How will they ruin KOTOR? GoT writers Dumb&Dumber combined with SJW LucasFilms can only lead to a disaster

How will they ruin KOTOR? GoT writers Dumb&Dumber combined with SJW LucasFilms can only lead to a disaster.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Bastila isn't a hot Brit
>Mission is 30 years old
>HK-47 gets 4 seconds of screen time
>Jolee doesn't even exist
>Revan is female
>Carth romance is the main plot

>Carth romance is the main plot
Also he's gay and black

There are going to be a lot of SJW tropes like

1. If a character is bad ass and wears a helmet you can be sure its a teenage non white girl

2. Droid will make remarks about slavery and ownership

3. White man is in 99% a villain even if he appears helping the protagonist

They are 100% going to make Bastila a nigger. Mark my words.

Why not hire Chris Avellone for production and script consultant? D&D did this with GoT when they worked with George RR Martin

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KOTOR was already trash since it was a safe as fuck rehash of ANH

>sand people are portrayed in a positive light
>canderous is a soiboi
>the majority of the show takes place on taris

no, Bastila will be a white lesbian and Revan will be a bi curious female nigger

>Blacks (magical negro, cool and competent)
>Women (non-maternal, Yas-Kweens)
>Gays (scrubbed and cool)
>Droids (as a slavery commentary)
>White male (villain, insecure)
>Aliens (wide-set eyes, earth-tone skin, droopy mouth faces) (very limited roles)

As I have predicted, so shall it be. Doubt at your own risk.

>>Blacks (magical negro, cool and competent)
I'm actually okay with that trope.

oh, but not the hot kind of lesbian
more like the androgynous terminator autistic lesbian that you wouldn't fuck with a remote control dildo that turns out to be a force projection sent from another planet

Guys I think I really fucking hate disney?

Its a problem of entire entertainment industry and Hollywood not just Disney. Disney just adjust to the far left mainstream just like they did when they adjusted to conservatist right making fun of blacks, jews and when being anti gay with all of their cartoons and shows.

This, as long as it's not annoying gangsta street nigs it's fine.

Jolee is basically the magical negro personified anyways

>Carth romance is the main plot
Damm it I actually see this shit as being the main plot point. Fucking kikes I swear

But the magical negro is canon and based.

Confirmed for never having played the game based on these stupid points

it's never specified what gender revan is, and the outcast is canonically female.

Honestly looking forward to D&D star wars just for the new "3am DABID DABID!!!" posts.

t. just watched Solo

Just imagine the sheer level of shitposting we will be able to achieve, I'm curious as fuck to see if the Dabids will manage to find a new low to sink nu-SW into.

if you consider TOR canon then Revan is male
the downside is that if you consider TOR canon then Revan is a beta cuck pussy faggot so.... choose wisely

It will have lots of these things in it arbitrarily placed to piss me off.

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We can always fuck the canon even more and make up Reyvan.

>Droid will make remarks about slavery and ownership

The problem is that a full-fledged droid's-rights movement isn't a viable concept in the Star Wars universe. The slave analogy simply doesn't hold up.
Unlike human slaves, droids are infinitely customizable, so any intelligence or desire to be independent they might exhibit can simply be dialed back down to a manageable level. The few droids that are self-aware and do their own thing are simply flukes. Most droids exist as as servant/servitor beings who are happy with their roles or, at the very least, don't question them. Outliers like L3-37 and IG-88 can campaign or fight for droid liberation, but it's a hopeless cause on a large scale.
What would their solution be? Should all droids be emancipated? Even the dumb mouse droids? Do they demand that all droids be made intelligent enough to want to be free? Why would a manufacturer do that? IG-88 wanted to kill.all.humans.exe, but that's a villain's goal.

Obviously, Disney is uncomfortable with the optics of having a setting in which there's a not-so-subtle caste/slave race, so they have already implemented a tonal shift in how their protagonists interact with droids. Notice that BB-8 wasn't bought or sold by Rey, she rescued the droid, which then stayed with her voluntarily (contrast that with Luke, who owned C-3PO and R2-D2). Also, K2-SO was "liberated" from Imperial service and fought for the Rebellion voluntarily.

When I watched Solo I was pretty sure that the droid rights character was a joke, I mean it really seemed like they were poking fun at SJWs with it.

never played TOR, just think it's fucking hilarious all these incels getting angry at imaginary things.

By actually trying to adapt all of kotor into 3 movies

Video game movies don’t work. You need tv series time and exposition to deliver the same story that weird conversations and strange side quests tell you

revan was always female

>When I watched Solo I was pretty sure that the droid rights character was a joke, I mean it really seemed like they were poking fun at SJWs with it.
no sweetie, they're weren't joking

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disney could accurately play the slavery angle with the wookiees

You mean they're gonna hire a british woman off the streets?

Well the character really did come off as a parody though, and when she talks about how Lando is totally lusting for her it seems to reinforce the idea that she is delusional.

In kotor2 it assumes Revan is male
Pretty BioWare even had a specific male skin in kotor1 they even considered canon

in your first conversation with atton you can remind him that revan was female though.

That's just a little touch of flavoring for the player to add continuation if your character was female.

yeah so it's never addressed either way. Revan could be male or female.

