Who was the best Disney girl?
Who was the best Disney girl?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no fur
not her
The only patrician choice.
10/10 taste my friend
>tfw my gf looks like her
based bun poster
post feet
maid marian
>sanic-tier shitfu
Why'd you want to see his feet?
>butt and feet
furries are based
>No buldging she penis
Gay ass thread
Best post
Plebians, please step aside
>Yea Forums is too young to know
>we got LUCERITO'd on LA
WB > Disney
It’s hard to pick a waifu from this movie
mf looks like she came out of Lazy Town
shit was referenced in the Mad Magazine satire of "Happy Days" - do you really think any of the twelve year olds here are going to get this joke?
yeah thats true
They used to make her bind them and she used to slash the material and let em free.
pics of her slashed up breasts or it didn't happen
kill yourself
Only correct answer
Shame she was boring in House
She looks like she fucks black guys
not her breasts.. the cloth binding them.
I also be Kurt Russell got himself some mouscateer puss as well.
>Yea Forums hasn't joined her church
you disappoint me
Oof...that ass
She fucks dogs
>be Tarzan
>first woman you meet is british
Poor guy never had any luck
same energy
Impeccable taste user
It took this many posts?
>Not posting the follow up image to this
damn you blue board
>"Heh...Heheh...s-same ener-"
*crumples up your post and throws it in the trash*
Obviously Ki.
el goblina
I wish that ball was my butt
Cree Summer gave me so many boners
Somebody post the French maid from the beauty and the beast cartoon.
you're basically a tripfag at this point and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that even bothers replying to your attention seeking posts anymore
Don't worry guys, your virginity is safe!
Would you, user?
>that smile
deep down she's a cutie pie
is this the bird-fucking thread?
Oldfag here. I know, even though she was before my time. That was my mother's generation.
absolute killer body
Nat Wolff
criminally underrated
It really isn't
She reminds me of my ex
>She fucks dogs
Your point being?
my man
keep going uwu
Mulan, of course.
I'm simply replying honestly to OP's question
I love the scene of her tripping into statue Hercules hand.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
Please tell me more Disney girls have been Bimbofied
The way her eyes move, damn she's hot
I understand.
Post her ass.
She gave me my fetish for extra wide hips.
Thanks for reminding me to visit /aco/
Only correct post ITT
Always found it odd that it's technically a Disney movie. I mean, it's not like it's some sort of delicate political situation, it's just a silly movie, and they specifically gave Disney and WB characters the exact same number of words to keep things even, but it still feels to me like it should've come from a wholly neutral party or something.
Imagine drawing your own fap material and getting paid from revenue of family ticket sales
she had that grace kelly, sexy librarian appeal
Judy is a cutie.
Always found it odd that she's not technically a rabbit.
Gypsy scum. Her looks are only a guise to distract you while her family robs you of every last penny
Here you go.
Now slowly, delete this thread.
Better question would be, which Disney Princess would be less of a prude and be down for anal??
Do it coward.
>she will never ride you until you cum and slit your throat
Fuck this gay Earth.
rabbits are cute
Ariel, because she'll want to make full use of the new holes she's been blessed with.
Perhaps Belle, because it would've likely happened accidentally, anyway.
Oh my gosh she had me lusting at 5 years old. After I saw Peter Pan when I was a kid I knew I was a legs guy
I unironically had a crush on her when I was a kid. Had a toy and everything
does spider have pusspuss?
Not gonna lie, a rapey ass nimpho is pretty hot.
Her and minerva got me so hard
>stan is a man of the lower extremities
based as fuck
fuck off retard
This one does
The live action was better
>tfw Bianca will never lovingly tease you for trying to put on a brace face in tough situations
That chick is so fucking hot I've obliterated my dick to this video many times.
For me, it's Mulan
>tfw ywn leave Tink gasping for air as she almost drowns from your one-man bukkake...
