Lads, I'm going to India in a few months for a wedding and would like to learn a bit about India before I go

Lads, I'm going to India in a few months for a wedding and would like to learn a bit about India before I go.

Are there any recommended Indian movies? For a country that makes a lot of movies, they don't seem to make many good ones.

Attached: India2018.jpg (300x300, 33K)

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Idk, mayne watch the top-rated Bollywood movies OP.

> they don't seem to make many good ones.


Gangs of Wasseypur


Soodhu Kavvum

India is both literally and figuratively a shithole.

All trash


You better shit in the street for the memes and post pics for us

This is the only indian movie i recommend. Although it's the only one i've seen...

Enjoy their cuisine lad

Attached: 1515420278127.jpg (725x512, 125K)

Imagine the stupidity of an H1b that flees their country for a job, but then retains the traditions and goes back to get married in a traditional indian ceremony.
It should be illegal to hire foreigners.
Let these faggot corporations and their butt buddy governments drown in the piss of the society they created.

Yeah, americans are scum.

India sucks man. I wish I hadn’t gone because ignorance was truly bliss. Go someplace else

If it was stupidity, they wouldn't do it. Now take the politics to /pol/.

anything by satyajit ray, the master of indian kino

Three Idiots charmed me
It's a comedy with some tragic parts about college students trying to be engineers and failing at it while their new best friend is a natural.

They're economic refugees. They couldn't give a shit less about America or American customs. America is a means of making more money for them and that's it. Iranians are probably the least shit non-white, professional immigrants that come to the us in large numbers.

Slum dog millionaire

all trash
any 90's and early 00's bollywood will be fine. find the popular ones from that era. also stuff like Rang De Basanti has a more modern vibe to it

I'm glad this thread turned into a real dumpster fire.

Thanks Yea Forums, it couldn't have happened without you.

Agent Vinod

Visit /pol/ maybe someone will post an India thread. They're eye-opening.

How do i become a Bollywood star, lads?

Imagine the smell.

Whatever you just imagined, it's worse.

Don't shit where you eat

there it is

It's ironic too, because 1 billion of them wouldn't exist if weren't for that faggot Norman Bourlog and his "green" revolution. These arrogant assholes all give each other medals and "humanitarian" awards, and for what? To make themselves feel better. Saving people is gay and bluepilled. Let them die as nature intended

Salaam Bombay(1988)

Is it true your suitcase and clothing come back smelling like smog pollution and curry?

I hope so, I love curry.