Prove me wrong

Protip: Fuck you. You can't.

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user why do you hate strong women?

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AOC is the best of both world : a scholar and yet she can talk about got

why didn't Tywin become a king and let it all go to shit?

Adolescence is idolizing Tywin
Adulthood is realising his actions left a power-vacuum that pulled the realm into a second round of wars because ruling through fear only works during your own lifetime.
Ned gained a true respect from his men and they continued to fight for him from beyond the grave. He was the true winner of the Game of Thrones.

only in the books. In the show all of Ned's bannermen abandon him and his children like spineless fucks

You're just gonna bait the anti-Tywin brigade. I can already hear the "muh riverlands" in the distance.

That's because D&D are hacks who didn't read that far

The whole targ army threw their swords down in a 50/50 fight against bobby b's just cause rhegar died

The only reason Tywin didn't create lasting stability is that the midget murdered him.

No the reddest pill is realizing Bobby was right and Ned stupid northern mongrel.

also, nice milkers but a face like a horse and cankles, so you wouldn't feel bad about slapping the milkers around and choking her out with a massive cumshot straight down the throat

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It's the same in the books actually
Book = show until S7

>a scholar
I know you did not just type that shit unironically

as much as i love tywin as a character, he does some fukcing dumb shit expecially regarding tyrion

It would have always happened. Nobody liked Tywin they just did what he said because they had to

Tywin's ruling philosophy was exactly the same as Dany's except more unhinged, brutal, and evil. His actions led directly to the collapse of Westeros' government. So what the fuck are you talking about?

tywin is a literal retard who eats a midgets sloppy seconds

Can you provide your CV pls?

>Be evil piece of shit father
>Get murdered by your son
What a surprise

nah in the books most of the northmen get their families taken hostage at the RW and reluctantly swear allegiance to the lannisters/boltons while plotting against them. only barrowton is really loyal to the boltons because lady dustin is a petty bitch

>If I have to hear one more time, about how you did this for the family...

Tywin might be exceedingly competent, but he is not a good man, and brings unhappiness upon himself and his family ultimately.
He always lived for the future, never for the moment.
That's not a life worth living.

Dany is a psychopathic meme queen, no doubt.

Ascension is idolising Based Bobby B

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Pretty much everyone respected him. And even if they didn't, he set the situation up perfectly. The North and Riverlands were neutered and would spend their increasingly limited resources on infighting. The Boltons and Freys couldn't rise up against the crown since their new bannermen hated them, and conversely those bannermen would couldn't rise up against the crown since they lacked unified leadership. Meanwhile in the South, the Lannister-Tyrell alliance had more than enough wealth and power to defeat any threat that may arise.
It took an insane amount of fuck-ups from Cersei to undo his successes.

I just wanted to fuk danny from season 1 desu

Is user running for office?

>fuck ups from Cersei
Ramsay too

season 1 dany is top soi. S8 dany is the best

>dies and his entire legacy and family is destroyed because he was too busy with his "muh family" faggotry to actually ever pay any attention to his actual family

None of Tywin's kids like him. Cersei would have gotten rid of him as soon as she had the chance to do so.

>a bachelor's degree in economics that you didn't use and instead were a bartender until running for office makes you a scholar
Imagine believing this

you voted for a reality tv star lmao

Tywin was right, except in his hatred of Tyrion. That's his fatal flaw, his undoing and the ruin of his house. He struggles valiantly to move past it several times but just can't cope.

I agree with him(like 80%) and I didn't vote for that shitstain.

a scholar lmao

It's actually sort of hilarious how much of a fuckup Cersei is in the books. Jaime watching in horror as Cersei delights in using wildfire, thinking of the mad king, is kin af.

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She is both a major in Econ AND intl relationship, she could lead both the UN and the IMF

>she could lead both the UN and the IMF

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Who the fuck ever idolized Dany? Even in the books her chapters are extremely boring unless the people around her are subtly telling her she has her head too far up her own ass.

Who the fuck would idolize Tywin?

A fucking failure of a father, every one of his sons turned a failure that want nothing to do with him.
Backstabbed the King in the last moment because he knew he was going to lose, absolutely no honour.
Any fealty and connections made were due to his riches, which were quickly dwindling, meaning he was heading towards a sure end.
Literal failure of the Lannisters and single-handedly destroyed the entire House into oblivion.

I wish we could have seen Tywin vs Daenerys

Over time I realized that Tywin is overrated.

>book 3
>start to get PoV chapters for Jaime
>it fleshes out his background and motivations and makes him one of the most compelling characters in the series

>book 4
>start getting PoV chapters for Cersei, expect the same thing
>she's even fucking dumber and more pointlessly cruel than she seems from a 2nd hand persepctive

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Not even normos talk about this shit anymore, just stop

he clearly typed it ironically you idiot.

Adulthood is realizing Stannis was right.

If you ever idolized Daenerys, you are a useful idiot and likely sub 100 IQ


Her chapters that involve Barristan are alright.

>she could lead both the UN and the IMF
Well she couldn't be any worse than the morons who run it now, but that's not saying much.

Her racism made me laugh, though (COAL NIPPLES?). Her breaking the law by having one of Robert's bastards (or was it the mother?) shipped off to Essos as a sold slave was just awe inducing.

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Adolescence is idolizing Tywin
Adulthood is realizing Robert was the true king, he was right all along and his kingdom was by far the best thing that was shown in the series and books

His logical replacement was Tyrion but because Tywin disliked him and put all his faith in Jaime as Lord of Casterly rock he ultimately doomed his family

same tbqh, I'd gladly tittyfuck her while she's tied down and then feed her my balls while I jerk off and shoot a creamy load half on her face and half in her mouth

You just know Warren doesn't watch GoT and is trying to pander to a younger audience

Tywin and Dany would have been the power couple to rule westeros for a thousand years

Childhood is watching jewish propaganda and masturbating
Adulthood is thinking for yourself and having sex

Just say curriculum vitae like a normal person instead of that gay frog shit 'résumé'.

>muh family
>doesn't give a shit about his family
The only just man was Varys

ascendom is thinking about yourself and masturbating

Tywin was the most capable, efficient and respected leader in Westeros. But indeed he was a terrible family man and was eventually ruined by the stupid actions of his children and grandchild

Cute psycho!

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