagine being that much of a contrarian retard.
No you didn't, Macaulay.
It really works. Even moreso that they were both intended to be near future.
Have you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?
No, I told your dad to fuck off.
Oh warriors....
>t. Angry Zoomer who couldn’t dig it
You’re a fuckin fag lmao
Which gang had the best looking jacket/vest/outfit?
Three significant factors:
The widespread availability of abortions,
Law enforcement in cities.
Aggressive marketing to make cities seem like places you would want to live in, again.
Furies were easily best dressed but the dudes in the overalls were pretty spiffy. Function over form.
Shitty movie.
I'm surprised the Wanderers isn't more widely know but the fucking Warriors is.
I'm waiting for the RLM review about it to form my opinion.
Jesus just imagine the hair grease budget alone on that.
It holds up all day after one application. Probably more economical then the stupid fucking makeup and face paint they had to do for the goddamn Warriors.
Why do I believe you're fucking serious?
They rounded up all the homeless people and shipped them off to California.
>ITT angry boomers because people are discovering their secret kinos thanks to youtube
You won't be able to brag about it to your grandsons oh the humanity.
>Secret kino
Is that Windows?
I didn't expect him to be this much of a fuckboy.
This movie was never a secret
What is the gestation period of the white rhinoceros?
Serious question, do you feel any manlier after watching this? Or rather, do you feel like you wanna be manlier after watching the movie?
Afros can be pretty utilitarian since you can store stuff in them like a pack of gum or a switchblade. But Cochise was the only one that was able to rock those faggy vests right.
The Warriors were actually kind of a lame gang in hindsight. Half of them couldn't even fight.
I hear more garbage opinions on the Warriors for good or bad, but almost nothing ever mentioning the Wanderers even though it's the vastly superior movie.
>secret kino
Two months ago I bought an Electric Elminiators jacket, I ordered a size down planning to get in shape and use it as a beacon of my self confidence being rebuilt. Now im just gonna throw it the fuck away at rist of meeting any rlm fans who think im "in on the joke" with them because I too need to be told how to enjoy a film or what things I should be enjoying at what moment. Why the fuck did I waste all this time or think it was a good idea on any level, I hate myself
what movie did you watch?
>secret kinos
>manlier after watching
I hope you're being sarcastic
You should have been fucking ashamed of liking anything about that shitty fucking movie.
You have to be over 18 to use this site, kid.
I think there is an epidemic of people not even understanding the basic traits of masculenity. Like when people see it sometimes you can see an awkward laugh on their face like theyre supposed to be ashamed, if you're that much of a pussy I can see the movie having this effect. But its no more badass or manly than a lot of movies of the time.
It isn't manly though. It isn't suppose to be. Sure it's masculine but its about stupid youths risking and wasting their lives, it is inherently not "Manly" you just don't realise you're a nu-male faggot yourself
You are the guy asked Yea Forums the other day if it was worth of watching?
Its not "shit", and now I cant even talk about my feelings on it because Jay said a lot of it. I like it because I like Streets of Fire so much and they cant exist without each other, I think the director started a niche tone with Warriors that he fully realized with Streets of Fire.
No, I just sit around and watch movies without interacting with the outside world while keeping to myself and staying /fit/ I despise numales. I want to rid the world of them. So if they really just need to watch the warriors or fucking Rocky maybe that would help
But everyone in the Warriors is a fucking faggot. Not denigrating gay people, but they would all be considered literal faggots in that time period. Watch the Wanderers instead. Probably one of the better movies you haven't heard of.
Overly 'manly' is synonymous with gay these days. The gym isn't called 'gay church' for nothing.
ive seen it, elitist bro. It is much better but the setting is what makes people like the Warriors. Doesnt really take away from my point though, id say the same for the Wanderers and that hipster fag would probably feel manlier watching it too.
I live in the Bronx and my pop was living here as well during the time period the movie came out in. It was always seen as really fucking campy and dumb even back then. Nobody should be basing any definition of masculinity from this goddamn movie in my opinion.
It is pathetic that with television, the internet and word of mouth americans are so lonely and socially isolated that in order to watch the warriors, they need to be told by fucking reddit letter media and the home alone kid
It's actually a really tight script. Intro alone tells you everything you need to know going in in about 20 minutes flat.
imagine being this insecure.
You dont have to imagine it, I refuse to believe other regular posters dont experience emotional overlap unless you're a newer. There's no reason a normal, secure, and confident person would waste more than a day of their time here.
>the setting
>NYC in the 70's
Come on. Again, the Wanderers is superior in my impression.
Well appartently thats how fucking bad its gotten
It's been on the mostly-unanimous list of films this board can agree on as long as I can remember right along with Coming to America, Apocalypto, Blue Bothers, etc.
I've done some autismal stuff in my time but being paranoid about internet strangers from youtube commenting on your attire is some otherworldly shit.
>access to guns
>cuck out
Wanderers are faggots.
Agree on what? I think it's a shitty movie.
Are gangs the most underrated thing ever?
