Is killing radioactive animals and putting them out of their assured future misery of dying from radioactive poisoning...

is killing radioactive animals and putting them out of their assured future misery of dying from radioactive poisoning really that horrible and emotional?

my slav greatgrandfather killed kittens by throwing them into a river in a sack because he knew nobody would take care of them, without a blink and he was a kind and loving person
i find it quite hard to imagine a soviet era man that cries and compares killing a dog to a human being
seems like a millenial pandering where people will cry about dead pets and be ok with dying people

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Other urls found in this thread:

Most people have evolved beyond the stone age and see animals as equal individuals

He is just a kid.

You said it yourself, your grandfather was a slav (IE soulless)

>millenial pandering where people will cry about dead pets and be ok with dying people
you mean:
liberal pandering where people will cry about dead pets and be ok with dying babies

i'm not the only only one that feels no empathy for other mammals and has a strange desire to poke them with sharp sticks or something to see how they react r-right? I have never acted upon these feelings
i care for birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects a lot though strangely

Yep, checks out.

Have you seen Old Yeller?
Was that millennial pandering?

Why didn't your grandfather take care of the kittens?

It's not like they require much, just feed them and give them a box with blankets to sleep in until they're big and can feed themselves

You guys sound like some low-iq squat-niggers that can't appreciate animals

yeah just as slav as people in chernobyl, that's kinda my point

>abortion is killing a baby

literally everyone at the countryside used to do this. they fought in WW1-2, had farms to care for and feed their families and no they didn't think of a stray cat as people and nobody really should

>find kittens in a while
>any sane person would either assume the mother is somewhere around, and, if not, nature will take its course, do whatever
>not Ivan, he's a considerate person, he cares about their fate
>will he give them some food, then? No, he fucking sacks and drowns them
I'm sorry Ivan, your grandpa was a nigger.

>my slav greatgrandfather killed kittens by throwing them into a river in a sack
Reminder Slavs have white skin but brown brains

i do care about them and would never hurt an innocent animal for nothing but the people here and slaughtering animals for fun nor have emotional ties to them as they arent their pets

old yeller didnt need to be put down because he would die anyway and just further irradiate the land and endanger humans also the dogs there would die of hunger anyway

because the kittens would produce more kittens exponentionally and would be a nuisance to the whole village
he loved his dog and farm snimals and i'd say people had more empathy for them as you had to kill the animals yourself to get meat and feed your family. They did it scarcely and mostly ate eggs and milk from their cows. They had to take care of them everyday and respected them and thanked them for providing them food. They didn't eat burgers and meat every day like people do nowadays. Meat of animals slayghtered by thousands evryday in factories. But they were pragmatic and prevented bad things by killing them.

Non-westerners seem to take a sort of twisted joy in abusing animals. It's a huge cultural divide.

>he fed the stray cats every evening amd cared for them
>took care of wounds they got when they fought every now and then

>realized this simple fact that everyone living in a village before neutiraztion became a thing
>one cat has like 10 kittens a year
>those 10 kittens have 10 kittens
>village overrun by straight hungry and sick cats
>start killin chickens and cause trouble
>die of hunger and overpopulation
he did the rught thing and everyone did it when they couldnt find a person taht would take them in and be their domestic cats
it's called maintaining a stable population and yes i probsbly couldnt do it but back in the days men weren't pussies and did what had to be done

nobody would enjoy it but wouldnt compare putting snimals out of their misery to war and killing people
especially not in soviet era

You're an idiot

Why not just Spay/neuter the cats? It's not a costly procedure and you can save a life

You're trying to make this "greater good" argument while you're essentially supporting selfish behavior

"I gotta kill innocent beings in order to better my position and survival chances"

What's to stop him from drowning your NEET ass once he realizes you will bring suffering and undue hardship via leeching resources like food and money?

You and your grandpa sound like niggers larping as Europeans.

