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/RBMK/ Chernobyl General - From Hope to Rope Edition
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>Revolutionary care: Castro's doctors give hope to the children of Chernobyl
>lga is one of more than 18,000 Ukrainian children to have been treated over the years at the Tarara facility near the Cuban capital, Havana. The programme was set up in 1990 to treat the victims of the world's most devastating nuclear accident four years earlie
>During the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, Soviet authorities tried to spare human workers from the harsh conditions by experimenting with a number of bizarre and oddly innovative remote-controlled devices. These robotic machines are now on display at an open air museum near the site.
A smile we failed to protect
Of course Capeshit can never be kino. The heroism is artificial, the dangers nought. Chernobyl feels almost mythical.
based aahhhposter
>implying churkas care about animals
I'd hold his ARS-ridden necrotic hand.
Do you think these guys had sex life in the hospital?
/pol/tards and Americans make these threads so much worse
there aren't enough screenshots of legasov from episode 4
hitler wanted to kill the slavs.
Hold it off a bit тoвapищ
Someone post the profession roll
It hurts.
Did russians use american prisoners as guards during chernobyl disaster?
piece of graphite found.
Was that the guy who was in the night's watch?
>Do you think these guys had sex life in the hospital?
There is a testimony of the wife kissing him or maybe jerking him off or something iirc
more pics of the big nose pls
you sure cupcake?
>Shcherbina roasting Khomy*k
they are fat
t. Asshurt Slav
>that whistle song
God why is Reddit interface so fucking disgusting? I have no idea what's going on here.
just nuke slavland now. nothing is lost
>touches it like it's nothing
She's not even using tweezers to handle it. How silly of her.
He warned you, you didn't listen
based and BRUDERpilled
>5 minutes later.
>Their smile and optimism, gone.
*tears boot on graphite*
Can anyone clarify something for me?
Sieverts are d(radiation)/dt while Roentgens just radiation?
>puts dick inside graphite block
at 43 minutes in episode 4 now.
where should i skip to exactly to avoid the real fucked up shit?
inb4 'faggot'... some of us were not molested as children and are not aroused by animal suffering and death.
that interface is a lot better than the new one
Roentgen is dose. I assume when they talk about 3.6 they mean roentgens per hour.
You'll know when.
Couldn't they just clean the safer parts with humans than, do a controlled demolition of the roof int he nasty places?
Just endure it, it's a tv show and it's not graphic at all, the pets are okay.
>not aroused by animal suffering and death.
Nobody is, but you don't see us being faggots about it.
Because of tons of natural resouces,woods and drinkable water and capital flight of trillions west will never nuke slavland.
Wouldn't that require to carefully set charges at high rad areas?
anytime when you see trees just skip that part.
>Your name is going on the list
>"the reactor is gone."
his dad played the senator guy in gladiator
That looks aesthetic as fuck.
didn't know SSSR was so advanced at the time
That was a very cute dog.
shiet... that far?
seems like a bad choice for HBO, the 30 minute one jarred me enough that i was distracted and didn't really take in what was happening over the next 10 minutes.
do georgians hate armenians or is it just friendly banter?
Yeah, Pyp.
cause she's retarded, same with that soldier who just stands staring like a dork at a dying dog after being told explicitly not to let them suffer.
Ironic banter. But unironically.
It was already too late, there is a deleted scene where she takes mighty graphite rods in her every orifice...and she likes it.
cherniy voron chto ti vieshsia nado mnoy
weird, I didn't realize there were deleted scenes of that. Can you check mega for me user.
The pure anger in shcherbina's face at this moment, he knows that the party fucked up.
"There will be deaths."
>Careful anything
I've seen that picture posted a few times in these generals and I accidentally found out where it's from.
>Don't look over the edge
How do i achieve this look?
salami with bread and onions, vodka and lots of squatting
Caucasus its another Balkans.
In all episodes they smoke 5 packs a day,before and after the incident.WTF Either we have the dare-devils of an old-fashioned pizza generation or the stupidmeter been crushed multiple times
They're building up resistance to the bigger cancer by first subjecting themselves to smaller cancer
I used to smoke 2 packs a day, nothing unusual about it
>Comrade if we blow up this part, the debris will fall into the destroyed reactor!
