The Great Debate

Which is it Yea Forums?

Which is the greatest television series of all time?

Honorable mentions: The Wire, Deadwood, Mad Men

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Other urls found in this thread:


Mad Men was pedantic feminist pandering and Ayn Randian anti-consumerism shlock

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Definitely not.

Started strong, ended poorly. The wife being cucked by le black panther niggreman was a bad touch.

breaking bad.

only surpassed by True detective S1

breaking reddit is shit my dude, every show you mentioned is better

There's literally no debate about it. Breaking Bad is cuckold trash for reddit losers and the Sopranos is red pilled tv for alpha males.

Breaking Bad is shit.
It doesn't hold up at all and the characters are horrible.

I can’t fucking fathom how anyone could compare those two shows. BB doesn’t have an ounce of the philosophical and psychological depth The Sopranos has, with the latter having a much more grounded and believable arc to the overall plot and conflicts. Walter White is a caricature compared to Tony Soprano. Such a stupid debate

Congrats you win the most reddit post of the day

Kill yourself reddit nigger


Bluepilled. Breaking Bad is kino.

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>my dude

Is Sopranos consistently kino tier?

Breaking Bad is the greatest television character study of all time. Every season is 9/10 and nothing is wasted. Saying it's "reddit" is absurd.

When he envisioned his life he had a faithful loving wife, a normal son, a career at a company he founded, he planned to sell their house in a "couple years" and move up.

Reality is the cancer. The cheating wife. The autistic son. The failed career. An unfulfilling life. If you can't relate to this character you are not human.

It begins as a noble pursuit to support his family but slowly more and more rules are broken and he becomes something else. Its a metamorphosis of a man with nothing to lose. Absolute kino.

Sopranos is fantasy Scorsese leftovers + gabagool memes and a shitty cut to black ending. Its several tiers below Breaking Bad and I'm not even being reddit.

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agents of shield is pretty cool

Breaking Bad because Goodfellas, Casino and Sexy Beast make Sopranos insignificant.

nothing is as good as breaking bad when you watch it for the first time. problem is that it is not very rewatchable unlike sopranos which becomes better on subsequent viewings

>disappointed normal man become bad!!!!

truly an astounding serial

The Wire is still the GOAT show. Mad Men sucks.


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THIS is how you get (You)s. Watch and learn reddit tourists. Now, this is some prime bait.

>The Wire
dude, like, just watch 40 episodes and youll be hooked. also, power through last season, it is utter shit

breaking bad has more explosions

True detective season 1>Twin peaks the return>The sopranos>Breaking bad>Mad men>The leftovers>the wire.

>Saying it's "reddit" is absurd.
uses reddit spacing in his reply. Like pottery. Why are redditors so pathetic?

BrBa is beta office wagecuck wish fulfillment. The Sopranos is a pure unblinking gaze into the void.

Alright you fucks, redpill me on the fucking Sopranos.
>inb4 i'm brainlet
So I tried watching the first 3 episodes but I honestly didn't quite get the praise it gets. Aside from the hot MILF counselor, nothing is quite out of the ordinary.
So there's muh family problems (just his mother and probably future cheating wife) and muh "garbage removal" problems.
I couldn't understand the whole mafia plotline, and I am ready to accept that I'm a brainlet, but honestly it is poor level when I compare it to Goodfellas or Godfather. There are so many names and places and actions happening that I honestly can't get it anons.
So help a fellow brainlet out and redpill me on this. Should I keep watching to ep 4 or is it just Yea Forums propaganda?

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These are litterally all the drama show's ive seen. Do i need to watch more or am I done with tv kino?

>Every season is 9/10
Season 3 is super inconsistent. The cousins are comic book characters and the season is only saved by a great ending.

>Reality is the cancer. The cheating wife
She only cheats on him after he admits to manufacturing and selling meth.
>The autistic son
He has cerebral palsy
>The failed career
Walt did it to himself. He's a selfish impulsive cunt. Problem is the show wanted to have its cake and eat it too. Sopranos showed Tony sink into the depths of moral depravity. In Breaking Bad Walt was still the hero in the end.