So decide, your bigger grandad either killed then because they would starve to death or because they would make too many offsprings.
>greater good
Holy shit literally Thanos level of reasoning.
Also your grandpa went for one of the most psychotic ways of killing cats.

humans have value, animals don't.

in šāʾ Allāh, my brother

>make innocent creatures suffer and die because your reasoning is extremely faulty
>"W-w-why is everyone mad at me? I am being moral right now!"
Your granpa sounds like an idiot

>"I gotta kill innocent beings in order to better my position and survival chances"
are you vegan user? i doubt it. you are a hypocrite

people actually did it to protect the cats more than themselves and back in the day neutering wasnt an option and if it were it would be very costly option and not high on your list after your father and 2 brothers died in the WW2 and yiu have to feed the family

it is a common practice for farmers and you shelterted fags act like bunch of sissies to be honest

nobody does it now when people have money to neuter and can use internet to sell and give away the cats but back literally during soviet era everyone did it. Which is my main point reality was like this call it what you want but in Chernobyl they act like people would in 2019

don't argue with these sissified metrosexual scum. Their brain has suffered a lethal dose of toxoplasmosis already, they're too far gone.

>hmmm should I kill these animals with a quick and painless way like chopping off their heads or some shit?
>lol no just put them all in a small sack and throw them in the river to drown lamo

Seek help

Cringe and bluepiled. I am atheist, but I admit that Hare Krishna movement is the best solution for all Russias problems. Vegeterian, teetotaler, hard working.

>I am atheist

they would make too many offsrpings which after some increase in population would result for them starving to death. That isnt hard ti understand.
Well they are just cats not people but ot is similar reasoning as for people in soviet era didnt really had nany otger options.

literally nobody was mad at my great grandpa as it was a common practice at the countryside at that time. it wasnt like an isolated incident, everyone did it because they had to.

Better than Orthodox

Well OP, at least I'm glad your grandfather could satisfy his blood lust on something different than his fellow humans.

Hey guys have you heard of this thing called Chernobyl. Really cool stuff.


they lose consciousness and die, it's the most efficient way
also i know you fags will throw a fit but people also put them in a sack and threw it at a brick wall basically smashing them in one hit

>literally nobody was mad at my great grandpa as it was a common practice at the countryside at that time
Oh so your entire village was populated by retards like your granpa? lol

Even a scientologist is better than an atheist

>Even a scientologist is better than an atheist
Agree. The four horsemen of atheism and reddit community are annoying .

>they lose consciousness and die, it's the most efficient way
>it's ok dude after some minutes suffering and drowning in a dark sack along with other animals that claw and bite at you, you lose consciousness haha

>also i know you fags will throw a fit but people also put them in a sack and threw it at a brick wall basically smashing them in one hit
What did I say in the first part of my post you fucking retarded cunt?

Have sex

oh god i remember that, it was very common practice in darker ages, all you had to do is look outside with all the sick starving cats, a lot of people had trouble to have any protein on table let alone feed bunch of cats

Not a vegan at all

Being a hypocrite would be me saying

>No one should eat meat it's wrong

And then me continuing to eat meat

What's not hypocritical is criticizing causing undue suffering and death to a companion animal (kittens and dogs) and claiming it's for the "greater good" when in fact there are several cost effective options

Neutering and spaying became popular and common in the 1930s. If your father died in WW2, then that's clearly after the the procedure was popular and cost effective.

It has nothing to do with being sheltered pussies and everything to do with you being a slav nigger. Considering you retards sent your peasants armed with rocks and sticks to fight the Germans in waves, I'm not surprised at how much you value life.

he fought in a war, was the kindest and most humble man, was in prison for speaking against soviet inasion and not being in the commie party, took care for his mom until her death and build her a house on his farm, went out of his way to help his grandchildren and great grandchildren sheltered my grandma after her husband abused her. Never hurt a soul except in war about which he never talked and woeked hard his whole life
he really wasnt a sociopath for helping stray cats not to overpopulate and die of hunger when neutering wasnt an option. You fags cry for few dead animals while never helping your fellow men in the slightest

no the whole country and people from his time period

How did they film this? Is it CGI?

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I'm a slav and my mother used to tell me that she also used to drown kittens in a lake when she was a kid. Such is life at the countryside. There's nothing malicious about that, they just had to control the population.

