This the best film of the 2010's

This the best film of the 2010's.
It will never be topped

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you know it's true Yea Forums

it was topped by the same director a couple of times

Which films has he made this decade that are better?

>blocks your path

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Yes, but mostly because of peak Chastain.

>muh malick
fuck him and fuck tree of life

Attached: httmv1.bTsxMTI0MDAwOTtqOzE3NzI1OzEyMDA7MTMxNzsxNzU2.jpg (206x305, 30K)

>muh ironic reddit tier humour

it's definitely up there
i saw your thread the other day as well. please don't beat this film into meme status or ill write you an angry post

You didn't see it if you think its reddit

I haven't seen the Turin horse.
Should I watch it?
Is it similar to Tree of life?

sean penn automagically makes it a bad film

>Is it similar to Tree of life?
It's pretty much the complete opposite.

Knight of Cups

I didn't make a tree of life thread yesterday.
I watched the film and went to bed after that.
the film is in my top 5 fore sure so I don't think I would want to beat it into meme status

Brainlet who can't spell detected

No it's not similar, it has completely different style and mood. It's comprised of long takes and has very apocalyptic and gloomy mood. It's very repetitive yet hypnotic and relentlessly bleak. If you want to watch something from Bela Tarr start with Werckmeister Harmonies and Damnation.

this exact same thread was created the other day so someone is memeing

I'll torrent it today.

Yesterday someone made a thread about the fact that he was going to watch it.
There is a Tree of life thread every month at this point

>the guy who barely has less than 10 minutes of screen time ruins the film

Attached: g5g5vvv.jpg (225x225, 6K)

maybe that was it

I'll watch these, I highly doubt anything can come close to the immersive and breathtaking experience that is The Tree of Life

Just looked it up and I can't wait to watch it.
I'm sure it'll be kino, since Malick directed it and Christian based bale is in it