Aquaman worldwide box office = $1,147,761,807

Captain Marvel = $1,127,034,152

Even with the unrelenting shilling, system rigging, ticket purchasing and riding on the heels of the most anticipated movie of this generation (Endgame) that they shoved her into to create false hype while piggybacking her off a decades worth or work and effort, Disney's new flagship character was STILL beaten by a joke character whose solo film was coming off a box office disaster (Justice League) while it promoted pro-Feminism/SJW values (interracial relationships, strong female characters and an environmental friendly message) better than Captain Fungi whose message only appealed to North American white women who are the most coddled and entitled spoiled fucking bitches on the planet and hate their fathers which is the real reason why they cry "DOWN WITH PATRIARCHY!!!" because Daddy didn't buy them a pony.

Not to mention that Aquaman's cast were more likeable and attractive while the movie itself was better Written, Directed and just more entertaining that that boring uninspired piece of shit.

Aquaman is the underdog who had everything going against him but triumphed in the face of adversity while Captain Marvel lost despite being backed by the biggest entertainment corporation in the world!!!FACT!!!

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>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?

It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.

Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!

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This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat. Her parents also divorced when she was young which explains why she's a "feminist" (all of whom hate Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!") and fucks niggers.

Furthermore, Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.

Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!

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I want to jam my cock through the back of her throat until I see the whites of her eyes open in fear as the realization that she might actually suffocate starts to set in. I’ll give her a moments reprieve to breathe and go for another round over and over until she’s on the verge of unconsciousness. Fucking stupid whore. She knows it. She knows she’ll never amount to anything more than a slab of meat to be used up until she’s nothing but a husk of a slut ready to die of a meth overdose from years of being a shallow dumb cunt.

Fuck her. I want a train run on all her holes, ears and nose included for days on end until she aches all over and can do nothing but shit out her liquid diarrhea from her gaped asshole. The diarrhea being nothing but her consistent diet of being force fed cum all day. Stupid bitch. I hate whores. I hate these fucking sluts that think they’re better than me because they were born looking a certain way. Fucking cunt I hope thirty niggers beat her till she cries and then rape her. If I were the judge will let them off scot free even with video evidence, then release the video on the internet for all to see so she can never escape the shame and humiliation she deserves. Fuck her and fuck women. If she were drowning and reached onto my boogie board for help I’d stomp on her stupid slut hand and spit in the water so there’s more liquid to take in.

Why do these cunts think they deserve anything in life when all they contribute to society is their used up Arby’s pussy? Fuck I hate them. Bunch of dumb bitches everywhere you go. They have no respect for guys that don’t have a perfect physique so why should I respect them? I’m glad they’re all going to end up old and alone, knowing they’ll never accomplish anything of worth in life. Crying on their deathbed at the thought of having lived a vapid life of being a stupid prostitute. Fucking stupid bitches. Dumb sluts, the lot of them. Fuck whores!!!FACT!!!

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Let's be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. White women aren't human; they're not even like monkey's or orangutans. Those muddle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.

First off, scientific research has it that women just aren't the same as men. They don't like things like cameras or computers or state-of-the-art stereos, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren't developed as well as a man's. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it's been proven that women aren't as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures... Don't let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women's Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes men. Women are most happy when they are serving their twin gods of Mammon and king cock.

Men work hard, make money, grind the wheels of business, only to fall victim to early deaths dealt out by the insane caprices of vengeful sluts... they should be rounded up in a pen filled with pigs and fucked with sticks and forced to eat filthy offal, and maybe then they would appreciate a fine figure of a man who wants to own and take care of them, even if he is perhaps just a wee bit nervous and high-strung and suspicious of some people's motives!!!FACT!!!

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If you think about it logically, women really are gross creatures. They're cum receptacles that bleed spontaneously every month for a week, and they eat with the same mouth they swallow urine and cum in and expect to be kissed there. Also, the moment a woman is naked all her allure and mystery is gone and she's just a nervous awkward fucktoy with lopsided breasts.

They have a biological drive, overriding all things we consider human, in order to get pregnant with the most fit offspring by what they PERCEIVE to be the healthiest/alpha male, all the time subconsciously, meaning they are cattle and not fit for society because they possess zero logic and can at best parrot it but never understand anything behind the logic.

This is why women NEVER built a society, never will and are natural born destroyers.

Remember that women are vain, narcissistic creatures with a grotesque over developed sense of self-entitlement. They think they're all princesses who deserve a life of leisure funded by Chad Thundercock Trustfundbaby riding on a white stallion!!!FACT!!!

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How's the wife and kids, CTM?

Truth hurts, doesn't it roastie whores?!? Better work on that personality because once you hit 30 Chad will get tired of your shit and start shopping for a younger model. This is why you'll die alone, unloved and overdose on Haagen-Dazs and cake frosting while your bloated corpse will be devoured by your 100 cats which will provide them with sustenance and nourishment thus making yourself useful for the first time in your worthless existence.

Women are inherently weaker and that is speaking from someone that has worked with many of the female gender for close to a decade. They are desperate conniving bitches that will exploit every advantage they have with zero regard who it would decimate as a result of. No fucking dignity/honor in these cunts. All women are like this. No woman will ever actually care about you. They will only care about what you can provide for them. You will never have a loving and reciprocated emotional bond with a woman, because they are incapable of it!

P.S. - Rape is a victimless crime. A woman's body is designed to accommodate the penis; permission should not be required to facilitate evolutionary law!!!FACT!!!

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acquire intercourse

>How's the wife and kids, CTM?