Urban population is not accustomed to killing animals.
Villagers have to kill animals everytime otherwise they cannot survive. They cannot feed them and get nothing to exchange
In the 80s the majority of the population of the USSR was urban.
> Feed them
1) When even people don't have enough food.
2) Do you think that people in villages fed cats in the past? They just let cats live at their home

youre a hypocrite in saying that killing innocent animals to better your position while you do kill innocent beings in order to satiate your hunger when not killing them is an option. cope harder
if you said pets and companion animals in your op it wpuld be different but you said innocent being which applies to pigs, cows and chickens and thus youre a hypocrite

neutering female cats in east/central europe definitely wasnt an option, maybe it was in the west and america. people couldve cut the balls of male cats but some didnt and thats how that came to be

Most people not even heard of vet in the 80's very early 90's, there were no adds for pet care or anything at most you would be lucky to hear something from someone else, you don't know shit untill you lived there

this, they gave them milk that's all

but animals are not equal

There were a range of reactions, according to the book Voices From Chernobyl, some people thought it was fun, some didn't think about it and some cried or otherwise couldn't cope with it

Each film crew had 90 seconds and then they're done

>mah grampa mah mah grampa was a good boi
>drowns animals because he is bored
Your grampa was a psychopath user. I know you loved him and all that but that's exactly why you ignore his psychopath behavior.

many people will develop some sort of pity towards animals.
i recall seeing a documentary about KGB training programs. i remember that part of it had them raise, name and take care of a chicken. after some period of time, they had to butcher it and eat it. it was a psychological exercise since, even though it's an animal, they have some sort of emotional attachment to it.

this show just keeps on giving

>dude drowing is like falling sleep and shit
user how fucking stupid are you. Not only you have psychos in your lineage, you must also have retards.

i tried to explain the context of his life and how at the time and place he lived in this behaviour just wasn't sociopathic and he wasn't some asicial future serial killer than enjoys inflicting pain to animals to satiate his bloodlust or something

>abortion isn't killing a baby
It's fine though because more than half of those aborted babies would grow up to vote democrat.

When you die you will go into the eternal oblivion just like any other animal.

lol it's funny though, pro-life people throw the "you don't get biology" thing around ehen having any knowledge of emeyology confirms that by no means you can call the embryo a human being in the first 6 weeks of pregancy
it IS a big deal and shouldn't be compared to cum or eggs but it isn't a human being

>where people will cry about dead pets and be ok with dying people
tbhwyf im for letting people die out and letting animals reclaim the earth

Your grandpa sounds like a fag and I'm not even talking about the kitten story.

Don't worry about the basedboys crying about cats, user.

Their lovable Mr Fluffy would've killed all the fucking chickens inyour grandad's village, and is likely killing all the native fauna where the basedboy lives. But that's fine because cats are so cute and lovable teehee *holds up spork*

Being kind and loving IS pretty gay.

>he was a kind and loving person

You know they say the same thing about other psychopaths all the time right?

I was waiting for the Afghan vets to say something about how killing dogs is worse than killing men because men at war are trying to kill you too, but the dogs just want to love and be loved because they're good boys

How is killing a bunch of feral animals no one wanted in the least violent way available psychopathic. Would it make a difference if they were rats?

So you want to put your "stick" in something warm and hairy?

Lmao you basedboys never cease to amaze me, i cant wait to be marching with my slavic and chinese brothers through american streets and shootint every american civilian in see in the back and raping his gf/wife and slitting her throat after, you wont resist xou wont shoot back you wont ven kill kitten how could you shoot at people.

ok put down the videogame controller and have sex

afghanistan has bachi baza, so it isn't that different

thanks user, glad they are people that understand

>chinese brothers
Chinese masters, you mean.

Incel cope.

Why are Apple users like OP so obsessed with this show?

Pidorashka cope.

>russians behave like subhuman savages
>"akshually you should call everyone who speaks a language from this lingusitic family a slav, russians=slavs=everything is slav"
Jesus Christ, the pan-Slavic bullshit is alive only in imperialist Russians and retarded Western faggots.

If animals are equal then how come I can't murder a dog?

lol I expected getting called a phonefag but not this

because you can't utilize a dead corpse compared to animals we eat and because they are pet animals

The difference being we know and fear that inevitability but every other animal is too stupid to

because they're not

wrong (and confusing) answer

the real reason is because animals (except for some apes, octopuses, whales, birds) do not have any conception of their 'self'. They do not think about 'their' actions. They are conditioned to want pleasures and avoid pains, but these sensations do not occur to any substantial rational individual within.

Hence why we call them 'animals'. Without a 'soul' (traditionally the source of rationality and self), and instead simply anima, animated flesh.

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Doesn't make you special. It only makes you a narcissistic pussy.

Your grandfather was a scum.

Who among the Slavs are better than the Russians? Ukrainians? Poles? Serbs?

