What went wrongd

What went wrongd

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Other urls found in this thread:


literally nothing



Not enough Douglas "Dougie" Jones.

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that's not a got image fag

only negative thing is never experiencing/tpg/ again.

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Don't make me cry user

>/tpg/ was two (2) years ago

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They aired the final 2 episodes.

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t. brainlet

A cult of fanboys that doesn't allow legit discussion of the series.

We can have them again. (You) just have to make them

The exact phrase that immediately came to mind.

It was fucking perfect. A miracle of a season, and one of the best viewing experiences of my life.

mods delete them

Michael Ontkean didn't want to come back because of whatever reason

Only 18 episodes
Shitty special effects
Green glove guy
Also American pretentious critics over-hyping it and calling it ''not a tv show but an 18 hour movie" really disgusted me.


a lot of stories that went nowhere
not enough mr c.

>2nd season goes to shit because of an increased episode order
>supposedly leave the show because of this
>bring back the show 25 years later
>write a script for 9 episodes
>demand to be able to make 18 episodes
>pack the show with filler, including over one hour worth of music videos
>actually interrupt the best episode of the show with a shit NIN music video that is completely out of place
>fans eat this shit up

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They teased Glenn Danzig on the cover but he was nowhere in the show.

Literally everything, but that doesn't stop the Lynchtards on Yea Forums from sucking their daddy's limp old dick.

nostalgiafags BTFO

it felt weird because he was both trying to do something new and pander to the fans of s1&2. i loved it but the tone was definitely bizarre

also this /tpg/ sucked

beautiful grown woman sheryl lee in the role of carrie paige did not, in fact, sit on my face
truly the one missed opportunity from this season

It's the best time I've ever had with a tv-show. Fuck I miss getting an hour every week and participating in the threads.

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Too pretentious and not enough like previous seasons. I couldn't finish it

It was great for what it was and probably the best show in modern times but nothing in it was even close to the best episodes of the old show. My personal favorite is S02E07 - "Lonely Souls". That's one of Lynch's greatest works imo.

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>mods delete /tpg/
>there is constantly an alita general #500+ filled with the literal autists that can't let go of a subpar anime movie

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"Cooper fucked up series over Lynched hahaha!"

>DLCU Bros
"Ronnie Rocket opening hour was 10/10"

Tarantino is morphing into BOB?

Sarah Palmer's evil black and white smile is Laura's prom picture. They both take face off. Therefore in other universe she is Judy. She ate Cooper.

i didn't get it

Only thing wrong with the return

Explain the reason for the coordinates. Why did he want to turn into a cube?

He probably took one look at the random, meaningless sex scene between Coop and Diane, and, considering the fact that Annie's fate is never disclosed, rightfully asked "What is this shit?" and politely told Lynch where he could shove his "sequel".

Untrue. He went through the trouble of commissioning a sheriff truman jacket and he was in talks about coming back. The reason why he ultimately didn't is unknown but there were persistent rumors about health issues.
The coordinates indicated the place where Naido/Diane would land


>it doesnt make sense
>thats the point
>you have to figure it out yourself
>dave lynch is a genius because he leaves everything ambiguous

There are "people" here RIGHT NOW, who think this moment isn't absolute peak television:

Let that water fountain in.

>things brainlets say

There's plenty of conversation to be had, it's just that explainfags like you have no idea how to have them.

ree youre a brainlet for not appreciating wasting your time asking questions thatll never be answered

there is no conversation to be had unless you wanna go full schizo and say that 5 minutes of watching some french whore get dressed and 5 min sweeping scene is so engaging.

The return was boring as shit.


>x is boring
>going full schizo because of a whole 5 minute scene
>things brainlets say part II

Wrong, the only thing people can say are
>repeat stale /tpg/ memes
The moment someone even tries to raise some points Lynchfags lash out in their fanatical rage.

came here to say this and it’s already the first post. based

>says the only guy raging in the thread

How can anyone not like this season? it was very painfully clear that Lynch was trying to capture the same feelings with this season as with season 1 in the 90's

>dougie jones scenes made fanboys feel uneasy and upset because they just wanted dale cooper
>have a giant cast and have it take place in unfamilliar places like vegas and new York because it mirrors TV shows today like breaking bad, True detective etc..
>instead of having a credits scene, have awesome bands play to infer that Twin peaks is still a place moving forward in time
>even though he never needed to, lynch gave us fanservice with several characters icluding diane, and eddie
>nuclear bomb scene is so surreal that I can't believe it was aired on television and was approved by a network,

Seriously, only brainlets don't get s3

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>because of whatever reason

He read the script and said it wasnt worth doing.

