Game of Re-edit S06E08 (I FIXED THE EPISODE)

I am a professional movie editor and I thought that Game of Thrones was not unsavable. It just had bad writing.

I’m Re-editing game of thrones!!!

In this episode:
- I fixed Bran and made him badass.
- I fixed tension building moments.
- John has more understandable motivation and made him go back on his own accord.
- Cut out most of the Congress.
- Cut out Grey Worm and gave him new motivation.
- Made overall dialogue improvements.
- Made the dragon more of a threat.
- Hid an easter egg at the end that connects the Night King and Bran.

And much much more.

I showed it to my colleagues and the advised me to stream this on twitch where it got 3000 viewers the first go around.
Positive reactions from everyone except for the standard Game of Thrones hate.

Watch here.

For this to work you have to forget all about the last episode though. The last thing that John knows is seeing Dany destroy kings landing.

Have fun!

Attached: Untitled-1 copy.jpg (750x445, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

is this lostboy

>how to get virus on computer 101
no thanks

i aint clicking that shit nigga

Don't listen to these HBO shills!

You copied my name >.<
Also. It is google drive. here

There's no saving this season or the past 4 seasons.

i have downloaded it, now my screen is upside down
am i doing everything right? how do i launch the movie?

You don't even have to download anything. Trolllzzz

why is the episode shot by shot identical
you have wasted an hour of my time


I just want to remind people that Bran had the best story because he was pushed out of a tower and was tricked and brainwashed by an old man to do drugs.

No, it has big difference. But you have to go to the tinyurl link and not GD.
Also yeah, you do have to download the video if you want the real thing!

You can't re-edit something and leave a lot of it in -.- Do you want a 3 minute version?

Yes, i aint got time my nigga

does anyone have that picture of the Night King as Bobby B talking about Theon coming at him with a spear?

>Taking the Game of Reddit thing to the next level

Stop copying my name and say shit, I worked a whole week for this edit.

Damn, I got a virus from that
Don't click on it guys! :0

Stop copying my name and say shit, I worked a whole week for this edit.

Can you make it so Bran is the one who charges the night fella, protects dany, faces the dead dragon, lights the swords, protects arya and jumps and stabs the night king. Thanks in advance.

Ok, fuck you Yea Forums trolls. U don't deserve this, really.

I just want to remind people that Arya went to explore the west yet has a brother that can take over birds and fly anywhere, but he still let her sail west to potentially die.

Just post webm with subtitles on so we don't have to download your viruses.

Pretty cringe my dude

Haha, I tried.

Is it supposed to just be 5 gigs of dolphin porn?

she went off to adventure, she doesn't care about whatever can be gained from knowing whats over there

U didn't even mention this cringe ''Ok, fuck you Yea Forums trolls. U don't deserve this, really.''

A. Learn what a tripcode is
B. Learn how to upload on Piratebay. Google Drive has a traffic limit faggot.
That's all.

I just want to remind people that GreyWorm waited for people who had less claim to the throne than Jon Snow to decide the fate of Jon Snow, and a prisoner of GreyWorm decided to make Jon Snow's brother King and that King decided to send Jon Snow to a now pointless Night's Watch even after GreyWorm sailed to Naath to die of Butterfly fever.

Cause you are gonna download something from pirate bay rather than google drive?


I fixed that.

I suck dick

Only on Sunday though.

forgot the dot, amateur

I am actually. Also, it can't be taken down. Just takes one cunt to report your file and it's gone. And the limits are harsh typically. After a few people download it from gdrive, no one else can.

Kill yourself faggot

why don't you go and fix a dick

Ok, I'll put it on pirate bay

OP here, I like eating dookies right outta the toilet


Attached: 2B3BDFED-F69E-445C-B4B4-F0078D9F5E2D.png (540x381, 547K)

Did anyone happen to screencap the greentext alternate ending where jon snow starts break dancing and drogon dabs?

This is OP. I’m off to cruise public toilets and suck shit out of a hobo’s ass. Have fun guys!

Attached: opisfaggot.jpg (478x688, 41K)


Now it makes no sense. A prisoner gets up before a council, they sit around awkwardly for a second in silence, and then out of nowhere discuss who should rule.

Just cutting out some shit scenes wont fix anything.

Dude, just upload it to TPB.

What's the Bran/NK easter egg? Sorry, I don't feel like watching this abortion of a finale again.


Who the FUCK is John?