Why do girls pretend to like Bill and Teds excellent adventure?

Why do girls pretend to like Bill and Teds excellent adventure?

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This is quite obviously her brother's room, literally no woman would ever own a captain america figurine

who is this semen demon

I want to have sex with a girl so bad bros. I want to be really good at sex too. I want to feel good about myself and capable.

they don't like the movie,
they like keanu

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Same bro. Same.

What's stopping you?

Chris Evans is a snacc user

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just be yourself

women should be kept on farms

Everybody likes Bill and Ted

Genetics make you post on Yea Forums all day?

Don't do this
I just want to know what to do and say to get women to want to fuck me, I could handle the rest from there

What a shitty room, filled to the brim with kid shit
A little is okay but this is just pathetic, if she were a man we'd be mocking her

have sex

It's more like because of them is why I'm here.



Siren Mika


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I think they broke up. She been acting thirst as fuck on twitter

you have got to be fucking kidding me

Don't worry user in the near anarchic future you'll be able to bash his head in and take her as spoils

>I'm literally a million times better looking than this guy
>just be yourself wasnt a meme after all

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imagine how easy life would be if you were a chubby braindead white thot

unironically how?

Have sex

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Her tits really glowed up

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looks like she gained 50lbs

Wat, where is the glow up? Right looks like a downgrade.

What's up with the fascination about this girl, all she has is boobs and not much else ?

attracting a woman is the EASY part

its knowing whether or not shes actually attracted to you and not just being friendly that is hard

I know that feel bro.
Im just not that person who girls like that are attracted to. I even find it amazing when normies manage to get them considering every activity girls like that participate in will have men who will want/try to date em.

Its like a lottery, but i dont even have the ticket.

i know right, playing as a white woman is easy mode thanks to all the complete beta males

>Nobody posting The Architect
baka Yea Forums

Small dick (can never satisfy a woman)
Pretty fucking ugly
Agreeable (beta) personality

Start banging hookers and practicing things with them

If that is an architect project it’s a failed one

Anyone else starting a Mika folder?

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the second two of those matter at all, and the last one is based off of a study of wolves that was later discredited and disavowed by the original author, yet somehow applied to humans by pop psychologists. The first only makes it harder to get a second lay, not the first lay. Finally, the middle one matters somewhat, but unless you're well outside the bellcurve... like WELL outside the bellcurve, you're fine. Most women don't even really know what they find attractive, so default to confidence... not "aplha"... as discussed that's based on a fallacious study... confidence.

hell yes

>trigger discipline
confirmed retarded

>be confident
>ask girl out
>repeat many times
>lose confidence because of all the failures
kinos for this feel?

chads look like THAT?

I wanna put my spic seed into her.

Don’t do this. You’ll feel worse

are you me


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Holy fuck I wanna drink her tit milk.

Real confidence is a fucking lie... it's just a fucking lie we've all agreed to tell each other. You think other people actually like themselves? Fuck no. Most people are self-loathing miserable shits... why do you think modern comedians base their acts off of openly admitting to being self-loathing miserable shits. You lie. Everyone else is lying, except for like 1% of people.

>sister taking sexy pictures in her brother's bedroom

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>Why do girls pretend
To get attention. What a stupid question...

he dosent have folders on his computer named with different women. he dosent have a frog folder. he dosent have a wojack folder. he actually approaches women and talks to them.

Literally Aubrey Plaza circa 2009 with a less droopy face

>nose piercing
>lizard eyes

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and what if I tell you it is possible to do all those thing

>attractive guy does the same
>gets a yes every 3-4 tries
>this is his whole life experience
>for the rest of time he will tell people like us that its a numbers game or that we're not confident, presentable, trying, determined etc.. enough

then you get the girl. obviously. but you guys are too afraid to talk to a girl, let alone delete your frog folders


yeah and none of the body

What's her ass look like?????

I've got a dick outside the bellcurve (4 inches hard)
Also, if you were to put me in a room with 99 other randomly selected guys and we were all getting ranked on physical attractiveness, I'd easily fall in the bottom 20.
I'm not gonna have sex any time soon, and I'm coming to terms with that.

wtf is a glow up you fucking zoomers

The style of makeup the kardashians made popular.

Oh no. She has the slag handle.

the who?

If you haven’t had sex past a certain age you can’t have sex because you’re too afraid and women can smell your virginity

OJs lawyer, he was a prominent crossdresser.

They do?

>n-nee-san, get out i'm trying to study....

