Why is this show so popular?

Why is this show so popular?

Joe Rogan isn't really funny. Yes, he kills it on stage but he doesn't have the aptitude for wisecracks or quick ones on his own show and, while decent at interviewing, can flounder in his own segues.

Joe rogan can't hold his own intellectually against any of the smart guys he can bring on the show either. I'm not expecting much of a broadcast personality but if you aren't funny then...

I suppose he is a famous meathead that delves into iconoclastic topics without covering his own ass first though

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Other urls found in this thread:


because he lets the guys talk instead of acting like an arrogant dick and cutting them off or commandeering the conversation

the bar is that low for talk show faggots

>kills it on stage

>because he lets the guys talk instead of acting like an arrogant dick and cutting them off
lol what, do you even watch this show? He might be the worst interviewer ever

its for fratboy types who want to seem cultured but dont really care

his selection of guests acts as a positive feedback loop for his podcast

Joe isn't the conduit for this, he's merely a fortunate passenger.

yea its really fucking painful reading the comment sections under his videos.
Its strange now that he is so popular he gets some guests that are not a good fit. Seeing him try to interview that british physicists who talked about consciousness, forget his name, he was so god damn out of his depth it was cringey

Yeah that bar is set pretty low.

Being funny on interviews is more about digging out information then setting them up for a spike once in a while or getting off a solid, clean line on some past drama. Don't see Rogan really doing that though.

I dunno but this clip was pretty funny when I first saw it years ago. I didn't know or connect him to that podcast Joe Rogan then

when he was still able to stream live, I used to play a game.
>see a live podcast pop up in my sub feed
>click on it
>if the guest is talking, watch
>if Joe is talking, turn it off
I didn't watch many podcasts live

he doesnt pretend to know what they guy is talking about, he frequently calls himself an idiot. he plays the role of a layperson who is just interested in the ideas and wants to learn, which is much more likeable than pretending you know everything

It's worse than just being self-effacing, though, not only can he not always follow what's being said but he often thinks he can/doesn't notice he can't

>scientist explains a thing [X] to Joe
>Joe: minutes later: so what about that thing [X]?
>Joe didn't catch that he was just talking about that exact thing maybe in different words
>scientist politely describes thing [X] for Joe a second time

just because you got it doesn't mean everyone else will. he's not the brightest and neither was his initial fanbase (which was shared with the likes of dane cook and mencia) and this way of interviewing helped. go watch his first interview with neil degrasse tyson and compare it to the interview you're reffering too. you can see he's gotten a lot more knowledgable and logically minded but he's still low iq and maybe a little pnch drunk

>Yes, he kills it on stage

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>kills it on stage
>fuckin' rights he does

Yup, the podcast industrial complex. He was best when he was sticking to the subjects he was interested in and knew about like conspiracies, drugs, mma and comedy. Nowadays he's so mainstream that he can just shit out a podcast on a subject he knows nothing about and pretend like the "conversation" is worth listening to just because he keeps calling things fascinating.
And his comedian guest eps are complete useless filler where he jerks them off for 2 hours, the only eps worth listening to now are the Fight Companions as a freindship simulator


the show is carried by his interesting/funny guests. he just sits there and helps to guide the conversation along by saying things like ah and hmm and occasionally asking a question. this is the traditional format... the interviewer is not really there to offer anything of their own, just to get the most out of the interviewee

also bring back eddie what the fuck

If all you watch is YouTube, you'll miss all the comedians that bomb. Sure, he probably would've spent most of his career working out of Chuckle Huts if he wasn't famous but I'll give him the credit of working a bit he wrote on stage

yeah he's really not funny at all but he's a great talker and a pretty real dude. He does discussions well.
I listen to him because of the guests he has on

he's come a long fucking way
episode #1

Friend simulator. Also all of his guests are put there by their publicists, it's not Joe thinking something is cool and inviting someone

t. babbys first podcast


Roger Penrose. And I think the reason Joe is popular is because:
1) He gets a lot of good guests
2) he's confident and above average in intelligence and charisma, even if he's not outstanding
3) holds a lot of heterodox views, compared to the norm, but not far out enough to alienate normies

But mostly it's #1 I think.

Joe by himself is absolutely horrible. But he does attract interesting people.

Alex Jones has always been very interesting, and I really got into him back in the early 00s when it was his internet stream and he used a projector to show the documents. But really his explosion into popular culture came after he started doing b list celebrity interviews. I always cite the first Billy Corgan interview, but i am biased. But anyway, Joe is just trying to copy Alex in a more kosher way. And that's great except for the fact that Alex motherfucking Jones has big dick energy.

