I hope you didn't sign any of those petitions. This needs to stop

I hope you didn't sign any of those petitions. This needs to stop.

Attached: dobson petitions.png (496x676, 258K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Post Dobson kino

Attached: C9F56298-CC16-4283-A0AE-C27C16BF3606.jpg (809x1199, 247K)

>dobson telling anyone to grow up
Though people who think these petitions will change anything are as retarded as he is

Attached: 1513748199519.jpg (680x363, 27K)

>This. Needs. To. Stop.
>Grow. The. Fuck. Up.
Petitionfags are retarded, but so is typing like a woke womyn

Attached: dobsondrwho.png (592x1644, 775K)

Attached: dobson nintendo.jpg (800x1153, 360K)

>Black guy
>'endured a boycott'


Why does an internet lolcow think he has any say in what an artist does? He's not qualified.

>Full stops between words
So it can be assumed those are claps?

If Dr Who was a Japanese show you can bet he wouldn't be asking why the actor is always a Japanese male

>time, history, plot and characters can be rewritten at any time
But that's wrong, you retard.

For the first time in his life, Dobson is right about something.

Him telling people to grow up is rich, though.

The fact that "creators" and "artists" are getting this butthurt at stupid fan petitions shows how important the petitions are in shattering their massive, fragile egos.

The Doctor spending 90% of his time in England and almost always choosing English or English speaking companions is an act of colonial violence

>sold his franchise because making them wasnt fun anymore
Wtf is this supposed to make me feel bad? Lucas has more money than I'll make in 10 lifetimes

do I really have to explain this?

Attached: dobson8.jpg (1000x1143, 653K)

They don't. They expect it to be ignored. But they're pissed and want to throw a tantrum. He's not wrong about that.
But he is wrong about literally everything else.

I don't even like Snyder but the one about the Snyder Cut is about restoring the artist's original intent, and thus is valid


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

But still, fuck D&D.

Holy fuck I don't even care about the message of the comic his faggoty "fursona" is so distractingly cringe

It's not about change, it's about sending a message

if you sign these it means you are mentally challenged.

>40% is a comically low number

Nobody is "forcing them" you faggot blue nigger bear. It's just to show how many people want it done. It's not like it will hit a number and they go "Well looks like we have to remake it, a million signatures told us to!"

this is unironically true, except that kylo is not an interesting villain


Do I have to explain that 'POC' being changed to white for a white western audience is totally fine. Like if Japan did make a version of Dr Who and he was Japanese, theres no problem with that

These petitions have never changed anything and everyone knows it, I always felt they were more of a way to show how many people were dissatisfied with the final product
They are dumb as fuck but meh, if the fans think it was shit I don't see what's so wrong with them bitching about it, it's what fans have done since the dawn of time

What really needs to stop is people on the internet telling others what they should do.

Wow that link is sexy af

really makes me think about that blond hair

Where Peach in the last panel? And he calls himself a fucking feminist?

Who dare you criticize and expecting more of the media you consume? Grow up!

Attached: dobson wonderwoman.jpg (706x1878, 279K)


I HATEEE that condescending "POC" thing that white bitches and faggots and black fuckheads love to sling around. It's " COLORED PEOPLE"!!!

>dobson threads
wtf bros is this Yea Forums or something

I know this argument is both redundant and cliche at this point, but just imagine the outrage if a theater chain decided to do a "male only" screening for a film.

And of course they'll chant, "It isn't the same thing! Women need this because they're oppressed, unlike men!" despite the fact that zero notable examples of women being denied entry to a movie screening of any kind because of their sex in the modern western world. Where as, right here, there's a clear cut example of the opposite.

I know in reality it's no big deal and this controversy was very forced, that nothing came from it and that it was harmless at the end of the day, but still. Really makes you think.

I wish I could beat him.

you'd get btfo

Attached: dobson cosplay.jpg (550x1144, 497K)

How is 40 a comically low number?
He didn't even draw the pie chart right because he knew it would contradict his point.

I wanna fuck that blonde link

Attached: 1551184916867.jpg (406x1024, 81K)

based white knigger dobson

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>nearly committing suicide is comparable to deleting an Instagram account and making several billion dollars

Imagine being this angry that people want good star wars movies instead of bad star wars movies.