>How can anyone not like this season?

it was garbage, and the only people that like it are lynchfags who if you notice, will never admit to even the smallest thing being badly written or shown. like that godawful cgi when that guy gets shot in the face.

to lynch fags everyone is dumb except them, and dave lynch is some misunderstood genius when in reality hes been repeatedly shown to be a hack with a keen masterful taste in eyecandy

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>that bad cgi when he gets shot in the face

So you base a whole season on special effects? What about the show was badly written?

These are really brainlet reasons to like the series user.


>it's surreal so it's good!
Every Lynchfag ever.

This. There was some good discussion of Twin Peaks as a whole on Yea Forums before those terrible general threads started partway into season 3. Now every single TP related thread is filled with the same pathetic people whining about missing those shitty generals while posting their garbage memes.

Are there really people going to argue that TP is an intelligent show? Do people really feel like anyone who doesn't enjoy it was a brainlet?

It seems nailed it.

Everything. Dick suckers are wrong, the third season was awful.

time give two years

I only made it through 3-4 episodes of The Return. The pace was too slow w/o any dark humor injected into it and there's no longer that element of everything always feeling off as you view it.

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I enjoyed it.

>there's no longer that element of everything always feeling off as you view it
there was plenty of this especially in the second half of the season

Nothing. It was exactly what needed to be.

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Pretty much.

I was doing TP threads since about 2012 and things were much better then.

They didn't give David Lynch enough time to dream.


>What about the show was badly written?
-Deus ex machina power glove bong kills(?) Bob
-lack of ambient Badalamenti music
-Why should I care about Judy? I know nothing about Judy besides that she is "an ancient evil",
-BOB wants to meet with her for some reason.
-Who was pretending to be Jeffries?
-What was that device in the wooden bowl?
-Who killed Ruth Davenport, and why? Why was her head stacked on top of Major Briggs's body?
-What is the box? Who bought it and why? Why did Cooper go through it when leaving the Black Lodge, and why did Judy/Experiment follow him and attack those college kids afterwards?
-What was the point in introducing Shelly and Bobby's daughter if she wasn't going to have a story arc?
-Why was Ben Horne's potential affair with his secretary introduced if it wasn't going to have a story arc?
-Why was Audrey introduced if she wasn't going to have a character arc?
-What purpose, besides a cruel bit of fanservice, was the point in making Richard the son of Audrey and Bob/Cooper?
-introduces too many new characters that ultimately end up being pretty inconsequential to the overall plot.
-time travel retconning
-altenate dimension shit which is never explained

>So you base a whole season on special effects?

I literally stated lynchfags wont admit to the small things like bad cgi regardless of the shit writing, and you misconstrue that as my entire reason the season was bad.

>it was very painfully clear that Lynch was trying to capture the same feelings with this season as with season 1 in the 90's
Yeah man, right down to Angelo Badalamenti score. No, wait...

>They didn't give David Lynch enough time to dream.

18 hours of free reign
the two prior season he had people yo keep him in check and the show was gold for 25 years, season 3 is forgettable to everyone except duuud Lynchfags

I'm the outlier that never like Twin Peaks the first time around, but LOVED season 3.

Knew it. Brainlet.

You forgot the gratuitous Cooper/Diane sex that lacked any buildup, any foreshadowing, and took a massive shit on anyone hoping to see Annie again.


>it was very painfully clear that Lynch was trying to capture the same feelings

If season 3 mas made in the 90's, dave Lunch would have been kicked out of hollywood for a 10 years...oh wait

Not an argument, Lynchfaggot.


dude i can create a whole thread full of shit wrong with season 3 and comple them, and lynchfags will just drop the same tired ass adhominems with no attempt to justify or reason as to why it was good

im glad dave lynch isnt making another season

cry more faggot, your show is shit, and will always be shit. And you fanboys can ree and call names all you want, its still shit and Dave Lynch showed the world hes a hack on prime time television and noones ofered him a new season. Even the cast hate season 3 and see it as a waste of their time.