>Comrade all the reactors are on fire now!
i smoke more desu
Azeri hates armenians
Azeri are close to turks and they are muslims
Georgians and armenians are christians (hach — cross. Also a bad word for black people (with black hair) in Russia) and they are ok with each other
kek man,you just discovered the cockroaches
How was anyone shocked when people started coughing up blood? Like how can they tell it's radiation coughing blood and not chain-smoking coughing blood?
>western arrongance
those dudes drank and smoked all day every day. Life was so shit, that was their only joy. There were no feelings and anti depressants back then.
Well they did shoot at the elephant's foot so
>"don't look over the railing"
>dude proceeds to look directly over the railing
>no black people
Finally a series I can watch.
Why I think casting director made mistake?
>why don't we just blow up a radioactive roof and release radioactive dust, why don't we just not build a sarcophagus at all lmao
you will HATE season 2
so james cosmo was one of the miners, but which one?
the metal pieces connected to his fingers is so that his fingers don't snap if he moves them.
I was just thinking that while watching the first episode. Then shortly after, we were introduced to infallible and omniscient female characters who quickly correct the mistakes of inferior male characters.
The one with dust all over
what if all these people that worked for Chernobyl were ill-terminated,they had stage 4 lung cancer before the incident and after the core exploded they simply didnt give a fuck
they didn't it's perfect
>awwww shieeet dem crackas blew up dem atoms
>Akimonigga yousa delusionizzle!!! get this nigga outta here!!!
Comrade... yes you.. with the camera. Com'ere.
*leans in*
You're done...
...for the day. Great job, didn't look down and came back in time. Here's your 800 rubles.
what the fuck
Yeah but thats mandatory, if they portrayed reality where men were in charge it'd get 100% backlash from the journos.
You just cant get around it.
so why the evacuation man? Leave them die there by building a russian suicide squad
the liquidators on the roof scene was just how i imagined the inevitable chernobyl movie/series.
but why did they choose a clumsy asshole to shovel graphite back into the reactor?
HBO please do it
a little different than the tv show portrays. Eventually your skin turns blackish in color.
My shit boutta be YUGE
because slavs can't do anything right
>see people literally have their faces melt off
no problemo!
>hear a dog being shot off camera
hurr, durr you must have been molested as a child to not cry at this part!!!!!!
looks like netflix picked up chernobyl boys.
i like this mockumentary style viral marketing too.
The best radiation protection
Is that Fares Fares?
>Get KGB'd because too dumb to understand you don't go snooping around and threatening to reveal state secrets
No, by swapping actors the resemblance would be better.
this one?
if i had the money i would buy this and take it to chernobyl and take a timestamped pic of my dick in it with the new safe confinement in the background.
just for the (you)s
link to the whole gallery?
not at all
you focus on noses too much
Anyone got the character and the years before they die image , gonna need to borrow it, thanks comrades
I don't have a link to all of them as some were found in a science study and others in medical studies. I could make an imgur with all the pics
How the fuck did science woman know that fireman's wife had a miscarriage?
it doesn't technically turn black... the black color is, to put it simply, necrosis...
you have dead tissue covering your body, you're literaly turning into a zombie with flesh rotting away on you
How was last nights episode lads? I'm traveling and haven't had a chance to catch it yet
Did you think there was a famine in the late 80s for no reason?
so yes your skin turns black. I wasn't saying its dyed black.
Tell your dogs to stay outside.
They filmed it all in real time and i think HBO got sloppy reimagening it.
here with russian version
There's a look on your face you can only get as an officer in the Red Army. Can't act that.
Depression kino.
I only have the neighbors cat that comes to visit me.
Why did the animals have to be liquidated? Are they really that radioactive? Couldn’t they just have moved them
>joker, but i don't see the joke
>dead doggos
>vodka and sausages
Lmao people saying Fares had a perfect georgian accent that accent was swedish as fuck
>You want to shoot exploding bullets at an exposed nuclear reactor?
The eyes/eyelids too.
>lets set off an explosive on an already weakened structure with 3 other reactors in close proximity
Thank fuck the slavs weren't quite as retarded as you.
They had been eating isotopes and shit they were contaminated. Their offspring would have been either non-viable or contaminated mutants spreading their shit everywhere in the zone. Easier to just end them and their suffering.
>ANOTHER kino actor in the cast
How will we top Chernobyl, lads?
she fucked them all
DOGGOS hahahah lmao lol its funny because DOGGOS lmao PUPPERS hahahahaha look reddit I fit in hehehe CATTOs lmao!!
guess I'm done with this fucking general
Didn't realize there was a another layer of nightmare fuel associated with nukes.
