Stephen Colbert Roasts Bush at 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner

the testicles on this man

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reality has a well known liberal bias

you either die a hero

Norms was better.

How is a skinny cunt like that able to roast anyone?

What a brave man, surely he was executed after this.

yet trump is too much of a pussy to attend his
>stahp bullying me u guise

Trump gets roasted everyday

spitroasted by MK Ultra'd secret service rapists you mean

It's really sad to see how far he's fallen

he watches Ivanka get spitroasted by his jewish masters

Man colbert is the literal definition of a propaganda shill.


He is completely protected by the 1st Amendment.



its popular for progressives to say this, but the truth is that donald trumpberg subscribes to the andy samberg/norm macdonald school of anti-roasting

and then stephen had nothing to say about a president for 8 years after that

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How is this brave. He was applauded by all his Hollywood friends and the circle he runs in

>doesn't remember the political climate during the mid-bush years

How underage are you?

keep saying that to yourself

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I was in college during the time. Hollywood and libfags hated Bush almost as much as Trump, and their vitriol was only limited to the lack of social media at the time

How do you go from this...

Attached: Colbertreport.jpg (480x319, 99K) this?

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D R U M P F !

and Bush took it like a boss, unlike Trump

Colbert went from being a anti-establishment anti-comedian on Comedy Central to an establishment forced-comedy comedian on CBS...
... from mocking Glen Beck on Comedy Central to being Glen Beck on CBS

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man i used to like him and jon stewart so much back in the day. i still don't know if it's my political views that changed or the culture around me.

>anti-establishment to establishment
This is pretty much it.

Those jokes when none of them laugh, just Norm snickers

Colbert admitted himself he was nervous going into that and a bit reluctant. He wasn't even considered liberal at the time.

>he's president

>cuckbert tells shitty jokes for a living

sure got him, bro.

Back when Colbert was based

Remember when political cartoonists drew GW with monkey ears all the time, then immediately dropped it when obama came around looking like fucking curious george?

>I'm a pretty sound sleeper... somebody shoot me in the face

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I can't even imagine someone finding Stephen Colbert funny. You don't have to care about politics to know he fucking sucks.

Cuckbert said Trump would never be president.

He has to live with that for the rest of his life.

A. Help the liberal faggots who have spent the past three years spreading blatent lies to hurt their president and their country
B. Stick it up their asses by making them roast a person that isn't even in attendance

I had those fake textbooks written by those two, I think the Colbert one was "I Am American and So can You!" or something, I forget about the Stewart one. Anyway I was downsizing the amount of books I had because I was moving and those two took up a lot of space. I tried donating them to three different used book stores in town and none of them would take them because they already had a bunch donated. They became the first books I ever had to throw in the trash. Kind of symbolic tbqh

what the hell are you talking about? the cartoonishly giant ears was like the first thing conservative cartoonists started drawing. Lefty cartoonists did it less, but the entire point of political cartoons is making the person you're attacking look as retarded as possible

I´m still in shock. If a man is able to ridiculize a president in his face, then this country has future: it means democracy and tolerance are still possible.


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There was nothing remotely courageous about this, no more than doing the same thing to Trump today. Whether Bush deserved it or not, (he did), is irrelevant in determining whether this indicated "testicles."

The writing in this roast is far superior to anything you get about Trump today, as people were (appropriately) less tolerant to painfully unfunny humor that required humor no wit beyond, "Ornage man bad. That's the joke," which is what we get today from political commentary.

American political humor was always very inferior to that of British political humor. You find more genuine wit in a single episode of HIGNFY, (at least until recently, when Brexit ruined everything), than in years of anything that can be produced about American humor, even by Brits. British comedians seem to understand that shilling for leftists at least has to be subtle, (again, at least until Brexit), while there's something almost dignified about making political "humor" as preachy and unfunny as possible, as if the less funnier it is, the more virtue signalling can justify itself because the message is so noble, while making only a pathetic attempt at comedy so it can be called such.


In defense of Colbert, he's significantly improved his ratings since his show became the "Orange Man Bad Hour," which means he gets to do what he loves, and derive success from it.

>goes on to lick Obama's brown rim for the following 8 years
W-woah, Colbert is so heckin based

it was just a little banter, i dont get why libs were butthurt

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He has no point existing without Trump, who is far more important than he will ever be.

He's a living cuck. Without Trump he is nothing.

He doesn't have to invite a liberal comedian. In fact, Colbert was chosen by Bush because he wasn't liberal at the time.

Trump, like his supporters, are just insecure pussies who can't handle anything that violates their mental safespace, even if it's comedic banter. It's no simpler than that.

Colbert on his show said: "You're not going to be president, i'm sorry."

He has to hold that for eternity. Trump owns him.

>yet trump is too much of a pussy to attend his
Did you check out Trumps last Colbert interview before he won? Colbert was being an absolute assblasted cunt and that was before Trump caused their whole world view to exploded into kingdom come

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>not insecure

if I say there are 2 genders your head explodes, fucking idiot.

>How do you go from this...
> this?
I guess that you could say he .. transitioned

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You can keep projecting as hard you want, it's not going to make the shit you tell yourself to feel better any more real.

God, can't the USA just collapse already?
I'm tired of hearing about burgerclap politics.

You mean when every liberal was screaming for Bush to be tried for war crimes?
Those years?

That's not what I typed. Learn to read you braindead idiot.

What's really obnoxious in this thread is the Trump ass-kissing, (Colbert sux cuz Trump is president), or the retards who actually think liberal comedians have displayed even a shred of talent in the last decade, (Trump is a pussy because he won't attend some liberal virtue-signalling circle jerk with horrendous jokes).
>inb4 the important thing is that you found a way to feel superior to both

>insecure pussy

Trump went on every show that was sucking Hillary's dick. Or did interviews, then he called out the interviewers for their bullshit

he's a man, not a bitch.

