This is an actual RT review of "The Secret Life of Pets 2".
This is an actual RT review of "The Secret Life of Pets 2"
whats wrong with this, zootopia tackled similar issues
>he wanted gay animals in the dog cartoon
Maybe he wants to bee your honey
Wow maybe I will go to see this flick now
You're talking a lot
But you're not saying anything
he has the right to judge the movie by whatever metric he pleases, at least he's being honest with his retarded values
watching a movie is a personal experience, and you should trust more reasons than cold numbers anyway
How has no one beat the shit out of this fucking faggot yet?
Goddamn nigga
>this movie is bad because it doesn't tell kids to be gay
literally demons walking the earth.
God help us.
because nazis never dare leave their basements
Carlos! Wait...his name is Carlos too. Underrated post as fuck
>copy and paste this to any movie
Dubs of truth. He's literally mad at a cartoon for not being propaganda and just kinda towing the line of expected family values. His way of thinking is incredibly dangerous, no doubt he's gay.
the term hetero-normative is the stupidest thing I have ever seen
by a wide margin most living beings are heterosexual, that's how all species reproduce
I can't wait for an apocalypse be it man made or divine, I'm so tired of this bullshit
That's fine but then Rotten Tomatoes should have an option of altering the score to factor out critics with fag views.
>top critic
Loads of critics are unironic numales pretending to be poignant, it's why they give capeshit, nu wars and 3D Disney remakes 9000/10.
This is it, this is the one. This is the signal that will attract a progressive art thot to his DMs and later, his motel room.
RT died when they got rid of the ability to comment on critics' reviews and totally shit on their retarded opinions.
I actually watched the first movie in its entirety.
These movies do not deserve the amount of analysis this reviewer gave. They are garbage. Trash. Shit. There was literally no discernible plot in the movie. It was just “the animals talk while you aren’t home” joke beaten raw over and over and over. Heteronormativity? That is so so far from what the writers cared about it should be a sin to suggest otherwise. These people that made this movie a reality need to go back to 6th grade to learn how to write a story.
>There was literally no discernible plot in the movie
i bet you think The Raid had no plot either.
he's right, though
Sound like you incels
Yeah, no. She's still not going to fuck you, bro. Sorry.
How many buzzwords can you name within a paragraph, the review.
Everybody's an perpetually butthurt activist. What a fun society we live in.
Based Carlos working incels into seethingly clicking his article
No sit sherlock.
Angry Birds only cartoon for people with brain.
Um sweetie animals can be trans too yet not a single trans pet in the entire series? And all of the boy dogs only liked the girl dogs? Racist and sexist much?
It's 2019 we don't need any more movies that reinforce the white cis male patriarchy.
Motherfucker is so broke and unimportant that he doesn't even have security, anybody from the street can curb stump the shit out of this thing.
Who cares? RT is irrelevant and the people who do use it just look at the score. They don't read the reviews
>Not gay enough
>Bad review
>Top critic
Why do these people even exist in the present? I seriously don't get how film critics are still a thing nowadays with internet existing, especially when they are all so fucking bias and get bought all the damn time.
It’s time to stop being surprised by stupidity. It’s time to plan against it.
probably lives in a white neighborhood
That's what I expect from a fan of BR2049.
>wear your "LOL PUNCH NAZIS" shirt.
>forget you have it on when you leave the house to refill your onions fridge.
>realize mid trip that you are still wearing it.
>become instantly terrified and hold back tears every time anyone looks in your direction.
>"b-back off, gamergate. I'm v-verified on Twitter!"
>snap a selfie and post it to Instagram so the fascist police can identify your body when the right wing death squads assassinate you on behalf of Drumpf.
Pic related.
lol what pic