Actors notoriously difficult to work with

Edward Norton is apparently notoriously difficult on set, with many of his co-workers reporting the actor often asks to help write or even rewrite scripts.

On the first day on he set of Silence of the Lambs sequel, Red Dragon, Norton reportedly showed up on set with reams of new script pages he’d written himself, demanding the director film them all.

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That's pretty awesome. Considering the qualities of some screenplays, I have no doubt someone who is well-read could write better content with no formal training.

based. Also the reason he doesn't get work anymore.

Vin Diesel apparently a bit of a diva

That makes his character in Birdman even more kino.

Fuck off Rocky.

>Incredible Hulk comes out
>it's breddy gud
>there is actual character drama and depth to bruce banner
>the mouse cries that Norton took control of it and ruined everything
>fire him
>the hulk is a complete and utter fucking joke in every single movie without Norton's creative control over the character, has reached a point where he literally dabbed and is purely there to be a punchline
It's time for them to apologise

The Babylon AD making of shows this. Also the way the director got fucked by the studios.

>hey i have a few ideas that could make the movie better and did all this extra work
aaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!! blacklisted!!!!!

That Rock vs Vin Diesel bullshit was a publicity stunt.

>It's time for them to apologise
As if they would. Hulk like Gimli is a problematic characters. It's hyper-masculinity with zero sex appeal. These characters are relegated to jokes and comic relief because the creators cannot stand to have such an archetype around.

Edward Norton should just be a writer or director if he has the passion to do it.

Do you think giving him a movie to direct and letting it flop hard would've straightened him out?

It's pretty obvious it wasn't a publicity stunt and they actually hate each other when they don't film any scenes together in Fate of the Furious. Diesel is also seriously pissed off about Rock getting a spin-off that was released before Fast 9. They legit can't stand each other.

> get hires as AN ACTOR
> want to write and also direct

fuck off. youre and actor, act and shut the fuck up about all the rest. want more control? produce your own movie.

based, he's probably an idiot and his rewrites are shit but he has the right idea
the amount of absolute shit most actors read is incredible

imagine youre directing lord of the rings or avengers endgame and every actor has 'a few ideas that could make the movie better'.


what happened between them that it warrants such hate?

if youre directing Endgame or any Avengers movie you an easily just tell them even you dont have any control

Based and redpilled.

The Rock cucked him.

Reminds me of Harrison Ford telling Lucas that "you can't say these lines, George. You might write them, but no one can say these things" when he read the Episode IV script I think

>That Rock vs Vin Diesel bullshit was a publicity stunt.

After Fast Five, they stopped having scenes together but for a little bit of setup lol And now Rock has his own offshoot where he really doesn't have to work with Vin.

Extreme doubt it's a work, especially considering that heat is utterly unique in Rock's career wherein everyone loves the guy and he's mega chill... but for saying he'll literally fuck up his coworker.

Death to smoochie exists

Since The Rock came on the franchise was reignited and he doesn't like that.
Its true popularity is due to Brian's death though

Wasn't his character in Birdman also an asshole who was a pain to everyone else involved?

at least some part of it is that vin has it in his contract that he can never lose a fight. rock fucking hates that, being a wrestler.

Diesel thought Rock was stealing his thunder in the franchise and upset he got a spin-off film that cut into his franchise. Rock doesn't like Vin showing up to set late all the time and being a diva / tyrant on set because he is a producer / main character.

I'll admit that his character in the franchise oozes charisma and is very likeable. However the true heart of Fast and the Furious was the bro-tier scenes with Brian and Dom

Rock's inclusion is a factor to the franchise blowing up, yes, but so was Vin's return and Lin's direction. Heaping all the goodwill on Rock is disingenuous.

Happened in lotr and worked.

>Its true popularity is due to Brian's death though
Absolue bullshit. The franchise made billions when he was alive. Fucking moron.

Not to mention Rocky joined just as the Chinese market exploded yet he somehow managed to spin that as him being the reason for its success.

>made billions
adding them altogether are we, spastic?

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>Once [Norton] got the script, he read it straight through until 3:00 am. Norton said, "I laughed so hard I woke people up."[22] Norton wanted to meet Iñárritu the next day, and once they met, Norton told him he could not cast someone who was the "embodiment" of what the script was taking aim at.

>fast and furious Tokyo drift made $158
Lmao, car lovers are nerds

I have mixed feelings on Edward Norton's insistence on being a part of the writing process. On the one hand, it shows that he actually gives a shit about his art and wants the films he's a part of to be as well-written as possible. On the other hand, the creative part of filmmaking is usually handled by the writers and directors. Most auteurs would be rightfully annoyed if on the first day of filming an actor came up to them and said "your script is shit, so I wrote my own. Fuck your vision, let's do things my way."

This reminds me of Hitchcock's quote, "I never said all actors are cattle; what I said was all actors should be treated like cattle."

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He actually thought he was the one that made the franchise boom? Man F&F is a literal money printer, it has a lot of riced up cars, booty, zoomer soundtracks, quips, and blockbuster plots that just keep getting more and more ludicrous, something that just adds to the allure of every new movie. Even that offspin with Jason Statham that has the most ridiculous setting and villain will shart dollars to infinity solely because of the franchise's name on it

Just look at Taylor Sheridan. Guy spends his life doing bit parts, thinks hey, I've read a thousand scripts, I can do that, and proceeds to write Sicario, with his first draft being the final draft.

I bet Norton is in a similar boat

At least he cares about his work. I can respect that.

while filming Maidstone, Rip Torn struck director and star Norman Mailer in the head with a hammer. With the camera rolling, Mailer bit Torn's ear and they wrestled to the ground. The fight continued until it was broken up by cast and crew members. The fight is featured in the film. Although the scene may have been planned by Torn, the blood shed by both actors was real, and Torn was reportedly outraged by Mailer's direction

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i heard from my bud that there's a contract that diesel cannot lose to a fight, really pissed off the rock probably why he demanded a spin off without diesel and his crew

F1 does okay
F2 a sharp drop
F3 a plummet
F4 does over twice what F3 did, and is when Vin returned and Lin took over
F5 people didn't sleep on it like they did 4, almost doubles the box office take yet again and Rock is included
F6 even more people get onboard, performs as well as 5 + 3 combined
F7 Walker's death takes a bonafide huge hit franchise and turns it into a cultural touchstone
F8 merely continues the increased earnings trend which has been happening for now 5 films

Rock thinking this is his handiwork is lol. He absolutely is an active participant in the earnings but him coming in didn't turn anything around or create some boom. He helped and didn't harm, yes, but the wheels were all in motion regardless of his involvement.

So the Rock is a fuckin diva then. Its not his franchise.

according to Scott Eastwood The Rock is one of nicest guys in hollywood

probably gay

Rock's only "franchise" is Scorpion King, which is but a spinoff like his Hobbs character is in now.

Mostly his stuff fucking sucks.

I heard some rumors about a scene in the black widow movie regarding Steve rogers fighting with red skull on vormir. Is that true?

I fucked up that 2 was a tiny uptick from 1 but it did put the franchise on life support. Everything else stands.

I want to see his behind the scenes footage in Freddy Got Fingered, every scene with him was gold.

Vin is a manlet and hates tall people

yes the franchise made billions. we add them all together cause its a franchise.

This thread sucks

Jared Leto once gave Will Smith a birthday card even though it wasn't his birthday.