The Snyder Cut petition was about convincing the company to let us watch the real movie, not forcing Snyder to do anything. Its not the same as the TLJ or GoT petitions

Attached: dobsonart.jpg (550x752, 152K)

>liberal obsessed with morally judging others is driven by seething resentment of their high school peers

Every time.

I wouldn't be surprised if he genuinely didn't bother to look up what percentage 40 out of 104 is or what it would like on a pie chart.

>Send Request
every time.


Attached: dobson meet the artist.jpg (1200x899, 168K)

Attached: 1551187629630.jpg (549x383, 84K)

his best joke yet

Attached: dobson.jpg (1080x1920, 329K)

kek this fucking loser thinks he's BTFO'ing all the people that has fucked him over by making a web comic

how fucking pathetic

daym he based

>Maid of Honor
Is he a trans woman?

The only valid one from those is SNYDERCUT.
The world needs to see it.

When you watch "The Last Watch" documentary you see all the work all those people put in and to expect all those people to after all they went through to come back and "redo" it is just an asshole entitled thing to do.

Who is more based, Dobson or Kelly?

Attached: 0pA6T32.jpg (174x229, 17K)

Hadn't she just lost her father?

so they’re saying that the writers wrote kylo ren to represent the reaction to the movie hey we’re currently writing and had not been released? this is your brain on Disney, kids

>Andrew, son of Dob, last of his name

This fag is one to talk. He CONSTANTLY complains about other artists.

Why are Nintendo lovers like this?

Attached: 1551185705891.gif (350x196, 1.74M)

>implying you can reason with braindead faggots such as dobson
its the current anno domini user I would have thought you knew better by now

How is everyone but whites one big group of people? Are americans legitimately retarded, like have they mixed with subsaharan africans to the point where their IQ is below the treshold that allows them to use common sense?
Just because I hate white people it doesen't mean I want to suck nigger dick or intermingle with subnormal spicks
You all can suck shit

It's not our fault all their work was in service of a mountain of shit.

I would love to beat that bear and then the nu-author of this shit

Those are all just Asians. It's extremely rare for a black character to change to white. On the other hand, white into anything else is the norm.

Dobson probably thinks metal gear solid 2 is good because Kojima thinks the fans are Raiden

Have sex

where is the bear

why didn't he draw himself as a fat fuck?

dob doesn't like kojima though

Attached: dobson quiet.gif (697x1920, 315K)

I have sex daily because I'm not a self victimizing whitoid/anglo nor a filthy spick/nigger, unlike you since you're probably a mixture of all the above

But MGS2 was good

I agree, minus the part about not liking Snyder.

The punchline here is that someone visited dobson at a convention

the same can be said about dobson, the eternal nice guy incel

>power chords
>C H O R D S
fuck this made me so unnecessarily angry

They do though. They can do whatever they want

>telling an artist to change his work

Stop. Doing. This.

Attached: 1559056702025.jpg (1200x899, 233K)

anyone remember than song about dobson?

meet the artist

Attached: 300px-Andrew_Dobson.png (300x256, 127K)

Attached: dobson history.png (811x614, 356K)


>conflates suicide with deleting an Instagram account
>I’m supposed to be sad George made a billion dollars selling SW to Disney


They're changing Sonic, I guess if you really cared about your art you'd actually do something to improve it.

Signing petitions is stupid but it's equally stupid to preach this you shouldn't tell artists how to make art crap. Got, Starwars, Justice League are not pieces of art they exist only to make money. This isn't some low budget, hitting the festival circuit Indy project. These are big productions designed to make money and nothing else. If you make a movie for artistic purposes I won't complain but when u spend millions on millions creating a platform to sell your product then your product is garbage. You deserve nothing but criticism. I've read hundreds of better fan theories for most of this shit yet the big corporations don't care about quality they care about pumping out something to sell.

This one doesn't even make sense. The people complaining about statues being torn down aren't burning books

welcome to political cartoons

But Kojima makes his male characters into beefcake fanservice too, he even talked about how important was to get Snake's model to have a rounded ass
It's just equality

i know a guy that looks like this, and turned out like this too

why are they always fat and bald with a beard and glasses?