L3-37 was kind of played for laughs, and kind of played as lip-service to the social issue. It rides the line, but at the very least, they'd addressed it in an explicit way, which gives them an escape route if the subject becomes controversial later on. I predict DisneyLF content related to droids rights will be limited. They will be portrayed as fighting for a noble cause but typically stay in a background role as far as the stories are concerned and achieve minimal successes in-universe, so as not to disturb the overall elements of the setting. They'll probably get a planet or space station or something to live independently on, and that will be it.

Yes, wookies make a better slave analog than droids, at the risk of associating slaves (blacks) with primitive, beastial, noble savages (wookies).

is it gonna be a movie trilogy or a tv series?

Should have included decade old gamer jokes desu.

>at the risk of associating slaves (blacks) with primitive, beastial, noble savages (wookies).
I guess they could always fall back on the gangster owned twi'lek whores

Nope. The Exile was a female

heresy. the exile is jesus.

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The 6 inch scale Revan action figure is closer in size to the female figures than it is to the males. I always thought that was interesting.

yeah... i don't know about that. people invest emotion into all sorts of imaginary things and stories are one of the driving forces of civilization
i would guess you invest emotions, like fear for example, into imaginary numbers in a bank server somewhere
now if everyone stopped investing emotion into them then you would have a very bad time
so let's not laugh at people who invest emotion into imaginary things
imagination is also the main component of abstract thought which kind of separates us, well, some of us, from dogs and cows and other animals so i'm kind of proud to have it
anyway, the incells are right in this instance, in this day the mass distribution of imaginative products is in the hands of people who have the ultimate goal of destroying the mechanism for which imagination has evolved - predictive abstractization
the reason you have an imagination is to be able to avoid conducts that lead you to shit outcomes
if you're fed nothing but propaganda and shit outcomes in order to "subvert expectation" then the whole mechanism gets fucked
even this thread is part of that mechanism, the incells here are actually using their imagination to portray the most probable future events regarding this specific cinematographic excretion

... and they're spot on

was it for ambiguity purposes?

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yeah, being worried about finances is totally the same thing as imagining a video game character being played by a woman and seething about it.

Nah, they've already scrubbed twi'leks. They're a peaceful, dignified race of artist farmers now. The Rebels twi'lek leader is extremely modestly dressed and appears to be in a committed relationship.

I saw one twi'lek in that Mandalorian mess, but she looked like a scoundrel tank-girl, asskicker. That production is supposed to be fanboy catnip, and *that's* the closest they'll get to sexy twi'leks anymore. Mull on that.

kotor was always shit

Revan can be anything because the player could be anything, so they will definitely make Revan non-white and most likely not a male.

White characters, some or all of which will be ruined:

Darth Malak

Alien characters likely to be given SJW parallels (gay, tranny, brown/yellow people in alien form)


Droids who are likely to serve solely as comic relief and be watered down


Characters who will be untouched in appearance, traits, etc.

Ulthar Wynn, because he can be made to represent all evil sadistic whypipo

God Lando was so fuckin cool.

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they better fucking cast emilia as bastila

especially if dabid is making this, the least they could do as an apology for the butchering of dany is casting her as bastila

Just watching all the TOR cinematics are enough of a movie for me actually

Rip in pieces twilek cuties. Not in Di$ney lore.

Get ready for extremely grating HK quips. Like Flintstone's dino-furniture tier quips

they better have revan insert the lightsaber into the locker even if the character is light side

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>implying they'll cast the whole crew
it'll be cut down to revan (female), bastila, carth(negro), mission (plucky sjw type) maybe canderous (another negro) and jolee

malak and all of the sith will be exclusively wypipo

W'ad ya 'spect?

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It was the only possible choice in that situation.

>Mission kills Malak
>Zabrak uses recycled Night King makeup
>Bastila drinks Starbucks coffee

it's the same thing when it comes to their imaginary nature
it's not the same thing when it comes to the impact on society that their perceived nature has
i thought it was abundantly clear but you did use the word incel unironically

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Should I play KOTOR?
My dad gave me his box of old discs last year, and as a result my favorite game is Morrowind. KOTOR is in the box, but I never found time to try it, and I think I also assumed it would be lame.

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the combat is mindless but it's still a great game. the first planet can be a bit of a slog though.

dungeons and dragons are only bad at writing when they have to write theirown stuff.
they are actually pretty good at adaptations.
lets hope the kotor movie will be an adaptation with almost no creative input.

It grew really old. It was wonderful at release when I was 14 and I autistically ran several hundreds of hours spread on playthroughs with each and every class while I was in highschool, but when I tried playing it again recently it was a horrible experience. Everything is so stiff, characters feel heavier than a trailer, the combat is abysmally memeable, the story is naive as fuck, and the girls aren't even pretty except Mission

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Original writers wanted Revan to be female. That chink at Lucas Arts forced male so they can sell comics for little boys.

>desert planets galore
>hutts are all wacky and unique (wear colorful wigs to differentiate themselves from one another)
>original characters, do not steal
>Carth is black
>Revan is a woman
>Bastilla is Asian lesbian
>Canderous is alt-right, gets constantly humiliated by women and minorities

>Bastila isnt a hot brit

Kek this

>Original writers wanted Revan to be female

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There was a big shitstorm when it happened many years ago.

