I miss this nigga like your wouldn't believe
I miss this nigga like your wouldn't believe
I believe you miss him, user.
it's the degree to which he misses him that you wouldn't believe
I liked that scene where he and Tywin argue about what to do with Dany and he was clearly in the right.
I belive everything
he might have been personally deranged, but assassinating him was such a mistake. the seven kingdoms would have been fine under his leadership, over all since most of the actual ruling was done by others like tywin.
>hated him more than any other TV character
>show falls apart without him
show would have been fine if they didnt get rid of characters like roose and stannis.
You start to realize Joffrey was logically sound in regards to ruling decisions, but he was just completely inept at anything involving human interaction.
Tywin wouldn't have been around forever and there's no one else he really respected after him. Although on some level he did seem to understand his limitations.
I think one of the more interesting aspects of Joffrey was how he really did respect Bobby B. Maybe on a superficial level but if his "dad" had been there for him then maybe Joff would have just ended up with anger issues rather than a total psycho.
you miss when the writing was good
Show was ruined because they ran out of George's source content, and D&D were terrible writers. What are you guys on?
>Show was ruined because they ran out of George's source content, and D&D were terrible writers. What are you guys on?
they took almost everything from the books 1:1 to the TV-script up until s4
s4 was still okay but had goofy stuff already
s5 was when it all fell apart
Yeah, that's the thing, I know everyone likes Olenna being "le epic grandma 'tell Cersei it was me'" but that killing Joff was straight retarded. Margery was getting him to fall in love with her and he wouldn't have rolled over like a pussy for his mom and the High Sparrow like Tommen did. Fuck, he wasn't even rolling over to Tywin 100% of the time.
Well killing Ned wasn't sound, but that's a ruling decision intertwined with human interaction so I get your point.
Do people like Roose in the show? They took everything fun about him from the books away just to have him job to his son. Felt like the actor was more inspired by Putin than the books desu.
honestly he was a good king. Wanted a unified standing army for the realm, wanted to kill dany and her demon lizards the moment he heard about them, respected the gods, kept his vows, distrusted his incestuous whore mother, put traitors and degenerates in their place, distrusted the weak hearts of women. He even knew to leave a battle and go to safety for the good of the realm. The dude fought for what he wanted and yeah was he imperfect? Sure, he was a kid. As he grew a few years older, who knows how awesome he'd have been. I could be a little shit too now and then when I was young.
well i dont thing it even matters that much who he "rolls over to". he was more concerned with petty shit like tournaments and torturing hookers than actual politics, which is a good thing. he would have just chilled in kings landing and the seven kingdoms would have ran themselves. joffrey as king would mean stability.
I believe that I wouldn’t believe the degree to which you miss him
He had so much swagger. His death left a huge void in Kings Landing.
are you people just playing devil's advocate or are you actually stupid enough to think he was a good king or ever would have been
I can never tell on this site anymore
He looks a lot like Putin but I don't think that means he was inspired by him
He was way better than Tommen and Cersei at least.
people are sincerely that stupid.
Robb was unironically the best King on the whole show. Until he married the lannister nurse, that was the death of him. In fact, if he had just ignored that whore and stuck to duty in just that one instance, he would've had the whole northern realm forever.
lust be crazy
he had the nerve and style of a king, and she, the grace and restraint of a queen.
damn the traitor olenna and the slut sansa.
OP here, I just miss his character. Never said he was a good king.
>they took almost everything from the books 1:1 to the TV-script up until s4
That's maybe true up until 80% of season one. They had a lot of OC in the next seasons, mostly bad
He was a great villain.
The beautiful irony is that Tywin’s position is perfectly reasonable from his standpoint, even though from a narrative perspective we know Joffrey is right to be terrified.
I want his lips wrapped around my dick.
like my what wouldn't believe?
no, like your wouldn't believe. what believes him just fine
I want you lips wrapped around my dick.
>he would have just chilled in kings landing and the seven kingdoms would have ran themselves
Until the citizens of KL get sick of his shit and pull off a successful revolt. There was already one uprising when he was being escorted after seeing Myrcella off. In the books, there was also a riot in the city during the Battle of the Blackwater, and I wish the show had depicted it, because it was apparently so violent that the goldcloaks flat out quarantined that section of the city. All throughout his reign people were growing more bold with their violence, with multiple bodies showing up randomly in the streets each morning and nobody knowing how they got there. Sure, everywhere other than KL would have been stable, but eventually KL would succumb to anarchy and the kingdoms would devolve into war to claim the throne.
>as a child: tore open a pregnant cat's stomach, pulled out her kittens, and eviscerated them one by one while the cat was crying in pain until Bobby B found him in the act and socked him so hard his baby teeth got knocked out
>as a teenager: took pleasure in torturing women to death
>you: "Golly just imagine how nice he would be as an adult!"
Tommen was a good ruler though? Realized the value of diplomacy and instead of initiating a civil war with the Sparrows he united them. Everybody loved him.
who cares, they're fucking vermin.
which ones? the whores sent the manipulate and control him by his ugly little uncle? the spy working for varys that LF arranged to have Joff bring to justice personally? I call that kingly initiative.
This is Yea Forums lad. You don't have to act edgy.