The detonation in Hiroshima caused warm air to rise high up in the atmosphere where it became saturated and rained down with the radioactive ash, as black rain.
It had to be done. They probably would have died from ARS anyways if exposed to enough radiation, more pups and litters and kittens being born malformed, others getting cancer, it was a mercy as well. But the real wildlife though? They amazingly adapted, then again they've been there since forever so it's obvious.
2000 röentgens my fucking ass.
goddamn this episode was sicko.
>smoking 5 packs a day
>exposed to a radiation dose of 200 rem at the age of 30
>exposed to a radiation dose of 390 rem at the age of 55
Died at the age of 64 from heart failure due to depression he suffered cuz he's never been recognised about how physically strong he was
Interesting recap for episode 3.
also one for 4 out.
Based retard.
Even though the show is decent, it's a dramatization. So they made the scene much more intense.
He also gave his son cancer
>Do you feel in charge?
you'r hot sweetheart. Go pour some ice water on your hatchet wound and come back when you're not retarded
Please do.
Wes Anderson vibe
Why don't have eagles carry graphite into the reactor?
have sex
He's right you know.
I too, get completely incoherent while crying about someone disliking my retardspeak.
Please make one.
Well they shot the 4th reactor building wall with 152mm self propelled howitzer, using HEAT and concrete-piercing shells. To make a hole for cryo pipeline.
I wish they'd liquidate the dogs in my apartment building
The real person was cooler.
this is not very hygienic
They my catch a virus and die.
There are no repercussions for women killing little humans in our society.
Thank you
Thank god this didn't happen in 21st century America lmao
imagine the smell
Lads meme’s aside. Now that the radioactive dust has settled, was it really that important to kill the dogs and cats? Wouldn’t it be a better use of manpower to remove the shit from the roof and seal the exposed core?
>They my catch a virus and die.
Not the greatest problem considering the circumstances.
They should have gathered all the live dogs and cats and tossed them into the core.
>Blade wasn’t kino
Never gunna make it
>Why I think casting director made mistake?
You're delusional, go to the infirmary.
*boiling water with boiling water noises
Cement dust from controlled demolitions is very heavy and doesn't travel very far
Did he shave his beard with the power of denial as well ?
Their problem wasn't the lack of manpower to throw at the problem
I dont know about you guys, but for me, Stellan Skarsgaard makes everything hes in better
The Soviet authorities panicked. They didn't want to risk anything. The animals are just one part of the story. They also made hundreds of thousands of pregnant women do abortions. Because they would not take the risk.
Soft cunts
That scene with him screaming at the telephone was great. He gets the character arc across great.
I was actually sad that he wasn’t in the last episode. Dude dripped with swagger
Thank you!
Would the biorobots have actually been carrying geiger counters or did the directors add the sound for dramatic effect?
dogs are stupid who cares
let me know what you think
What a bunch of little fucking nancies
You didn't pay attention did you? That "soldier" wasn't a soldier at all, and this has been clearly explained. Combine that with being very young and the fact people react different to shock and his reaction is really not that surprising.
yikes, where is this?
>close proximity
They weren't that close, also they were fully functioning during and even after the clean up
Why were they not allowed to look over the edge? You gotta sorta look where you're throwing ur shit, right?
So Fomin just fell off the face of the earth? Did he change identities after getting out of prison or what?
Also I'm pretty sure Yuvchenko died of leukemia like a decade ago
The seething over episode 4 will hopefully make the GOT rejects drop the show
>Reason of death not released
Anons, what does that mean?
You just dump it over the rail if you don't want a blast of gamma radiation directly in your face
In hindsight, was there really NO other way to clear the roof?
If the godless soviet heathens would have just used HOLY water like god loving americans instead of ATHEIST SATAN H2O in their reactors, this whole mess would have never happened. Praise god.
She said she was following up with her and the baby was born and died 4 hours later
If you're a high ranking official it wouldn't be that hard to get the info
schutt roof with explosive boolets comrade
Maybe pushing it off with extremely pressurized water launched from an helicopter or a tube brought up the stairs
I hope we build camps for people who use the words pupper,smol, floof ect.
In a short time and by the quickest way possible? No.
They could have stood behind the doorway and poked the graphite with very long sticks.
