Is this /ourgirl/

Is this /ourgirl/

Attached: Millie-Bobby-Brown-stranger-things-1024x681.jpg (1024x681, 64K)

She looks like she got fucked and drugged way too much for her age

there's a webm where she's clearly coked out at 13 or something

>1000 cocks stare already

She just looks like that. The chances for a given person to be conventionally attractive are not that great. People are goofy looking, most of them. Look around you on the subway or whatever.

Hollywood voted her the sexiest actress at the age of 13.

Guess again user

Attached: odn1eXl.jpg (500x500, 48K)

Does that exist? Is it voted by us on this board?

no this is

Attached: 004983838.jpg (1920x2879, 813K)

Why does she look like Italian spiderman or weird al?

Attached: 1558640992685.jpg (546x451, 15K)