Is this worth a watch?

Is this worth a watch?

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its vvorth a vvatch or tvvo

Pretty good, actually. One of my favorite horror films of the past decade.

if you also post on reddit then yes

reddit loves it

I enjoyed it more than I thought but I grew up Calvinist so I think that helped.

The fever scene and attractive red witch /ss/ were stupid and didn't fit the rest of the movie

How much retail space does Reddit own in your head?

Quality takes. Why do you care about reddit so much

Since OP's question has already been answered I'll hijack the thread. Which horror films from this decade are worth watching? The only great ones I've seen are The Witch and The Wailing. Any others that are on their level?

I watch it nightly when I want to sleep


rent free

Nigga it wanna live deliciously?

Defense force go back

>The wailing
>156 minutes
The fuck, why

It makes great use of that time. It's extremely rare to see horror movies that long but in this case it worked. After seeing it I wished there were more 150+ minute horror films.

It would be ideal

I saw a few posts stating this was a good movie a few months ago. I watched it and found it boring. In fact, I can't name anything memorable about the movie. You may get a different result.

>villain is a goat

fucking pleb

It’s shit but yes it’s pretty good definitely worth a watch

i loved that. it was a great twist. no one would have ever suspected that it was the goat all along


Nekkid boy was insanely hot.

If being a pleb means not liking dull, boring movies then count me in. There are better ways to waste one's time.

You are a massive waste of lard.

Apparently my opinion means a lot to you, since you are all butthurt about it. I can't say the same of your opinion.


I dunno user, the goat was so scary

Is this worth a fap?

>the witch
Fucking pleb

Not really. It's söyboy psychological """""horror""""".

They have those weird rectangle pupils that let them see 360 degrees around them and can yell at people with human like screams.

My redneck co-worker was filling a bit down, so I suggested we watched this while drinking.
I have never seen someone so simple get so invested in a movie of this kind. Truly a work of art.

If you're just looking for something spoopy there's better stuff out there but the messages that I got from it I enjoyed. Are we just products of our environment? How hard can we expect someone to resist their environment without becoming a part of it? Is it better for a society to create scapegoats and believe in a higher power or to just agree that you are helpless. Do these beliefs just create the monsters we need to function as a whole?

That one chick that looks like some sort of alien shows her ass at the end, also if I’m remembering correctly there’s a scene where her little brother stares at her tits and she confronts him that shit was pretty hot.

What the fuck was his problem

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>>The wailing
>The fuck, why
The first half is basically a black comedy, not unlike the setup of most horror films, but much longer, and it's well done. It's funny and it gives an interesting portrait of a small town family and good satire of the police. Plus it actually tries to make all of the characters characters, and not just plot devices, especially the little girl. And that takes time. That really all adds to the horror because you empathize with them, rather than just being presented a series of stereotypes for ritual slaughter like most horror films.
Then there's an exorcism scene halfway through, the best i've ever seen, and the film gets a lot darker. If the first half didn't bore you then the second half ramps up the scariness to an ending which i found very frightening and a mystery story which genuinely merits discussion and can be interpreted differently.

So it's kind of like 2 films. And in the age when people happily marathon tv series I don't see why a long movie is so hienous.

Come on, it is a bit bloated though lol. Nearly all the scenes can be justified and have plot relevance but some are weaker than others, the zombie scenes especially

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>I can't name anything memorable about the movie
A cute AYY LMAO waifu

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Looks like that thing from the movie Splice with Adrien Brody

i had to watch it with subtitles because i didn't know what the fuck they were saying

Did anyone else get hard at the /ss/ scene? And what happened to the twins, did the witches take them?