Attached: 1558887149079.jpg (1150x720, 150K)

for me it's baseddad

Attached: 1544023144773.png (650x1005, 575K)

I'm pretty sure only brainlets think petitions actually do anything, and only babies personally identify with franchises.

Attached: debates.jpg (476x960, 90K)

Debates and discussions are precisely how we find which viewpoints are more valid than others you fat fuck.

>can do anything
They can slightly embarrass the creators. Which is honestly a pretty good outcome considering how much you spend on signing a petition.

The irony of this is that Adam Driver is by far the best thing about the sequels.

>daily planet
>fantastic four
what did dobson mean by this?

but a womans instagram account is her life, deleting it is equivalent to suicide because they don't have anything else to offer the world

t. nazi

Attached: debates2.jpg (531x884, 124K)

>5 foot 6
manlets, when will they learn

this might be literally the most pathetic comic of all time
>Send Request

Reminder that this was literally illegal and they had to stop it under threat of legal action

fucking underrated

Nah, they found him.

No it wasn't, and no they didn't you fucking incel.



>prince narrowly avoids a relationship with a snowflake princess and leaves her to rot in the castle until the next beta provider comes along
secretely redpilled

thanks, lads. didn't feel like looking it up myself

Attached: 1425241852702.png (411x439, 39K)

I have no idea why this is so fucking funny but every time I see it I break down laughing

Attached: dobson artificial-innovation.jpg (550x716, 174K)

just imagine the smell of a womens only screening in the heat of texas

does dobson even do anything but webcomics of his opinions on stuff?

the Snyder Cut one is alright though. I would really like to see the movie the way he wanted it to be. Not like there is a chance it turns out worse than it currently is.

>If we never talk to Nazis or Communists or racists or sexists or whatever, and show them why they're wrong, they'll never learn

>Nazis are wrong because they are
>Implying this is a debate

>A man being offended by a female showing skin

Wow, sexist much? And coming from the inflation fetishist while Kojima has a bunch of good female characters.

Attached: lea death stranding.png (1080x1920, 1.58M)

what's the joke here? is it meant to be analogous to an actual drug or substance? I don't get it

He is talking about guitar playing of course.

Attached: we live in a society.jpg (567x529, 97K)

jesus christ, is that supposed to be a strawman? Is dobson really, honestly saying that
>it's not my fault you can't seem to express your art in a way that I'll understand easily
is not a valid viewpoint?

Dobson is so fucking stupid he thinks the hair colors were "changed" instead of simply initially being the closest they could get due to tech limitations.

How did he manage to be more pathetic than the petitions

The man should just be put down for his own sake

>you can't force artists to change something because you didn't like it, grow up
>excuse me but they should go back and literally rewrite Dr. Who because I don't like it

>cry about critic reviews until they all say your movie is great
>cry about non-critic reviews until negative ones get deleted
>"stop making petitions online to indicate you don't like our art, its great and you are being pathetic"

>grow the fuck up
yeah I'm going to take life advice from a blue cartoon bear

I still say Black people desu, "people of colour" is too lengthy and contrived

...then the princess died from starvation and even if she woke up later her bed sores were awful.

I have no clue who this furry guy is but the fact that this is all totally serious and not satire is fucking hilarious.



I say "niggers"

Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

Two troll accounts on twitter claimed they were leading a boycott and everybody fell over themselves to denounce it. The claim is always "it was trending" but it was only trending because of everybody sperging out. It was a good way to memoryhole the very real whining about the first cast list being mostly white

>furryscum tells people to "grow the fuck up"
>jacks off to plush bears
dude should just kill himself.

I swear to God at first I thought the label said "liquid inflation" . someone make it

They're changing up the language now because "minority" won't mean the same thing for much longer

If he wants to end civil rights so they can do a roastie only screening I'm all for it

harassing irl actors because the movie suck is retarded. If you do it, you are not better than the average muslim, HOWEVER, Im disgusted about how everytime fans critique a movie they call it a tantrum.

>Stooooop you're supposed to pay for a picture!!!


Attached: 1557674210482.jpg (934x960, 67K)

I'm serious here. What the fuck was he thinking

woah this is deep and POWERFUL

Attached: 1A999D88-FAAC-4614-8540-68082798E208.jpg (600x600, 31K)

Where is this from, it's in the back of my head, but can't remember. Is it a music video?

gay thread for fags. stop giving paying attention and writing articles about the whiny babies and they'll stop.

keep feeding the retards.