>Noble pursuit to support his family
No. Walt gets offered money by the Schwartz'. He declines. He cooked meth for the thrill.

>Sopranos is fantasy Scorsese leftovers
This is only true for parts of the first season.

>Shitty cut to black ending
I can see by the numerous errors in your post that you aren't capable of following complex narratives and understanding the language of film. Do you know what a POV shot is? Educate yourself. Sopranos is not open-ended.

If this quote in EP1 didnt resonate with you:

>"Let me tell ya something. Nowadays, everybody’s gotta go to shrinks, and counselors, and go on “Sally Jessy Raphael” and talk about their problems. What happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American. He wasn’t in touch with his feelings. He just did what he had to do. See, what they didn’t know was once they got Gary Cooper in touch with his feelings that they wouldn’t be able to shut him up! And then it’s dysfunction this, and dysfunction that, and dysfunction vaffancul!"

This show isn't for you and you should go bback to whatever capeshit you were watching.

>but honestly it is poor level when I compare it to Goodfellas or Godfather.
you just watched 3 episodes. you would say the same about those movies if you watched first 3 minutes. sopranos is comfy, but dont force yourself if you are not into the slow drama tv


It's all a big nothing

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>but dont force yourself if you are not into the slow drama tv
whats there to force about? I love every scene. Its fucking hilarious. Every line is a banger in this show.

You type like a fucking retard so yeah breaking bad is probably more up your alley champ :)
It’s the only show I’ve seen that actually gets better every season

Game of thrones s7-8

Sopranos, not even close. BrBa doesn't even come in the top 20. I'm guessing BrBa is so popular because it's the edgiest show on basic cable, so plebs who've never watched premium channels were astounded.

Everyone is this thread is delusional

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unironically I tried Breaking Bad too, and I got bored too by the third episode.
>Liked GoT, Bojack, Mr.Robot

Sopranos is boring as fuck. The Wire and Oz are so much better

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Doubling down on this Boardwalk Empire is better as well.

>3 episodes aired
there are shows that went full RETARD after 4 god tier seasons

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you are the ultimate pleb born between 1995 and 2000 for sure. Its not your fault. You are just a zoomer.

How the fuck can someone find The Sopranos boring. It's got everything!

you must be a complete idiot if that is all you got out of that show.

So what? Knowing when to bring things to a close before the quality dips is part of making a good show


1. Mad Men

2. The Leftovers

3. The Wire

4. The Sopranos

5. Twin Peaks

Breaking Bad is somewhere between 6-10.

i was just saying that the fail is inevitable. every other year there is show that has good starts and then gets completely forgotten / becomes mediocre and stays that way till it dies / stays good for couple of seasons then drops hard


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>this thread
>not 1 mention of M*A*S*H*

Fucking zoomers

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This. The premise has been done about sixty times before and in less than 6 seasons. Can any Sopranos fan explain what makes it so special compared to the above examples?


Fuck didnt see your post my man. I retract this statement


Suck my dick faggots

>Can any Sopranos fan explain what makes it so special compared to the above examples?
It's a deconstruction of the above examples. If you look at Metz's 4 stages of genre filmmaking as well as his work on semiotics, The Sopranos' brilliance becomes apparent.

only people who havent watched the sopranos think its a show about the mafia lmao

I hated the first episode. Its not like bb or got because in those shows theres always something big to look foward too. What is walter and jessie going to get up to next? Who will die next on got and whats going to happen when the white walkers arrive? Sopranos and older shows like that don't have something big always going to happen every season. Someone that you have to look foward to. I hated the first episode of the sopranos but once i got used to the characters it became really comfy. Im only on season 3 tho.

You do know that just because something has been done before, that doesn't make it bad or worthless, right?