>hutts are all wacky and unique
desu I really liked that huttlet in The Clone Wars show with the weird neon tattoos and the snake eyes
Jabba design is lame as fuck

lmao canderous.
what about HK?

the beginning of kotor 2 is even worse though

Ok but I can't find anything about it
I clearly remember the protagonist from the second game is canon female, but I never heard about Revan originally supposed to be female too

>Carth romance is the main plot
I went out of my way to kill Kaidan as soon as possible and never took Carth in my party. His voice actor is so fucking boring.

>Bastilla is Asian lesbian
I could tolerate this if she still has the same accent and is a tsundere bitch

I think D&D are at the right level writing SW. The scripts have always been trash.

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I wanted a KOTOR movie/series for so long, now that it's happening I realise they're going to turn half the characters black/tranny and I don't want it any more

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>tfw really liked Taris
I loved everything about it and I still have the mental map of the entire upper level.
Gang-war lower level was also cool as fuck, even tough the environments were much duller.
Fuck everything about the planet surface rakghoul part though.

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Revans design will be completely changed for absolutely no reason.

I thought they weren't doing KOTOR

they sort of have to or normies would call him a kylo ren ripoff

I wish we had a 3D show with TCW artstyle

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good game, but expanded universe prequel shit after the fact is always cringey and full of mary sue and gary stue shit.

They probably won't do a movie about Revan, it will be an original story.
For the rest, it can easily be predicted by looking at the rest of Disney nuwars.
Empty characters, actors without charisma or acting skills, no plot, forced diversity and feminism, plagiarism of other movies, no satisfying arcs, and oc subverting our expectations.

>expanded universe prequel shit after the fact is always cringey and full of mary sue and gary stue shit
Uhhhh no, that would be post-OT stuff with all the even more fucktarded Skywalker wanking shenanigans and Yuuzhan Vong shit

The best part of starwars is space wizards fighting with laser swords so the Jedi civil war is the perfect setting for starwars. I'm really looking forward to seeing Kreia, or some version of her. Favorite character from the games

>the reason Revan can be played as male or female is because xe is transgender

HK will be a radical feminist

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Yeah like those incels who get mad when there isn't a quota of nonwhites for every piece of media?

My favorite game, if you like it after the first level keep going

There will never be a movie based on kotor the game, normies would be confused because revan looks live kylo.

It will just be its own thing set in some old republic period, at best borrowing some shit from the game like they did with thrawn.

Wasn't the original cast made up of annoying/strong women, homosexuals, a black guy, a white cuck, a dick head white guy, and robots for comedic relief?

Shouldn't incels already hate the story?

the droids are actually funny when you're in your teens and the black guy is based

That's why they should do fem Revan and Jedi Jesus Exile.

Well, for startersm the asshole Sith black officer you meet when you start exploring Taris will be white.

Playing male exile always felt odd to me and I wasn't surprised to find out that the character was "supposed" to be female. The only bummer is that Brianna doesn't travel with female exile, you get that academic fag instead.

Mandalorian Wars

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>the movie adaption will be 1:1 with the game

This will be the final nail in the coffin for the franchise. It's not connected to the main series in any way and based off of a long dead video game franchise.


Best one

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Male Exile just feels better to me. You get the awesome bromance with Atton, another layer to the Exile's relationships with Visas and Atris too. Fem Exile does get you the extra Sion stuff though, which I liked.


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Eternal Empire>Sith Empire=Republic

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Female Exile is trash, so is Mikaal. Brianna's story is way better and makes more sense in context.

Revan, on the other hand, makes more sense as a woman to me. It would explain Malak's hard-on for Revan and Carth's romance option is a good alternative to Bastila.

Bioware already ruined KOTOR.

All the promotional material showed a male Revan, just like all the Exile material showed a male exile, and both stories are obviously tailored for male protagonists.
Stop re-writing history discord tranny

The only reason why Exile is ""canonically"" female is because the hacks at Bioware actively tried to fuck up the character in order to push muh (((Revan))) is da koolest force mans ever!! shit that made the SWTOR DLC so shit.

>It would explain Malak's hard-on for Revan

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What people forget is D&D are amazing at plagiarizing an already existing story.
They suck ass at writing their own content.

This isn't an issue with KOTOR since they can plagiarizer the entire thing.


The Revan novel just ruined both the characters too.

>What people forget is D&D are amazing at plagiarizing an already existing story.
They did make all sorts of bad changes to ASOIAF. They actively tried to ruin Stannis for one. Also everything about Season 4 GoT and onwards, even the Feast and Dance portions.

Does Disney have the balls to do a character like Kreia?

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Reminder that ToR gets retconned by the big guy trilogy and should be discarded.

I don't think D&D is doing it.

It doesn't hurt that Jedi Jesus and mysterious bald black dude are the only two faces that look like traumatised war veterans coming back for another round.

I miss him

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>>Jolee doesn't even exist

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God I hope so

Will he appear in flashbacks?

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Not the bald black dude I meant, but he was a good character.
It was nice to see they got that Grey Jedi means ultimately good person who chafes at restrictions, rather than edgelord who acts like a Sith without the drawbacks.