Took me a minute

Tweeting at a public figure isn't harassment

>furry avatar
Nigga, you think I'm gonna read anything from a furry?

it was brown in the OoT beta screenshots. but since the game had so much brown in it they changed it to blonde to stand out.

Telling a person that you are going to kill and rape them in their personal instagram is harassment.
Even if you don't believe in cyber bullyng, you need to understand that making threats to people is a serious thing.

I love this
>spend years deflecting valid issues with "no you're not allowed to talk about this are you a nazi or something?"
>whole of Europe becoming more and more extremist as people with valid concerns only see right wing parties adressing them

Did he get permission to use THE MOUSE? Doubt it. Someone should report him to Disney's legal dept.

>there isnt enough representation!!!
>create and force current IPs to adhere to new ideas regardless if you agree with them
>oust those who disagree
>not forced

Oh the irony.

>putting the ME3 petition in the same category as all those Yea Forums shitshows

How dare you.

to who? the show is already over and no one cares about your opinion ever anyway.

>white knighting celebrities
Literally kill yourself, celebrities are public jesters. They are there for us to shit on. Greeks had it right knowing celebrities were below the social sphere of a prostitute.

Attached: dobson aot.png (498x496, 312K)

>only 40
>near 50%
>this is too low in a predominately white nation

Why is the Snyder cut up there? Snyder is an artist that got his vision screwed over, shouldn’t by Dobson’s logic that he be respected and not be forced to have his vision changed?

Or is Snyder being screwed over okay because normies and SJWs hate him?

that robin williams was a pervert who died jacking off and this is the fucking internet so go grieve with family and stay the fuck away from twitter you stupid attention whoring roastie

Did you get authorization from Disneyâ„¢ to use the copyrighted "m" word?

kek well namefag’d

Attached: dobson nuclearwar.png (483x305, 108K)

>the most intelligent and powerful being in the universe
Well it's obvious he's never watched Dr Who

Has there ever been a single case where these petitions worked? Even if they had a billion signatures I doubt that HBO or Disney would give a fuck

These petition numbers are all inflated anyway.

wtf I love nuclear holocaust now

>not niggas
How can you be Ãœbermensch if you don't have mad street cred?

Attached: hood apu.jpg (250x171, 5K)

retards, how do they work

They wouldn't buy crack from him.


Attached: laughing_pugilists.png (1021x702, 658K)

Attached: dobson exposed.png (1891x1280, 2.62M)

Attached: inviting.png (706x547, 441K)

>queer furry
Deserves to be shot.

Damn, the Yea Forums memes were right, Nintendo fanboys get dabbed on hard

and then they put a wahmen in there and it tanked, go figure, women don't watch kino. i swear, i despise dobson even more than someone like DSP, while probably not really earning that

Attached: 1493100746894.jpg (960x1608, 455K)

Attached: dobson_reaction.gif (991x1997, 398K)

he's wrong too, the nuclear silos are supposed to be saturated in the event of a nuclear war and they're definitely in rural america

I expected way worse tbqh

Every fucking time

Attached: IMG_20190203_111456.jpg (851x517, 60K)

He's autistic and never leaves his house, so it's possible he legitimately didn't know.

Attached: social justice.jpg (640x475, 80K)


What a piece of shit.

Yeah ok. Social justice now = death to whitey

>and no they didn't you fucking incel.

You’re in Yea Forums insulting people about screenings. You’re probably the biggest incel

can't believe the fat furry actually has a point
fuck this literally gay earth

I’ve been boycotting Star Wars movies since the early-90’s. All of my Star Wars memories are still pretty good


Attached: dobson balloon.jpg (580x285, 59K)


>dislikes negativity

>all of his comics are about hating people on the right


>tfw i actually agree with this numale for once

Attached: dobsonmsmarvel.png (1499x866, 2.33M)

>people of color
>all brown

Did you recieve prior authorization to refer the Disneyâ„¢ in your post? Please remain where you are, Imagineers are being dispatched to your location to ensure your happiness

Literally the exact same logic can be applied to what he is saying. He cannot force people to change their opinions and not want a remake. Being mature means accepting that some people will have opinions that differ from his own. Throwing a tantrum on Twitter and demanding people bend to his whims is childish. Grow the fuck up, you insufferable retard.

this guy really is a faggot. Doesn't he like tits? Why is it bad to show off a character's tits? What a cuck.

lmao this really is how every liberal views themselves when they talk about politics with a non-liberal

Black Widow should have had a movie first, but she's also been a joke character in the franchise for so long it's kind of irrelevant.

