What is some boat kino?

What is some boat kino?

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Black Sails

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the Weevil


Das Boot

The oldest boat kino is mutiny on the bounty

Ghost Ship

Why hasn't this been made into a film?

The Terror.

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CS Forester have a bunch of novels set in the Napoleonic age of sail that focused on Horatio Hornblower. There were several movie and tv adaptations. The A&E one was bretty good.

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I marathoned the first half of Master and Commander last night and it was absolute kino.


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Yag esbirro 3: olasbarrou

Step Brothers

Boats and hoes boats and hoes gotta have me my boats and hoes.

The Boat (director's cut)

The Bounty. Mel Gibson. Anthony Hopkins. Bliss.

That's not the Odyssesy, pleb.

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Subs are boats, right?

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Savage Island aka Nate and Hayes starring Tommy Lee Jones.