>I need validation it was a reenactment
No mate, they got some dogs and shot them, multiple times in order to perfect the shot.
Yea Forums created all of those terms then stopped using them once it spread to other social media
I didn't know radiation worked like that. Actually I have no fucking clue what the fuck radiation even is.
Thanks for spoiling dipshit...
Because looking over the edge means exposing your face to tiny bullets flying out of the core.
Amerifat soccer moms found imdb?
Incredible casting.
"cinematography, acting, writing is well done 1/10"
why... how?
absolutely based, thanks user
They didn't even show any dogs get shot. Just the aftermath at most. Fucker probably watches war movies with graphic killing without batting an eye.
are you stoned
That Tarakanov actor looks like one of soviet classic ones:
The soldiers on the roof scene was brilliant.
>that clicking that gets more intense the closer to the edge they get
>the sun flaring up as he's standing looking over
>heavy breathing
>notices a cut in his boot after he trips
>"Comrade soldier, you're done."
Wouldn't water be bad?
Fucking hell, the swimmers might still be alive today?
GoT dropouts looking for a new thing. Thank God this is only a miniseries and not something they latch on and destroy
His health started to deteriorate during his work in Armenia. He also got a conflict with Yeltsin which was the reason of his resignation.
Why the rush? Shit's fucked anyway. What difference would 1 month of that shit on the roof make?
Not really, the graphite was cooling already
based Pathologic poster
Yes, they were.
The dosimeters were issued an the workers could avoid hot spots on the roof to keep their exposure to a minimum.
90 seconds was perilously close to the point of serious poisoning, so the workers were given every possible edge to make the most of it.
For reference - 12,000 roentgen/hr is approximately 2 sV/minute.
possibly same person.
She likes GOT so very possible its a diversion away from Chernobyl
I really doubt those divers volunteerd in the way that they did.
I just finished watching the episode, it was pretty good. One thing makes me wonder though, what the fuck that blonde lady was thinking when touching her decaying husband at the hospital?
Nice trips senpai
Russians don't even have the capability to build pressure vessels for the western style of LWR and PWR reactors.
Which means they are selling those dark skinned gentlemen the good old RBMK.
Even the chink knew better and had the French build their reactor.
They needed to build the sarcophagus, dumby, and with the radioactive graphite still up there the whole machinery and workers would be contaminated.
>He also got a conflict with Yeltsin
Why couldn't we have more bio robot kino?
Why take the chance?
Apparently they received state medals in Ukraine just a few years ago. I believe the Ukrainian president or some shit even mentioned that it was gross Soviet misinfo that they died.
>the divers lived
Mutated, ascended beyond humanity
>giving RBMK to Africans
Oh lawd. Kangz gonna lay waste to the world then.
Those guys on the roof missed out on pretty rad tan because of that dumb suits
Moя пикчa
Yeah, I understand. But why not think of a better way for two weeks and then come back. Just take a vacation.
Yes Georgians are churkas
>be in a nuclear accident and survived
>killed his son with radiation
>provoked the biggest nuclear accident and survived
>died of heart attack but not for radiation
well, he was a supervillian
Only France and Japan have the capacity to make reactor pressure vessels nowadays, the US closed their only factory.
This is documentary kino.
>Click here to find out how I achieved THIS look in just 1 easy step!
>free the German from Soviet captivity
>what are VVER reactors
I'm literally laughing everytime I see this. I imagine how HBO hired stuntman to film this and they were like "what do you mean no log? my union is against me taking part in this" so they had to add the log
I love my dog, but ludmila sitting alone in the hospital bed is a lot worst, dam
Think of it like light. Gamma radiation literally is high energy photons.
The only thing I could find was a Nikolai Fomin now works as a tour guide in Pripyat, but he's about half the age of the Fomin that was there.
IDK if Slavs ever named their sons the same thing with Jr. or if its just an unrelated guy that happens to have the same name in the same place.
Other than that he seems to not want any attention as he had mental breakdowns and tried to kill himself when he was imprisoned.
sleeping in zinc coffins
I dont see the big deal about shooting the animals, the reactor didnt even blow up, you cant even prove there was a radiation leak
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have used him again even if he hadn't cut his boot open.