So do whatever you can to achieve your goal. Lift first, look like hot shit and approach a lot of girls. By far the easiest way to get a girl.

honestly, I like keanu too, he seems like a really cool guy

come to changed my life

ah him

Become desirable
Make your body attractive
Live a lifestyle that is interesting
If your hobbies revolve around the consumption of media, change that

define lizard eyes

story link?

A bloo bloo. Stop projecting Betanon. Hurr comedians hate themselves so everyone else must do too! Gugg Urr


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You have to be yourself and never be a downer. Be funny. Say whatever's on your mind and never give a single fuck what other people think. Never allow yourself to be distracted by a woman's looks. Once you own the fact she has to earn your attention, women will relentlessly chase you since they are subconsciously programmed to seek a man's approval.

It does work, a little confidence goes a long way. One thing I like to do is disagree with everything a woman says to me. Treating them all like second rate hoes guarantees you pussy.

Treating them like queens gets you permanently friendzoned. I'm a 6/10 at best, yet I have no problem picking up chicks at the weekend. Never let what they say bring you down either; you're a man in his element, never forget that.

And give out the vibes that you're willing to walk away. There's a bus every fifteen minutes.

That's a big action figure

This is bullshit, if I told people what I really think absolutely nobody would like me. Why do you think anyone comes here, because we can say what we actually want to say, and talk about autistic shit that normies don't care about.

for you

Same, now I'm gay.

read the fucking thread

Don't think too much about it

>taking lewd and lascivious photos in her brother's room
God I wish that (brother) were me
>tfw no older sister to bully me and sometimes laugh at my small boner

>people are ugly manlets because they post on Yea Forums
You're a nigger because I hate you

Based future. Finally it's ugly big guy (4u) time

She reminds of Hayley Atwell in op's picture

you wont find help here. find a reputable male therapist.

>orange cap
It's an airsoft gun retard.

What if I had a lot of sex when i was 16-20, but now I'm 30 and haven't been laid in ten years?

I'm not even trying to shit on you whike you're down but you're unfortunately right, if you don't have it in you to be absolutely ruthless you're probably fucked(or not more accurately). I'm 6'2 with a 7x6" penis and weigh 120kg and have a 135 IQ (I know this is a meme, though thought I'd mention it to rule out retardation as a limiting factor). I'm absolutely ruthless and also well liked anywhere I go. I still only ocaasionally bang a fat girl on average every 8 months. I'm ugly though so nothing can really compensate for it.

This is why provided they're not whiny faggots that worship women I'm willing to cut "le ebin incels xd" some slack.

gee, i wonder why this e-girl fell for him...

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you people seem to think that just because she's hot that she's worth it, a hot woman can be a living nightmare to deal with. You'll understand these things if and when you have relationships

wtf guys why my pp hard

why wouldn't women like bill and ted? those are funny movies. is this one of those incel threads?

>we look like a couple here lol
>>a couple of besties

>if I told people what I really think absolutely nobody would like me

There's your problem. You care about what other people think. If you keep this mindset up you'll never be happy. Say and do whatever the fuck you want. Consider it a filter to keep people who are no good for you out of your life.

If your views are controversial, say them anyway. If you have no enemies, you're playing the game of life wrong.

pro tip: women don't care much about your face as long as your are successful (rich or famous).
And women wear ton of makeup which always make them look better that what they really are... so the "but she looks so much better than him" is completely worthless on many level.

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>t. roastie

I don't like hurting peoples feelings. It doesn't feel good.

actually women are evil

How do I get successful(rich or famous)?

Fact: no one gives a modicum of shit about your feelings, so there is no reason for you to be pussified and second-guess everything you say.

>ywn have gallons of her piss in your fridge

>pro tip: women don't care much about your face

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>your face as long as your are successful (rich or famous)
kek this is what facecels actually believe. In reality they're fucking chad on the side while you pay them betabux.

Fuck she's like an alternate reality Daisy Ridley where she's really hot and doesn't have a coke addiction

I want to believe this because I have a terrible face and my life is shit, so it makes sense but how can you explain her boyfriend? Maybe it really isn't that important?

Not even close to true. Maybe random ass people on the street but my friends and family definitely care


>really easy for ~25 years
>no one ever takes you seriously but you can easily get anything you want more or less
>suddenly life gets considerably harder and not as many people want to date you, only want to fuck you
>suddenly no one wants to date or fuck you
>no one gives you things anymore either
I don't know, they're tricked in such a harsh way into thinking the world is so different to how it is

prostitutes come in all shapes and sizes user. If you can get to a point where you pull down six figures, even a low six figures, start hitting up single moms. I know this sounds bad, but I've picked up solid 8/10 ass at the grocery store offering to buy a women a weeks worth of food for her and her kid.
There are 20 something women who need a little help and if you're willing to be mercenary about it then the pussy can be had.

