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Idris Elba
They're all genius in their own way, you can't really pit them against each other.
>Tarantplebbo being even in the same REALM as the king
Tarantino is shit though dude. He just makes gory/dirty movies with style.
>They're all genius
All 3 of them make shit movies with style.
It depends on your definition of genius but the three of them can easily infuse their personality into their art and excel in one particular aspect of their respective craft. They're also pretty unique. You haven't watched enough student films and actual shitty movies if you think Tarantino isn't at least competent.
Excuse me?
>Some people want to call this art in the postmodern age, but no matter how inflated with esteem Lynch becomes, his art isn’t so great that it transcends political reading or vicious, regressive, conservative meaning.
Can you guess the critic?
Armond Wh*te
left is wife material
meme director with rather childish political beliefs
Pasolini shits all over him, figuratively and probably literally too
The best director of all time is Zulawski tho
>infuse their personality into their art
Yea, I love the stories of a damaged 14 years old boy trapped in 50 y.o. body. More niggers, blood, "cool" dialogue and violence, yes please.
Would unironically far rather go out with a bright, bubbly cutie with big boobies who isn't ashamed to just like what she likes rather than some tryhard pretentious flat chested emo bitch
if you too pleb to aknowledge that Godard, like Einsenstein before him, literally create new ways of directing, and thinking about cinéma, in every movies, you shouldn't even post on Yea Forums...
>shrill zulawski
kek good one
totalitarian homopatricianism when
Godard did barely anything new, he just tried to subvert France's post-war rather boring (save for a couple of great directors) cinematic scene (and did rather well for 5-6 years) before going up his own ass further than even tarantula has gone and disappeared inside there for 5 decades
Also to compare him with Eisenstein js delusion personified
Zulawski was born late enough to not really be able to invent anything new, but his movies are crowning achievements of arthouse that the FNW could never even begin to fathom
I love Tarantino but his last couple of movies weren't very good.
Kill Tarantino ,marry Lynch , fuck Kubrick.
I don't hate Tarantino, but comparing him to Lynch is a fucking joke. I love Lynch, but I can also admit that he's no Kubrick. How is this even a debate?
You can literally watch Godard's career implode the second he fell for the "political revolution" meme with La Chinoise
He made a couple of great movies in the 52 years after that, but what a waste of talent
>conservative meaning
Didn't based Lynch basically shit on drumpf and say he is causing great suffering?
>vicious, regressive, conservative meaning
Weird. I've always read Lynch as basically a neo-Marxist.
You've obviously never been in a real relationship before.
Redpoll me on Godard. Why are his films considered great? Where should I begin with them?
Nah Lynch has a hateboner for conservatives in general
See: Dumbland
>actual movies worth watching
>one good movie
There. Debate over.
Lynch supported Trump recently. Didn't you hear? He backtracked because his career would have been demolished. They don't take kindly to right wing at all
George Lucas is all three of them put together.
You may say that, but the problem is that you have nothing to talk about with one
My gf is rather pretty, but her taste in movies is abyssmal and we don't have that many things in common
And fucking a good piece of ass gets repetitive after 100+ times, so you're just left hanging out with a time vacuum that you have nothing to talk about
He's not really left or right, he's more traditional American than values old ways of life and distrusts big government/neocons and neolibs. He's anti-establishment for sure but I wouldn't call him Marxist.
I went out with the latter once and it was gay as fuck. They can't enjoy anything. Would much rather a dumb stacy gf next time. I just want to watch Rocky IV you bitch let me enjoy life
All he did was say "you have the potential to be a great president" after his election win because Trump upset the establishment and current order, and basically said you have this massive opportunity to change things and get rid of the old establishment. And then Trump went and became a typical republican neocon so nothing changed.