>get to do things with brothers
>violence is a part of it but people do mma all the time and surviving fights is the best feeling much great than sex anyway
>instant friends just show your patch and someone will point it out and say hello
.girls dig power, nobody in a gang can stay a virgin
>hungry steal food, thirsty steal beer, some wimp annoys you kick their ass, simple
>personally you’re creativity is encouraged to create your best version of your gang costume
>you CAN dig it actually
Hence 'mostly-unanimous'.
You cant really even make me feel bad about it any more. I only wear it at places where it may unintentionally be logically possible to run into them, and its more about me actively not wanting to see or interact with a rlm fan than me basing any sense of validation from what they actually do have to say. Plus they inherently stop being "internet strangers" when you can now project an identity onto the visual of their presence. I am insane, I dont leave my house much, so what, fuck you. If anything the amount of autismal shit most people do without catagorzing it as such, realizing it, denying it, or not telling anyone, is insane for all. Im just honest.
to see the worst aspects of this lifestyle see how the "gangs" degraded into "punks" without any class that might of been there initially youtube.com
I am serious. RLM have a far better understanding of movies than I do. I'm just a passive observer, I watch stuff once in awhile while they create it. They've made movies, they understand how it's done and they're more immersed in it than me so of course it's natural to think they'll know what they're talking about.
go back to fyad
This reinforces my point so I'm not sure what you mean
The fact that OP is such an e-celeb dick sucker he didn't even consider watching it before jay bauman told him to is as embarassing as his american genetics
Kubrick is American
I don't think you can even find someone that hasn't seen the Warriors. It's very popular. Shit I think I've seen it on daytime tv a half dozen times.
just saying if you read a screenwriting book (takes an afternoon or two) you would then be shitposting like everyone else, calling their reviews childish or dumb, their humor smug and arrogant, they rely on their audience having literally 0 understanding of story structure or critique. If you do, its easier to enjoy their best of the worst show but it makes their other ones rather pointless. The Plinkett reviews become common sense, their apathy starts to make sense more, and you will be able to sound just as smart as they do.
Eh Mike hates everything and Jay is easily won over. He's like Harry Knowles with more tact.
>I don't think you can even find someone that hasn't seen the Warriors.
Apparently OP was such a faggot until a few hours ago.
If there was a complete ban of e-celeb discussion and e-celeb related content this website would improve 80%
Prove me wrong
We can safely say OP is a true weirdo.
>its a zoomers discover an incredibly popular and influental movie because of a youtube video and then pretend like its a hidden gem they discovered after great difficulty thread
ahh classic
If we had mods that spoke english and didn't delete deep sea or truman show threads, or planet earth docu threads, maybe.
youre not wrong, but people are afraid of change. We thought a dedicated film board would work for years, it was up for a day, and in a way improved Yea Forums because everyone was shitposting there we would talk for a bit.
they made a rockstar video game for this secret kino you fucking retard
Is the new meme around here to pretend the Wanderers was the better movie? The a lame 50's coming of age type movie.
DId you know the guy who got tossed under the train was supposed to be the star and get the girl
I always liked to think of it as being a bit of a prequel to Escape From New York.
thats the best line of thinking about it
>rlm bad
Why'd you do it? Why'd you waste Cyrus?
>implying Rockstar's video game about the movie didn't get noticed by legions of millennial and zoomy gamers years ago
Aww, you poor delusional baby.
Except it was made in 79 and is the better NYC gang movie. Just because it doesn't mirror the story of the Warriors doesn't mean it still isn't a comparable movie.
Reagan came to power and brought in some law and order.
Damn that works pretty well too.
It was weird because you'd swear they made it quick but it was damn near once of the best games they made. Lacking in polish a little sure but it was damn good.
Imagine the razor blade budget.
I know better than to mess with the 17th Street Leukemias.
We have to clone Diane Lane. All in favor say aye!
Blues Brothers is shit hth
I meant the year it takes place. 1963. It's ok but not even close to the Warriors. I understand people wanting to say its better though because its not as popular.
You're thinking of Blues Brothers 2000
No I'm not, BB 1980 is coked out bullshit for cunts
you must have watched it wrong. did you see the one with the church choir song? that's bad
No, both BB 1980 & BB 2000 are shit, pure shit
It's better because it's better.
Why does my urine smell like gravy?
Anthony Burgess isn't
reboot's better.
GRRM here and I need a distraction to keep from finishing my latest book. What was their tax policy?
Form over function. Always.
wow the warriors was remembered as a classic because its competently directed and doesnt prop up the imagery as important.
This is pretty cool it shows all 21 gangs and their names
The wheelchair races in the game cracked me up
lol, it really is Windows
Damn, I'mma have to do a double feature now.
>man as weapon
>starring Vin Diesel
>Rock "The Dwayne" Johnson
>Billy Corgan
>Ethan Suplee
>Jason Statham
>John Travolta after coming to terms with his biology
>Michael Berryman
Snoochie boochies!
Where/how did you get one of those jackets?
can you dig it?