ITT: your favourite domestic film

ITT: your favourite domestic film
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Ei ole olemassa yhtään, ei ainutta, ei 0 suurempaa määrää suomalaisia elokuvia joita voisi katsoa saatikka kutsua suosikiksi.

Uusi Tuntematon oli ihan jees.

Tuntematon sotilas > Tuntematon sotilas > Tuntematon sotilas

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Underrated imo.

It's virgin v chad the movie.

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There are literally no good films from the netherlands. It's a shame

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1 värillinen > 2 värillinen = väritön

se seutu missä tän leffan tapahtumat tapahtui on kyll niin saatanan masentavaa seutua (exä asui samalla alueella)

this is now a finnish kino thread

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Moro Jiri

What about the one where the girls get sold into the sex trade when they thought they were gonna be models instead?

Palmu näyttää iha Stalinilta

Absolute legend of a film.

I don't think I know it. Any idea what it's called?

This sounds like La Vie Novelle by Grandrieux

Nah I can't remember, something in dutch but I don't speak dutch so I've forgotten.

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finnish movies have the worst scripts and dialogue

We're all autistic so that explains the embarrassing dialogue. Almost every Finnish film has dialogue on the level of the Star Wars prequels.

And it's because nobody makes a film without state gibs and then you need to make a film pandering to audience and you get the fucking shitshow that is Finnish '''cinema'''

Such a beautiful movie.

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That completely pozzed how essential Christianity was to Tolkien.

>tfw when it took us until the current year to make true kino

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Complete and utter shit. Karukoski is a certified hack who's never done anything resembling good.

It looks like a cheap TV show. Terrible visuals.

It looks fine you fag.
Would have been better on 35mm but what are you gonna do.

>It looks fine you fag.
Maybe if you enjoy the look of shitty student films and soap operas.

>it's not all graded to orange and teal

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What the fuck are you talking about you faggot?
It looks like shit because it was shot on what seem to be the cheapest digital cameras they could find, not to mention the boring shot compositions and embarrassing lighting.

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the only embarrasing thing here are your absolute pleb opinions.

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Sorry that I like films that don't look like they were shot by a retard.

Sorry that you obviously know nothing about craftsmanship. You probably fell for the arthouse meme.

Manta Manta > Manta Der Film

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