>teleports behind them
>implying a dumb stacy would want to watch rocky iv
Him and Truffaut basically single handedly popularized the French New Wave
Then, as and say, he took himself either too much or too little seriously, and basically tanked his career by trying to change the world or whatever, and when that failed he turned to trolling critics, and when that failed he turned to trolling the audience
Many people consider that to be the peak of art itself, but to me it's just a struggle to remain relevant after you can't reach the heights of your obvious high point that you started out on
nah he doesn't have quentin's foot fetish
>inserts jumpscare into an overrated flick to keep the audience awake
jeeeez just watch them
Quentin's taste in feet is absolutely fucking abysmal, he could put nice cute ones in but instead he puts goblin toes in all the time instead
Only with a script can he be considered top 10
*blocks your path and criticizes your text based cinema*
Start with Breathless and watch from there. He is the most popular FNW director but directors like Marker, Rivette, Resnais and Rohmer are much better than him.
Days of Heaven is too good of a film to not have post this mofo before.
From seeing Greenaway's pic I knew you were only going to post correct opinions
Good job user
What's your favorite Greenaway kino?
Zed and Two Noughts here
>Literally God of Kino
>LSD trip when you're high on weed
Zed and Two Noughts and Baby of Macon are my favourites. Although i haven't seen Zed in a long time, i should rewatch it. I'm still waiting for his film Walking to Paris, he shot it in 2015 or 2016 and there is still nothing about the release.
Ah so you are from reddit, I see
Godard literally invented comic book cinema. And he deeply regrets it.
Gosh, this. Anyone who wants some blase, jaded emo or goth girl with raccoon makeup over some friendly, natural, sweet girl who still has a spark in her eye is probably spiritually dead themselves.
No, you're just too new to film
Welles' best movies (and both infinitely better than citizen kane) are Chimes at Midnight and F for Fake
>it's expressive and baroque therefore bad
Quite simply and truly not an argument
Greatest Filmaker of all time
Semi hack
He's barely a director. He doesn't even edit his movies.
You've never seen either of those
Except for Kubrick
He was a hack
I've seen more movies than you think
Iv'e only seen The Tree of Life, but holy shit that film is amazing, the direction is beyond this world
And yet you cannot articulate why you like them. Is it stupidity or what?
Prove it
You never asked
F for fake is an amazing documentary that could never work without Welles' charisma at the (most would say) twilight of his career, and an amazing narrative trip
Chimes at midnight, while flawed, happens to be one of the best period movies, along with German's hard to be a god and Barry Lyndon (all three for vastly different reasons of course)
I can elaborate too, of course, but I feel you just want to argue for argument's sake
And to be clear, I'm not saying citizen Kane is a bad movie
And considering it's a debut film, it's far from underwhelming
I'm just saying it's overhyped for obvious reasons, much like ie Casablanca
Ok fine, I admit defeat, Iv'e only seen Citizen Kane. I'm sorry
>amazing narrative trip
>one of the best period movies
>literally vague reddit platitudes
>I can elaborate too
I don't think you can, god bless you.
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself bro
You have a 50% chance to not suicide, I believe in you
Atheist occult pedophile
Occult nazi atheist
Atheist occult pedophile
No, a greater debate would be:
Terrence Malick vs Stanley Kubrick vs David Fincher
Mainstream Shlock Maker
Actual Filmmaker
Pretentious Artist
but kubrick is the one who did lolita
>David Fincher
you know I like tarantino but the fact that he's statistically the most mentioned director in film schools around the world just shows those schools can't really teach you much about film that you couldn't already find out somewhere else for free or way cheaper
Actual patrician debate here. These are the real directors, not the hacks that OP posted. Discuss.
Film school is a meme, in the sense that you can find literally all of the material necessary to complete a course online, for free
What you need is maybe a few textbooks (which are widely available), a bunch of movies and shorts (half of which are public domain to begin with), and a course overview which isn't that hard to find
It doesn't help that it's a vague and wildly subjective field too
Angelopoulos desu
Also if you want to really kino it up, replace Tark with Aleksey German
Closer to 20% for you I'm afraid :/
Pseudry will do that for ya.
Tarr is meme slow, he doesn't belong there
Might aswell have put Diaz
I like user's idea of German though
>hehe IM SO EDGY XD swear words means my dialogue is realistic XD
Tarantino is a meme and his movies are Michael Bay-tier with less explosions.