I love the post season interviews where they dont even ask Kyle about the season, and ask him about his career instead.

And we were better off for it

>dave lynch hows 4 hours of jerking off on camera
>lynchfags: oh god this is high art im not worthy to witness let alone the plebs of the world...h-hes cumming so hard


who the fuck cared about diane. she was a better character off screen. ow the first two seasonare ruined because now when he says diane to the tape recrder, im thinking of that twat that helped ruin both star wars and twin peaks

My feelings exactly.

>-Who was pretending to be Jeffries?
Sarah Palmer. I don't remember any of the others since it's been two years.

>I don't remember any of the others since it's been two years.

EXACTLY, most forgettable shit ever

season 1 and 2 are coherent and memorable because they were well written and everyone was related and effected through the laura palmer murder

The season overall was memorable, I just mean I don't remember the answers to any of the other questions since basically the entire plot was happening off screen. I liked it overall but they could have done a lot more with 18 hours.

Only your fist argument is valid. Everything else is
>ree, why is not everything explicitly explained to me
>beloved characters from Twin Peaks that we all wanted to know what happened to have stuff happening to them not necessarily connected to the main mystery?? Unbelievable
>too many new characters
Sure, if you have an attention span of a goldfish

What do the people who liked this season think of that guy with the big hand punching Bob? Do they like that part as well or admit at least that part was bad?

>why is not everything explicitly explained to me

thats the point of having a coherent plot, if im wondering whats going on, the plot is incoherent

>have stuff happening to them not necessarily connected to the main mystery?

in co herent plot

>Sure, if you have an attention span of a goldfish

what purpose did tammy serve.

I literally complain about it (and special effect) in every Twin Peaks thread I visit.
I really love the show, but thinking about those two things makes me cringe.

>Do they like that part as well or admit at least that part was bad?

they avoid discussing it, or say it wasnt important,or you just didnt see that it was forshadowed in season 1, then avoid discussing it.

IT'S A DECONSTRUCTION of the capeshit genre, it's to show how SILLY is a guy LITERALLY fighting evil and winning with a big happy ending.

Or that was the last time I checked those threads.

I wanted a continuation of Twin Peaks and instead I got an 18+ hours long David Lynch film.

God forbid you spend some time wondering about something

David lynch gave no fucks and just wanted to scam Showtime.

>I wanted a continuation of Twin Peaks
What would have that entailed, if not what we got?
When they tried to give straight answers to mysteries, everybody was let down (happened in season 2) because answers always are, what else? You already had the fan service in S3, showing the old characters 25 years later, it just made little sense to still have them ALL be front and center.
They physically couldn't have continued from where they left off, because so much time had passed (plus Laura's prediction coming to fruition was absolute kino).

You had the comedy, you had the current TV parodies, you had the horror and the Lynch absurdities.
It was darker and less comfy (though Dougie's parts were still comfy) but 25 years had passed, and this is a different world we live in, from back then.

Honestly i get not liking Lynch in general, he makes weird stuff, and it can't be to everyone's taste, but how was S3 any different from most Lynch movies, including Twin Peaks 1 & 2 and FWWM?
It's something that's meant to be enjoyed on a more abstract level, like music without lyrics, and as soon as you explain it, it loses its power.

People who think this is just a cop out to justify Lynch's shit are brainlets, not because "they don't get the secret meaning behind whatever abstraction", but because they don't get the concept of enjoying it on an abstract, visceral level.

Dreams aren't fascinating because they tell coherent stories, but because they don't.

Do some of you really yearn to know that Judy is actually a demon, here to conquer Earth or whatever the fuck the "answers" would be? You don't show the face of God, there's a reason for that.

>What would have that entailed, if not what we got?

the cliffhanger season 2 was left at. didnt even bother answering the questions about the bombing, door knob josie, norma and ed was pointless, audrey plot was nothing sandwich( who is billy?)

