*Single handedly saves both stand up and podcasting*

*Single handedly saves both stand up and podcasting*

Opinion on the young /GOAT/ Theo Von?

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his stand up is dogshit but his guest appearences on podcasts are kino stupid cunt

looks like a numale

All he does is blurt out random non sequiturs.

> Billy Conforto xD

Are you the same person who also has been shilling Brendan Schaub? What compels you to incessantly post about these particular people?

>Mentions a constant anecdote

Based retard.

>we need Shaggy for scooby doo movie but Matthew Lillard is too old
>I know just the guy sir

For me? it's the incredible idiocyncratic fusion and collision of genius that it's the superband podcast known as "The King and The Sting"! featuring Stand up veteran and all american heart throb Theo Von and also at long last but not least the most important and rising icon of the comedy scene industry Sir Brendan Schaub.

This is a movement you don't want to be left out of. So jump in the ring and enjoy!

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He's great in small doses, especially if he is having a conversation. His solo podcast stuff gets kinda try hard and annoying after awhile. He's naturally hilarious in conversion though

Theo, D'elia and Santino are the best in new mainstream comedy, no question. D'elia's podcast has a higher volume of jokes, but TPW is like soul food.
I have no opinion on Santino's podcast, but I highly suggest the episode with Callen.

They're basically the new comedy scene at this point. Used to center around O&A with Norton, Patrice, Burr, etc and now these guys have the baton.

Ah fuck it, what's the best stuff with this guy?

Yeah, thankfully there's no real comedy meta, all those guys will stay relevant unless they quit writing or show their ding dong to some PA. Burr is actually bigger than hes ever been I think, but Norton has kind of fallen from grace.

I love Leo Vonn :)

Kek I watched his RiffRaff episode they were both so coked up Kek

he's a lot funnier when he's riffing with people than when he's doing stand up (kinda like jim norton). and i like southern voices and accents being more mainstream, none of that hiding it or training it out bullshit like colbert.

Mullets are nu-male?

Theo has been sober for about a decade

Hi Theo. You seemed like you were on cocaine

Wait a minute, that's a lie. He told a story on rogan about doing cocaine and getting locked out of his apartment. He said it was a year ago.

Watch him on jre and the church of what's happening to get a taste for his comedy.
He's a better storyteller than a standup

Shut the fuck up Theo doesn´t lie.

Leo Vonn told that same story on Uncle Joey 2 years ago where his building manager had to open his door at 3AM when he lied about having a blender on and he was so fucked up on kawkainez that he was trying on vests the whole night.

That video was some ginsberg type shit

Yeah bruh

you know a comic's getting big when you search their name on youtube and half the vids are just random people reacting to their bits
his first jre or tiger belly appearances. he makes shit up on the spot (kernel of truth to it) and it's usually hilarious, partly because of his strange delivery and word choice. sort of like mitch hedberg mixed with joey diaz, but with a louisiana accent.
>funnier when he's riffing with people than when he's doing stand up
this applies to 99% of comics
stand up is never as good as improv because anyone with half a brain can see the set ups