>Muh multiple takes and perfect shots
His movies are pretty but have very shitty characters and stories. Also zero entertainment value.
Eraserhead was alright and so was Twin Peaks S1. Inland Empire had some funny jumpscares but other than those Lynch offers nothing. IF he filmed a turd on a sidewalk, pretentious overthinkers will claim it symbolizes a billion things when they're just projecting their own headcanon to all his scenes. David Lynch isn't even the best at artsy fartsy shit and his movies just like Kubrick have shit writing. And zero entertainment value is just the icing on the shit cake
Kubrick's movies are filled to the brim with interesting characters and thought provoking themes
His work doesn't seem to be particularly political, one way or another. But he presents the old Norman Rockwell image of America as being something worth preserving against various forces of evil. To a progressive-minded person, this could be seen as "regressive" and antithetical to their goal of whatever they consider progression to be (usually less white, more government, socialism, etc).
>artsy fartsy
>entertainment value
yikes, let me guess, you're a hackson and nolan fanboy?
>calling Kubrick a hack
>posts Tarkovsky
Absolute charlatan with completely incoherent ideas and beliefs - basically a prick who thinks being arrogant and aloof = a personality and belief system; he made one good film and it's all been shit since
I used to be like you. Hell, my room is still covered with posters of Kubrick films. I even read the books his movies are based on. You'll outgrow this pretentious hipster phase soon enough. The fact is, good cinematography doesn't equal good writing. Kubrick's characters are one-dimensional and bland. And the actors are usually overacting or underacting. You'll ignore me because you want to be a hardcore cinephile though, that's okay. You'll outgrow this with time.
Based, fuck the haters The Trial is kino.
I love Kubrick too, but shut yer trap about my boy Tark or I'll go full on Visconti on your ass
Pretentious faggot.
Explain to me how Alex DeLarge is a 1 dimensional character, also the rest of his characters are used to tell the story and represent the themes of the film
No, just a guy who is honest about what's dull and what has bad writing. You're not impressing anyone by pretending to like snorefests with shitty characters. Just because those films were made by famous directors and have good cinematography.
tarantino is probably the most overrated filmmaker of all time
>hardcore cinephile
This has to be bait
This. Kubrick is normie as fuck. Kubrick is babby's first meme director for pretentious teenagers such as
Tarkovsky is shit.
>20 minute shot of man standing in field
>50 minute shot of woman crying in a doorway
>80 minute slow zoom-in of a fire burning
>the end
Nah I disagree on that, I find him to be great, but he is the absolute entry level of arthouse, and many people just stop there and consider him the end all be all, which gets you to autistic posters like the one you mention
Same goes for Lynch, albeit to a bit smaller extent
Then you have capeshitters, who get as far as Snyder of course
>wow, in one take!
When you stop being a child trying so hard to be DEEP, you realize things like this don't matter. Writing is what matters above all. You can have the prettiest movie with the biggest budget of all time. With all the best actors and all the best directing techniques on display. But all that wouldn't make it good unless the writing is compelling.
fuck you!
You faggots think you're so fucking smart just because you don't like popular things.
Fucking off yourself
Maybe, just maybe, realize that his movies just aren't for you
Not all movies have to be plot based, and thank god not all of them are
It's ok to like different things
People already went over this when L'eclisse filtered half the art world
Lynch has the best hair
people who say things like "baby's first xy" simply betray their own ignorance
>child trying to be DEEP
so, the entirety of Yea Forums?
how so?
Fuckin plebs.
>Maybe, just maybe, realize that his movies just aren't for you
I have realized and accepted that. Tarkovsky is truly not for me, or for anybody who values their time. A film, by definition, needs a plot. Tarkovsky makes a nice series of moving pictures though, I will give him that.
>his work doesn't seem particularly political
>*proceeds to slap a retarded maga message onto lynch out of fucking nowhere*
The call is coming from inside the house, retard.