I don't have much hope for this shit besides it potentially having some good music if they get the GoT guy on.

John Williams has been a shell of his former self. Rey's theme is literally the only memorable thing from the sequel trilogy, and I struggle to even remember that

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Jolee was great

The book about Revan has him male and in a relationship with Bastilia.

>“I thought that portrayal of Luke Skywalker was very weak,” he told VGC. “I thought they gave him a scapegoat role that wasn’t merited and didn’t fit with his character, in my opinion.
>“I like the fact that they were playing around with it, but at the same time I didn’t like the execution and I thought it could have been handled a lot better or differently.”
>He added: “I also thought it was a case of comedy goes too far, side characters and massive detour plots were rapidly introduced… I liked what they were trying to do, I just didn’t like how it was executed.”
Help me Chris Avellone, you're my only hope.

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He's not too grey though. In fact, Jolee and Kreia both heavily lean to light or dark sides. Jolee opposes you if you go dark side and Kreia's teachings are even more Nietzsche than the regular Sith.

Pic related walks onto EPIX's set. What happens?

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If I remember right, it's because Williams normally has a completed product to work with, and had George constantly pushing him to excel.
NuWars has him work with bits and pieces, sometimes with scenes that eventually get reworked entirely.
It's why the OT and Prequels had such well fitting soundtracks, and why the ST's is so utterly generic. It has to be generic, because otherwise it would clash with the scenes when they get redone.

>NuWars has him work with bits and pieces, sometimes with scenes that eventually get reworked entirely.
Did they have any plan? It's disorganized crap like this that makes me uncertain.

>it isn't the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War prior to Malak betraying Revan
Automatically shit

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That's what I mean.
Originally grey Jedi was a term coined for Qui-Gon, to mean a Jedi who plays fast and loose with the rules, but still has a moral compass. It unfortunately got muddied as time went on, but Jolee is a character where it's done right.

Really? That's depressing. I figured it was just that he's so old now and there's only so much Wagner and Holst that you can recycle

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Revan's design was a masterwork in hindsight.
It combines monk, samurai and crusading knight without overdesign, and it fits perfectly with his backstory

Cast him

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Thank God they'll never touch best girl

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Keanu as a Jedi Knight would be fantastic

>TV Show of Mandalorian Wars
>has Zayde and friends show up every now and then
>Alek/Malek, Carth, Atton, even Kreia appear
>Numerous other Jedi appear but it's kept deliberately ambiguous which one is The Exile, culminating at Malachor V
>Ending of series is Revan lighting up a red lightsaber in preparation to face Bastila

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Chris has been a marketing gimmick for the last 5 years. In P:KM only character he wrote was a goblin and he helped clean up the translation. Don't get your hopes up.

Is he Snoke?

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>first time I played KOTOR when I was like 11
>always played evil characters because I wasn't a pussy back then that self inserted my own morals and I liked dark side powers and the Sith aesthetic
>had no problem having Zaalbar kill Mission with Force Persuade
>already killed that lesbo cat bitch when I first met her on Dantooine
>laughed when Carth ran off like a bitch, fuck him
>HK-47 and Canderous were always my favorite anyway
>couldn't bring myself to kill Jolee, decided to stop being evil and get the lightside ending
>ending was literal hell because I always auto leveled because I didn't care about that shit and I didn't have any light side force powers and it took like 50 tries to kill Malak
FUcking Jolee was too based, he was worth it though

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They never let him write with Obsidian for some reason. It's probably why he left.

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it was great on sith planet, when some sith ask you who the black guy is and when you say he's your slave, he pretends to be one

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Warwick Davis

I like the fact that had malak not intervened, he'd probably have wiped the floor with all of them.

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>fought for the Rebellion voluntarily
Wasn't he literally hacked and reprogrammed? Which is why he had such a weird personality?

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Would user accept Jarael as their slave master?

They'll cut him out or combine him with another character. No love for old coots

God I miss when Dark Jedi and Sith could have any saber they wanted

I'd rather a smug milf cat

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Jarael was too pure for that in the long term

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Even if they tried, they'd probably screw it up horribly.

This honestly seems like what will happen...

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When Zayde and Jarael copulate, we shall see if she remains that way.

>Darth Rey-van
How would user react?

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You fucking fags.

CANONICALLY (before the jews took over) Revan was dark side (really chaotic good) male. Exile was a neutral good female.

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They'd probably make the classic blunder of not grasping her goal is to just make people think about their actions, not to dictate them.
She's the devil's advocate, not the ultimate authority on everything, even if her pride makes her a bit of a hypocrite sometimes.

Could Disney even adequately explain or show why Nihilus is such a terrifying character? They'd botch Kreia completely

>CANONICALLY (before the jews took over) Revan was dark side (really chaotic good) male

I always chose those faces for the games

Vrook: "You were deafened."
Kreia: "At last, you could hear."
Kavar: "You were broken."
Kreia: "You were whole."
Zez-Kai: "You were blinded."
Kreia: "And at last... you saw."

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Literally nothing was canon, because George didn't give enough of a shit to comment on it.
Kotor 1 and 2 let the player decide. TOR worked with male Revan and female exile, but anyone who gives a shit about what post 2010 bioware thinks should be gassed.

