
So, why is he Envy? Every other sin they have some exaggerated, extreme example of the sin in questionbut he just likes Brad Pitt's wife?

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He wants brad pitt’s life, not just his life.

the lawyer isn't an extreme example is he? isn't he just a regular greedy lawyer?

He envys Mills’ life.
He wants to be like him

Holy shit it’s Kelly Marie Tran!

But the only admirable part of Pitt is his pretty wife. He works a shitty job in a shitty tiny house with 3 dogs that has a train go under it every 5 minutes

He was envious of Somerset being the real killer

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Yeah but that's all he ever wanted. A pretty wife who loved him. He had infinite resources but nobody to share them with

>He wants brad pitt’s life, not just his wife.
>but his life sucks
>He wants brad pitt's wife

Obviously it sucked from Brad's perspective, he's the one who had it. But from Doe's perspective it was perfect.

So are people just ignoring OP's obvious joke or pretending to not understand it in some serious meta commentary?


His whole motivation was killing those who deserved it, but he relished in killing pitts wife and her kid. Sure he's an insane murderer looking for excuses to kill but that still seems inconsistent to his character.

The chopped up head of his wife is the representation of Envy

Those last three deaths almost feel like a rewrite to give it a more shocking ending albeit one that doesn't really connect with the original narrative which was heading elsewhere

What was the original ending

this movie makes me horny

The original ending the black detective shoots the killer before pitt can, because he has already given up on life and has less to lose. So he sacrifices himself for pitt.

Test audiences hated it.

that sounds dumb

Honestly I like that ending a lot better. At least that way they kind of beat the killer

They faced John Doe in a church where a sacrifice ritual was going to be performed.

Sommerset sacrifices so Mills can be with his family and his son.

The entire scheme of the killer's killings is inconsistent. Although he does manage to complete his series, he does so in a slipshod way of credit and debt, robbing peter to pay paul, deferring the sin of one body onto the victimhood of another. The killer is intelligent, but he turns himself in and completes his modified plan before ever having to be completely confronted with its intellectual and "moral" inconsistency, which he himself knows. This is why he was risable in the back seat of the car. Mills is of course quite stupid, but he was correctly calling bullshit on Doe's plan, and this is what ate at Doe.

We are first of all presented with a classic, painfully obvious example: gluttony: make the fat man pay for being fat, okay, fine. The lawyer's greed holds up, this is fine. Things start to go a bit weird with the attribution of "Sloth" to the "drug-dealing pederast": well, no, the killer imposed Sloth upon a criminal who necessarily had to have a bit of hustle beforehand, by definition. So, Victor was not "guilty" of Sloth. This is where things go sideways-it's reasonable to say that the killer was just being crazy by this point, and not worrying about logical consistency.


Still more than Doe has. Have sex user.

Next, Lust, Pride, Envy, Wrath. The killing of the prostitute is another odd deferral, as the prostitute does not ply her trade out of lust for her client. I watched heavily-cut versions of the flick on network television long-ago and I always had the impression that "the device", whatever it was, cut the guy's stuff off, which would have been as good as an actual killing-and actually fitting punishment to sin. When I actually watched the film properly, I was disappointed that the kill-do was used to kill the prostitute-not out of any concern for women of course, but simply because of, again, inconsistency. My imagined version of things was much better.

Pride makes sense, our Doe comes back to his senses a bit, but then he had to do his final adjustment/gambit, which he pulls off.

The sin of envy is /visited/ upon the person of Mills' wife, dragging her into the proceedings. Then, Mills himself becomes guilty of Wrath, almost-of-his-own-free-choice as it were (not really, he has a few seconds of fight, he's a dumb ape but still). These deferrals don't square with the initial logic, and Doe knew this. The point being that he really is just some crazy sumbitch who masturbates in his own feces. Mills also got this part right.

"It's dismissive to write him off as crazy, don't make that mistake" (or, words to that effect) - Somerset. He was only half-right.

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In his Summa Theologica, Saint Thomas Aquinas defined sloth as "sorrow about spiritual good" and as "sluggishness of the mind which neglects to begin good... [it] is evil in its effect, if it so oppresses man as to draw him away entirely from good deeds."[4] According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "acedia or spiritual sloth goes so far as to refuse the joy that comes from God and to be repelled by divine goodness."[5]

And the lust ho just a ho

It always annoys me how with 7 deadly sins themed characters, the "lust" one always inspire slust in others instead of being particularly lustful themselves like their counterparts.

Then again any excuse for a sexy lady character I suppose

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Why does Brad shooting Kevin even matter? He's going to get away scott free, no jury in the world would convict him.
His wife and kid are dead at that point so it's not a "win".
Are we suppose to believe
>oh no i shot the man who murdered my family, surely this is the one thing that drives me over the edge!

how can you be so fucking stupid?

just curious, are you a spic?

He killed the dude's wife because he couldn't have her. Some serious envy
Also he is a crazy serial killer trying to force an elaborate seven deadly sins theme, he can bend the rules because he made them up

Sloth is such a vague sin that he would be guilty in his worldview before he started the killing. He was spiritual inactive not sharing God's love and not doing the sermon he was born for

Possibly, but it wasn't his major sin. Obviously everyone's a sinner in many different ways, it's not like he picked people who ONLY had one single type of sin on their soul.

Still he did have convenient definitions of sins and who qualified

tfw no lust gf

zoomer brainlet

Pitt going to the nuthouse is why Fincher is kino

This was some good analysis and it actually made me appreciate the film more.

I agree with everything you said, but I'm curious as to your opinion, does him being an absolute dumbass who THINKS he's deep as fuck actually enhance the horror of the film?

And that people who are actually sane, like Somerset, trying to find logic in the madness, is actually the most insane part of the film? Like John Doe's just being his crazy self, but then it drives relatively normal people like Somerset and Mills mad trying to play his game?