Do not delude yourself. The Russians are in fact the most civilized among them - as sad as it is.

I'm willing to bet you grew up in the city or suburbs.

>Neutering and spaying became popular and common in the 1930's

Where? In the USA? In urban centres? More widespread than that? Very much doubt you have anything to back that up. Because the difference an access to tech, medicine, general amenities in the country compared to urban centres can be massive. Factor in differences of tech between the slavosphere and USA of that period and its not that big a stretch to believe spaying wasnt an option.

Cost effective options? Are you the same user who was making the claim that chopping off their heads would be better? Anons grandfather drowned those kittens because he cared enough that it would have hurt HIM to have to cut their heads off individually. He didnt want to face that head on, just as you presumably dont want to have to personally kill every animal you eat. Once you start attaching human levels of importance and emotion to animals you open yourself up to a world of hurt because animals just die all the time.

Actually it does. It is only because I am a special kind of animal that I am able to utilize this combination of inventions that were created by other special animals - my computer - to talk to you - another special animal - through the unparalleled power of the internet, which is, funnily enough, another thing invented by some special animals. You can wax philosophical about how humans and mundane animals are really "just the same" because they all die in the end, but you're really just being disingenuous and acting like a mundane animal yourself when you ignore all nuance and minutiae.

oh yeah, I do get that. I thought you meant why killing a dog is illegal when you can kill pigs or chickens.

Ah I had thought you delusional

lol the Russians are the most savage of all the peoples who speak Slavic languages.

this also, going around and picking stray cats and neutering them at a vet individually would be pretty costy even nowadays yet alone back in the day of my greatgrandparentd

Remember your dipshit post the next time you eat a meat/dairy product and imagine all the undue suffering and death that occurred to put it in front of you. Don't presume to know everything about a person's situation and judge them. Grow the fuck up, faggot. Not everything is black and white.

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It's funny because Chernobyl nowaday is wildest part of Europe and radiations seem to not have affected mammals a lot. I think it's the frogs who suffered the most

The Poles are easily the most noble race.


My mother is a classic bleeding heart lady who lives in the country, in the course of my life has fed innumerable strays, injured animals, etc. I have grown up with multiple cats as a matter of course. One cat in particular we had took in, and it developed a fever or flu. Presumeably it gave the cat brain damage(we had another who had something similar happen the same way), but after the fact, he couldnt balance or hunt or do anything much else very well. He also became ill tempered and aggressive. He began fighting the other cats that we had, driving them away from food, attacking them. Most of the other cats had been with us for longer. Most of the other cats were spayed already, were less inclined to fight back. Eventually mom ended up taking him up into the mountains and let him go. She was afraid he would drive away the other cats. In his state, I have no doubt in my mind it was a death sentence. My mother feels guilty about it to this day. She still cares about that aggro asshole. She couldnt bring herself to put him down, because just maybe, there's a chance that he lives on in the mountains. I dont personally think it was more merciful. It might have been kinder to get him put down. Then again, my mother had already spent money on the other pets, and was taking care of 4 children, so maybe she couldnt justify the expense.

Demonising my mother is as ridiculous as doing the same to anons grandfather. They both made choices to help those closest to them with limited resources. To call it moral failing completely misses the gravity of the situation, and the constant reality of death. Death is not special. It happens all the time. Sometimes the best that can be done is to save whats close to you.

yeah drowning a sack of kittens is common behaviour for a kind and loving person.
it's just somebody who's coldhearted enough to rid himself of something he sees as an inconvenience.

thanks you user that's really nice

read the thread to understand why people did it

>Thanos level of reasoning
That's some zoomer level of reasoning if you're going with a comparison to a superhero movie....

he got used ot it retard

you're just somebody who's coldhearted enough to shit on random people on the internet to make yourself feel better

Not true, veterinarians existed in Russia and Eastern Europe for literally centuries

That applies to cats and dogs

Neutering dogs and cats existed since the 1800s and in the early 1900s become mainstream and affordable in Europe.
Nice try faggot

I grew up in Morocco, joined the US Army, learned to hunt and fish, got deployed twice and currently live in rural Tennessee

I'm not that user

I'm the one calling this slav a retard and his father a scumbag for pretending as if drowning a kitten in order to somehow better your lifestyle makes him a "good hearted loving man"

The world is very black and white, only retards like yourself pretend otherwise to excuse shitty decisions.