Personal favorites of mine, imma include miniseries too
>Warrior (the chink one)
>Hell on Wheels
>The Wire
>Band of Brothers
>Generation Kill
>The Pacific
>Blue Bloods (sue me)
those are the ones off the top of me head but i'm fair sure there are others

Like ur mum

Just realised I put Ayy Tone twice lol

The Sopranos was the start of the golden age of TV, buy GoT was its peak.

>GoT was its peak.

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>It’s the only show I’ve seen that actually gets better every season
This. I wasn't disappointed in a single episode. Everything is just great

To a certain degree i agree with you. GoT was absolutely brilliant for a while, the writing, the costume design, the settings. It's a God damned shame how it turned out.

The "Golden Age" was literally just early 2000s HBO. The Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood and Rome were all airing simultaneously. What we're experiencing now is just an oversaturation of mediocre content that does nothing to push the medium forward.

It transcends its medium to become true art and one of the great epics of mankind, on par with the Iliad or the Aeneid.

It's hard to imagine how any other show could ever surpass it.

>Heh... for me, it's the Sopranos. In fact, I don't think Breaking Bad has any artistic merit whatsoever.

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Did Rome have the worst intro animation of all time? It has to be top 3.

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>It's hard to imagine how any other show could ever surpass it.
The Sopranos surpassed it a decade ago.

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What is there to deconstruct about Goodfellas when that itself is a deconstruction of mob movies?

sure and this

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I've no exposure to Rome other than what I have heard, from what i think I know it's just historical inaccuracies and soft core porn. Red pill on me it bro, make me want to watch it.

Peaky Blinders

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The metafictional implications of living the lifestyle presented in Goodfellas where it exists as a film within the fictional world you inhabit.

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>Gary coopah was gay?

Breaking Bad.
Overarching plot can be stupid sometimes but the moment to moment character interactions are incredible. When Walt is caught lying it feels like the entire world is collapsing no other show can replicate this feeling no matter how much they raise the stakes cause it ends up feeling like just another action scene.
It also utilizes it's medium far better than The Sopranos that show is just pure dialogue.

>how it turned out

So brilliantly that it will be remembered as the ultimate masterpiece of television?

>The Wire
>NYPD Blue

>Boardwalk Empire
>Breaking Bad
>X Files

>The Sopranos
>Law & Order

>Blue Bloods

>Any CSI

>It also utilizes it's medium far better than The Sopranos that show is just pure dialogue.
bait and cringe

>No Twin Peaks
>No Mad Men
>No The Shield
>a retard makes a tier list
cringe. no wonder he ranks boardwalk empire and bb higher than sopranos.

Fantastic show, Pretty much goes downhill from season 1 though, not like a landslide but a slight decline, t'was a shame when Alfie dies. Hopefully I blacked the name right, first time trying to use the spoiler feature.

>Sopranos is pure dialogue
Found the brainlet

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Mad men shouldn't be mentioned with the others. Production is great, that's the only metric it competes in

>waaah my pussy hurts, user forgot to mention my favorite shitty TV show
Mad Men and the Shield are shit not worthy of mentioning you stupid zoomer.

I honestly forgot to add Twin Peaks to great tier.

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I can fuck with that

the Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin of tv. I want to see the Yo Momma So Fat guys use them instead of cartoons all the time


(Alda whinging excluded)

>Mad Men and the Shield are shit not worthy of mentioning

Horry sheet

I think thematically it's really just Sopranos-Lite. You have the balance between relationships in work and private life, but it's not executed as well. It's kind of obvious too since a lot of the writing staff carried over to Mad Men when The Sopranos ended.

You’re an actual baby boomer, aren’t you?

No, I just have good taste.

You have to be baiting me dude, but i'll bite, what makes you think the ending was brilliant.

>no its always sunny in Philadelphia


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Breaking Bad
The Wire

>Yea Forums:


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Fucking lol. I bet you prefer LOST over Twin Peaks too.

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>and I'm not even being reddit.
reddit: the post, down to redditspacing and all

Holy shit when did facebook boomers enter Yea Forums?