Outside that, there's one guide book that off handedly references genders, but nobody ever took them seriously.

he was. he was willing to do anything to step in on behalf of the jedi council and help the republic (which was going against the council). he was also willing to kill and rule in order to end the war. then he realized the real enemy threat was on the outer rim so he gave it all up to go fight them for the greater good.

Jolee always seemed firmly light side to me and his exile was self-imposed because he realized he ultimately failed the jedi by falling in love then losing his love to the dark side. Jolee was a broken man, and I think his backstory was the saddest of all the companions

>Really chaotic good

This was on of my favorite details in the sequel. Kreia's hints to Revan's motivations for conquering the Galaxy.

>I find TOR's trailers more enjoyable than the sequels
Explain this

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There's nothing to explain, even though the actual game is shit the trailers are all pretty kino

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minimal dialogue

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Despite the sequel being really well-written (especially compared to the first part), the whole 'threat on the outer rim' thing always seemed very cheap and unoriginal to me. It carried no weight and seemed out of place.

Mission and Jolee are already the black representatives, so theyre not gonna blackwash any of the characters. Either Revan/Bastilla/Carth might be mexican but most likely the main character. Bonus points if they bring Kreias va as her for future installments.

Who can do it justice?

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this is a shit picture for a shit game for shit people
seriously kotor 2 and kreia are Star Wars : Fedora extraordinaire edition
only good thing is the memes

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shut the fuck up brainlet

>a star wars game was unironically 2deep4u
the absolute state

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Kreia may be an edgy Mary Sue, but you're an absolute brainlet

KotOR is based
KotOR 2 is based
Mouse Wars is cringe

>aha guys this is like so deeeeep

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God she's looking ripe there. I want to fug.

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It really would be nice to get Visas,

And do not mate with her. Whatever you may feel, whatever urges consume you, do not let them control you, such union would breed... difficulties.

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They arent making KOTOR, their new trilogy is pre prequel era but not KOTOR, the kotor stuff is just confirmed to be in development.

Reminder that she was using reverse psychology to steer you away from fucking her daughter which, due to the bond, she'd probably feel.

>angry stronk independent little girl jedi warrior who needs no man.webm
Now now, in just that short trailer she's a more compelling character than Rey ever was. Apparently gifted, sure, but literally gets corrupted into the dark side, with her mother as the helpless protag desperate to get her back.

I fucking love that trailer.

Kreia needed a good dick inside her whether she wanted to admit it or not. Me and Handmaiden got it on with out echani wrestling and Kreia and Atton were both jelly.

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She's literally the opposite of a Mary Sue.

Two words: Black Bastila

>Kreia needed a good dick inside her whether she wanted to admit it or not
Isn't that what Atton said after escaping Peragus?

This would be horrific and is extremely likely

>never take handmaiden off the ship
>she never levels up
>bully the fuck out of her at echani wrestling
Good times.

It's also highly incorrect. She needs a man to give her a good dicking.

>decade old
my nibbler, that shit's at least 15 years old

Pretty sure she got nailed by Yusanis. Which puts a whole new spin on her comment about the symbolism of someone in an Echani fight being utterly defeated

>Yusanis fucked Kreia

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lucky son of a bitch

We need more murderous twi'lek maniacs
Fuck we need to see twi'leks at all, it's like they've fucking vanished from the universe

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jedi are actually the perfect type of character to make a real stronk wymynz because they're fucking wizards
literally all they had to do was not make a mary sue and they fucked that up

you missed your chance after she died
apparently she was a total groupie slut who would fuck literally any star wars nerd bold enough to ask

>Fuck we need to see twi'leks at all, it's like they've fucking vanished from the universe
all the established races did


>no way to romance Satele
Explain this

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old hag

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I remember catching a glimpse of one in the fuel mine in Solo.

Actually caught me by surprise and made me kinda nostalgic.

Explain this first

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They also had dozens of characters they could flat out steal a personality from.
Barely anybody would notice, and even if they did it could be passed off as an homage.

it's funny because varas also looks like varis

Kylo Ren is a not!Jacen Solo

>Disney likes "strong women"
>willing to bring back EU characters like Thrawn
>no Mara Jade

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She's attractive and, despite her variety of skills, has to overcome severe delusions, trust issues and overcompensation.
Can't have a flawed female character, now.

She's no Mary Sue enough.

While she has tons of skills, she can also struggle.
Also can't let Luke have his gorgeous waifu when he needs to be a depressed hermit for the sake of subverting expectations.

I always wanted KotOR-arc in TCW. It used to canon that HK-47 survived well into the clone wars and it would have been cool to see him in the show.

>hot brit
such a thing exists?

I wish asians or white conservatists got rights to write this trilogy

>HK-47 survived well into the clone wars
Fucking hell, how old would he be?

>It used to canon that HK-47 survived well into the clone wars
There's probably tons of copies of HK-47 & other HK units around the galaxy.

>2. Droid will make remarks about slavery and ownership

That's Zalbaar's plotline. The big bad galactic corporation was doing slavery on his home planet. The same planet Jolee, a Jedi resides on full time and took no actions to stop.

genderfluid Revan confirmed

Is genderfluid a drink?

If he's the original, 4000 years old.

