Melanie Hachey

_melaniehachey on Instagram

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She’s also got Daddy issues

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God I want that on my face lads

have sex

I would even smell her farts if that meant having that ass on my face

it's time to start killing women like her

You've come to the wrong place, slut. Me and the boys hate women, it's a well known fact. Best be off to lebbit, plenty of litte boys will love ya!


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Okay, but how does this relate to Television & Film

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The poor girl needs some cream for that rash

have sex


Maybe slide into her DMs bois

youre goddamn right

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I watch television and I would watch this brapstress sit on my face

Her VSCO shows that she still underage, mod
OP has broken the law by posting this image

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he based

Nope, she turned 18 about 4 months ago

She's over 18, so feel free to slide into her DMs bois

Cool so you're admitting you've posted an image of a minor being sexualized
Her VSCO has this image uploaded on
>January 27, 2017 5:04pm


Are you saying that you wouldn't sniff it?

Based. All roasties must burn.

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I've called the police and forwarded your post to VSCO staff

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That’s not sexualized though, it’s just a picture of her pushing out a nice, juicy brap. Do you consider braps sexual?

who the fuck gives a shit about some random thot. why is this not on page 5

Because you bumped it retard

did she delete her posts ? the profile in OP’s has 1 pic and is set to private

I was about to post this

she looks really average