Wife's fine and I have no kids, that I'm aware of...!!!FACT!!!

Well that's the easiest filter of my life. I didn't even read more than 10 sentences.

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs, whichever one you are, calls me an "INCEL" or use's your generic insult "have sex", it's because you can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument and it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!

And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!!!FACT!!!

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Oh and let me explain why Cheese Noass has an Oscar beside sucking and riding kike cock. The Oscars are soo fucking politicized that all you need to do is make a movie that sucks up to women, niggers or fags and you'll win. Larson won because she played a woman imprisoned and abused by an EVIL WHITE MALE. The Shape of Water won Best Picture because it was about a degenerate whore who fucks a fish while her friends are a fat black woman and a gay man while the "villain" is a straight white male and the movie takes place in the 1950's which is vilified by Feminazi's and SJW faggot for being oh-so-oppressive because you couldn't act like wild animals and fuck up civilization as you have been doing for the last several decades. Moonlight won because it was about Gayniggers who were, sadly, not from outer space!!!FACT!!!

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The woman on the left. One of the most beloved female characters in cinema history (played by one of the most respected actresses of the last 40 years) who is strong, intelligent, determined and succeeds because of her perseverance and yet still feminine while able to command authority by using logic and reason. She has a cat. Same thing could be applied to Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs, except for the cat, although Jodie Foster does like pussy.

The woman on the right. A slithering cunt, played by a sociopathic narcissistic fungi breeding greaseball, being forced upon the public as a feminist icon and shilled by a corporation who is silencing critics while using misguided political activists to promote their product and attack anyone who see's through their agenda. She also has a cat!!!FACT!!!

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From what I've read this movie is almost a parody of feminist and SJW politics. Funny thing is how this movie is almost exactly the same as The Force Awakens. Female protagonist is almost perfect, can beat anyone, do anything while her African-American co-star is reduced to a bumbling buffoon. But then this is because white women believe they're the most oppressed group of people in history and I haven't seen any of them asking why Captain Marvel isn't black, or Asian, or Indian etc...

Another thing I've noticed is how Rey and Carol have no parents or at least they're never seen and/or barely acknowledged.

Know why that is? It's because so-called-"feminists" are really angry bitches forever bitter that Mommy & Daddy didn't have a castle for them to grow up in, didn't buy them a pony and didn't hand them a trust fund. Because of their grotesque overdeveloped sense of self-entitlement this festers in their minds and when they develop financial independence they literally erase their parents from their existence which shows the complete and utter lack of gratitude these fucking bitches have. "Oh, you gave me life, raised me, fed me, clothed me, educated me, but you didn't hand life to me on a silver platter, so FUCK YOU, you don't exist".

They remind me of Molly Ringwald's character in Pretty In Pink, a snobby bitch embarrassed because her and he father were lower income and she didn't want people to know about her background. Or in Mildred Piece where here daughter Veda is a spoiled fucking brat who hates that her mother is a working class parent. These are the type of women who create characters like Rey and Carol.

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Compare those to Luke Skywalker or Conan The Barbarian. Luke lived with his aunt and uncle, without whom he wouldn't have survived. Conan's parents were killed in front of him, he was enslaved but fed and educated. The differences between both groups is that when men achieve success, they want people to know where they came from because it's a matter of pride that they can say "look at everything I've done with my limited resources" but you don't see Luke looking down on his aunt and uncle, do you? Boys and men have fantasizes about fighting bad guys and winning but there's always real struggle in the best of those stories because we know hardship builds character.

Now compare Rey and Carol to Jyn from Rogue One and Motoko from the recent live action Ghost in the Shell movie. Maybe they weren't the best flicks but I actually liked them and one of the reasons is that we seen where Jyn and Motoko come from which humanizes them and makes them endearing. Jyn's parents were killed and she was raised by someone else, ala Conan. We know she had a hard life and that gives her character. Same thing with Motoko, who finds her mother. That hits me in the feels. They're real people in unreal worlds and that grounds everything.

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Rey and Carol are caricatures created by rabid feminazi's and when they scream about the "WHITE MALE PATRIARCHY!!!" it's their way of rebelling against their Daddies. But you'll notice that you don't see these women bitching about their mothers and it's because they expect their fathers to be the breadwinners and be given everything they wanted simply because of their gender. Kinda like how feminists scream at white men that "THESE MOVIES AREN'T FOR YOU, INCEL, MANBABY ETC...!!!" and when they don't make money it's "WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE US YOUR MONEY YOU FUCKING SEXIST PIGS!!!".

The one clever thing they did was making the cat a Lovecraftian monster because Asians will cum running to see it because they'll hear that the movie contains "PUSSY WITH TENTACLES IN IT!!!"!!!FACT!!!

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To those of you who support Captain Marvel, what do you think has been accomplished? It made money because morons like you were suckered with political propaganda used to shield a shitty movie from criticism.

You're soo fanatical about your ideological dogma that you give Hollywood multi-millionaires even more money for paying lip service to your causes.

You hate white straight men because Daddy didn't hand you a trust fund.

Captain Marvel making money doesn't change anything while you wallow in your own stupidity like pigs in shit!!!FACT!!!

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reminder to enter the general BriePals!

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this has got to be the perfect representation of the pathetic state of this board. A dick measuring contest between billion dollar box office created and obsessed by cringe edgelords because "weman bad". Somehow they "lost" when they made a billion dollars

The only shilling was you crybabies posting about it every 3 minutes. Nobody in the real world gave nearly as much of a shit or thought about it as much as you faggots did.