No matter how "grey" something is, there's a binary black and white choice to be made.

Killing an animal to eat and survive is fine and what human s are supposed to do.

Brutally killing animals because you think they will possibly cause you financial hardship is not okay.

Neutering existed and was cost effective in Europe in the 30's. If he's claiming that Russia was so behind the times that they never heard of a veterinarian, then slavs really are niggers

I know why, that doesn't change the fact that it was simply done because of a lack of care or lazyness. Drowning in particular is a pretty gruesome death.

No, I'm annoyed by people being irresponsible and then claiming they had no other chance. This is also not at all related to "lol slavs are just shit people", I'm angry at everybody who acted like that or is doing it even today.
Got a good laugh out of the bullshit in this thread about how nobody could have done any different, it was the country side and we had no choice!
Because that is totally true, it's not like farmers have been controlling population of livestock and doing controlled breeding by simply clipping balls for god knows how long.
But then you take a bunch of cats, dump them outside and wonder why it spirales out of control or outright drown kittens by the droves. Same shit with all the retards these days who get a pet, throw it outside and hope it works.

And I'm annoyed at people like you who presume to know everything about everyone's situation and judge accordingly.

typical zoomer attitude, of course you are a special snowflake. common sense and acting like a decent human being (while taking responsibility) eludes you, all due to your very special and unique circumstances.

>where you go when you die has anything to do with your inherent value right now
Based 105 IQ user

Because he probably already had 2-3 pets. Everyone did and kittens were drowned, at most 1 would be left some times. It sucks but thats the reality of village life.

typical boomer attitude, life is black and white. shut up and deal with it

no nobody could afford a vet to go and neuterize random straycats for money they didn't have. it is hard to find all thh stray cats and neuterize them. You don't know what was the life during and after WW2 in rural europe.

he didn't kill the cats to "better his lifestyle" what fucking lifestyle? yes poor peaplo in the countryside had to kill kittens to control their population in the viklage because there was hardly any other option definitely none to a poor farmer just trying to feed his family.

no neutering wasn't common in russia nor other countries at the time and dealing with shitton of stray cats was better to deal with them in this way. people kust weren't overly emotional pussies and did what they had to, they still loved their pets and farm animals and didnt find any pleasure in doing this and did it only after nobody else took them in.

it wasnt done out of laziness or lack of care it was done because of lack of other way to do it. do you hate aussies for mass killing cats because of them letting them breed into killing all the animals there? if they neutered or killed kittens they would prevent that from happening. They drown them not to cut off their heads in the backysrd and not to witness it.

I agree with you, the people who let the cats otside and not take care for them are scumbags but that mostly happned due to germans leaving their homes down where i lived that left their cats there, also people getting killed in a war that left their petshome when the stray cats emerged and became a problemX My grandpa then took care of them and fed tem and killed the youngs to not let them overpopulate and die of hunger. He couldve cauggt them and brought them to a vet in the town 100kms away on and pay hotton of money but that probabl wouldnt be done to all the cts and they really didn't have that much money to do so let alone really think about it that way as they were too afraid of the commie invasion and people dying

Are you retarded? He said it was great grandfather so we can assume it was around the fucking 40s. Spraying and neutering cats in the fucking 40s in slavland. When people don't have enough food themselves and slave away on the fields all day.

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youre just looking for cheap excuses. you dont actually have a single, valid reason to excuse the behaviour.

the excuse is in the second part of this ost also this

I never expected people to pickup cats and drive them to a vet miles away. Of course that is not a feasible solution, especially not during very hard times. I'm talking about how everybody just let the situation get out of control and instead of handling it, just drown the end result.
Like I said, farmers easily took care of that for every other fucking animal. Sharp and clean knife when they're young and balls were gone. What the fuck do you think would have happened if every god damn goat, pig and cow would have breed like that. It was just ignored for cats and handled in poor fashion; a trend which continues today and is absolute shit for the cats and the wildfire they're hurting because of dumbass people ignoring their surroundings.

I very much agree with that sentiment that letting cats get out of control is people's fault, just kinda more understandable that this occured druing ww1 to ww2 and overal shifting of people from county to country that it emded up this way. Also cats gave birth in hoddem places from people and did whatever they wanted.

legit point

Why would one have to see animals, even dogs, as equals to not want to kill them?

A mix of CGI on an existing structure that is the same model as Chernobyl in Lithuania I think.

