Why didn't Frodo just fly the eagles to Mordor?
Why didn't Frodo just fly the eagles to Mordor?
because the giant eyeball would see them, and the winged NazGhul would destroy them!
Life is about the journey, not the destination
extremely low-effort shitpost, which is why you don't deserve a bump
They would be seen and killed when they got there
touch my poopy
there was a rule the eagles had
why didnt he just eat an eagle.
Were the eagles racist against hobbits?
Like how nyc cab drivers don’t pick up negros?
touch my poopy
In the Hobbit Gandalf tells the Dwarves that the eagles might get hungry and eat them so I guess they are just assholes
Because it was make a bad movie and an even shorter book.
The eagles were tax dodgers and had to fly below the radar.
Why didn't Mordor just fly the Frodo to the eagles?
touch my poopy
Because they were gay and Frodo didn’t support that.
Eagles would have been corrupted
Because the Eagles were easy to fucking spot, and they were probably watching the skies for the damn things.
it was clearly established that frodo was highly paranoid and had trust issues, even with his closest friend, sam. he just couldn't trust the eagles to keep him from falling hundreds of feet to his death.
Russians sold S-300s to Mordor