He is a character in TOR and has a book about both him and The Exile. He is a male and Exile is a female. His face is permanently disfigured because the Sith Emperor cast lightning bolt so hard that his mask fused to his face.

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>More Jedi vs Sith bullshit
Is that all this franchise really has going for?
Can they change it up a bit?
Is it too much to ask for to have the focus on new factions and enemies?

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I was so fucking mad about what they did to Luke, but it actually made my mom cry at the end of the movie.

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Nope, it was in Star Wars Galaxies. It was the OG HK we all know and love.

Imagine how kino this would have been if they adapted it into an arc for TCW. Obviously they would have to change some things though.

>The same planet Jolee, a Jedi resides on full time and took no actions to stop.

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You what ask for is a generic sci-fi, and if thats what you want. Just go join the Halo fandom. It's pretty much just Star Wars without Jedi's and Sith.

>More Jedi vs Sith bullshit

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there will be some sjw pandering but they will have learned from GoT on how to make it come across less heavy-handed.

d&d are horrible writers when coming up with their own themes, characters and plot. but they are above and beyond excellent when it comes to adaptations of source material. the first four/five seasons of GoT were incredible for this reason.

i do not fear this trilogy, it will be thousands of times better than we expect. screenshot this.

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>the first four/five seasons of GoT were incredible for this reason.

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>but they will have learned from GoT on how to make it come across less heavy-handed.
You're forgetting who their paymasters are, and they haven't learned a damn thing.

>d&d are horrible writers when coming up with their own themes, characters and plot. but they are above and beyond excellent when it comes to adaptations of source material. the first four/five seasons of GoT were incredible for this reason.
the early seasons were also incredible because they were adapting excellent dialog, that's what carried the show, along with the tits and the dragons

how much top-notch dialogue will they be adapting from these videogames?

D&D are too dumb to even beat the game let alone adapt it in a satisfactory way. Picture the similar way of adapting it as Netflix did with Death Note

>OT: Mostly rebels vs. imperial army with only a couple of Force users in their midst
>The Clone Wars series: Lots of clone trooper episodes
>Rogue One & Solo

I mean, the franchise is centered around the Force, but otherwise...

>owned by Walt Disney
Hated minorities
>owned by jews
We love minorities

Stannis turned out so great, huh

>how much top-notch dialogue will they be adapting from these videogames?

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>it actually made my mom cry at the end of the movie.
Because she liked it or hated it?

>but they will have learned from GoT
If we consider their defense of The Last Jedi, they won't have learned anything.

>only good for destroying the grand accomplishments of men

this is just fucking retarded, d&d butchered: robb stark, lady stoneheart, howland/meera/jojen reed, stannis, and i wont even mention things post s5.

they wrote the show to shoot the red wedding. all they had to do was fill in the already detailed world george wrote with some cool shots and cgi.

did you even watch the first 4-5 seasons of GoT? the pacing, the stagnation, the focus on pointless characters. all atrocious. this will be an unmitigated disaster that will not only burn all current SW fans but make sure no new ones will ever be created.

screenshot that, faggot.

>without women the death star would still be around today
But Kyle Katarn and Luke Skywalker are both men.

And Lando Calrissian, the man who actually blew up the second Death Star's core.

>Luke Skywalker

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[Step away from the Ebon Hawk.]

Yeah but that picture said the Death Star, not the Death Star II.

God damn, just reboot the entire franchise if you want Luke to be a woman that bad Disney.

>just reboot the entire franchise
Don't give them ideas.

Why would rebooting the entire franchise be bad? It would be the biggest cinematic disaster in the history of hollywood.

You DON'T want to see that?

She’s already been in a SW movie, they’re not going to recast her retard.

i guarantee this happens in some way/shape/form before 2030.

Based Bindo

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I’ll always love how Kyle reveals how few people know what the term Mary Sue is, and how many think it just means a powerful or skilled character.
Suspiciously enough it’s usually NuWars apologists who can’t make the distinction.

Personally, I'd rather things just be actually good

Rogue One is as good as Disney Wars is gonna get.

I don't know...

While it might be cathartic to finally see this shitshow crash and burn completely, it would also be pretty depressing to see the franchise come to that kind of end.

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>The movie start with the voice of Bastila Shan quickly resuming the mandalorians wars and what happened to Darth Revan.
>classic star wars intro, Revan wake up with another name on the endar spire attacked by the Sith fleet next to Taris.
>Revan looks like the scar guy and he's a scout, so with the space cowboy outfit, Trask Ulgo and him go to the bridge, Trask is cornered by Darth Bandon, and Revan find Carth, they use the escape pods.
>Revan and Carth explore the Upper city of Taris, they need to enter into the Lower city to find Bastila's escape pod, after generating a small riot concerning that old dude who's part of the anti-alien league and some Tarisian nobles butthurt after criminal aliens and sith who are occuping their planets, they kills some sith troopers and steal their suits.
>entering the lower city, they are in the middle of a swoop gang conflict (Black Vulkars VS Hidden Beks), Revan and Carth kill them all to defend themselves because the mobsters believe they are Sith, but after walking a little they are trapped and captured by the Hidden Beks.
>Gadon Thek the leader of the Beks decide to use them to get a powerful engine prototype of swoop hidden on the Vulkar base in exchange of informations and help concerning Bastila.
>they go to the Cantina to find Mission Vao, a young female twil'ek who is the only one who know the secret entry of the vulkar's base, located on the sewers of the undercity full of rakghouls, and who's also skilled enough to hack stuff.
>they meet Calo Nord the bounty hunter, they also meet Mission who is menaced by Rodian thugs from the Exchange, there is no Zaalbar on this story (the wookie will appear on second movie), so she's alone and weak, she try some tricks but it doesn't work, so Revan and Carth save her starting a brawl on the cantina but they are now chased by thugs to the entrance of the Under City, like on the movie "The Warriors".