And you keep coping by misusing that concept as much as you want. It's not going to change the fact.

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He was asked to do that with the president's approval. If this happened to the current one he'd probably throw a baby tantrum and start punching himself in the face.

Colbert sucked dick even before Trump

Jon Stewart was ok but as time went on all these people became "TRUMP BAD" hacks and their comedy went straight to shit.

Not much of a difference desu.

And that s a bad thing

Colbert isn't a comedian anymore, I have literally stopped watching him for the first time ever since starting in 2009

>assmad leftoids have to tell themselves muh drumpf doesn't attend press back patting sessions because it hurts his feelings

He really does it because it shows they're illegitimate and beneath him. You can tell it works too by how thoroughly it jabs at their deep insecurities, so much anger that daddy Trump snubs them.

Nigga, Bush created a secret off country detention center where they would torture you and interrogate you based on a SUSPICION of terrorism. He created and signed an entire law that completely upended the constitution that would suspend habeus corpus aka arrest and trial laws because you bought some food off of a guy selling falafel from a street cart because he was a member of a government defined radical watch list.

And he talked shit to a room full of people for an hour straight who not only allowed it to happen, would later come back and admit they were wrong to do it

Yeah! They need to report on things that support my political beliefs to make me feel better about supporting a conman and admitted rapist.

As a Canadian I love how mad Trump makes liberals.

Liberals are idiots in the first place, but he magnifies HOW stupid they are on topics like transgender shit, feminism, and so on. He gets liberals to show how absolutely insane their views are (kill babies, enable socialism, ignore federal laws).

It's amazing. Great entertainment.

I remember watching the Colbert Report episode the Monday night after that Correspondent's Dinner and he was hugely self deprecating. Apparently he believed he had bombed. This was still when the internet was relatively new and the vid took about a week to make the rounds and for him to be declared a hero. He didn't just roast Bush. He roasted the entire Washington-NYC press corps for failing to do their fucking jobs and allowing a "new normal" of mendacity in our politics.

>Repeating what 99.99 percent of media agrees with requires balls

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Bush was a horrendous president, but if you aren't baiting, you are one of the most idiotic anons I've ever encountered, (which is saying a lot), and you should fuck off to reddit. There are some incredibly stupid right-wingers here, but they're at least funny, and in good company. You, however, are being a uniquely moronic leftist who seriously thinks because of some of Bush's policies, Colbert was putting his life in danger, which is astoundingly retarded.

No. I am informing you of the political climate in America you literal piece of dog shit for brains.

ironic that he became the very thing he supposedly hated, isn't it?

now he's another fucking shill just like the press corps.


its not just 'forgot to tune in today' but not even pirating the episodes at all

And? What the fuck about what you said makes what Colbert did remotely courageous? What you said was a total non sequitur to the post you responded to unless that fact would somehow represent a threat to Colbert's life after he had done this.
>literal piece of dog shit for brains.
Yes, I "literally" have dog shit for brains. You got me there.
>inb4 you quote some dictionary entry written because too many dumbasses misused the word
You're really not digging yourself out of the hole. At this point, you can actually try to explain how the policies you mentioned actually made this action courageous. Likely, however, even you would be able realize how idiotic the connection is, so I would suggest you cut your losses, shut the fuck up, and, ideally fuck off to reddit.

I wish I was a politician just so I could know what it's like to be tickled by jesters like Colbert

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Anyone got a link to that Showtime special Colbert did on election night 2016 which basically is him and all of his celebrity guest slowly going insane with butt-hurt rage that Trump was winning/won? To the point that Colbert was outright having to fill for time, because the fucker didn't even PREPARE for a Trump victory, and all of the pre-recorded bits were done assuming Hillary would win? And that not only him stating that up front, but begging the musical guests he brought on to keep playing because they had to pad for time/keep Colbert and company from suiciding?

that was a fantastic day. will never forget.

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I would be interested in this, but as supercut version.

That was one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen. It got so awkward.

>Thank you!

the backlash he faced for the Redskins joke probably scared him from being "dangerous" anymore

Outside of four clips (Colbert and a Melania Trump impersonator, Colbert interviewing Jeff Goldblum and the guys behind the Game Changer books on the 2008/2012 elections, and Colbert's phoney as fuck sign off when he preaches "let's hope for the best!"), the whole special has been wiped from the internet.

they cant even admit the reality that a male has over a female in sports. Both sides are pretty bad and its cringe to say one is better than the other when both are so shit

I really want to see this now.

Damn he's always been cringe

actually the only winning move is to not to play

which is means Trump is either really smart or really lucky for not going

Reminder that all was going to expire during Obamas terms, but he and his democrat neoliberal lackeys all voted to extend all the 9/11 terrorism and executive branch powers lmao

any clips of comedians at these dinners when a Democrat was president? i dont watch these dinners so just curious.

There is one of Norm McDonald roasting Bill Clinton in the late 90s; it was the right wing version of Colbert raping Bush, as Norm pretty much went medieval raping Clinton for his various sins at the height of Monicagate.

That's because Democrats are terrified that if they ever let the Patriot Act expire, then the Democrats will be blamed 100% by everyone for letting it happen.

Also, the only fucking way that the Patriot Act will ever get rescinded, is when one party inevitably goes full-corrupt evil and uses it against the masses. The Democrats DESPERATELY want this to happen on a Republican President's watch, because then they can abolish it outright without having it come back to haunt them down the line when Ahmed kills more people in a terror attack.

It's a shame that he didn't die in that plane crash instead of his father and brothers.