Plenty of chubby thots can still get laid after 25

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It s wrong I m 28 and I fucked for the first time last week.
I also had an 10/10 pyscho 20 years old wanting the dick earlier that year.
Guess I m on the roll of my life

>/out/ is normie board

how surprising

>ugly girl stabs man so no other girl could have him
>"What a fucking psycho bitch! If a man did that he would get executed! We live in a society! Honk honk!"
>cute girl stabs man so no other girl could have him
And then you people cry about liberals and women being hypocrites

Imagine being on a trail in the middle of the wilderness and you see her walking alone ahead of you.

do the needful sirs and provide with sauce pls

lel, this just proves my point. This guy was nothing before becoming the famous "good looking criminal" or whatever.
Of course it's a positive cycle
It's easier to be famous when you are good looking in the first place.

You people seriously need to understand the difference between "fucking of the side" and "being married to".
My point was about the latter

>be talented at something (sports, arts etc..)
>have a well paying job

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Probably betabux. He looks like someone in tech (ie he has money), so she probably used him as a stepping stone to get her ethot career going. As said, they're no longer together.

Met this girl two weeks ago. She is leaving the country soon but she never makes any effort to see me. We saw each other two times.
Am I gonna tell her that if it s like this and I have two or three times to see her again before she leave the country i d rather drop it and I mma find another girl
Do you think this will work ?

If you go to the thread, then you'll see that she's actually a socially inept sperg with an amazing porn body

She cute, i'd let her kill me anytime.

No way

Clean up that room you dirty whore.

>[chair clattering]

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Female worship is the religion of the 2010s. It will get worse next decade.

>he's okay with being a literal cuckold as long as he gets to marry her

She should get blue contacts. Pal big tittied brunettes are supposed to have blue eyes, brown eyes make them look bland.

>socially inept sperg
>wears tight form fitting clothing
>pics that show her boobs and body.
Seems that she knows a lot already.

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Says she has no friends but that could just be to make all the /out/ists drool

are you legit retarded?
Where in my post do I talk about me or what I think is ok or not?
I'm only telling how it is.
Women will marry a "rich" guy and then fuck the poor young chad at their yoga class... but if you go look at her facebook pictures the only thing you'll see are pictures like that

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She's holding on for dear life. She will be morbidly obese in 5 years. This body type has a shelf life of about 3 years.

Shut up tranny

>pro tip: women don't care much about your face as long as your are successful (rich or famous).
Which got backpedaled to
>You people seriously need to understand the difference between "fucking of the side" and "being married to".
jej my dude. Women can never love ugly men.

Cope harder.
Nice trips, though.

Hello fellow incels.

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This is the worst advice I’ve read in a while

>lel, this just proves my point. This guy was nothing before becoming the famous "good looking criminal" or whatever.
He was a jobless felon who got snatched up by some billionairess just for being handsome. Having money will help you get women, but having a handsome face is like playing with a cheat code. Trust me, women care about looks WAY more than we do, and I won't let these dopey broads pretend like they are some deep thinkers who seek out le emotional soulmate. Fuck that nonsense.

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again, are you retarded or something?
>women don't care much about your face as long as your are successful (rich or famous).
where do you see the word "love" in that sentence??? Tell me where?
My whole point was about how can good looking women be in couple with "ugly" men.
It was never about love.

>Women can never love ugly men.
I hope you didn't realise that today...
and pro tip: women are very good at faking love. so good that most rich ugly men don't care about it.

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This. The dude literally became famous because roasties wet themselves when they saw his face.

neck yourself incel

I don't know how somehow at a peak attractiveness could be in the same situation as I am.

I say that out of sorrow. I really like that chubby body type, but it literally only lasts for a few years before she turns into a giant, lumpy marshmallow

Why the fuck a billionairess would give a shit about being with a successful man?
She already has the money so of course she only cares about the face now.

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Why doesn't gookmoot ban mobileposting already


Have sex but also based and I feelthiswaytoopilled

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>He was a jobless felon who
you're saying this as if its a bad thing. No, that makes him MORE attractive to women

bad boy personality>>>>looks

lol this dude is also a manlet which goes against everything you read here about height mattering so much

Same dude
Have faith, we can all make it eventually

>banning most of your ad revenue and google's easiest data harvesting source

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Quit this avatarfagging shit with this waif. Put on a trip if you have to for the argument.

okay who the fuck is this ?