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>I listen to him because of the guests he has on
But the guests that are worth listening to end up coming on and either speak over his head or have to dumb down what theyre saying to the point where its not worth it and all he has to offer is "thats fascinating". Most times if he has a guest on thats worth watching youre better off seeing if Tim Ferris already had them on and then if its a health related guest seeing if Rhonda Patrick or Peter Attia spoke to them

Hes branched out from mma, drugs, conspiracies and comedy and weakened the quality as a result

Alex was a kook nobody at the time. Rogan was inspired by Anthony Cumia's basement podcasts to start his own static set video show.

Joe's a likable guy and a manly man which is rare now days.
He has interesting guests and he lets them speak. I bought a lot of books just from the guests.
I like Joe but I listen for the guests

he has like three pet issues that he'll argue endlessly for no matter what, otherwise he just let's the guest convince him that they're mostly right.

Rogan only "kills" when his audience is filled with fanboys. Schaub also gets laughs when he has his fanboy audience. Still not good comedians.

Your literally buying into the AJ propoganda that ass holes have been saying here since 2013. You do know he broke everything snowden said 4 years earlier with Edward Binney?

I don't care about Alex, lol. I'm just re-stating that he had zero influence on Rogan setting up his podcast

>"Yo, user! Hop in, dude"

What do you do, /schaub/

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But your statement is fundamentally wrong. Alex was a giant deal at the time.

I think it's

1. AI is going to kill us all
2. There is literally nothing wrong with killing and eating animals
3. ???

Alex did not influence Rogan at all until after Trump became president. Capiche?

>Yes, he kills it on stage
Bait this weak.

Regardless of what you think about Alex Jones, he's entertaining as fuck. Him and Joe strike up some magic, then you throw Eddie in. It's entertainment and he does it well.
Alex Jones returns is the most kino podcast I've ever heard and I always though Alex was a nut (still do)

>kills it on stage
>joe rogan

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>ywn be invited to be a guest on JRE.

Just kill me alreaey

A lot of the comics in the rogan/O&A/Stern world are floated by fans. That's why they go on those shows, to sell tickets. The only one who didn't need to was Stanhope, he just does them because he likes to.

>kills it on stage

>Why is this show so popular?
He's associated with UFC and has lots of alt-right tools on his show. It should be obvious.

Of all I wrote I don't understand why this is contentious. Your opinion of him doesn't matter... Dane Cook used to kill too. He's famous and can write a routine. Show me one recent example of Rogan bombing. i'll wait

He's been a TV personality for over 20 years and has everyone on his show, left and right and doesn't have much political bias other than not liking Trump.
You feel the way you do because you're a genuine faggot

He never detects when he's being used by somebody to clean up their image.

It's one thing to let them get away with it, but when he actually concurs with tards like Ben Shapiro that 'see you're a really nice, reasonable guy! all this hate is so unfair!' you can only pit him for being so easily manipulated.

podcast elitism must be the most pathetic kind of elitism there is

maybe that's the reason he's popular?
He doesn't polarize on anything like a modern faggot. He give everyone a chance to say their shit and is only their to coax it out of them

>Sure, he kills it on stage

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He acts confident even though he's a brainlet.
People are drawn to people who exude confidence even if they are retarded. That's how all these scammers operate by pretending to know shit.

why are you even here? Go shitpost on reddit about muh alt-right trump, you goofy politically dichotomous tranny.

Cause he's a real dude

Didn't even write that so don't pretend to quote while missing the disqualifier

He doesn't coax it out though. It's good to 'let people say their shit' but what if the shit they are saying is completely disingenuous? Alex Jones used him in the same way that he uses every interview, to play the role of a cartoon character and be completely unchallenged.

Shapiro used it to portray himself as a misunderstood good goy with no ill intentions who has no beef with anybody as long as they leave him alone.

If he were a better interviewer he'd research his guest before hand and call them out when they're bullshitting. Instead he falls for it and so long as they say what they say with sincerity he completely takes them at their word.

3. Everyone should smoke marijuana and it is nothing but beneficial.

You can completely agree with everything Shapiro thinks and says, I don't give a shit at all. But at least own what you think dipshit, and don't try to present a more sanitised version of yourself so that you can get booked on CNN.