I saw a documentary and the fucked up conclusion is that the current population of deer in the chernobyl area is healthier than it would be if there would be humans there

Despite of the tumors and uhh rampant radiation...

>see animals as equal individuals
I had a good laugh at this. Imagine how disgusting this person must be.

If a human being was in agony due to severe radiation poisoning, and he asked e to put him out of his misery, I'd do it. Begrudgingly, but I'd do it.
Letting him continue to suffer doesn't help him, it helps your own emotions. It's selfish. The selfless thing is to off him as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Modern people rationalize their cowardice as compassion.

based sociopath
>yeah so what if i killed a bunch of people we're all dying anyway lmao

not him but would you rather see them suffer needlessly?

The absolute strawman.

>kill fetus as mother
>it's cool no biggie
>kill fetus as father
Logic isn't on your side kiddo.

yeah kill already dying people that would sufferp

The only life Russians disrespect more than animal life is human life.

Ive heard stories from my dads dad making him build a homemade gas chamber from a car exhaust to euthanize puppies because their dog was a Ho. Some people can handle it better than others

Continued, when I was about 12 I shot a stray dog, I also would catch mice in glue traps and put them in tin coffee containers to either drown them or blow them up with firecrackers. I was always under the supervision of my older bro who i'd seen put kitties out of their misery(they had been run over). Maybe its because Im from Alabama

>shoot the dogs, spare the cats
Based cheeki breeki

Something doesn't seem genuine about this post. Not sure what.

Slavs aren't human

>Brutally killing animals because you think they will possibly cause you financial hardship is not okay.
So if a fox is killing your chickens, or a wolf is threatening your sheep, you don't have the right to kill it.

everyone used to do this, it's not an 'ivan' thing. stop making everything about your retarded bigotries.

it's pointless to argue with these retards, they are just too detached from reality and the thought of a dumb old slav drowning their mr. whiskers is too spooky

These were both me, I know my grammar doesnt look so great haha, I dont like to brag about that kind of dark shit and I would never tell anyone irl

Equal to humans?
What are you, retarded?

I guess that means Muslims are sub-human.

That is common knowledge

what if a nigger is threatening your womens

>put kitties out of their misery(they had been run over).
Good Idea.
>catch mice in glue traps and put them in tin coffee containers to either drown them or blow them up with firecrackers.
Bad Idea.

Attached: fucking_retards.gif (240x180, 687K)

I am a higher organism than any animal

but not in soviet russia i'd say

My brother shot that fuckin kitten with a. 45. 1911..His name was lucky, and he was a black cat :( ironic

put it down

of course it's legit, it's like you didn't notice how he gave almost no fuck the second day and did his job pretty well, expect the puppies, but that's another level.

105 is pretty good for Yea Forums standards.

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Who cares. The kittens have no souls. Their suffering is unquantifiable.

I guess life will eventually desensitize you for that kind of stuff like with your great grandpa, but that guy is just a kid

I understand my grandpa felt the same way about blacks

And yours is smooth.

honk honk

that's true but even the other soldiers where kind asad about all of that. but youre right

it is millenial pandering. millenials like to fuck their dogs. zoomer roasties ride the red rocket.

>my slav greatgrandfather killed kittens by throwing them into a river in a sack because he knew nobody would take care of them, without a blink and he was a kind and loving person
No he wasn't, he was a piece of shit. If he was kind and loving he would have taken the kittens in and neutered his fucking cat, the retard

They didn't even film one scene they could have.

One dog was rounded up wounded instead of dead and they had run out of bullets, so it was buried alive in the cement.

It looks like psychopaths are called reptilians by schizophrenics for a legitimate reason.

Stop this abortion propaganda boris.

I guess it’s better than fucking them like Muslims or eating them like Asians so, you’re a notch above the other subhumans

stray cats read the thread

It depends on the context. In this show, the kid's clearly never even held a gun before, he's got no idea what he's doing and isn't going to able to turn Comrade Bork's face inside out with a rifle without it fucking him up a little.

My dad worked in a slaughterhouse for a good while (he had no sense of smell so he often worked the messier jobs for no pay), including their killing floor. He doesn't like to talk about it much, but he never stopped eating meat and still keeps pets.

Because cats cause gay cancer.

Attached: cat pride.jpg (720x1041, 292K)

At least he was useful.