Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that these two were retarded right?

Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that these two were retarded right?

Attached: download (9).jpg (245x180, 13K)

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were politics really that harsh in real life Westeros

The only real men in the show along with Tywin

yes but also respective badasses

nah honour was a big deal in mediaeval tymes

Robb was a dumbass for not honoring his marraige with the Freys, also he lost half his men. Wasn't a "real man" in any sense of the word.

what about robert, roose, thorne etc

Was Stannis autistic?

Attached: 220px-King_Stannis_Baratheon_Profile_Picture_Down_Facing.jpg (220x273, 19K)

>Stannis' most prominent characteristics are his flinty and austere demeanor, unrelenting stubbornness, and powerful sense of duty and justice
>He rarely forgives a slight
>he is a better tactician than fighter
>Stannis is known for his brusqueness and lack of tact in social situations and finds himself uncomfortable around women, including his own wife
>He abhors brothels and once tried to have them banned from King's Landing,
>Stannis is plagued with bitterness at the lack of respect and affection he has been shown by his older brother King Robert,
>During the years he served on the small council in King's Landing, he left his wife on Dragonstone. He wrote to her, but only occasionally. His visits were even fewer, and he did his duty in the marriage bed only once or twice a year, and took no joy in it.
>Stannis dresses plainly
>Stannis is an atheist

What gave it away?

>Not a real man because he ignored some retarded hobo

Please, kys
I did forget Stannis, he is a real man also

To be fair Robb was a young lad, easy to fuck things up when you’re that young

Ned was a straight up idiot though

Stannis is probably the most admirable character in the series. And for all that has s fanboys whine about D&D ruining hol, they still gave him the best theme in the series by far:

>30:18 onwards

Attached: 1558286218880.jpg (492x524, 24K)

His arc is still the most interesting and best in the show too as well as the arc which remains the least tainted or utterly destroyed. Somehow Stephen Dillane and just the aura of the character he embodied managed to pull off the daughter burning and still make him seem like a crusading hero until his dying breath, and long after.

Even if Robb honored his marriage, he would've gotten stabbed in the back eventually.


They were way less retarded than nu-GoT fuckboys like Jon snow or the dragon bitch but the show didn’t give popular characters plot armor yet

Yeah, the show went downhill once actions stopped having consequences and the character arcs werw rushed to hell

He made a few mistakes, but extremely few, and almost all of them were for fear of greater corruption or danger. He literally had to get backstabbed and ambushed twice before he was put to the blade, and both of these circumstances were Lannister leaps for power.

He is like the opposite of Ned. He inspires his men to do great heights and it's clear that he was some kind of Superman to the people of the North, but holy christ were his decisions fucking stupid when it came to his personal wants and needs. If he buried his emotions for a brief moment and simply married some Frey trash and put a child into her, they would have been spared the Red Wedding.

nah ramsay put all those cucks to shame 2bh

Richard Madden would have made a better Jon Snow. I mean he's just as pathetic but better looking

It's almost as though you just finally got (heh, get it?) what GoT was trying to do with the fantasy genre.

Ned lived his life in the North, a place of honor and dignity. He was completely unprepared for the corrupt swamp that was King’s Landing

>showfags not knowing Robb was in a catch 22 after he got news from winterfell

>arc which remains the least tainted or utterly destroyed
where was the peach, where was the paper shield, by God where was the speech before Battle on Ice?!

Ramsay was an entertaining character but there was a lot of plot stupidity where he was involved. Sir Twentygoodmen along with his storyline being the prototype stage for characters and armies teleporting.

They're retarded but their house ends up ruling all of westeros and beyond. Bran will be king of westeros for at least 50 years, starks will rule the north for eternity on their glory alone, Jon snow/stark/targ will be king beyond the wall.

Madden looks fucking ghoulish without a beard

he replaced the better roose

He was probably starving himself before filming so he'd have abs for the scene where they're all getting ready for Roberts arrival.

Robb was stupid. Ned much less so. His only fuck up was telling Cersei his plan, although even then considering he spent his life hiding the identity of one of his kids it's easy to understand why he did it.

No, because the time that bought the northmen Stannis would have taken Kingslanding by then