''BILBO: Well if I'm angry it's your fault! It's mine (he strokes the ring) My only.... My Precious''

>''BILBO: Well if I'm angry it's your fault! It's mine (he strokes the ring) My only.... My Precious''

>''GANDALF: Precious ? It's been called that before. Not by you!''

If Gandolf knew the ring was previously Smeagols . .anyway how wood he know what he called it in a private cave...then how did he not know it was the one ring?
Why did it take that old faggot 6months to read a book to figure it out if he knew what a person called it in a cave before

>have I just found the biggest knothole in the whole of the LoTR trilogy?

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You type and think like a retard.

Gandalf knew about Gollum from Eru before he got sent down to middle earth to look for the ring.

watch the movie again you missed something big.

Aragorn tracked down Gollum on Gandalf's orders to question him about the ring.

I have more than 5 times
He even needs frodo to read the ring inscription to understand it
How does he not know yet know all about it?
And why does he take this knowledge to Sauranman?

Gets sent down to look for a ring
>Bilbo use the ring
cant find the ring

Yeah OK grandad

Really? I just kinda assumed he had a 6th sense of sorts. I assumed he just pulled the word out of the air and didnt understand its context. Also he needed to confirm that shit #1 its pretty important. #2 middle earth has alot of weird shit floating around might be a false positive.

Hes the leader of the wizards and Gandalf doesnt know hes corrupted.

because bilbo told him the story of gollum before

Were you not paying attention? Everyone who has ever possessed it has called it their "precious."

How did Bilbo get away with just showing up in Hobbitton with a ton of new wealth? Was there no tax policy in place? No finders fee of sorts?

He didn't know the he abandoned reason for madness.

Magic rings are a diamond dozen.

Is Shadow of Mordor War canon?

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How did strider know who Frodo was in the prancing pony to help him

And why would he make scarecrows to put in the empty beds?
The ghosts arent retards
Also why did the ghosts know what room they were staying in
Are we to think they asked the inn keeper?
They are magnet to the ring

Explain this

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just turn your brain off bro

>They are magnet to the ring
they actually are though

He was told to look out for a Frodo Baggins. Halflings were not common in Bree and even though Frodo went by the name of Underhill Aragorn was vigilante.

>ask not of me where he doth dwell, there many bones lie

>How did strider know who Frodo was in the prancing pony to help him
He was fucking told by Gandalf to look for fucking hbobits you stupid idiot
>And why would he make scarecrows to put in the empty beds?
>The ghosts arent retards
Unlike yourself
>Also why did the ghosts know what room they were staying in
By searching around
>Are we to think they asked the inn keeper?
>They are magnet to the ring
Not really

The halfling leaf has clearly slowed his mind

No income tax. Probably a municipal tax.