What the fuck went SO WRONG with season 5...

What the fuck went SO WRONG with season 5? I've been binging the whole series and there's such a stark shift between seasons 4 and 5, it feels like the show took a year off and then got picked up by some big Hollywood studio. All of the sudden there are so many cheesy closeups and tracking shots, the cinematography feels more "cinematic" and less colorful, and the dialogue is pretty much all in service of the plot and every character is flanderized. We all know the show went to shit, but upon rewatch I'm surprised at the way it happened so immediately from one episode to the next, and it's confusing cause they still had tons of book material to adapt at this point.

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DnD started doing there own things.

Like you've been told several times already: they ran out of material from the books for most of the characters by that point. Even by season 4 they were making up shit for half the episodes but for the most part still had lots of GRRM's writing to reference for stuff. Season 5 is where it started sliding into fan fiction territory.

dorne and twenty good men

when people praise s5 they only ever praise hardhome

But it's not just the writing, even scenes that are good on paper like Jon beheading Janos Slynt are rendered mediocre by cheesy music and camera work.

That was season 7 but yeah I know what you mean. Literally the only kino parts for me beyond season 4 were the Beyond the Wall arc and specifically Hardhome and the Army of the Dead breaching the Wall.

hardhome was ep8 of s5

Can we have a moment of silence for the real last kino moment of the series?


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Holy shit you're right. I thought Hardhome was the same episode the dragon got speared. I did like that scene desu and the wall melting scene but yeah Jesus... wtf even happened for 2 seasons after this.

Absolutely nothing memorably post season 5 then other than Battle of the Bastards and the javelin spearing.

That wasn't kino. That was pure retardation that would have the entire realm in open rebellion against her if not her ridiculous plot armour.

it was fine as it was, but her suffering no longterm consequences was fucking retarded. She should have fallen to an uprising, and Jamie kills her to spare her rape and burning by the mob or Danerys. Season 8 should have been the walkers invasion

this was the point where they ran out of source material, and only had a rough outline of where things would go as told to them by GRRM.

they wanted to adapt the books, not fucking finish them for GRRM. in hindsight, you can sort of see why they wanted to end the show as soon as possible. they never signed on for that shit.

I get your point, it's the sort of move only Cercei would think of pulling, no doubt while telling herself she's a genius before it came around to bite her in the arse. The fact D&D played it straight as genius, as opposed to Cercei continuing to hang her herself with all the rope she's given is what really fucked it up.

They shouldn’t have been so stupidly greedy as to start adapting a series that was nowhere near completion.

Jaime marching on highgarden was kino

Exept at that point they still had two books to go with thousands of pages of material. They are solely to blame for their own retardation.

Last second adaption of the Dorne plot caused hasty rewrites and reshoots, it all had to be haphazardly patched back together.

I'm really hoping for a "fix this shit" edit by HBO that redoes most of the crap plots with keeping the majority of what's been made. Refilm some scenes, shoot alternate endings for season 5 and 6, then redo most of season 7 and 8

This. Season 4 was about 25% garbage. They cut out the Tysha reveal which ended up ruining Tyrion's entire character arc and neutered the climax of the season, invented Invincible Shirtless Ramsay, had the nonsensical "rescue attempt" by Yara, made Littlefinger a retard, completely dropped Jaime's development, etc. Seasons 2 and 3 had some issues but they were minor in comparison.

I think D&D were getting high on their own farts by that point, plus they didn't have nearly as much time as they used to to adapt the books and polish their writing. Also remember that the only reason they wanted to adapt the books in the first place was the Red Wedding, which they thought (correctly) would be heckin ebin to normalfags. That all carried into Season 5. George stopped writing for the show too, and I'm guessing they lost a lot of oversight and maybe the drive to impress/satisfy the fat man.

I bet you're mad they cut penny too.

A little. She's a great foil to Tyrion's intelligence and cynicism. Obviously wouldn't make sense with the white-washed show version though.

Dabid OC.

Season 5 is when they ran out of source material and the show went "mainstream"...I'm wasn't surprised. I stopped caring once Stannis lost to 20 good men.

S5 still had Cersei's walk of shame which was the last great moment of the show.

It was so cringe, the retard with the bell jeeez

they killed off based meryn

>I think D&D were getting high on their own farts by that point
Well, that and cocaine.

This is why I can't take the people seriously who only this season start shitting on the show. S5 was way worse than 8

I remember the first four episodes leaking at once and yet nobody was talking about it because they were just so dull
Hardhome literally saved the series at that point but even that wasn't great and walking dead tier action was only a temporary saviour from the braindead narrative
The arena fight next episode also has laughably bad CG, the panning shot of tyrion was truly terrible.

In retrospect we will look back on 8 and conclude that it could have been worse because it already had been

Benioff unfettered. If you haven't seen past it it's the same way every season afterwards

Agreed, loved the moment but when she was crowned queen afterwards all suspension of disbelief was killed