John wick 3

>Antagonist shot a dog
And thats the moment when the movie becomes kino

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>m-muh dog avenge
>Keanu Ree(ddit)ves
John Reddit

most dogs deserve it tbqh

I saw John Wick 3 and I liked it

>Killed in three movies more than Jason,Freddy and Mike Myers
Now that is Reddit posting

>He shot my dog
>I get it
The first 20 minutes were some of the best action scenes I have ever seen. Also the way things are going John will fight the entirety of the US army by John Wick 5 and will finally have a battle against god for taking his wife by the time John Wick 8 gets made.

Did anyone considered it mediocare? Fight choreography was lacking, dialogs were shit. Zero was comedy relief.

Is this movie as retarded as the second one? Are they still doing this league of assassins thing?

>you won't watch it
>I will too
I heard an older woman/man behind me say "I think this is the worst movie I have ever seen"

and then when I was exiting the theater my favorite thing is to listen to blurbs people are saying. I think it was the same couple and as I pass I hear the woman say something like "well we didn't see the first movie"


Halle berry is mommy

>Antagonist shot a dog
And thats the moment when the movie becomes kino

This is “WHY” the original is so good cuz John goes on revenge trip because of da goons kills da puppy & wreck da car he lives most. Simple to understand motivation, but good enough to keep audiences’s curiosity til the end !!!

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>both Raid guys
>mark dacascos
>a fucking book
>the shotgun
>guns...lots of guns
>neo & morpheus ride again
pleasant surprise

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Halle berry is a terrible actress

>"antagonist" shoots dog
>dog is wearing armor and is unharmed
>Halle Berry kills everyone (except the antagonist for some reason)
worst part of the film, but it was still kino

People praise the raid but it has that chinese overacting and they almost wrecked this flick with it

And she murders everyone because the guy wanted her dog, not because he was going to kill it or harm it but just because he wanted a fucking dog.

I liked it too

I hated that the Elder was just some prettyboy in a tent in the middle of the dessert.
Kinda wish they made the whole thing feel more mysterious and nearly supernatural and that he was actually an old man.

>Watch John Wick 1 and 2
>Moments where the movie implied that everyone was an assassin
>Moments where there was clearly people shooting and getting shot but no pedestrian seems to notice or care
I don't get it...
So, either everyone is an assassin or people just don't blink at the prospect of someone getting gunned down right in front of them?

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#3 could have been more fluid if they trimed some of the hally berry shit out and spread the dog tricks out

unironically shut your brain off

john wick 8 puppies from space

Why does this movie gets so much praise? It's literally hardcore henry but worse.

alot of the assassin citizens as you describe them do atk john.
On the other hand some of them might have family or gold coins they want to spend and are not interested in starting shit with the table and john.

>It's literally hardcore henry but with better humor and choreography and lead and shot tastefully and not in meme-o-vision

I didn't even make the connection of Halle Berry's dog getting shot to John's dog dying in the first movie. I'm such a fucking brainlet.

john should stop adopting dogs desu

My thoughts exactly. The acting was fine, but the setup around the elder was really disappointing. I understand they couldn't go full "old man magically finds John in a desert" but I wanted him to actually seem wise and even quasi-supernatural. Nothing about the elder in the movie was mysterious and the only question I had about him was why he of all people is above the High Table.


Imagine being a faggot

I agree, you'd think someone on the head honcho would be someone with some years on him. Some wear and tear. Instead he looked like an extra John would kill in 3 seconds. Idk, maybe he is the son of the real guy, kek.

They're not chinese you retard.

I thought the meeting would be Jon waking up in the middle of the night to find he was fine and that there was a campfire right next to him with an old man taking care of it. He would talk to the Elder, do whatever the fuck he had to do with him and then pass out, only to wake up in the morning in some random village/town and being told they found him knocked out in the middle of the dessert and that he was lucky to survive.
Basically the whole thing would happen in such a way that it would seem like it was all a dream, except for some proof that it wasn't like Jon's missing finger or some token the Elder gave him.

Guys i keep saying and only - or 2 of you get it , but something is off about this one. Something about the fight scenes were done differently than the 1st too, they were too campy and kung fu movie tier. Did they have the director of the raid do this . This one was like dan fiction than an actual john wick movie. Did rian johnson do this movie

The betrayal was really stupid
>Wow you refused to step down to prove that you can defend the continental?
>Even though literally all of your security team jobbed and died except based Lance who only killed a few dudes?
>Oh okay well nevermind you're the manager still, we cool senpai
>Oh and also kill the guy who literally did all of the work defending your hotel
>Sure senpai no problem
And the worst part is that its either a poorly done, nonsensical betrayal or a poorly done, nonsensical subversion and they're actually still friends who planned this.


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to be fair, half of the fight scenes are hand to hand or with swords so its not surprising they do alot of kung fu

All of the antagonists were asian kung fu stereotypes so a lot of the fights felt the same. John knifing the guys in the beginning, twin kung fu guys, main rival kung fu guy, etc. I feel like the variety was lacking compared to JW2.

The last movie in a trilogy always makes the most in box office. You'd think it's from people who caught the first 2 late and finally caught up, but in reality it's mostly retards.

If youre an idiot, i can see someone agreeing with you sure

Its played straight retard. Dont confuse your headcanon for reality

She murders everyome because he shot it retard. When he said he wanted it she just kindly declined. Imagine being this stupid

>All of the antagonists were asian kung fu stereotypes so a lot of the fights felt the same.

Interesting. Why did they try to do this

Just stop. You shouldn't be watching movies like john wick, the story is too complicated for you. You have to graduate from kids cartoons before trying to move on.

It wasn't too bad. First half of the movie has a ton of variety, but it definitely starts feeling like that in the last half. I honestly don't understand where the asian gang falls into the high table hierarchy. They're above continental but below high table? Are they a "house" like where John is from?

Headcanon isnt reality. You need to go back

>Adjudicator asks for parlay

Charon: "Are we done fighting them sir?"
Winston: "Not even close."

>Parlay happens. Winston shoots John wick in exactly the same places that John shot the doctor in the beginning of the movie. Set up the tick tock man to pick up John from the alley.

he totally betrayed him guyz!!!111!1 wtf?!?11/1?!?!1/1/ so dummmmmmmm

I liked it aswell

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>the first time in over 5 years I get to watch a movie in the theaters
>it's a piece of shit garbage that turns one of my favorite IPs into the equivalent of a blizzard expansion for world of warcraft.

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They need to lean more into the camp or remove it. too many fingers in too many pies

They did it even more

I think you could chalk it up to New Yorkers not giving a shit.


Cringe and plebpilled

Honestly, I watched 3 without watching 1 and 2. Enjoyed it a lot, and then I watched 1 and 2 after that.

My ass, the action sequences were subpar, the soundtrack was garbage, the plot was the most abhorrent thing I've watched in years, all that in the same IP that had two of the best action movies I had ever seen. It's like watching your son grow up to become a tranny, heartbreaking.