>it just made little sense to still have them ALL be front and center.

wrong, the best scene in the show was bobby briggs crying to angelo music looking at a picture of Laura after 25 years. That what the show could have been, and lynch decided t just troll you for a minute, showing he knew full well what people expected, and decided to shovel shit on them with a golden shovel.
then why have them at all?

why not just make a new show?

if the return was presented as a standalone independent of twin peaks noone would have watched it.


>summer of 2017
>watch each episode the day it comes out with friends
>afterwards have some drinks and talk about the show
>when I get home I shitpost on /tpg/
It was a kino time in my life. Wonder what those friends of mine are doing now. Wonder what everyone I shitposted with on /tpg/ are doing now.

Nothing, it just wasn't for tourists

>wrong, the best scene in the show was bobby briggs crying to angelo music looking at a picture of Laura after 25 years.
It worked BECAUSE it wasn't sandwiched between 18 hours of "hey remember 25 years ago?".

S3 continues plenty of plot points (though again, from a 25 years gap perspective) it wouldn't have made sense as a stand alone.

The only disappointing thing about the concerts is that they didn't have Beach House

Oh yeah, those excelent season 2 cliffhangers you and 3 more people cared about, that would sure make a great show.

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Dale being a retard
the casino scene was where I dropped the show.

>the casino scene was where I dropped the show.
HellooooOOOOOooooo reddit

the mafia brothers were hilarious. the episode with cherry pie where they end up in the dessert to kill Doug but instead become pals with him is unironically one of the best episodes

>how was S3 any different from most Lynch movies,

false comparison, i dont compare unrelated works, or film to television format.

>including Twin Peaks 1 & 2 and FWWM

FWWM was critically panned , and TP 1&2 didnt have five minute scenes of a guy sweeping and some prostitute getting dressed while dave lynh stands there and stares. speaking of which Dave Lynch wasnt a main character in any of it. He was a cameo performance.

>they don't get the concept of enjoying it on an abstract, visceral level.

hurr durr, someone took a shit on a pedestal at a modern art gallery, youre a brainlet for not appreciating the visceral abstract aesthetic of a turd on a table. Its arguments like this that riuin art, by suggesting anything can be art.

>Dreams aren't fascinating because they tell coherent stories, but because they don't.

irrelevant, the "its all a dream" bullshit is the true copout for a story thats garbage. In fact several scenes of the show are shown in dreams, including the first black lodge scene, unless youre saying it was inception. and the whole show is a dream, which begs the question. whats the point?

>Do some of you really yearn to know that Judy is actually a demon, here to conquer Earth or whatever the fuck the "answers" would be?

no i think Judy should be written out and we should explore the demons Bob and Mike who we already know and are invested in. Not some bullshit entity mentioned later, and all these new tulpas and shit which werent addressed in the original series.

>You don't show the face of God, there's a reason for that.

god gets played by morgan freeman, its kino. hmmm

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>it worked BECAUSE it wasn't sandwiched between 18 hours of "hey remember 25 years ago?".

no it worked because it was the only sigh of releaf you got that the show wasnt goingto be this boring bullshit and were gonna get dale back and everythings gonna be fine.

also the entire premise of the return being made was "remember 25 years ago" . TH only reaso anyone gave lynch full creative control. with oc twin peaks the return WOULD BE NOTHING.

> it wouldn't have made sense as a stand alone

and it doesnt make sense as a continuation.

It was an amazing experience. Kind of like sitting in front of some master mystic who is both irritating you and changing your life at the same time. S3 literally changed how i viewed the world at a fundamental level. It made me more patient, it made me laugh at the little things in life, it made everything feel more alive. I watched it with my brother at like 2am every week (in uk) and that's a memory that will always be with me.

i hate the return but i love this scene, and the shoot out . it had its moments , but overall was pretty bad season.

>discount Horne brothers

>irrelevant, the "its all a dream" bullshit is the true copout for a story thats garbage.
I'm not suggesting "it's all a dream", i'm saying, much like a dream, what makes it fascinating isn't in the linear correlation between set up and pay off you get with literally any other tv show, but on a higher level of abstraction.