Ralphie was a piece of shit everywhere he went

Sopranos is prob the most based and redpilled show, it felt real up until the last season.

The only good from breaking bad is the scene when walters comes home at night and just proceed to fuck his wife because all the adrenaline he had.

Also true detective deserves honorable mention

I can't stomach LOST after season 1

I agree to a certain degree. Sopranos is the start of the golden age of modern TV but remeber that Twin Peaks came out in 1990 but was way ahead of its time (also, no Twin Peaks = no Sopranos). But I don't agree that GoT is some kind of peak but maybe that's just me since I'm not really into geek culture oriented stuff like fantasy etc (I did watch though). I believe there will be more well written and well produced shows to come.

Go back

based and capepilled

Redditors are fucking obesessed with Breaking Bad and constantly monitors Yea Forums for threads about it so they can come in and defend it. It's sick. Seek help.

>The Wire, Breaking Bad, Oz and X-Files that high
>Sopranos and Deadwood that low
>No mention of Twin Peaks

What have become of the old Yea Forums I used to know and love?

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What writing staff? The only person who gets credited that worked on both was Weiner. He wrote 12 episodes of Sopranos, but ultimately full control was in Chase hands, as everyone who worked on the show says.

>back up
I just started this kino

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Sopranos for sure

Bojack is the worst thing on that list

sopranos is nothing like goodfellas you dumb shits. its literally a depiction of the post goodfellas type of mob experience. jesus christ.

imagine thinking BB is anywhere near the sopranos
GOT is unironically better than BB

1. Mad Men

2. The Leftovers

3. The Wire

4. The Sopranos

5. Twin Peaks

Really can't argue against this list.

>Saying it's "reddit" is absurd
says the dude with the reddit spacing format

>post goodfellas type of mob experience.
Sexy Beast already does that.


>reddit spacing
imagine being this fucking new

>being this new

that's how I know you didn't get it.

>exposed redditor pretends to be an oldfag
>he frantically tries to find a screencap from 2004 Yea Forums to prove that its not reddit spacing
i have seen this episode before

I wish I could upvote you twice

Made in 1972, Are you being served is in syndication on almost every PBS station in America. The cost to air a single episode per day is $200, per station.

Hands down its 'Are you being served?'

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Tony and The Sopranos win.

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I liked the americans, the leftovers, the young pope, the knick, the terror, mr. Robot, boardwalk empire, banshee, first season of billions was okay, deadwood, the wire, twin peaks, rome, breaking bad, damages,

but the sopranos is still the best I've seen

I didn't even watch it, not gonna waste my time with 6 seasons of shit I've already seen.

Make way for the true goat, peasants.

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The Shield.

>I didn't even watch it, not gonna waste my time with 6 seasons of shit I've already seen.

Sopranos was better. Not saying the breaking bad wasn't good.

You are both faggots.

>GOT is unironically better than BB
Just kill yourself, man. What's even stopping you at this point?


I only watched BB for the first time last year and was surprised how few times Walt was "badass1!"
From what I'd heard I thought he was supposed to become some mastermind near the end but really he's always scrambling to survive when shit goes wrong.
I still enjoyed it, I just thought Walter never stopped being a lame boomer and don't know why people think he's cool

only cucks find him relateable. Hes literally a redditor. They think they feel like walter white when they cross a red light late at night with nobody around. Absolutely pathetic.

Pretty much dude, he had no idea what the fuck he was doing and only got lucky a few times, until he eventually died

Twin peaks the return
The sopranos
The wire
Breaking bad
True detective

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But that’s exactly what you’re implying

>you can only like 1 show
what are you? retarded?


I feel like sopranos was written in a time when they were going for rating episode to episode more than for an over all cohesiveness so bb

tony's charisma is leaps and bounds above walter white but let's be real if it was a chess match, walter would just use some ''science shit'' to quickly win

as far as show value, there are characters on BB you can imagine being replaced by another actor, on Sopranos every fills their role so completely it's uncanny

>when they were going for rating episode to episode more than for an over all cohesiveness
absolutely retarded. The Sopranos connects ALL dots across ALL characters. Its beautiful to watch.