Someone post the actual image where the Powergirl cosplayer was willingly showing her costume off and Dobson is just sitting there in the background with his fedora.

Fucking lmao

>Throwing a tantrum and demanding people bend to your whims is childish
Isn't that Dobson's M.O.?


>woman: i like this character because she's my gender

>man: i would like this character more if she was my gender

whys the latter worse

>black people are so racist, they literally cannot identify with anyone unless they're the same race they are

>Calls others bigots
>Categorizes non-whites as "POC"
It's funny how these kinds of people cannot see their own irony.

Attached: William_Neptune,_Passamaquoddy_chief,_1920.jpg (300x400, 29K)

The petitions dont realistically expect the creators to redo the season they are using it to show that they sick of writers copping out and writing trash

Checked and also keked

lol is /pol/ pretending POC is a racist term?
have sex

Dobson thread?

I guess inflation porn does bring happiness to people

Attached: carnivale 3.jpg (1182x796, 156K)

Attached: dobsons shitty taste.png (798x1817, 2.17M)

How can he overeat to much when he clearly has no taste?

You have to admire the guy commitment to be a huge SJW cuck.tho
He must still believe he's going to get laid thanks to that... it's impressive really

there should be a "thanks doc" edit with purple and green.

he's clearly not attracted to women

>release Zack Snyder’s original cut of his movie that he was forced to change
>This (clap) need (clap) to (clap) stop (clap) You can’t force artists to change something just because you didn’t like it!


lol of course he is... but like all omega cucks he pretends he's not intersted.

The fucking irony that his caricature of a balding neckbeard in a fedora looks more like him than his lying self portrait

like all liberals, he shames himself for being attracted to women. there are no liberal men

Attached: lolcow.png (3000x1754, 2.29M)

that's totally for good reasons though

Attached: dobson bald.jpg (550x1608, 506K)

I don’t think Nintendo causes severely autistic manchildren, it simply attracts them because most of them are closet pedophiles at best.

he was never fired.

Vagina is a surprisingly simple thing to attain as long as you aren’t fat and bald in your twenties.

He's right here tho

Whooa hold it there you bigot

>character's defining characteristic is his looks
>can't have two characters with the same looks in different comics
Next thing he'll start complaining about having more than 1 woman in a comic! Disgusting toxic male

How does he draw so much yet never get any better at it?

Does Dobson have any genuine fans or just chronic masochists who pay to see him commit suicide

look at his patreon

Youre right. thi sneeds to stop.

Fat nerd furry commits assault on man taking picture of woman in public space. Fat nerd denies knowing the obvious about sexual signaling and biological mate fitness.

Attached: bait.jpg (854x480, 107K)

Depends on if they strike first or are retaliating.

Attached: nukes.gif (2560x1620, 411K)

me again. Still though, Dobson is a piece of shit.

>16 patrons
>isn't even making $50 a month

Attached: 1516992398193.png (400x526, 79K)


Wtf is up with the Midwest?
Trying to trigger Yellowstone?
Russians hate Wyoming?

wrong, he's basing it off the stupid fucking cartoon, we've been over this

First five are unironically correct. If you seriously don't believe it you're a giant faggot. But what the fuck is that garbage about Lucas? He sold it because he didn't care anymore and had enough money. How sad for him?

what word does he need the dictionary for?

>Russians hate Wyoming?
Everybody hates Wyoming.

>104 comics
>40 didn't have a straight white male lead
So almost half? How is that bad?
>The most powerful and intelligent being in the marvel universe is a straight white male
No its like an eight year old black girl. Does he not read comics?