>invite expert guest
>start a minute long monologue about something you don't know shit and don't engage the guest

I get the impression that Rogan as a person just doesn't like conflict at all. he just wants to be friends with everybody or something

>Does he kill it on stage? Sure

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I get the impression that his overall life philosophy is 'everyone should get along' which is fairly admirable, but then that gets tested when you have complete pieces of shit as your guests and you try to advance a 'let's just get along with this complete piece of shit he's a good guy really' message.

>a media personality is trying to make themselves more palatable in media.

What the fuck do you expect Shapiro to say? Something that you can REALLY get upset about? And is it really that hard for you to imagine that a bro like Joe would like a guy like Shapiro?

like when he has on cenk uguyr or something, I see what you mean

You do realize that Alex and Joe are good irl friends right? They've been friends since back when Alex was protesting Bush (yeah that's right)
You're just angry that someone popular is giving censored people a platform to explain their situation.
Joe isn't polarized and people appreciate that.
That's why he's so popular.
The only people that hate him are far left dipshits and tranny's

What relevance is it if they're friends or not? Surely that actually makes it worse? There is plenty of footage of Alex Jones behind the scenes to say conclusively that he 100% puts on an act when he has a camera on him and isn't really like that at all IRL.

To let him do that on your show and not say a single word to challenge him on the complete river of bullshit that you know full well he doesn't actually believe makes you a shitty interviewer.

>complete pieces of shit as your guests
I probably would disagree with you about their being complete pieces of shit. Even a lot of people I really dont like I realize arent actually psychopaths or something, they just dont agree with me. Majority of people act like dicks at times

There are two things that could be different:

1) Shapiro could stop worrying about his prime time TV guest spots and actually say what he really believes, rather than bullshitting.

2) Rogan could challenge him on what he says he really believes, and it would make for a more interesting show.

Not that hard.

Just imagine: people you don't like are enjoying professional success right now as you shitpost on Yea Forums. Have sex

I've had sex unlike your virgin ass lmao

Yes exactly, Cenk should not be allowed to sit in an interview for more than an hour without having to justify being such a disingenuous dipshit so often. But he's allowed to present himself as rational and reasonable because Rogan doesn't bother.

Its cause they don't do a formal interview. Its interesting seeing interesting people just chew the fat openly. Also they go quite deep into ideas, not in a faggoty way but a stoned thinking deeply way.

Didn't say either were psychopaths, they're just fundamentally dishonest snakeoil peddlers who have made a career out of saying things that they don't actually believe.

Shapiro's 'views' have become more and more sanitised as he's given more and more cable tv guest spots. His 'list of things that I shouldn't have said' is laughable, and he uses it as a crutch in every interview where he gets challenged and then usually cries "LEFTIST!" and pussies out, like he did with Andrew Neil.

you obviously haven't even seen the episode in question

He gets interesting guests on and doesn’t insert political narratives or pander to liberal audiences at all.

That said the more he talks the less i like him. When he percieves a guest as dull he talks about himself instead like the Rich Benoit interview he turned into comedian talk instead. I was enjoying it much better before.

I really dont like shapiro but I dont think he's actually just lying completely.

Literally all it's saying is mainstream competing talk shows have become so absolutely faggot shit that Joe Rogan's nonsense seems great in comparison. That's really it.

>Yes, he kills it on stage

If Joe Rogan is above average intelligence then I must be a bonified genius

because he runs a right wing talk show behind the disguise of black people mugshots and weed

Oh get fucked. Rogan holds his hand through his Sandy Hook apology and lets him completely off the hook for it as he parrots the same defense he gave in his lawsuit defense - psychosis from so many news stories, even though he made most of them up himself - and he then proceeds to spew his usual hore shit, demonstrating no lessons learned whatsoever, about pedophiles and tainted water and the deep state and every other batshit theory he pretends that he believes.

Weird, I feel the opposite way. Didn't like his stand-up much but like to watch the podcast occasionally.

No I think he does genuinely believe most of what he says he does, but his 'I just want to be left alone I'm actually super reasonable' shtick is the dishonest part. He's absolutely up in everybody's shit when they're doing something he doesn't like.

"I have never, ever said anything racist and all this hate I get is completely unfair" is also blatantly, verifiably bullshit.

Don't care about Rogan's stand up. I don't care if he can hold is own against his guests intellectually either. I would prefer it if the guests were more intelligent because that's where the interesting information comes from. He's appealing because he has a wide variety of guests so you can always find a guest you're interested in. He also doesn't push his own narrative like so many other podcasts do. Many podcasts only have guests who they agree with and that's just biased and boring. When they do that you only ever hear the same things over and over again, the things that the hosts already believe. That gets dull really quickly.