Yeah he mysteriously died 1 month after Yeltsin took power, really makes you think.
despite being retarded with algebra, calculus, and shit of that nature i've always been into chemistry and atoms and even a bit of the physics involved
It was late (iirc, the liquidatos went up there four-six months after the incident), so the time to create a machine was already expend. Blame slavs.
some say they are still digging. they dug underground sleeping bunkers, wells, worm farms, etc. IRL dwarf fortress
where is the elephant's foot, comrades?
She just thought he was severely burned and didn’t understand why she couldn’t touch him. We, as an audience, understand the dangers because hindsight is 20/20 but at the time, she and many others, were still unaware. All she saw was her husband dying quickly from strange burns and in excruciating pain, all she could really do was comfort him.
Kinda surprised they pulled the punch on the baby desu
was expecting some horror kino pregnancy scene where she gives birth to a monster and then it dies
Nice blog homo
Fuck off
check your mom
another reason to get hyped for DUNE
The elephant’s foot is the friends we made along the way
What would have happened if the entire disaster management was done with western women?
i thought we were on reddit?????
it seems that you never went to /an/
Sounds like a fucking Chad meal
Irl another one birthed a girl with basically no holes but mouth and a bit of nose, which was still living at the time of the book and was 5-6 years old
Was it strictly necessary for Legasov and Shcherbina to be on-site and soaking up Chernobyl radiation to direct the efforts? I didn't really see them do anything they couldn't have done by telephone.
why slavs are so fans of onions?
My mistake.
Russia does build vessels, OMZ Izhora has the forging capability.
They're done.
That would have definitely gone over well with the thousands of men being sent into the danger zone
Good zakuska.
It's not part of Craig Marzin's muh 'cost of lies' narrative therefore it's irrelevant.
>Boris: What about lead? We could, I don't know... we could melt it and pour it from above? Like a coating?
>Tarakanov: First of all, we've already used most of the lead we had so..
>Boris: There's lead sheeting around the instruments in the other reactor buildings. The soldiers are stripping it for their armor.
Have you ever tried to help someone fix something that they know nothing about via telephone? Like a computer or a car or something similar? It would have been like that, except if they failed millions of people would have died.
Imagine having to pour molten lead from a shoddy helicopter directly into a nuclear reactor
Yeah, and have party idiots report wishful-thinking bullshit over the phone.
>"How's the radiation over the roof?"
>"Still 3.6 rads, comrade!"
Jesus Christ might as well fucking snort it.
She passed away from cancer last year
Imagine the smelle
Was General Pikalov real ? I can't find the date of his death
Why did the helicopter fall apart on ep2? Was it just the heat?
well Boris broke one of the phones already so they clearly aren't the most reliable means of communication
The tarakanov in the series is actually Yuri Samoilenko.
The actor is literally the spitting image of Yuri Samoilenko...
Or rub it on her bean till she cums.
Comrades explain this
I bet the tripfag wrote this
unironically I would rather deal with reddit plebs than /pol/fags.
No it touched some cables from the crane
Shit dude Aleksandr soldiered on for quite a while.
He died in 2003
he's lebanese so.. be a semite?
Ceлeдoчкa, дa пoд вoдoчкy.
huh maybe you should just go back then if you don't like the users on this site retard
Kino for all the right reasons
>"worst man made disaster"
>31 victims
>actual worst man made disaster
>3,928 died immediately and 15000 others died within weeks
>/pol/tard thinks thats everyone on the site
>being this new
someone is actually being very useful
Died 29 March 2003
look at the replies, I found the OP of that
Indians count for one-sixth
Its him on site, 1986.
Lyudmila's daughter looked completely normal at birth; all the damage was inside.
>hurr durr since GOTs finale was shit, everything is shit
GOTs fanbase is shit tier, most of them are men children
VTEC reactors
i work in an electric substation, how many shitvert am i absorbing?
Some drawfag should make Corechan with her pussy overflowing not with semen but instead with molten fuel thus creating the elephants foot.
can't respond with much user, had to google what GOT is.
Just saw that movie the other day and it was absolute kino, I really enjoyed it. Black Philip is such a cunt.
You are already dead.
She doesn’t talk out of the side of her mouth in this show like she does in Taboo
Best part of the third episode
3.6 id say
My sides
The baby was not visibly deformed, it doed from some internal organ failure iirc.
Imagine that they can lose their balance and fall backwards.
turlet paper and vodka clean that right quick
I read that as "Comrade Reactor has exploded".
not that, just more discipline
Like in that one zombie movie with Ving Rhames
Reactor was a good comrade.