Agree or disagree, Yea Forums?

Agree or disagree, Yea Forums?

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No, I have an extremely high IQ and I have sex btw

They're all for dumb people

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Big Bang Theory. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rajs nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Big Bang Theory truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sheldons existencial catchphrase "Bazinga," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sheldons genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a The Big Bang Theory tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Have more sex

The only good show here is Sunny.


And do anal, unprotected, with an old escort Albanian man

I know that this is pasta but was this initially written as a serious reply?

Oh look, Reddit's come for a visit.

low bait but top left should be frasier

The Big Bang theory is such pseud garbage. I am sure that if I got to know any huge fan of the Big Bang Theory personally I would hate them. I'm surprised they exist because I have never met one unless they all hide their shame.
The jokes are not clever or intellectual at all. Just because you reference some chemistry 101 joke about the periodic table doesn't make it smart or funny.

thanks to Yea Forums I cannot even give rick and morty a chance. It's a shame because my friends love it and have watching parties and I can't enjoy it even if I tried. Thanks guys

He-hey, hey Morty, did you-did you ever think that maybe everybody is just like that guy who pushes a boulder up a hill for all eternity?

>Yea Forums userbase is not just a subset of reddit usebase
Come on, man.
There's no point hiding it.
>inb4 speak for yourself

This board is shit. You're posting facebook memes here to start a discussion?

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>posting shit about Rick and Morty on your public Facebook
Have sex

>Rick and Morty is for smart people
Sure it is.

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I've been on Yea Forums before reddit existed, you have to go back.

Because the people who fly fighter jets are dumb right?

rick and morty is for dumb people who think they're smart

aka the worst kind of dumb person

the military is litterally made for people who are too dumb to cut it in the free market

Flying planes is easy. Anyone can do it.

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All four of those shows are for dumb people.

I dunno that Rick Missile looks pretty based.

how would someone measure and verify whether or not it was?

It's funny because redditors have the same mentality as faggots:
>i'm homosexual therefore everyone secretly is like me and they're just hiding it
>i'm a redditor therefore everyone secretly is like me and they're just hiding it
Go back. Your kind has never been welcome here and never will


>for smart people

It was written as a serious reply to someone criticizing rick and Morty on Facebook. That user just changed it to big bang theory

Put Seinfeld in the center and it's perfect.

the simon helberg (jew from big bazinga) interview with norm on his podcast was surprisingly funny. he has a good michael jackson story

Friends doesn't deserve this.

friends is in no way a good show, and neither is seinfeld. no show with a studio audience or laugh track is funny and they know this so they add those to artificially make downs syndrome level of retards laugh.

Rick and morty is pretty good u contrarian faggots, huehue they think that theyr smart but im the smart one cuz i hate it hue. Kill yourselves

>M*burps*or-Morty! Look at me Morty! I turned myself into a dilatator, Morty! I-I *burp* have become a dilatator for po*burp*st, post OP transgender women, Morty!! God's not *BUUUUURP* real Morty!! It's all fake!!

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i seriously doubt the guy who put that on kikebook knows how to fly and is most likely the guy that just cleans & moves shit around

reminds me of this

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look at that, an autist took the b8

i think the whole reason that rick burps is because the writers know that fart jokes are played out too much and need to think of another way of passing gas to add comedy, which does work. for people with autism

many of us are not like you.
go back. and also kys. do both.

you redditors desperately want this board to be a dwelling ground for yourselves because you people dont like it when we make fun of you

Rick and Morty is more for everyone than it is only for smart people but other than that I agree

>I go on reddit so that must mean everyone on here goes on reddit
Nice try, stupid monkey nigger.

Early Simpsons is way smarter than R&M

This is sort of like women who "prefer to hang out with men," because they "can't stand all the drama." I'd say "if you're one of those men, you know what I mean," but you aren't and you don't, because you're one of those women.

I know that I browsed Yea Forums for 5 years or more until I visited reddit the first time and to this day I only occasionally use it to talk about some trash mobile games I play. I'm pretty sure that most people who use Yea Forums excessively most likely avoid reddit as much as possible since it is in fact very cancer ridden

I can't even begin to imagine how fat and unhygienic the neckbeard that made this is.


>dumb people watch this show i don't watch
>smart people watch this show i watch

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>smart people...
I sure hope I go get young dogs in good gay yelps

I don't think any network has smart people in their target demographic, at least not for the time slots sitcoms get.
The true brainchad option are gameshows and sports.

weve always been rivals with every normie site but reddit in particular has the most cancer. and theyre pretentious as fuck which makes them even more annoying

based missile rick

>white people shows

Game shows are low-key patrician. I love Chain Reaction and wish it was still a thing - I'd make a killing as a contestant.

>smart people
a few years ago maybe.

Everything except Rick and Morty is correct.

Most fighter pilots come from high-ranking military families. It's literally nepotism

anything that has mainstream popularity, is for dumb people.

Yea Forums was smart for maybe four years after it was made. Retards starting trickling in around 2008 and took over after 2016.

The most brainlet of the brainlet activities. True patricians watch C-SPAN and E! at full volume on separate TVs at the same time

>rick and morty is for dumb people who think excessive dialog equals smarter
About smart people x For smart people is Pinky and the Brain

Certainly ascended tastes, but dismissing sports will decrease your numbers game. Even greater if you add gambling as a side activity.
Not to mention, dismissing sports as a whole is part of the fedora manifesto.

>gambling as a side activity
Patrician tastes

I do agree that big bang is a shitty show about smart people for dumb ppl
This is how normies think that smart nerds live and act

Unironically they don't put smart shows on television. They took Police Squad off the air because people had to "watch" (i.e. pay attention) it in order to appreciate it. The general thought is that the main stream audience is too retarded to actually be able to watch anything semi-intelligent, so you really only get shows for dumb people on tv, some will be smarter than others, but they are still all for the lowest of the low.

Nerds have been downgraded to incels. I honestly don't mind if it means less people joining my niche hobbies.

Smart people don't watch TV unless they have to e.g researchers, gamblers

I dont go to reddit
Speak for yourself

>for manchildren, for manchildren
>for libtards, for boomers

I saw a propaganda news article saying Dan Harmon was struggling to make rick and morty with a ton of bad scripts being passed his way. Made me sad to see the actual creator of the show totally ignored.