I would both as human and as dragon
If you even watched the movie it was her married name since she married Rodger Rabbit.
Muh nigga. Came here to post precisely this. Fuck all these other thots.
W-wait, whaaaaaaaat!?
Oh thanks so much for picking me up on this user, how could I have been so blind. We're all better for having you around.
Jasmine obviously
This Jasmine, specifically
Dr Pepper is bottled by both Pepsi and Coca Cola. Sometimes things just work out weird.
does ready player 1 count?
The boy version is just as hot as the girl version desu
Wait seriously? This shatters my world view and makes things dark and scary to me.
What is the name of this character? I need it for porn purposes
This is porn, isn't it?
>voluntarily and illegally fights for her country
>outperforms the men
>kills mongol shits
some would say better
You sure?
filename, also aliased to "Stack Overflow"
No, it's a Warner Bros. movie.
That's only in America, and bottling can be done under contract. It's not like a collaborative ownership of the brand. Coca-Cola keeps trying to buy Dr. Pepper out and failing because of antitrust stuff.
im not gonna read this, i have no reason to. I know it's gonna be garbage.
>tfw no sassy chocolate gf
I'm going to assume this is a fabrication, but I'm not sure that I should
Amouranth ruined Lola for me
>do yourself a favor and never look her up
please post a more respectable jasmine please
I cant find it. Think it is fake. Still made me search because I had serious doubts it was fake.
>random blonde with fake tits, plastic surgery, and an inch of face paint
how'd she "ruin" lola for you?
Damn, my African American, good taste
Dont listen to that mean user. You are one of my favorite posters on this site and a valuable part of Yea Forums
Needs more Japanese boob physics to be believable.
One of the earliest reminders to not stick your dick in crazy I can remember.
In retrospect it was a pretty weird show, and not only because apparently the illuminati were the villains.
she is the reason i only fall for bad girls and regret it later
GOD I wish that was me (the toilet)
>tfw Belle tells you to try the brown stuff
there we are at last
They both have the exact same face. I feel like this is really lazy.
She could turn into a dragon? WTF? That's OP as fuck. PLS nerf.
tied with Neytiri for ugliest CG alien chick that the audience is supposed to find attractive
>3 feet tall
Yiff in hell, furfag
>I am forgotten
Warner Bros proves its superiority once again
jesus what an ugly face
She is easily #1.
don't have to be a degenerate to enjoy anthropomorphic animal ass
it's Snow White btw
back to pol
God i love Mulan
Not the exact same. Wendy, on the other hand...
Character designer is Marc Davis. He was known for designing nice girls/ladies, he also designed for 101 Dalmations and Sleeping Beauty
never much been a fan of Campbell's art
>Jane is SS tier
Very nice. Nani should be higher tho
yeah but if you could draw would you jack off to your own drawings
It's super easy to spot even without the gigantic sig.
They're all more or less the same I'm not sure why he doesn't get called out as much as someone like Liefeld for drawing the same character for over twenty years.
>kill count in the thousands in such a short time
>Condemned an entire savage army to suffocate and die under an avalanche
>Brushed off a gut wound from a sword
>Killed the barbarian chieftain
>Saved the most advanced empire of it's time
Maybe not a regular boner, but if Mulan doesn't trigger your murder boner you have some test issues.
>long hair don’t care
Lucky toilet. Why isn’t life fair bros?
she's alot thiccer than people think
met her irl, smells like dogs.
would not recommend
We should really make a chart
It's almost impossible, I think. You just constantly look at the technical aspects of what you drawn. And it just becomes a growing list of things you should tweak or would do differently if you were to draw it again.
Even though this is fake, someone needs to write about this.
no, no they don't. why would they?
>those freckles on her nose
Eve has the best personality of any Disney girl
so cute...
Brunette Rapunzel > Blonde Rapunzel
I mean, he's speaking under the presumption that what you're drawing is sexy in the first place. If you're drawing something sexy and you don't get a boner, you're either doing badly, or sexy things are all that you draw anyway.
