Dario Argento Movies

So I watched suspiria and Deep Red recently. I really liked suspiria there were some dated parts but overall I really bought into the whole candy colored nightmare theme. Deep Red I wasnt to keen on. It had some interesting visuals and I know its a straightforward Giallo movie. Part of my problem with deep red could have been the cut I was watching. I chose the italian version which is longer that has more humor and graphic violence. Maybe the shorter american cut is a little more tonally consistent. Are there any other Argento movie like Suspiria? Or are most of then regular Giallo movies?

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Sorry accidentally cut the more important part. I didnt really like deep red. It was to boring and it had some interesting visuals but overall isnt near as good of a visual experience as suspiria.


this one ain't bad kinda weird but it'll keep you interested

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I think Inferno is better than Suspiria. Part of the same trilogy.

i also enjoy watching redlettermedia

If you're looking for supernatural stuff, Inferno and Phenomena (which BTW not sure why everyone goes nuts over, it's honestly pretty stupid but I guess there's a teenage Jennifer Connelly...). I think Tenebrae is his best movie, but it's a straight giallo.

Yeah I did get into suspiria from their re:view but its like one of the 5 good ones out of a million videos.

I like the visuals. The story is retarded. But I think the idea is to be a fairy tale not a narrative.

Tenebrae is better than Deep Red and Fulci flicks are more fun

so did i. but i dont pretend to not like them in order to look cool on a danish ancient astronaut theory forum.

"Four Flies on Black Velvet" is kind of a trashy mess but also highly entertaining

"Phenomena" is batshit crazy but has some of the dreamlike/nightmarish qualities that make Suspiria so great

Nigga wut? I just wanted some recommendations on which one to rent of itunes next because I didnt like deep red.

i'm just trying to seed some free bumps for your thread bro.

Suspiria is pretty singular, even the other films in its trilogy, and Argento's other occult horror work, isn't as intensely bright and striking on that strange level.

And yet a lot of the qualities in it, and Deep Red, are shared by other Argento movies, like the hyper-aestheticness, trashy/sleazy/pulpiness, sexy women, violence, smoky, groovy/vibey music, wonky and somewhat incoherent or stunted plots and dialog...

Personally I think giallo as well as Italian occult horror is an area very worth exploring and you'll probably come to appreciate it more and more.

But don't ever look for concentionally 'good' writing or dialog in this stuff, beyond serviceable mystery plot mechanics and intriguingly weird or outragious plot twists or reveals.

>And yet a lot of the qualities in it, and Deep Red, are shared by other Argento movies

As well as other giallo, meant to say.

Suspiria peaked at the intro imo.

Ah thanks

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>rent of itunes next
holy FUCK kill yourself plebe

Ill give a couple more a shot. I know this is a pleb opinion but I really prefered suspiria. The combination of the music visuals and set design was really fun and interesting to watch. Deep Red felt like it was trying to have an interesting mystery plot but it just didnt work for me. And I saw the ending from a mile away. Some of the visuals were interesting but nothing near as good as suspiria.

Im getting on a plane Im not gonna hop on the pirate bay on fucking public wifi you tard

The terrible dialouge is kinda charming

Gate keeping edgelord faggot

I'm not a fan of the Mother's trilogy as a whole, but if you liked Suspiria check out Inferno. Tenebrae is one of his best though along with Deep Red.

What the fuck happened to Argento with the Suspiria sequels? Jesus, they are pure shit. The third one is the worst

Inferno isn't too bad. Mother of Tears is complete shit though.