Expects to make 100m opening weekend

>expects to make 100m opening weekend
>releases movie during packed weekend
>shocked when film under performs

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This is your brain on estrogen.

she could play a good Ivana Trump

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so you're telling me that she was the one who chose the release date? wow, women truly are taking over.

I don't like when plastic surgeons protrude the cheek bones and pinch the septum. Make her look older not younger

>blaming men for not seeing a superbad remake with girls

Also it's on Netflix in international markets which leaked the entire movie online.

Hey guys what's going on in this thread

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>over 100 million women in the US
>a female movie by a female director bombs
So much for Womyn Empowerment

>olivia cockburn


it was projected to make 12 million

people know that comedies dont really lose anything when watched at home instead of theaters

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id like to cream on her face if you understand what i mean by that

>getting creamed

>see it so studios make more women directed movies

she’s literally begging people to see this just for this reason

really shows the quality of the film when that’s your biggest push

>movies about women

i want to cream her pusy

>please, please pretty PLEASE go pity-watch our flick so we can show you more of stronk indepandant womyn who don't need no man!

why are you making up numbers?
this has like single digit budget and it also released on netflix overseas.

What film?

Dumb bitch shouldn't have gone up against a Disney film. That shit is catnip for women

the biggest star in this is the girl from last man standing?

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would cream on her

>john wick


no, sorry. please explain as english is my first language

I guy could enjoy counting those freckles

>pls cream on my face for feminism

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Are these supposed to be highschoolers?
Fuck that, well, only the center girl in pink looks a bit closer to the age.

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>tfw no perfect square jawed gf

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If it does better than the other comedy released wide (edge of seventeen), that'd be considered good?

bitch has 5 jaws


>tfw no lego jawed gf

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>The only "huaite guy" is her husband

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She's really cute


>100 million opening weekend.
>The comedy it can been closely related to took two months during the post summer movie season to achieve the same feat.
>Literally only released theatrically in the states.
Damn, how can you be that ignorant? Sad it didn't do better though, wasn't that bad of a movie.

I want a strong jawed gf to make babies with. Imagine how fucking masculine the male children would be. Total chads.

>we are getting creamed the big dogs
She did not think that one through

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Knowing how weak the genes are of your typical Yea Forums poster, you'd end up having all girls.

Strong jawed or not, if the mother is a degenerate roastie like in OP, she will have your children wearing dresses regardless of their biological gender. What do you call a Chad in a dress?

That's just wrong, there would be plenty of boys. They just wouldn't be the genetic offspring of the onions.

all women are degenerate roasties

super strength chads incoming

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russo brothers sent out a tweet this weekend asking people to see avengers for the 4th time kek

All I know is, she cute

I like jerking off to her face tbqhwyf

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