BTW you are a legit brainlet if you think appealing to the more oniric side of the brain is the equivalent of "lol whatever i'll shit on a pedestal and call it art".
Infact, it's the exact opposite.
Manzoni's "Merda d'artista" has to be enjoyed on a purely logical level, as it's a statement about art and people's consumption of it, there is little aesthetic and abstract value to it.

A landscape painting, can be (and should be) enjoyed on a visceral level, before you even try to decode whatever symbolism may or may not be there.


People who hate Dougie are just retards who are unfamiliar with the work of Jacques Tati
You don't need to know Tati to like Dougie, but if you hate Dougie you don't know Tati.

I hate that Lynch thinks he's got good musical taste. It's pretty fedora-tier.

I always figured that was Yea Forumss current running gag. The fact that there's a constant general about it is enough for me to know it probably isn't worth watching one bit. Not trolling me today.

>doot doot
>doot doot do doot

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>also the entire premise of the return being made was "remember 25 years ago" .
Yes because it continues the story, as I am saying, but it doesn't have to be 18 hours of fan service.
25 years later, the plot lines that were still relevant were picked back up (Laura, Cooper etc) the ones that didn't matter anymore (attack on the bank) were dropped, as they should have.

I only know him from the Illusionist cartoon.

>Manzoni's "Merda d'artista" has to be enjoyed on a purely logical level, as it's a statement about art and people's consumption of it, there is little aesthetic and abstract value to it.
>A landscape painting, can be (and should be) enjoyed on a visceral level, before you even try to decode whatever symbolism may or may not be there.

the only part of your post that ill agree with

Imagine equating a work of fictional entertainment with intelligence every time someone disagrees with you. Imagine not being self-aware enough to recognize your own narcissism?

Just Lynch being Lynch

I mean even Riverdale as more to do with Season 1 TP than this season, and the show is shit compared to TP.

He stripped all the good elements to go full "Fire walk with me" instead of staying with the soap drama+little village+mistery+little mythic

>He stripped all the good elements to go full "Fire walk with me" instead of staying with the soap drama+little village+mistery+little mythic

this guy gets it

>there are people who think part 8 is the best

I sort of had a feeling that more shows would try to be more ambitious after watching The Return.
Now it feels like most shows are regressing instead.

It was lacking in the episodes I suffered through.

FWWM is the peak of the whole damn thing.

God, no.
Its peak Lynch but not peak TP

Notice how all Lynch fans are redditors who got here after 2012 and most post from iPhones? Seems like he's only for queers and people who don't belong here.


The Coop and Diane sex scene was amazingly painful
A personal highlight

>this thread

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Imagine wanting TP to just be a rehash of the original series. It was a pastiche of soaps then and a pastiche of modern tv two years ago. If you didn’t like the new series, you aren’t a fan on David Lynch, you’re a fan of “Twin Peaks” and need to go back to your donut-eating, coffee-sipping faggot friends. The Return was something new. Why do you think it wasn’t just the third season but had a subtitle?

"The Return" is actually not an official title. It never really was.

>The Return was something new.

then why not make it a new show? why base on twin peaks?

>Imagine wanting TP to just be a rehash of the original series.

noone said they wanted this, but it wouldve been better than retconning the original

>your donut-eating, coffee-sipping faggot friends

what you lynchfags dont get is thats what we enjoyed about twin peaks, unlik you who enjoy the taste of dave lynches cock. notice how lynch is a central character in the return and not the oc series?

the return was self indulgent

if reddit liked the return people here would hate it
it's as simple as that
most of /tpg/ was making fun of older fans because they wanted Coop back, it's all about feeling superior to them

I kind of expected more of Twin Peaks, the town. Although, not considering that, not much honestly. That ending stuck with me.

>No dark humor injected

Are you mentally retarded?

poor cg and some long scenes with a lot of dead air but nothing that really bothered me.

i loved all the "filler" especially everything with dougie

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Sheryl Lee is ____!

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>Wonder what everyone I shitposted with on /tpg/ are doing now.

