Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

>Three police officers were shot, one of them fatally, when they responded to a domestic disturbance call in Auburn on Sunday night. The man arrested shortly afterward, it soon emerged—Grady Wayne Wilkes, 29, a veteran from Auburn—was fond of posting memes from the alt-right online gathering spot Yea Forums, most of them mock humor about guns, white nationalist trolling signals, and encouragement for Proud Boys-style violence against left-wing protesters, who he described as “leftist scum.”


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Why don't we ban rap whenever some nigger kills another nigger?

You think he "accidently" fell down in the interigation room?

Damn. Those guys over on Yea Forums don't mess around.

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Thank Lord Jesus Christ and CHEETOS® Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks that we've managed to erect a wall to protect us honest and hard-working denizens of 4channel from those good-for-nothing rapscallions of 4*han.

what the fuck is Yea Forums?


Because that's white people's fault too

Chris Pratt


But which Yea Forums are they talking about? I wanna make sure I'm not on the alt-right gathering spot.

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Lel, now I understand. Thanks user.

Clearly guns are not the issue

Cops are barely one notch above niggers, so nothing of value was lost.

>white peoples
Pick 1

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>Three police officers were shot, one of them fatally
>the guy is alive and in custody
Lmao, wypepo.

>Yet another right wing killer
Sure, keep pretending SJWs that don't even exist in real life beyond a few in universities are the problem

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did the police beat his ass because he shot some little piggys?

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these fucking idiots don't realie they are hyperstitionning their "worst nightmares" by taking jokes at the first degree. they endorse the most toxic takes as if it was a real thing and WALLAH suddenly it becomes a real thing. since they reported it. Fake news and fear mongering to make a lot of money from a big audience, yellow journalism 101... that noble insitution that is journalism, right. the internet should get its shit together for the next phase and make a real journalistic project, news by the people for the people, fuck corporate interests we care about our collective great health.

look fear mongering "journalists" it's me Yea Forums and i post stuff like that on Yea Forums are you confused yet? too much to handle?

Wow that's fucking slander. We're none of those things

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>report to domestic disturbance
>get shot

trumptards are so predictably pathetic lmfao

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I'm pretty sure people already tried doing that in the 90's.

how is that white genocide you idiot, they fucked a bunch of chavs who gives a shit they would all have been pregnant by 15 anyway

You know journalism is dead because all they have to do is browse /pol/ then browse literally any other board to see that /pol/ isn't Yea Forums
I mean it basically is but you get the idea

>white genocide

it's funny how women refusing to fuck pasty smelly basement dwelling /pol/tards is considered genocide

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They would've already died if Google didn't change their algorithms to prop the retards up by pushing them to the top of results. Now they're banning alternative media from coming up.

There needs to be a new internet, this shit is already compromised.

How dare they treat a veteran like this.

>There needs to be a new internet
Go make one, you wont be missed


I'm a lefty faggot and wtf I love cops now

This man was not a real 4channer. Yea Forums does not preach violence.

>Police raid just for an anonymous domestic disturbance call
Seems like a politically charged attack.

hide and ignore Yea Forums propaganda.
long live 4channel

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Yea Forums does, 4channel is peaceful

No shit. Might as well shitpost like the rest of us.

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>It's not happening but you deserve it!
Every time.

have you ever seen or spoken to an english slag?

>have you ever seen or spoken to an english slag?
I'm sure all those kids were just bad people and they deserved it, those "Asians" were the real victims.

you seem angry

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>people of poo

Is not even worth a mindhunter episode and you guys say this place dont fuck up people /pol/ is the western isis

>It's not happening but you deserve it
It always comes back to this, every single time across couturiers and cultures.

Seriously, with that many edgy kids on this site, we can't go back the good times of trolling and fun times. Fuck cancerous teenagers who vent their rage in their impotent attempt to have sex.

you dun fucked up if you're still a chantard after 18

You seem to forget that one time Yea Forums bombed isis.

>black """"""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""


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Go back to bed grandpa



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>be white woman
>prefer non-whites
can anyone explain how this becomes white genocide?


lmao, always get a good chuckle when some dweeb from here snaps.

ponder the scent

Quite based

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Respect our veterans!

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They don’t prefer it, the media is trying to push interracial relationships

Every well armed freedom loving American man should make it a goal in life to kill as many cops as they can.

Wtf did I just see

They was on they way to church.....

nerve gas in action

Yeah remember the time /pol/ ddos'd a mosque and 50 people died? classic lulz

oh yeah, definitely was an "accident"
just like how Chris Dorner's cabin mysteriously burned down with him inside

>my dude on the left just laying down like he had been shot and doesn't catch a bullet

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Its "voila", you sub-verbal Australopithecine. You have to be 18 to post here.

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corn fed YEE YEE

Gud boy


dey wuz going to dem projects!

god damn that girl got a fucking chin on her holy shit. took like 10+ hits and still standing

When will we 4channelarians stop being tarred with the same brush as those vulgar louts


Are you fucking retarded? It's VOILA you shitstain. Get the fuck out you underage dickrag.

I lost it when he put the bucket on her head


>destroys two apes
I am conflicted.

the tolerant right strikes again

>BTFOs three cops
Choose an action star

they used their boy as a human body shield

he wuz a good boy

we need mo money fo dem programz

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Triple Kill
Ordinance Ready

He's a big guy

Attached: Wilkes.jpg (550x310, 42K)

Imagine if the news was forced to show footage like this instead of their 24/7 brainwashing

I miss the old days. We used to raid and troll for kicks. Our shenanigans were cheeky and fun. These are just sad, political and violent.

I’m joining moot now.

They do, everywhere outside major cities.

oh no a dead cop...

The fire rises


>be cop
>someone calls about domestic disturbance
>immediately mobilize the twitter squad to comb through the feed of the suspect
>in the meantime get on facebook to check if he ever shares Breitbart articles
>once the suspect's political affiliation has been assessed, go to captain to request SWAT team and helicopters

yes, this is absolutely a realistic turn of events that would happen in real life, you are so right user

why would they bomb allies

>this is the guy calling you a manlet on Yea Forums