I'm still interested to know why every school shooting in the last 30 years has public photographic evidence that they occurred with the exception of Sandy Hoax, and then the entire school was bulldozed under National Guard armed guard.

Yea because pedophiles, flint Michigan, and lifelong beurocrats don't exist.

He said that people had presented 'anomalies' about sandy hook, but these had turned out to not be true so he changed his mind. That's not really that unreasonable.

>peanuts grow in the ground? Jamie, look that up

The problem with Joe Rogan is that he can have Cenk Uygur and Ben Shapiro on the same show and make both of them look like completely reasonable, intellectually honest people.

Kek do you watch the show? Or do you just look at twitter he highlights? He's literally a better interviewer than any other podcast host. Name a podcast host better at interviews than him, please. He's no Howard Stern, but he's way better than any other podcaster.

why is he so goddamn tan? looks like he's wearing blackface

>Sandy Hoax
>he genuinely believes Democrats successfully murdered scores of young children for political purposes and nobody has any proof
>murdering all of the children accomplished absolutely nothing in terms of gun control
>he actually thinks that happened

There is an ocean of difference between pedophiles existing and being a protected class of organised subversives funded by hillary clinton.

There is an ocean of difference between incompetence fucking up the water in Flint and the government deliberately poisoning it to turn you gay and advance a gay lifestyle.

But the fact that you would defend literally anything that retard has to say means you're already beyond hope.

Adam Conover made him look like an intellectual giant but I agree, he's just a typical stoner.
Listening to him talk with Lawrence Kraus about gauge symmetry was cringe inducing yet he rocked it with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
He's inquisitive and interested in things.
You can't argue that he doesn't appeal to normies.

>accomplished absolutely nothing
They fell only 4 votes short of banning private sales nationwide and 12 votes short of a new federal Assault Weapons Ban. It was a lot closer than you portray.

And I'm still wondering why these crime scene photos are under heavier lock and key than JFK getting dome'd

Maybe they took the kids to their pizza basements

>Yes, he kills it on stage

kill yourself

>40 kids murdered
>send one ambulance

>It's a Joe talks about Porsches for two straight hours episode

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>Yes, he kills it on stage
How can you be so completely wrong in every way

>...a cosmic iconoclast,

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I'm the one you're replying to and yeah I agree Joe gave him a massive opportunity to backpedal on Sandy Hook insight of a lawsuit.
I saw this as a bro favour. Joe let him say his shit on that but he still probed him on everything else

>just doesn't like conflict at all
That's probably why he competed in martial arts and commentates UFC fights.

It's at its worst in the Schaub episodes because Schaub has literally no substance other than "bro I just bought this thing it was dooooooooooope"

It's not my fault it has pretty much every hallmark of other successful false flags that disarmed entire nations such as Port Arthur. Suspicious police response, wholly inadequate EMT service showing up with nearby township EMTs being refused to be allowed to assist when they showed up, police raids on the house next to the school. It's all incredibly, cosmically coincidental.

Why is it so incredible to you that the government wouldn't publish photos of the dead bodies of young children?

Do you really not see the difference?

Because they had no problem doing it for Columbine and Virginia Tech?

>imagine being this autistic

They were 7

What's the issue? That rules out so much as a photograph of bullet holes in the walls of the building they demolished under armed guard? I killed four under 12 year olds during Desert Storm, it's really nothing special

It's your fault you're absolutely retarded though.

Because nobody in the government ever considers that they'd better publish a few photos of bullet holes in the walls just in case an autist on the internet thinks the whole thing didn't really happen.

So you 100% accept what the government of Australia says happened in Port Arthur as fact? That a legally diagnosed mentally retarded man with no prior experience with firearms managed to kill 35 people with Gold Star IPSC level accuracy in record time?

>because he lets the guys talk

except literally 90% of the time he interrupts and brings up his own bullshit to look smart

I love it when he gets mad at Jamie Metzel for not being interested in drugs lmao. He SUCKS at interviews.

>Gold Star level of accuracy

The people he successfully killed were sat inside a very busy and very small cafe. He also killed people who were crouching in the corner of a gift shop. His final victims were hiding inside a bus. They were all very small spaces and the majority of his victims were killed at close or point blank range.

He also fired at multiple people who ran from the scene, and missed all of them.