I'm just as sad and lonely as ever, thanks for asking :)

I wish they used the soundtrack more often. There's a bunch of scenes that would benefit from the classic tracks that are just silent. Obviously, when Black Lodge shenanigans are going down you don't want music, but when regular shenanigans are going down I want some shenanigans music.

You're supposed to have that experience going in.
You feel like Dougie is going to leave any second and Dale will be back. But then you come to realize Dougie was what you were looking for all along. He catches you off guard and sneaks into your heart.


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Like Dale
>Try Hard
Like Dougie
>Edge Lord
Like Mr C
>True Patrician
All forms of Kyle Maclachlan are cute and perfect

My goal in life is to become Kyle MacLachlan

yep. it’s autism

>Vedder Afficionado
Like Richard

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>You're supposed to have that experience going in.

says who?

>You feel like Dougie is going to leave any second and Dale will be back.

which is what was wanted from the beginning

>But then you come to realize Dougie was what you were looking for all along.

wow a literal retard character with no agency driven entirely by the plot and literally pushed along through it.

>He catches you off guard and sneaks into your heart.

no he doesnt, the people responding to him do. dougie was utter cancer.

I think Lynch literally created him from clay

next 25 years, the fourth season.

it was wrong because of that gay ending


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Dougie is the emotional epicenter of the story.
Mister C is a bad man. He does bad things and wishes ill upon the world.
Dale Cooper is a good man who tries to fix the unfixable. His obsession forces his light to go to waste, bringing pain to himself and others.
Dougie Jones is neither of these extremes. He observes the world around him, and spreads joy and brings people together through inaction and a warm heart. He is what all men should strive to be- observers first and foremost.

To ask for Cooper to come back and have a happy ending is to miss this point entirely. It's to say Cooper is right to meddle in things beyond his ability or comprehension, rather than to accept the truth.

>running out of sand

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First episode I thought I was in for something great, Michael Bisping, that chick's ass, good atmospheric horror. Then Dougie derailed everything for me.

Dougie is the best character in television history, u are just pleb with shit taste.

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>legit discussion of the series
Unironic LYNCHED

Don't make this so easy

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This. It was peak Twin Peaks

Probably my favorite part is how asshurt all the zoomers are. Oh ow, thinking hurt bad. Visuals and silence hurting! IT HURTING MAKE IT ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM NOT BOOM BOOM BOOM

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Your spelling of wrong

post yfw vedderfags were btfo

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It was pretty great how hard people flipped around about it. Going in we all expected it would be more accessible than S1 and S2, but it ended up being the exact opposite.

I remember during the first few episodes I had a hipster ask me if I'd ever seen the originals, or if I was just jumping on the new season because it's more "modern." Nowadays you'd never hear that from somebody. It shut those people up really quick.

I'd like to imagine Kyle improvised this and Lynch said "fuck it lets keep rolling"

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God damn, knowing in my heart that we wouldn't see Coop until the end made me so fucking hard. I could just hear the plebs dying inside

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Everything Lynch does, he saw in the waking dream

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Why was Dougie so beloved by fans? Is there any chance we could get a Dougie spinoff series?

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You already did. It was called "Twin Peaks Season 3: The Return"

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RIP best girl ;_;

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>Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, who was also in attendance, said in a 1992 interview, "After I saw Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me at Cannes, David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass that I have no desire to see another David Lynch movie until I hear something different. And you know, I loved him. I loved him."

Oh it shows, Quentin.

hell yeah nigger

call for help

best part of the season and one of the best scenes in the show. F

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>that scene where the tarrantino couple get literally killed by some random polish accountant

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/tpg/'s meltdown after Part 8 was one of the greatest moments I had in this shithole.

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Lynch ain't playin


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17 was the best imo, the scene with Laura in the woods was the best scene of the return.

The Mitchum brothers bringing Dougie out to the desert has to be second.

ACTUALLY the glove is a nod to Cocteau's Orpheus.

he will always be right in my heart

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Yeah, Twin Peaks draws a lot of inspiration from Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy.

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mocks superhero films similar to the assassin plot mocking tarantino

This. OP got Lynch'd.



Not to mention the whole backwards thing that Lynch loves.

I don't think he ever intends to be subtle about his references. He's downright proud of them.


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It was 2 years ago get over it loser.