This but unironically. Best tv show of all time.

Didn't watch The Leftovers, putting Sopranos over Wire, though I'm mid season 3 on The Wire now, agree with Don Draper being the king of TV dramatic kino. Pitch me The Leftovers.

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Agreed. Marketing is the king and studios have to much data now so they can construct storylines without the need to have good writers. Fan service after fan service. Internet was a mistake.


You can't spell GOAT without GOT, my dudes

pic related

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Tfw 20 minutes into the first episode of the Sopranos, been on my watchlist for around a decade but this thread finally triggered me enough to start it.

You wont be disappointed user

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Sopranos is a stupid incel-fantasy show with a "macho-men" ruling everything, what a stupid show

True. The Sopranos is a complete masterpiece.
Absolute reddit.

I agree with your conclusion, but BB isn't some magnum opus. I definitely enjoyed it far more than the fucking Sopranos, especially with that literally piece of shit non-ending which instantly knocked it down a few more points for me. Fuck Sopranos. The only good thing about it is the memes.

Notice how all the replies to this post don't refute anything and literally just ad hom about your posting format, literally what reddit does when they're out of arguments. Sopranoniggers are subhuman.

What kind of men do you think rule the world?

>It’s the only show I’ve seen that actually gets better every season
This is literally bullshit and a lie. I actually had to take an extended hiatus mid season 5 cause I got so fucking bored, and season 6 was an absolute mess with a stupid as fuck fag plot shoved in.

Breaking Bad is barely a good show from the early 2010s (since that's when it picked up steam).

Sopranos is a great show for all time.

Your thread sucks btw

I'm someone who seemingly goes back and forth on wire or sopranos being better. if you think don draper is the king of dramatic kino you will fall in love with garvey and nora. i think were in sync and its all you need.

>BB doesn’t have an ounce of the philosophical and psychological depth The Sopranos has
You can't even justify this statement at all. All you said was meaningless babble vague and generic enough to apply to literally any decent show. There is no "philosophical and psychological" depth to the show other than what you purposefully put there to rationalize your position. Fucking fool.

Tired of hearing this shit.

cringe. Just accept it. BB is fucking reddit trash LOL.

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>There is no "philosophical and psychological" depth to the show
The Sopranos is probably the only show that actually has literary-tier depth.

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Kino video coming through. Additional fun fact. Tony was named Thomas/Tommy in the original pilot script.

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>The Sopranos is probably the only show that actually has literary-tier depth.

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How the fuck you could even think BB compares to Sopranos is beyond Pleb. Sopranos will always be king. It still has multiple threads on here daily.

t. Jamal Ginsberg

>this thread is still up
murder should be legal

t. stupid fucking retard sopranigger

sopranos is a masterpiece of artistic expression

remember when people called niggers niggers on TV on The Sopranos? No you don't cause you are chastised Breaking Reddit fancuck.

Shut the fuck up retard. Stupid fucking nigger. I'm sick of you pseuds.


fuck off you dribbling Downie cunt

Eat shit you faker. There is nothing authentic about you or your fake ass show.

>I hated the first episode
ive rewatced Sopranos 3 times. When i came back to it and watched the first episode i just smiled. It looks very foreign to you when you just dont know the characters but when you do its just fucking great.

>B-But I thought the greatest TV series was Bergman's Scenes from a wedding..?

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Breaking bad is like a childrens show, the main character uses his science skills to get out of tricky situations

>hurr lets make a battery
>hurrr lets make a bomb
>hurr lets make a bomb the size of a grain of rice
>hurr lets use acid to get rid of the bodies

massive amounts of ultra-cringe, it's a sitcom

LOST and Leftovers
Sopranos and Mad Men
the rest

>it's a sitcom

go figure, sopranos is genuinely hilarious at times