There is no cure for being as dumb as you are.

He,s so fucking tiny

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I thought Australians were mad cunts. Why didn't anyone stop him?

Uhuh. So why has that never been recreated in the USA with almost 50% of the entire world's supply of firearms spread amongst its population?

50 people died in an Orlando nightclub and even more died in Vegas.

>inb4 they too are false flags

>he rocked it with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Black Science Guy deals with intellects at the comic book level

>Gold Star level accuracy
>here is an obvious explanation of why that argument is retarded

No, you need to do better than that you mong. Either stand by your beliefs or shut the fuck up.

I do stand by my belief. Average intelligence people don't know how to use firearms effectively on first attempt. The fact that a mentally retarded man killed 35 people on a random first attempt is beyond belief. It's not what happened.

I'm not even getting into the fact that Port Arthur for some coincidental reason had a about a dozen Morgue trucks in the area despite the usual fleet for the resident population being 2.

yup, there wasn't really anywhere for people to run and in non american counties people go into shock when shootings happen, it's a surreal event that people aren't used to.
It's also not very hard to use an AR15. Having owned and used several at the range I couldn't imagine it would be hard at all

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>it's a false flag to disarm us!
>but why do they want to disarm you?
>so they can oppress us!
>but they only have 4 year terms? They're never going to disarm the entire country in that time
>No they're disarming us so that a future person can oppress us!
>But the next dude was from the opposite, gun-loving party?
>It'll be the guy after that!
>Why do they need to disarm you to oppress you when they have the biggest military in the world and the most militarised police force in the world?
>Because the army will turn on them and join us against them!

Fuck me conspiracists are like a 200lbs weight around the neck of the progress of the world.

>actually arguing there aren't politicians attempting to disarm the American populace
okay dude

>It's an assault rifle
>all you have to do is load it and pull the trigger
>he killed everybody in very close proximity, several with the rifle actually touching them, and missed everyone who was any meaningful distance away

Half the shit you believe is factually untrue, you could just readily look it up if you weren't so retarded.

There weren't a dozen trucks. There was one truck, but it had space for 20 bodies. When the government bought it, it was in the papers and everyone laughed at how stupid it was. It then became sad, because later it turned out that the morgue truck ridiculed for being too big ended up not being big enough for what happened.

Conspiracy retards then say 'THIS IS PROOF THAT IT WAS PLANNED ALL ALONG!'

Yes, the conspiracy that murdered 35 people thought it would be a good idea to buy the truck to transport all the bodies in advance and readily put its purchase on display for all to see.

The only issues that seem to set him off are weed and trans athletes, he doesn't really have a strong opinion on anything else. I bet you could sit Rogan down and in an hour convince him that the Roman Empire under Augustus is a viable model for modern government, as long as you made sure to mention that weed would totally be legal bro

There are politicians trying to remove weapons commonly used in mass shootings in order to reduce the death tolls of mass shootings.

That's about it. There is no other practical reason nor justification for the government to disarm absolutely everyone.

>inb4 muh slippery slope

Even if they took every last gun from every last person in America tomorrow, you are no better equipped to rise up against 'tyranny' than you were before you unstoppable dipshit.

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>It's an assault rifle
It was an AR-15. AR-15's are not assault rifles.

You're gonna have to use some words to make a coherent point there chief.


Virginia Tech remains the deadliest school shooting in US history and it was committed with a police issued Glock 19 and a cheapo 22lr pistol, neither of which are "assault weapons" nor ever the subject of gun control advocate ire.

It's a semi-automatic rifle then. Congrats, you fundamentally changed everything.

>MYTH: Criminals don't follow the law
Thanks, (((Schumer)))

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most criminals follow most laws. It's not such a crazy statement. If criminals or psychos can get guns lawfully, it means that they can probably get them easier than otherwise and there's a lower threshold to commit crime with them.

Sure, and you could make a reasonable point that banning AR-15s wont do anything to meaningfully stop mass shootings. It doesn't change the fact that that is the hope, and there is no underlying agenda to 'disarm us so they can oppress us' horse shit.

I've owned a few so I'm not an anti gun cuck and I know AR stands for 'automatic rifle' and not 'assault rifle' but lets not pretend these aren't just consumer versions of milspec weapons that are used in combat because that's exactly what they are

>Joe Rogan is a professional stand-up comedian
Any other kinos with such improbable facts of life?

>I've owned a few so I'm not an anti gun cuck and I know AR stands for 'automatic rifle'
This is bait.