>She already has the money so of course she only cares about the face now.
So if all women were self-reliant and independent, then they would all pick men with handsome faces? I mean, you're only furthering my point.

T. Single Mom

He probably isn't an autistic sperg, attractiveness is like a potential capacity to get women that requires social skills to be fully realized, and if you're good enough you can even get better women than you should be able to. Alternatively just be famous and or wealthy, women are naturally social and like what everyone else likes

Holy shit, I didn't even notice she was holding a gun.

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Why do girls?

Women literally care about faces more than anything else, that's my entire point. People are attempting to rebuttal this with points like:
>dude money
>dude charisma
>dude funny
>dude tall
All of that comes 2nd, 3rd 4th, etc., to handsome faces. Literally nobody can actually refute this because its FACT!!

Her face could be completely busted, shes Muslim.

How come everyone itt is saying only face matters?

I was just in bed posting. I didn’t do the mobile posting ban evade shit. I am using my regular WiFi and would have posted on my computer if I wasn’t in bed. I thought I would be banned and thread deleted by now.

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I only do it because this thread should have been deleted a long time ago already.

>So if all women were self-reliant and independent, then they would all pick men with handsome faces?
The richest women will do that yes
The less rich and greety ones will use the strategy they have used for thousand of years... "fake being in love with the ugly rich guy"

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That's all
Have sex if you can

Holy shit, that shitstorm in the comments section of that post is hilarious.

Based ssppiiddeeyy

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yeah, it's not like there's a word to describe a women who marry a guy for his money or anything.. oh wait.

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Never hurt the feelings of people you care about, sure, that's the mark of a man with integrity. Treat everyone else with indifference.

Call her and ask, 'when are you free to meet up?' If she gives you a half-assed response then make it clear you will start seeing other people. The phone should be used for only arranging meet ups and not for texting. Give her the impression you have a lot going on too.

If she's not gonna make effort to see you, why would you waste your time with such a woman? You want a woman who wants to spend time with you.

Another thing; don't end things on a sour note. Just be cool about it, like a 'it's no big deal, best of luck to you in the future'. Women being the emotional creatures they are will appreciate that, and you never know, she might actually want to see you then. Don't insult her or be dry about it because that's weak and needy.

Don't mention other women, IMPLY it. Implications go a long way with women.

>Call her
when you call her, ask that little tramp "what's up?"
And if she hesitates, nigga hang up

Thanks Mark. I love your books btw

Literally all you have to do is make a girl laugh.

Ever wonder why the “show me your smile” line triggers women so much? It’s because they’re joyless cunts that can’t even pretend to not be a bitch. If you can make her actually feel happy or make her laugh, you’re in. Then you have to keep that going for a bit, then switch gears. Be coy about your attraction to her. Don’t be rude, don’t be a dick, just be coy. Don’t act thirsty, don’t get ahead of yourself, don’t rush. Just be interested without stating it. She will be wondering if you’re really into her or whatever and the moment she finds herself thinking about you when you’re not around, grats.

Whatever you do, don’t be yourself. Take a fucking shower, get a haircut, if you have a pubic beard, shave that shit, cut your finger/toe nails, brush your goddamn teeth, and under no circumstance whatsoever, DO NOT wear anything that references cartoons, anime, tv shows or nerd culture. No matter how obscure you think it is. Trust me.

i hate women

>Ever wonder why the “show me your smile” line triggers women so much? It’s because they’re joyless cunts that can’t even pretend to not be a bitch.
So that's why "have sex" triggers Yea Forums so much.


Why do you think money was invented?

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So that’s why the Night of Long Knives happened.

I miss when Yea Forums was self aware and bitter instead of just bitter

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worry about getting in great shape and earning + maintaining a career that you're proud of. Sex will feel hollow after the first or second time otherwise.

I was in your shoes about 4 years ago, then I got into really good shape, however I worked as a waiter. There were plenty of girls interested in me, but they were all really dumb. Every time I had sex it was like I was playing russian roulette on putting a baby in an idiot who would raise it poorly; someone who would whine about not finding a babysitter so she can go drinking with her friends on friday nights and have 'fun' instead of engaging with the responsibility of being a mother.

All I wanted was meaningless sex with QTs and now that it's on the table, it tastes like food that's gone off.

Tldr; the only satisfying things in life are physical, economical and familial success. Sexuality is only a means to validate those ends.