Tarantino was on his way to being a good auteur but he got lost somewhere along the way. He's just doing revisionist childish fantasies now.
I think the answer is obvious
Que Viva Mexico is great.
I both love and hate IB (the opening is easily one of the best things he's done), but his last couple "western" flicks were absolute trash.
Scorsese, Ridley Scott, and Hitchcock are unironically better. Better storytelling without the need for visual gimmicks.
Wow, an actual good post in this garbage thread.
Godard makes movies equivalent to the bum fights you see on the street, it’s grass roots, it’s unrefined without focus. Someone like Kubrick or Fellini have clear confines they work within, a ballet of action, beauty that flows. Like a match between two masters exchanging blows in a state of fevor. Godard is the Bukowski of film, except he lacks the finesse of the poet, he just exhibits the malaise and shittiness in all its glory.
>unless the writing is compelling
Go watch some Greenaway interviews and then come back.
>muh cathartic violence
>muh daddy issues
>muh existentialism
which is based
There is nothing overtly political about preserving your culture, user. Take a break from the discords.
Tarantino is just dialogue trying to be so edgy it's cringeworthy. Lynch is randomness but because it's random that must mean it's deep. Kubrick is amazing shots but no plot.
>muh monolithic composition
>mud daddy issues
>muh grandapa issues
Godard is dull pap my dude
"muh cat"
>/pol/tards first try to claim nietzsche
>/pol/tards are now going after lynch
Xavier Dolan >>>>>>>>>> shit = all three
1. Stanley Kubrick
2. Quentin Tarantino
3. Something Lynch
>But he presents the old Norman Rockwell image of America as being something worth preserving against various forces of evil.
In Blue Velvet, those beautiful Rockwellesque picket-fence lawns are infested with black bugs
In Twin Peaks, the great evil appears to originate from the dark woods that surround the innocent smalltown. Only for Lynch to pull the rug from under us and show that the true evil was dwelling within the father all along
Most of Lynch's work has been about the fantasy of Eisenhower's America having a rotten core, how did you miss this user
This user is a homo nigger
*Kinos behind you*
Heh, nothin personnel, boomers
Film Kino Whatever
Poor man's Gaspar Noe.
>film is a literary medium
What does meme slow even mean? I would say all three of them are quite slow. Tarr and Angelopoulos more than Tarkovsky.
My son would be number 3 after lynch and Stan the man
Lynch is openly racist though and people are weirdly enough ok with it.
>he doesn't get tarrantino
>Lynch is openly racist
Do you have a source for that? I mean, everything he does is white as fuck, and I recently talked to an old girlfriend who actually brought up the representation of women in The Return (which made me think for a minute and then reply, "yeah, he's literally always told his stories from a male perspective because he's a guy"), but I've never seen, heard, or read anything about him being a hateful, bitter person. He mostly just talks about coffee and transcendental meditation.
>Lynchfags will defend this
>posts straight story as an example of good lynch
It was literally a pity project he adapted for his wife. Why does Yea Forums insist on continually being so insufferably contrarian? I honestly believe that if you haven't drank three (3) bottles of DXM back to back while watching Lost Highway on a loop you don't really know Lynch.
>gives up being the greatest body horror auteur of all time to make okay mob flicks
Yes, this has to be one of the biggest betrayals in all of cinematic history. On par with Kubrick handing over AI to Spielberg in order to make his last film, "Tom Cruise: Incel". That's a yikes from me.
Pretty much
You're Gay.
very lynchian
The most underrated and overlooked master of cinema of all time just poppin through...
it’s Wojciech Has
The best one? Kubrick. The one I like the most? Lynch. The one with the most mass appeal? Tarantino.The best American director? Neither, that's either Welles or Ford.
that's a child sized leg
Has is very good, Wadja, Lopushansky, Vlacil, Szulkin and a few of Kalatozov’s. I probably missed a few, but those mentioned are worth checking out no doubt.
Tarkovsky is great. Angelopoulos and Tarr are also great.
flick, film, cinema
>*MWAAAHAAs behind them*