>and I know AR stands for 'automatic rifle'
It Stands for Armalite Rifle, the company to first patent Eugene Stoner's designs you fucking faggot

>t doesn't change the fact that that is the hope
It doesn't change the fact that the 2nd Amendment exists and I will fucking kill you if you try to take so much as an empty brass casing from me

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most criminals (read: niggers) buy their guns illegally on the street. you think demarcus and lashawn are the kind of guys to drop $600 each on a new glock at their local gun shop? get serious

>claim to care so much about your constitutional rights you'll literally murder people about it
>allow the chief executive to shit all over the constitution
You're a hypocritical faggot is what you are.

US cops kill hundreds of black kids every year even with your 2nd amendment.

If anyone says anything bad about TRT he endlessly argues also.

You've deluded yourself

>b-but muh innocent black children!
opinion discarded

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yeah I actually own one

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Reporting as stolen to the ATF now

Have an original thought maybe.

lol this nigga posting from his cuckshed.

Yeah, fine. Love your guns. I don't give a shit. You cant even comprehend the basic thread of the argument you're having.

I don't give a shit if you're pro-gun or anti-gun. The point is that the people who want to regulate them have pretty simple, honest motivations even if you think it wont solve the problem, rather than an evil cabal of people trying to disarm you so they can launch a tyrannical takeover of the country.

it's already been handed in, I'm from NZ, this one was unfired

rent free. not an argument

And I want Islam banned from practice but we all have to contend with the United States Constitution. Once again, catch a bullet with your "if it saves one life" jargon.

What point do you really think you're making with those headlines? That the fucking military, with actual assault rifles and ATVs and tanks, would not be able to kill people if only the people still had guns?

If anything it'd give them more license to massacre people if you can say they were armed. When they're unarmed civilians you have to be fucking careful how many you kill before people start calling it a war crime.

>the people who want to regulate them have pretty simple, honest motivations
yeah; theft, dominance and control. fuck yourself tyranny apologist

>he kills it on stage

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>literally says ARMALITE on the lower
Again, you're baiting but that's an extra touch I've never seen before.

>hat the fucking military, with actual assault rifles and ATVs and tanks, would not be able to kill people if only the people still had guns?
they had a bad time in vietnam didnt they

>pretty much every hallmark of other successful false flags that disarmed entire nations such as Port Arthur.
What does the Russo-Japanese War have to do with this?

>Elon musk
>”so...so do you think flying cars are possible?”
>”um....yes not practical though”
>proceeds to tell every guest after Elon that Elon musk is the smartest man he’s ever met in his life

Why would the rutheless elite hoax something like this and not just send osme brainwashed incel in there and do it for real. Much less risk and they don't give a fuck anyways.

>If anything it'd give them more license to massacre people if you can say they were armed
>"it's ok for the state to kill its own citizens if they're armed"
holy shit

White people are far more likely to live in suburbs or middle class areas than blacks. Of course they don't end up shooting at police as much.

Blacks are disproportionately poor. They are disproportionately in public housing and mostly in the lowest income areas with the highest rates of crime.

Or, if you're a retarded, they are black and the pigmentation of their skin gives them a genetic proclivity to shoot at police.

>the "they have fighter jets so just hand in your guns you lose every time" argument.
Every day. You fags grow like weeds with this dumb shit argument.

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>b-but poverty!
go away niggerlover

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I'm not him but holy fuck how can you still not get his point, I mean jesus fucking christ.

>move in to Detroit
>gentrification get fucked whitey
>move out of Detroit
>white flight fleeing due to racism get fucked whitey

Somehow I think it would be easier to for the military to secure suburbs in its own country than jungles in a country thousands of miles away.

The vietnamese were armed by China with AK-47s, tanks, trucks, jeeps, artillery and anti-aircraft batteries.

Try again faggot.

I can only feel genuinely bad for you that your IQ is so low that that is what you comprehend that post to be saying.

There is nothing that can be done for you.

No, I cannot "get his point". Yearly firearm homicides, of which 92% are committed with handguns and not "assault rifles" or even semi automatic rifles, pale in comparison to any other number of cause of deaths you can possibly imagine. But rather than understand that they, and presumably you, want hundreds of millions of firearms turned in under penalty of prison and death by cop and surrender a right fought for successively for hundreds of years.

The first two are from the entire country, the third is from only two specific races which are - to reiterate - far more common to live in poverty and be in urban housing in large cities where crime is much more common.