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>The Outcasts talk to Revan about the "promised land", a legend concerning "the planet of the builders" but deformed to be a messianic thing for the outcasts, the chief of the Outcast gaves him a starmap coming from somewhere on Tatooine, which was bringed by his ancestor, the first one to become outcast on the under city.
>Our crew is attacked by the rakhghouls outside of the village, they also meet Canderous Ordo the mandalorian working as a mercenary who rules a patrol of Sith troopers, he complains about his boring work, they also find the empty Escape Pod of Bastila and some other republic fags who died.
>Our crew descend into the sewers, searching the secret entrance to the gang base, in the middle of the rakghouls, they happens to be in the Hive of a giant Dagobah Spider (like on the unused artwork of ESB) and her eggs, making an Alien-like atmosphere.
>after killing the beast making her explode eating a dead corpse with a grenade inside and destroying her eggs and offsprings, the party stole the engine prototype on the almost deserted part of the base but they activate T3-M4 who lock the doors and activate the alarms, Revan blast him and Mission reprogram him to be friendly, they also Override all the system to open all doors and remove the cameras and lighting, they escape using Swoops at maximum speed on the darkness and shooting on some vulkars.
>Gadon Thek is happy and reveal to them that Bastila is the new price of the "Lower City games", games reserved to gangs who imply swoop races and duel to death on arenas, Breijik the leader of the Vulkars will offer her as a trophy for the winner of the duel competition.

She hated it and felt terrible about what happened to Luke.

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>The games finally start, the engine prototype of Swoop explode on the race with Bek champion inside, Revan challenge the duelist champion Bendak Starkiller, a strong mandalorian, he decide to use a vibroblade for the first time and he's strangely very skilled with it, using Jedi technique he's not even aware of, Bendak dies, a brawl is engaged by Breijik butthurt about the victory, Bastila free herself of her cage with the force, during the confrontation between the gangs, our friends escape.
>Bastila is an arrogant cunt, she has not already her sexy outfit and her lightsaber because she losed it, our friends are contacted by Canderous who want to leave the planet stealing the Ebon Hawk, the vessel of Davik Kang a leader of the exchange he works for, the Hawk was captured on the Sith military base and Davik asked Canderous to help him with it, Canderous made a plan with him but decide to betray him at the end, he was impressed after watching the duel concerning Revan and Bendak and asked them if they want to associate to escape this hell.
>Our friends infiltrate the military base, using the talents of T3 and Mission, to deactivate the doors, after killing some troopers or using their outfits, they are attacked by a big security droid with a shield who keep the last gate who lead to the Hawk, they use reprogrammed droid soldier to shoot at him but it's not enough, a sleeping unstable droid is activated by Revan: HK-47.

Neat, but you're two posts in and still on the first planet. That's accurate the the game's opening act, but it'll be condensed much more for the movie.

>HK-47 start to rant about meatbags and destroy the security droid and the sith troopers, he recognize Revan as his master for activating him and offering him a good opportunity to practice "wanton slaughter".
>ours friends finally get the Hawk, but Darth Malak decide to bombing the entire surface of Taris, destroying everything, and offering a chance to ours friends to betray Davik Kang and Calo Nord which were here too and were waiting ours pals.
>ours party is escaping Taris on the Ebon Hawk, but they are attacked by Sith fighters, Revan and Canderous start to shoot at them with the cannons like Luke and Solo.
>The Ebon Hawk use hyperspace speed, they arrives at Dantooine on the Jedi Enclave, Bastila had detected a force potential on Revan, he start his training as a Jedi on Dantooine during one year, and Bastila strangely changed about him after talking with the council.

>it would also be pretty depressing to see the franchise come to that kind of end.
I don't know. I think it would give me peace in a way. I'd finally be able to check out of the franchise completely and wouldn't be mad at what Disney does to Star Wars anymore. I haven't been able to fully enjoy Star Wars like i used to before Disney bought it out because i'd just get mad at all the dumb decisions Disney has made with Star Wars. The rebooted Star Wars would essentially be a new franchise and i wouldn't have to care at all what happens, and i'd finally be able to enjoy my OT, PT, and Legends kino without being reminded about Disney Wars ever again.

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If want to make a trilogy about it you should make the first one in Taris only and Dantooine at the very end.

Tatooine and Kashyyyk should be removed, we see too many of them on the other movies, so it's more interesting to put setting on Manaan and Korriban for the sequels.

if you want everything then it's better to make a show and no movies.