>draw something sexy
>getting a boner as you draw
>that's distracting, better jack off
>moment you pop, you become hyper-aware of all the flaws in your drawing
My nigga
R.Crumb fapped to his own stuff.
I can't fap to my draws because my mental visualizations are way better than anything I could put to paper.
But going over old sketches & drawings I can get aroused with some passage of time.
>tfw Neytiri is now a Disney princess
How the fuck did James Cameron get away with this much nudity, and STILL get a PG13 rating?
Is it a murder boner? I was trying to find a proper term for what badass women make me feel.
It's somewhat of a combination between wanting to fuck and actually respecting them for their achievements.
Not explicitly human blue cat ass is fair game user. Weren't there even cat nipple slips? It's like the Twi'leck in Return of the Jedi, if they're a wacky colour, people will be less cognizant of it.
I love you based MNM archiver!
>no Nala
What did Walt mean by this?
>t. Frollo
I don't know who this is, but she wins.
Where the fuck is she?
There is no nudity.
Anything to protect that smile.
There are nipples all over that film user.
was she a tweaker?
Xeno nipples apparently don't count too Terran censors.
Wholesome maleficentposters
The forest nymph from Fantasia 2000 who watches her forest burn and she brings it back to life.
a jew uncovered
They're not real nipples or butts. I thought matrix spoon kid picture was enough to make my point obvious, but I guess not.
she's hot goddamnit
>triple s isnt Maid Marion
Top tier waifu
this girl played alice
>Kronk not SS-tier
Come on now.
god I wish that were me
annette funnyjello
Has nobody posted best feline?
user have you though this through
violence in movies isn't real either, I don't see John Wick getting a G rating
>tfw you'll never have a naval captain to be the Aubrey to your Maturin, with added sex
Feels bad man.
the background story to her role is fucking nuts, between being drugged, groped and worked to exhaustion idk whats worse
looks like an overflo207 drawing
Is this why women are bad drivers?
it would be pg13 if he didnt swear
Oh baby
god I want to fuck Tink
>Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday.
Isn't sixteen a little young guys?
... did they steal this from the Dirty Pair movie?
Captain Amelia.
16 is legal in most of the u.s.
Why do I love this for some reason?
Disney has a lot of incredible babes but top 3 has to be:
In that order.
Did all this pop up just cause of the Angelina Jolie movie?
Too late
Pic related.
>incels mad
Belle and Jasmine are boring as all fuck.
My top 5 goes
Ugly grandma whore
the shadow on her dot on the forehead whatever tf you call it makes it look like a giant pimple, fucking ew
Lol wtf are you like 4?
Bruh how can you say Jasmine is boring as fuck when your #1 is fucking Elsa of all people. I'll give you Belle cause yeah i can completely see and understand how she is boring and generic, but not Jasmine. Jasmine is a gorgeous brown desert girl there's nothing boring about her.
Pocahontas and Mulan are good choices. Ariel is a dime piece but she's too ditzy to be in a top 5 for me.
Stolen gif, not at home for webm. I am biased due to weakness for bike shorts and spandex.
She was originally going to be younger, at least visually, they aged her design up last minute, making her face more angular, resulting in a bunch of scenes needing to be reanimated.
And fat, luscious asses no doubt?
Tight, athletic asses are best. I am not black.
Well Gogo certainly doesn't have a tight athletic ass. She has thick but athletic legs for sure, but her ass is just deliciously thick and fat.
>I do have a husband. But obviously I'm not gonna mention him because then people get turned off by that idea...
RRROOOOOOOXAAANE you don't have to put on the red light
That's quite pathetic and also quite stupid to think that just because you're a mod for free a cam girl will want to go out with you.
Technically true now.
>oh bohohohoh im sooooooooo bored of living like a rich princess i wish i could be like one of the common people!!!!!
