>Many people have been asking me to review things, especially movies.
>So last night I went to the opening of The Dark Knight Rises, wich is commonly known as The Batman Movie.
>And I'll tell you it was really terrific, but what was really amazing was the fact that the cinematography, what they did was really incredible.
>You couldn't have done it three years ago you couldn't have done it two years ago.
>The technology was amazing. The movie is really worthwhile seeing.
>And most importantly, Trump Tower, my build plays a role . But it really is worthwhile.
>The cinematography. What they did was great.
What did you guys think of Donald Trump's The Batman Movie Review?
He's literally just like me :)
Donald Trump is a big guy
>empty comments
t. jobless communications major
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
I think he should be investigated over conflicts of interest, since his building plays a role in it.
You think you needed a college education to detect that?
The amount of seething in that article holy kek
100% based
>which is commonly known as The Batman Movie
Vote for bane
Not interested in anything an Israeli puppet has to say I'm afraid.
> do I fit in yet ?
Fuck off shareblue
looks like you OD on that redpill again.
>stale 2016 meme
Fuck off you redditfugee, he's an Israeli puppet just like all republicans and all democrats.
Pls dilate
Demented egotistic boomer loves shiny things, awesome
Maybe he wore an extra diaper to the cinema so that he wouldn't be extra grumpy/racist/sexist
>this triggers the Yea Forums Asian Americans
His Citizen Kane review was kino
Who was in the wrong here?
he doesn't show his sad side very often
>falling for the antisemitism jew
good goy
You laugh in your zoomer ignorance, but when both movies came out, you could constantly hear NPCs asking "Dark Knight / Rises? What is that? Oh, the new Batman movie?".
is this real? do american presidents review movies too?
explain this ameribros
he was just shilling his tower
I wonder if he ever gets exhausted toning down his genius brilliance so that rural and suburban retards will vote for him?
Honestly pretty good.
He saves energy for it by not exercising.
based beyond belief
orange man bad xD