So you are basically comparing poverty across the country - including trailer parks and shithole states where everyone is dirt poor - to the situation in inner city ghettos which is obviously different.

>muh graphs

Just. Need. Mo. Money. Fo. Dem. Programs.

i have nothing but contempt for you. i hope to get the opportunity to kill people like you in the near future

Again - HOLY SHIT you are fucking dumb.

yeah, you said that already. stop posting niggerlover

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Fuck me you dipshit I'm pro-gun and even I think you're a retard.

No you just need a firm policy against ghettoisation which distributes public housing across a larger area and doesn't condense it into tightly packed areas where drug addiction and the crime associated with it are so easily spread.

Are you still LARPing as the NZer who turned in his guns to Sharia Enforcer Jacinda or have you changed into a new alter ego who is also a "pro gunner" with a "but...."?

>I'm pro-gun

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Or poor people could stop being pieces of shit. Just because you put a bunch of poor people together shouldn't cause a new phenomenon

How you are still under the impression that he is arguing in favor of gun control is genuinely quite staggering.

There are far more white people than black people, therefore it is a simple statistical reality that any given crime involving a black person is far more likely to affect a non-black person as there are far more non-black people for them to affect.

The graph presents this as 'racial violence' when in actual fact the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are robbery or drug related.

>muh graphs

I am. I don't think AR-15s should be banned and I think the NRA is consistently mischaracterised as an evil organisation when they're actually just liberatarians which is a perfectly acceptable political position even if you don't agree with it.

But I have the basic fucking reading comprehension to see that he's arguing against conspiracy theories and not arguing against gun ownership you dumb fucking cunt.

Yeah but that's not a very intelligent piece of public policy is it dipshit? It's true all over the world that when you pack people living in poverty into the smallest possible place crime becomes rife.

Stop doing that shit and you'll have less of a problem.

Just start executing them. Behave or die. It's really that simple.

>yes, he kills it on stage

you think gungrabbers have "pretty simple, honest motivations." that makes you an idiot at best and a traitor at worst. stop posting

Sure you could do that or you could just change zoning laws to more evenly distribute public housing and reverse the 1970s policy of ghettoisation.

But sure yeah, execution is more reasonable.

Can someone make a graph of ultra right-wing views vs basic english reading comprehension?

This thread is a fucking gold mine.

I'm not interested in having people who chose to be poor suddenly rewarded for being poor by being plopped in the middle of wealthy neighborhoods who have worked hard and paid into the system to have excellent public services and schools.

or blacks could just behave, like everyone else manages to do

No that was his position you dumb cunt, but congratulations on taking 15+ posts to finally register the basic point of the person you were trying to argue with.

He's oddly charming. He can get guests to talk for an unreasonably long amount of time, has enough control of his ego that aside from three subjects he'd willingly back off at any moment and at least assuage the guests ego.

It doesn't seem like a lot but it works because you're not going to find someone capable of both.

>ultra right-wing views

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it's yours too. be honest

>chose to be poor

In 1970 the official federal policy was to segregate blacks away from whites as best as possible by cramming them into public housing tower blocks that were designed to fit as many people in as was physically possible.

As you know, the 1970s were less than a decade after the Civil Rights Act and blacks were only just being allowed to vote. The black unemployment rate was vastly higher than the white unemployment rate and they vastly more likely to live in poverty than whites were.

Now given that this is just 40 years ago, it's literally 1 generation from now. If you aren't a complete retard, you can see the argument to be made that 'ghettoisation' was a bad policy that has created a cycle of poverty that very few people ever get out of. This is true for white people who live in public housing just as much as black - the difference is that far more black people live in ghettos than white people.

You could reverse that policy and take meaningful steps to undo what was a very bad idea, or you can say 'LOL YOU CHOSE TO BE POOR!' and be a very low IQ individual.

No I literally believe the exact opposite, I'm more or less completely on your side but willing to put that to one side to acknowledge what a fucking moron you are.

I have never met a poverty striken man or woman that didn't also involve in drugs, irresponsible pregnancy, or gambling/alcohol abuse. All of those are choices. They chose them. So they can rot away from my sight.

zomg ultra right wing literally Hitler up in here

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Not an argument. You have to admit that just a cursory glance through this thread there is a direct correlation between gun-loving and being laughably terrible at basic reading.

seriously, go back

Those things come hand in hand with living in that environment. You're putting the cart before the horse.