Revan can be female but she can only be female if she ends up making Bastila wet all the time and she turns into a psycho lesbian for her on the Star forge. Carth romance is the literal worst thing those Kikes could force down our throat, fuck Carth

God the Tortanic may have been a shit mmo I actually liked it a single player game, mmo meme ruined it but the cinematics are kino

>This is a hot and naked male by sith standards

>Implying Sion isn't the ultimate Saturday morning cartoon villain
Man shakes his fist at you and shouts that he'll get you next time like three times before he's defeated by the power of love/friendship and he willingly dies or you call him a weak fag until his mind breaks and he doesn't have the will to get back up

The worst thing is that TFA concept arts show somewhat original designs. The people there ARE capable of some degree of originality. They just choose not to.

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>Carth's romance option is a good alternative to Bastila
Fuck no, Revan should make Bastila into a raging lesbian if she has to be female, Carth is by far the worst faggot in your party in both Kotor games

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God the Kotor comic was great mando wars especially

SHes aktually a princess

That always made little sense to me, the reason Bastila was the republics ultimate weapon and a high value target to Revan was because of her battle meditation. She wasn't an amazing duelist or force user on the field like Revan, so why in the world did they send her to face him head on

Luke is either gay or volcel

Why are there so few Sci-Fi Knight-related Media in fiction? There's Star Wars, and I guess Warhammer 40K, but that's mostly it. The reast are boring guns and whatnot. No architecture, no aesthetics, just sterile environments and costumes. It's honestly why I liked the OR Era. It seemed like a Medieval world with Sci-Fi influences. The costumes were regal, the worldbuilding felt real,all that jazz.

Probably because she was arrogant enough to assume she could.
In game she had a massive ego because of the pampering she got.

Avaunt, Mickey, and quit my sight.

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I don't know but it will be fucking hilarious since it's a pretty basic "find yourself again" slash revenge story. And you know they will find a way to fuck that shit up.

They'll make Carth black too because Jolee isn't enough and turn Bastilla asian.

>How will they ruin KOTOR? GoT writers Dumb&Dumber combined with SJW LucasFilms can only lead to a disaster.
These are the guys who said themes are for 8th grade book reports right?
They can fuck right off and not touch kotor 2.

Wasn't there meant to be an episode in TCW where Yoda would see old sith Lords in holocrons or a dark side temple or something and Revan and Bane were gonna appear but they scrapped it last minute? Damn TCW missed out on so much Kotor kino

>the whole 'threat on the outer rim' thing always seemed very cheap and unoriginal to me. It carried no weight and seemed out of place.
I blame it on the MMO which made the true Sith Empire into the galactic empire version 1.0 instead of the Lovecraftian horrors 2 implied they were.

George Lucas yanked that. Bane shows up from the holocron but he nixed the Revan bit because they were going to be force spirits like Obi-Wan and Yoda in the original trilogy. Its a rule for him that only light side can properly pass into the force and return as a ghost, dark side users are forced to use shit like phylactery and holocrons to retain their persona in the living world.

Since this is a kotor 2 thread now, can someone tell me what the fuck was the jedi masters fucking problem with the exile?

I thought it make more sense that way. Those were meant to be super ancient sith ghosts before even Revan's time.

They saw the death of the Force in the Exile. Something that must not be allowed. Kreia saw the Exile as proof that one can be fully detached from the Force yet thrive but they all took it negatively.

Rey was such a blatant ripoff of Bastila to begin with, from the hairstyle to the ethnicity to the accent to the insane natural talent to the double-blade, that I'm 100% convinced that originally the plan was to make a KOTOR series, but Disney just loved the Bastila design so much they insisted it be copied in their sequel franchise.

Honestly the problem with making a KOTOR series now is that Bastila is Rey, they're essentially the same character. If you try making a trilogy now adapting the games, at best fans will be asking "oooh is that Rey's great great great great great great great great great grandma" and at worst they'll be whining "you just ripped of Rey".

>How will they ruin KOTOR?
they already did when they made the MMO instead of KOTOR 3

>They saw the death of the Force in the Exile.
They also mistakenly believe that the exile is Darth Nihilus for a large portion of the game, so there is that.

Rey’s a desert hick and bastilla is an above it all snobby bitch

I think they wanted to get them force bonded and not necessarily kill him.

Whut? Niggers man.

She's not in.

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Bane actually takes place after Revan's time. Bane acquires Revan's holocron on Lethon and red pills himself on real Sith shit and comes to hate the Brotherhood because they're restricting knowledge of Dark Side techniques to maintain the peace between Dark Side users.

>Bane actually takes place after Revan's time.
I know that. He talks shit about how they're all too pussy to call themselves Darth & made the Rule of Two. Thing is, those Sith ghosts are meant to be super ancient. Like Marka Ragnos ancient.

It’s great, the combat is actually fun if you play on the hardest difficultly. Story is better than most Star Wars games, even some of the movies.

That would be amazing.

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All the Star Wars movie are shit. Quit pretending they aren't. If you do, you have African DNA.

>If I quit pretending they aren't, I have African DNA

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I don't have a problem with black people in media, but couldn't you least conceive your own media for them rather than replace white characters in order to fill blacks in?

Holy shit you’re right.

Hello nick mullen

It was a way of getting revan out of the way, it works to introduce kreia and exile