Bro remember when somebody sprayed Dobby with water and he sat there like a bitch and did nothing?
Like come on, stop it, this is not you in the slightest

>physically and psychologically abused, led to near suicide. One of those was bullied so hard he became a criminal and is now in prison

>close their instagram account

>petition on an obscure website no one goes to except to sign petitions
How would filmmaker executives even know that petition exists?

bigot russians hate american missile silos

>physically and psychologically abused
Oh shut the fuck up. Someone said their character in the movies was shit, boo fucking hoo

That's where all our nukes are. basically...
>Being the first to strike: take out all of America's nukes.
>being struck by America first: enforce M.A.D.

excuse me?

Attached: dog day afternoon.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Movies by Alien Ant Farm

You can only draw much without actually trying to improve. See >shadman

I remember the pictures of the dobson bear being a female with big titties.

who the fuck gives this loser money?

ah yes it was a tragedy

Attached: dobson spray.png (697x1280, 779K)

>balding manlet
Fucking pottery

Attached: 1554110871606.jpg (675x612, 41K)

I have plenty of those
They're all NSFW though

Attached: 1504576579202.png (1280x1024, 334K)

how fat and unhygienic do you have to be to think sweat smells like piss

You can post them on imgur and post the link here to avoid mod and jannie faggotry.

sweat is piss though

Dobson is a HERO

Attached: things that never happened.jpg (656x3926, 674K)

they both contain urea which is odorless
doesn't make them the same substance

>dobson thread

you fuckin tell em shrek

>we don't have to debate because you're wrong
And then suddenly for no reason at all

I'm tempted to give him $20 a month for a few months and then email to tell him I'm withdrawing my support for him if he doesn't do a pro-Trump comic about how the economy is doing better.
I figure we could probably form a coalition of 100 shitposters willing to give up $2 a month for three months just to fuck with him.

>quiet is the name of that tom rider looking gilr
oh breaking the quiet makes sense now


>writing was getting worse and worse ever since seasons 3-4
>people kept watching
>you need the bad pussy
>people kept watching
>20 fucking good men
>people kept watching
>season 8 is the absolute pinnacle of this stupidity
>"remake it, you have no right"

people had it coming for several seasons and they complain just now?

Fuck off Dobson.

Stop producing garbage.

Underrated post

It worked for Mass Effect 3, though



>Other M and Voyager

Fuck this guy

>who the fuck gives this loser money?
I think he might be giving it to himself using sockpuppet accounts to make it seem like he has support. It's quite common, actually.

How come She-ra wears a skirt if she's gonna wear shorts anyways. Looks odd.


Attached: x to doubt.png (600x358, 41K)

>send request

Attached: 15401656934601.jpg (600x453, 32K)


he used to date this thing

Attached: dobsons gf.jpg (338x523, 40K)

Attached: dobson gf.png (912x1540, 467K)

Holy shit, isn't that the purple haired tranny from AGDQ?

these pics are over a decade old

Attached: dobsons gf.png (561x749, 1.19M)

> power chords

Wow, my dad had a brain injury and for just under two years everyone had to walk on eggshells because he'd take every comment as a personal attack no matter how innocuous it was. He got over it eventually, mostly because we all got sick of it and told him so until he learned to control his temper.

Dobson lives like this every day and is entirely oblivious to it. Holy shit that poor lady.

Attached: 228065591280e57e1ce0ea5ba68997458de0434a55b431cda0269ce29c12ea53.png (369x597, 34K)



>video rental places actually keeping the movies in the cases
>any employee chasing after someone stealing 4 movies
>cut his hand on nothing
And of course
>leaving his home

> everyone with a different political opinion is /pol/
Why wasn't it you, that was a miscarriage?


Apple, he's never seen one in his entire life.


Attached: dobson mac.jpg (800x619, 172K)

>He was sitting at a table wearing a Santa hat, looking all sad and depressed as he spun a draidle with that words "Merry Christmas" up at the top
Secretly based.

Stop putting periods after every word you faggot

I want to see the one where he screams he's going to eat at mcdonalds like an autist and eats alone.

>pretentious hicklib misspells every other word
like pottery

Attached: dobson mcd2.jpg (1033x804, 299K)

I almost forgot he used to work with brentalfloss

>all military salutes are nazi iconography

Attached: 1520820560854.gif (330x312, 1.28M)