If you grow up with no school, no job, no money and no hope of course you're far more likely to turn to drugs - especially when your neighbourhood is an open air drug market that the police don't bother with. Again, this is true of every ghetto in the world, it's hardly a unique and difficult to understand phenomenon.

You're also far more likely to turn to prostitution as a viable means of earning any money or selling drugs. It's a vicious cycle that's only broken by reversing the original policy of ghettoisation before which these issues did not exist.

>If you grow up with no school
Which district are we building public housing in that lacks any sort of public education infrastructure? I'd love to know.

You can love Hitler all you want friends, please don't think I'm ridiculing your beliefs. Only your obvious, verifiably laughable levels of intelligence.

Because of Alex Jones promoting him.

You can tell he is low IQ by the way he responds to guests who talk about something complex. Instead of interviewing this guy mostly reiterates or asks questions just so he can understand what they are talking about when they are actually already explaining it in simple terms. He also just agrees mostly with every guest even if it conflicts with another one he previously had. Normally as a host you are supposed to prepare for the topic that the guests are going to talk about but he doesn't seem to do any of that. Some of the guests he has are interesting though and he lets them do their thing which is good I guess.

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holy fuck you sound like a huge up yourself douche

Why do any of you pretend he's high IQ in any way when he regularly goes out of his way to point out how stupid he is?

have sex

the reason i watch him (sometimes) is because of his guests/subject matter. joe rogan himself is quite a bland interviewer, but the topics he covers can be interesting

your "poverty!" mantra has been debunked ad nauseum. go away

Joe Rogan is a gateway to the alt-right.

>Joe Rogan is a gateway to the alt-right.

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Whats so interesting about you that people would listen for three hours

Far right people will berate Rogan anytime a leftist is on for even entertaining their viewpoints. The YouTube comment section is a cesspool of "Joe is /ourguy/, fuck lefties" or "Joe's a leftist asshole who doesn't know anything"

There's far worse shit out there. I tried to watch Marc Maron's podcast when it was first getting big and he's the most self-centered faggot in the world.

>comedian telling a story about the industry
>"Okay let me tell you this 40 minute story about how this relates to me"

Rogan may be a meathead dumbo, but at least it gets semi-interesting when he has the right guest.

Not an argument.

>when you're so dumb that people who merely possess grade level reading comprehension skills are considered uppity elitists

>poverty and crime aren't linked because my alternative news website says so

>i hate data
yeah we know

Show me any photos of the victims of those shootings besides the perpetrators. You can't.

All you have proved with this post is that most politicans don't know shit about firearms

It's incredibly obviously cherry picked data though isn't it dipshit? The whole page is an exercise in making sweeping judgments based on loose correlations, mostly of statistics from the 1980s.

If you actually want to believe that skin pigmentation gives someone a proclivity towards crime then go for it, I don't give a shit.

Because he's a white man (I hate the patriarchy just as much as you do)

it's a show for alt-right chuds to think they aren't demented dregs of society.

It's really not possible to make those connections based on the history of the USA though. It's such a massive variable that it cannot be accounted for. When you have slavery, segregation and Jim Crow as recently as America did that obviously lead to a set of conditions within which it is going to take an incredibly long time to rebalance.

Ugh I hate alt right white male patriarchy.

Elvis Mitchell is a far better interviewer than Joe Rogan.

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>race = skin pigmentation

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>slavery, segregation and Jim Crow
all things that helped blacks, and whose abolition has hurt blacks

Contrarians hate the number 1 podcast on the internet. More at 11.

>people dislike Joe Rogan
>the literal only popular podcaster out there that stays true to who he is at all times and does not let his fame get through to his head
>calmly dismantles a lot of stupid leftist shit that some people spout

Why does the internet like to tear others down so much?


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Because he has interesting guests... sometimes. That's why I skip like 90% of his podcasts because I don't give a fuck about what some MMA fighter wants to talk about.

>he kills it on stage

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>he thinks joe rogen isn't an annoying retard

Haven't those two been bff's for like a decade and a half now?

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Graham Hancock kino

>Your opinion of him doesn't matter
It's not my opinion, it's literally everyone's opinion.
His standup is so fucking horrible.
I couldn't make it 10 minutes into one of his specials

They've been friends since the 90s lol

Which means they shouldn't be making laws about them
>Even if they took every last gun from every last person in America tomorrow, you are no better equipped to rise up against 'tyranny' than you were before

Literally 2 boomers trying to work Skype

>White american comedy