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the hubris of women will always be their downfall

Death by complement.

Fucking yikes!

Why are women so violent?

because you would get arrested if you did that IRL regardless of gender

if you are black you would get shot though

>Breaks some poor dude's wrist for hitting on her (she prob dressed like a slut)
>Doesn't realize the dude could literally one punch kill her with his other good hand
>Ohnoo, consequences.

This is why women are stupid & need controlled for their own good.

If she just knocked the guy out it would be fine it's the fact that she robbed him. Also they could have made him scummier with the cat calls. It should have been like "hey baby shake that ass for me come over here and I'll show you a good time" if she punches him after that it would be funny. Instead it was "lol smile for me" and she sperged and robbed him

>violence is the answer to everything

The same reason why manlets have a bad attitude, it's because they're weak and powerless. If they ever got any power they would use it inflict their wrath on the world.

>Realistic power fantasy for women.
But...reality is literally set in women’s favor at every turn. The minute a woman screams in public everyone stops what they’re doing to help that woman no matter the context in America.

>If they ever got any power they would use it inflict their wrath on the world.
Very true. I remember when I was young thinking if nerds were in control they'd do a better job. But the truth is, as evidenced by the rise of silicon valley or sjw-ism, zionism, etc, they just want a chance of their own to twist the knife.

That femcel has never had a boyfriend. Men don't fight each other over thot appreciation anymore.

Tim Pool is based.

Yet some of the greatest men ever were Manlets, and their lanket counter parts were controlled by the zog. Really makes you think...................................................

Weak people should never have power because they'll always resent anyone who was more powerful

>falling for controversy bait again just as the blu-ray releases

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> Men don't fight each other over thot appreciation anymore.
What's up with the most autistic website on the internet suddenly thinking that, not only they understand society, but that society is a reflection of them?
When did Yea Forums lose all self awareness?

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>Doesn't realize the dude could literally one punch kill her with his other good hand
>"Literally the only reason why women don't react to men who are harassing us or being jerks is because we're afraid he's going to fucking kill us"

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This post is too ironic not to be bait. Try harder next time.

Those boyfriends tend to not be considered heroic if after punching the jerk, nearly cause a fatal car crash for some random innocent(s).

>too ironic
Oh wow, you actually think the world agrees with the biggest bunch of autists on the internet.
Am I the only one who remembers the good old days when we were laughing at each other for trying to melt down MLP figurines with rancid, 1 year old cum?

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>>Doesn't realize the dude could literally one punch kill her with his other good hand
Validating her point word for word to own the libs. Nice.

>Doesn't realize the dude could literally one punch kill her with his other good hand
Nigger, she literally says that she's afraid because she thinks they might kill them.

>Am I the only one who remembers this newfag event
No. You are the only one who think you know what you're talking about, however.

>be woman
>be too afraid of men to react the way you want
based, know your place foids

So, even the oldfags have lost self awareness?
I wonder why this website even exists.
But sometimes i'm thankful the internet is doomed to die.

Ok champ, it's bedtime.

>if someone whistles at your chick it's normal to punch him
Women belong in cages.

>implying there's any reason to come here except to laugh at millennial activists losing their sanity bit by bit

It is, though.
It's always a good excuse to beat the shit out of someone.

Why are you such a newfag?
They’re long gone. It’s time to go home. Into the next life, friend.

Do you have anything aside from unrelated non-answers?

Don't forget almost caused an accident.

People post on here BECAUSE of their self-awareness you fucking idiot. Go hire a psychiatrist if you are a tranny, go to bed if you are a zoomer, or stay the fuck out if you are from Reddit.

Have another (You), tourist.

Enter to /our/general BriePals!

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>People post on here BECAUSE of their self-awareness
Then why act as if the rest of the world reflects Yea Forums?
Or why do the most autistic men on the internet, probably on the entire planet, act as if they are paragons of masculinity?


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You were saying, faggot?
Not everyone is going to agree with you snowflake. Big shock, I know.

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Another one.

Bloody tourists!

Keep it coming faggot. On your knees.

did she have a stoke?

You need the attention, I oblige.

manlets make the best soldiers and fighters though

kys autist

I have Terry gifs that shoe more dancing talent than that

Also checked nigroid, checked in deed.

Who the fuck even catcalls anymore besides niggers and mexicans?

>blu-ray about to be released
>shills come out again
really makes you think

Here's one for you.

Imagine actually defending this bald faggot

Keep it coming nigger. Keep it up.

I'll be your daddy tonight. Have another one.


>Danys avatar
>Wants to murder people

No shit

Formerly check those dubbles.

I remember listening to a history podcast with a bunch of feminist show hosts and they were talking about Harriet Beecher Stowe, I think it was Harriet Beecher Stowe, or it must have been some other female abolitionist from the mid 1800s. They said that when Harriet Beecher Stowe heard of an unruly mob of pro-slavery men where forming or causing some kind of trouble, she wished she was a guy so that she would be able to point a gun at them and shoot them. That's what I remember and it must have been one of those Stuff You Missed in History podcast episodes.

It's almost like they're insane.

I would have gone the saner route and provided a gatling gun or cannon that she can use against the pro-slavery guys. A musket that can only fire one shot before it needs to be reloaded just won't cut it, she would only be able to get off like two or three shots in a minute. Just imagine the carnage she can do if she is sufficiently armed.

Are you okay?

>If I had the strength to break someones bones, I'd do it if they were rude to me

Is it mental illness? What kind of lunatic breaks peoples wrists for being slightly rude?

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I don't have to imagine. I'm doing it because he's based. You are NOT based however. You are in fact cringe.


This thread is borderline nonsensical

>can't even keep it up until 404

Why would you post on it

You post IN a thread, ESL.

it is not as nonsensical as the tweet above

This is a list of felony crimes committed by captain marvel in the "no smile" deleted scene. punishments and definitions are from my home state:

>Aggravated Assault - fractured bones from handshake
class 4 felony: 1 - 3.75 years imprisonment
>Robbery: stealing jacket and helmet with violence
class 4 felony: 1 -3.75 years imprisonment
>Theft of Means of Transportation (GTA): stealing motorcycle
class 3 felony: 2 - 8.75 years imprisonment
>Threats and Intimidation: threatening to amputate his hand
class 1 misdemeanor: 6 months jail

now, despite the fact that captain marvel is objectively a felony criminal, feminists, journalists, SJWs, and the writers will still defend her conduct. the man did nothing wrong, except for fumble his pick up attempt. but the demented morality of women means they think it is ok to severely injure someone for being "creepy". this scene, and the reaction to it, puts on full display the moral bankruptcy of feminists, journalists, and hollywood writers. their unexamined self righteousness, based entirely on their irrational fear and hatred of men, leads them to become actual super villians. If the people who support this scene were ever given political power, the result would be widespread injustice and tyrrany.

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Okay thanks for the correction, but still answer my question

Answer THIS.

Women without accountability

It is hilarious how they are giving Tim shit for this. The same cunts that cry about representation in movies are saying that it is just a movie. Disingenuous fucks

You forgot the dangerous driving and driving without a license.

>Stealing someones bike gives you more than twice the length of punishment than if you breaking someones bones

what did america mean by this?

captain marvel doesnt have a drivers liscense? is she an alien or something?

If goyslaves don't have vehicles they can't get to their wagie jobs. This is more important than bodily harm.

And they make great human shields

cost of broken bone: couple hundred dollars
cost of stolen vehicle: anything up to 1 million dollars