
>My lords and ladys...

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Incel, sit down

uncle, have sex.

lol uncle pls

>following these Grey Wardens has cost us our country

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I would not blame the man for deciding to mow down his kin like wheat in a field after Sansa pulled that fucking stunt.

gaius julius caesar has been waging illegal war in gaul

>murdering your family because your feelings are hurt

typical incel behavior

Why didn't he declare the riverlands and independent kingdom?


Literally the worst region in Westeros to be independent

How often do you think Catelyn and Lysa bullied him as a kid?

How will the north survive?most people died,its not rich and they barely have food to last through winter

Damn, that actually is a really good casting choice for Loghain

>tfw no Queen Roslin

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Good question, also didn't winter just arrive after a years long summer? Seems the norf is going to need assistance from the other kingdoms.

Lysa bullied him every single day and forced him to suck her pubescent breasts

They're not my family.

edmure was absolutely based in the books tho. would've been great king.

The size of a cherry.

objectively everything is worse when a baratheon doesnt sit on the throne if Gendry was king he could have held the 7 together

based Caesar

When Jon goes beyond the wall there are already sprouts of spring there. The winter lasted 5 days


Go on, my lord. I sympathise with your 5 years of captivity and respect your strive to protect your dear nieces and nephews. I would love to hear why you'd make a great king.

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niece, have consensual sex

I think winter is tied to the white walkers I guess? So now that they're gone spring is already coming (thus the sprout)


I love that song.


>My first act as King will be to raise a second wall along the dornish marches to prevent dornishmen from crossing into the stormlands and the reach. They are not sending their best, folks.
What did he mean by this?

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Salsa on suicide watch

Based and Lysapilled

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They should have crowned him as king and rolled the credits right after this speech.

More like Throbbin Arryn

Imagine the warmth

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>tfw no chubby Emilia to warm your bed on cold nights

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Dorne is way better off than the other Kingdoms, it should be the other way around.

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>*ahem* My lords and...*looks at arya*......yea..

as a veteran and POW......

he meant laddies


>CK2 AGOT, Danerys playthrough
>married Aegon, have four kids (one bastard)
>hated and feared by many for zealous R'hlor worship early in reign
>bored and looking for something to do, noticed the Iron Islands are still independent
>declare liberation war
>roast Pyke to the fucking ground with Drogon
>take the Iron Islands as my own and begin work to civilise the niggers
>have Aegon killed for failing to fulfill his husbandly duties
>have one more bastard
>eldest daughter wants to be a mercenary, shut that shit down
>try to arrest some nobody pirate lord, they declare war and so do most of the crownlands for some reason
>win every battle but warscore doesn't improve
>siege one of the Iron Isles with daughter, both on dragons
>game over

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*claps hands*

isnt it amusing? Isn't it a funny post?

Tell me what do you favor? your fingers or your tounge?

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>the crossroads for several key players who all hate each other
the Riverlands are a support nation.


by having sex

Listen to the lady, and sit down old man.

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Because a day after they were independent Casterly Rock would knock them over and blob all over the top of them.

>I had a dream where we sat in a room and talked for hours then you left and John and Jaime came in and fucked me for hours
How should he respond?

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FUCK! Bran give me something quick!

Damn son

El Orco Britanico

>Greatest Lords of the Seven Kingdoms come together to decide who can be King.
>All these Lords have come to where they are through hardship, cunning and bravery
>the throne is literally up for grabs
>no one even makes an attempt

bravo DnD

>bran laughs at you as you get roasted on public television

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This picture really underlines how bland and edgy the costume design in this show got over the years. She'd look more at home in Blade or The Matrix.

>Bran keeps traveling through time to come up with the perfect retort
>comes to the future where Jonah experiences the exact same scenario
>Bran ends up consulting Yea Forums for the perfect response
And that's what I call a satisfying ending

More like Jersey Shore Ayn