Name ONE movie where the jews are the bad guys.
Name ONE movie where the jews are the bad guys
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Wow this unironically really made me think
But to answer your question, The Passion of the Christ. Also any documentaries about Germany post WWI
Schindlers List
Lucky Number Slevin
Hard to do it openly with how much control they have over the media.
Carpenter successfully did it with They Live.
End of Evangelion
The Iron Bank of Braavos.
literally all of them since they're all reversals of reality
Batman returns
triple 9
Der Ewige Jude ofcourse.
Passion of the Christ
all those nice German men ended up getting in trouble in Schindler's List because they were fucking crybaby tattletales
The jews as a whole or just one jew as the bad guy ?
any movie with jews
It's anime but Angel Cop
>In Spanish: La lista de Schindlers
>Literally: Schindlers, the clever girl
Like for real, Spain?
Wolf of Wall Street?
Band of Brothers
>Drive's Anti-Semitism
We got a winner.
The leprechaun series
warrick davis is a bitch
I sure would like to kick his little ass
Eyes wide shut
None because God’s chosen people can never be evil.
passion of the christ. they fucking hated it.
Ironically, any adaptation of any of the Bible bits.
Blade Runner
United 93
>thinking they don't act as a singularity
is this your first day here
Godfather 2
Came here to post this.
what are some of these documentaries?
Blood diamonds
Der ewige Jude
The Matrix
Carlito's Way
And it got called antisemitic for doing it.
The judaism of Belfort and many of his cohorts is never explicitly mentioned.
Roth is an antagonist but Michael is arguably the bad guy.
X-men. Erik Lensherr is Jewish and while quite sympathetic, he’s still a villain.
The Believer
Summer of Sam
Miller's Crossing
The Godfather 2 (Hyman Roth)
The Golem
Angels in America
Once Upon a Time in America
Jew Suss
any movie about Leopold and Loeb
Three Little Pigs (1933)
Crimes and Misdemeanors
The Wire
The Sopranos
Fagin in Oliver Twist
Assuming this is even a credible list, it's a shame it isn't miles longer. Doesn't make you think one bit.
I think in the Movie "Pi" the main protagonist was hunted by a bunch of rabbis iirc.
I'd argue they went out of their way to imply they were all WASPs, except a few names that ended in Berg.
Wow nicely done, this is correct.
Isn’t that only in the manga and entirely removed from the anime?
Triple 9 for some reason had Jewish Mafia
>literally sponsoring degeneracy
Yeah, you're right. It's probably just easier to get your story made that way.
are his other movies this good ?
I just realized she burned the city because he remembered missandre saying ''drakares''
the first harry potter the bankers were jewish
passion of the christ
based Refn
Oliver Twist
I remember a film about the mafia in 1930 the antagonist was a jewish mob boxer
I'd say yes or all of them are interesting at least.
Lion King
Scar is the jew and the hyenas are nogs.
You would think there would be more
They are making a remake of the movie only because the original is so red pilled!! When people counter and say well what doesn’t that make mufasa Jewish too? Wrong!! Mufasa’s dad had multiple lioness in his pride, so obviously his dad accidentally impregnated a Jew lion!
>make a movie with Jews as bad guys
>exiled from Hollywood for 10 years
Make sense.
Which is precisely why Mel Gibson got blacklisted for 10 years.
That's not a movie. That's a group within a literary and television universe. Also it doesn't count when the creator is a kike themselves.
The Conspiracy
The upcoming rothschild movie by mel gibson
Any xmen movie where Magneto was the bad guy.
maginto is a crypto nazi
Came here to post this. Based
>bad guy is synonymous with nazi
public education.
Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy. The villain, Don Roritor, has a "bris" for his nephew in his office.
Quick! Off the top of your head, name a single movie from the last 5 years where a person of nigger portrays a morally reprehensible character.
Avon Barksdale in Dredd
I had to think about it though
Jews destroy a bunch of lives just to make a movie.
> Carpenter named the jew in cinema
> son of a carpenter named the jew in Galilee
Movie producer’s name is also Les Grossman. He doesn’t care about anyone dying and just wants to make millions off a movie. Clearly the Jew is the bad guy.
Les Grossman = Harvey Weinstein
One Hour Photo
SpongeBob SquarePants