this man makes me feel deeply uncomfortable

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Culkin is a loner.
Stoklasa is a hack fraud.
Jay is a hair transplant recipient.
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

Attached: James is a beta loser. Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha..jpg (1300x800, 235K)

Why did he paint his nails?

he's an asshole. knew Rich for an hour and thinks he has the right to talk shit about him like he's known him forever.

child sexual abuse

so is Culk part of the crew now?


Fuck Rich and fuck you.

what is the lore behind bootsy's disappearance?

nervous energy

Mike (creator of "Loco Bandito") fired Bootsy because people liked Bootsy better than him.

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bootsy was a boring midget who whined because he wasn't getting paid enough. so mike told him to fuck off forever and that's pretty much it.


That's reality bro. Being rich *and* famous lets you cut to the front of the line. Just being your favorite ecelebs internet paypig wont cut it, Rich will never talk to you and be your bud. Not unless you have something serious to bring to the table.

Michael Jackson fucked the shit out of him

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michael didnt touch me

that's it? The two, from what i know, knew each other since they were kids.
Can't believe some business drama destroyed that all.

He was also unnecessarily political, tagging Cinemassacre's twitter whilst responding to Richard Spencer and shit like that.

keeps flying out to fucking wisconsin so I guess?

my dick is p srs

what's his gang street name?

>2 watches
>3 rings
>painted nails
why the fuck do celebrity types need so many hand accessories?

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This faggot has too many accessories. Two accessories are 2 too many for a man. 3 vanity rings, 2 watches (on one arm), a wrist band, painted nails, and a leather vest. That's only what we can see too. Fucker probably has some toe rings.

Why is Culkin hanging out with these losers?

Fuck! I took way too long to make my post. I'm with you user.

Uhurr yeup yeup

Junkie habits

Compensates for lack of forearms, tiny wrists.

He's pulling that "Burning" shit on them.

Why are these losing hanging out with that faggot?

Threadly Reminder that Jay is the plebbest of all possible pseuds and tore himself away from his diet of exclusively cartoons, starshit, and marvelshit which he reviews positively without exception to finally force himself to watch one of the two most celebrated and heavily accolades films of the year the afternoon of the Academy Awards so he could LARP like he’s involved in real film discussions
Naturally, he hated it and started tweeting mid-film because it was too slow for him and didn’t have enough quips or explosions

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i still paint my nails black sometimes as a gothy/punky thing but i think he's just faggy

He let it slip that the did something else together my guess is another BotW, also I agree he seems like he had a nervous breakdown at one point and is still reeling from it.

He makes Jay seem like a chad

Jay is unironically less credible than Jeremy Jahns and the Funko collecting Collider guys who at least occasionally watch actual films and subsequently have a far broader frame of reference for comparison beyond 2010s superhero flicks and NuWars

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did you watch three billboards? It's total trash and he's right about it. It was only lauded by people who didn't watch it.

Living proof that you incels have no excuse.

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Has Culkin came out of the closet yet? He has very flamboyant mannerisms

Idiot. Martin McDonagh has never made a bad film. Even if you disagree, watching the most talked about film of award show season that swept the Globes, SAG, and BAFTA on the fucking morning of the Oscars and barfing out a tweet like “Holy Hell I hate the tone” is objectively below even double digit follower on Letterbox tier and absolutely embarrassing for someone who holds themselves out as having any kind of passion for film, especially given he’s healing glowing praise on derivative marvelshit every opening weekend like clockwork

three billbos was one of the best movies of last year. Better than seven psychopaths but not as good as In Bruge.

>tonal nightmare
what a meme thing to say

They filmed this months ago, wake up, sheeple.
Bauman lied, people died.

You didn't watch it, you're being intentionally vague. Stop defending movies you've never bothered to watch, you stupid faggot.

yeah it'd make scents for them to have shot it all in the same week or whatever but it seems like they'd have released it earlier than this

If you think Billbords is anything other than a tonal nightmare, you just proved that you are the ultimate pleb. Jay is a reddit-tier critic, but this must be the worst attempt at discrediting him I've ever seen.

did he bugger you?

>"There's a lot of excitement, there's a lot of buzz and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I have no interest in intentionally shitty movies. The best bad movies are the ones where the people making it didn't realize they were making a bad movie."

- Jay Bauman (director / star / producer) of Space Cop on Sharknado

He had some standards though

>Better than seven psychopaths
You make it sound like some sort of achievement

Autism for adults

all of McDonagh's movies are dope. Why are redditors such pleberinos?

So you think making an intentional parody is them purposely trying to make a bad movie or are you just stupid?

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youtube isn't Yea Forums, fuck off back to r*ddit

It's nouveau shamanic.

Of course I watched it, what the hell are you on about? I watch pretty pretty much everything Rockwell is in. You want a scene by scene recap?

Can’t spell
Can’t write
Can’t read, e.g. Yep, it’s a mountbreathing Reddit Letter Media pleb talking out of his ass to defend his virtual friends who validate his infantile taste by reviewing only capeshit. Shouldn’t you be watching Endgame for the 6th time?

>tonal nightmare
such a meme thing to say.
>"movies about death can't also be funny"
>muh feelings
>muh perception

Imagine the smell.

How do you know he tweeted mid film?

Also he’s right.

Isn't he nutting in Brenda Song these days?

He’s right 3bill boards was trash.


God i fucking hate mike