>not generic
Desperate virgins that give twitch whores money for no reason are dumb cringe autists, who would have guessed?
what the fuck were they thinking when they designed Brave girl. She looks like a Tim Burton knockoff.
He means she did way too many drugs so she prematurely aged.
Shut up. You're lucky I can't ban you.
she counts, right?
We're talking about how hot they are so who gives a shit that has no bearing. We're talking aesthetically and visually, Jasmine is at least exotic looking whereas Elsa is the most boring generic blonde white chick in the entire disney franchise next to Aurora.
why are british women so fucking ugly except for like .1% of them that are 10s
Exactly, you're seriously deluded if you think it will help you get with a streamer if you give them money.
She's like what? 25?
Oh wow another $500 donation from LonelyVirgin69! It says "sorry i can't give you more you deserve it but this is all i have until my next paycheck hehe, i'm going to take that #1 spot eventually!!!!".
Aw that's sweet thank you LonelyVirgin69 you don't have to do that i appreciate all you give me, you're still #2 top donator behind MaximusBetaOrbiter which is AWESOME!
25 going on 45
>the most boring generic blonde white chick in the entire disney franchise next to Aurora.
Aurora is typically held up as one of the best looking princesses and in one of the most noteworthy films.
You meant to say Cinderella, user, a character people would struggle to draw or even describe, were it asked of them.
The mouse better not hide those nips more
That's a fair point, Cinderella is so generic and boring i actually forgot she even existed.
I always liked that one girl who had the Klingon sounding name from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
they'll definetly insist on her wearing a dress instead of revealing tribal wear
Good. Neytiri is a slut.
>a dress
lol no, user, femininity is verboten, she'll be wearing some sort of shorts or even pants
>How the fuck did James Cameron get away with this much nudity, and STILL get a PG13 rating?
tastefully done. you can even miss it.
Isn't the sequel going to be Avatar Babies? They'll probably tone down a lot.
10/10 CUTE
>Isn't the sequel going to be Avatar Babies?
abatap: the next generation
Disney executives hate this film
Its also one of the best visually. Such a shame its blacklisted so you'll never see another, same with Titan AE
oh god this is the first I've heard of this, hahahaha
wait, what's even the point if they're not giant?
>be me now
>stall on lifts for 3 months
>not getting the sleep i need
>work at a gas station at the age of 25
>can't escape sales and retail (bad back so no labor work for me)
>nobody ever stays at my job
>anywhere i apply they hire a nigger instead
>happy with who i am, but not in the situation i am in right now
dunno what to do lads
wrong thread lol ignore me
Nut to some Tinkerbell and get some sleep.
>keep lifting
>keep applying for better jobs
>don't get discouraged
It's okay user
could always do a pleb millennial job like uber or something.
Nice blog post, faglord
Since you're here just lift for your Disney or other animated waifu.
You want to be swift as the coursing river, to have all the force of a great typhoon, all the strength of a raging fire... don't you user?
Improve your diet, brah
Look out!
Person with good taste coming through!
Beatniks are shit and you're shit
have sex
Slave Jasmine a best.
no she isn't
what and what does this man-looking bimbo have to do with anything
isnt she a redback?
hope they look more like de queen:
so i can read about it?
It's obviously Aurora you fucking idiots
>she walks to you
>seduces you to come to her room
>she walks slowly towards you
>eats you
I dig the prototype Aurora
Only after she lets you inseminate her.
hell yeah
Can't we all just get along? They're both Jasmine at the end of the day.
please someone should write this article
I never saw it, what was so bad about it? Assuming it flopped
now this is based.
>Assuming it flopped
That's probably what they hate about it.
The pacing is pretty flawed but there's still a lot there to like. Just generally a less formulaic disney film that didn't resonate as well with pop culture at the time. Worth a watch.
watched moana earlier today, nice songs but overall underwhelming and milquetoast desu
what does Yea Forums think of it