Anyone else see Rim of the World? Did Yea Forums sleep on this? I thought the acting from the minorities was great. Let's discuss our favorite parts of this movie.
Anyone else see Rim of the World? Did Yea Forums sleep on this? I thought the acting from the minorities was great...
Why do little girls wear choker necklaces?
Is there an age limit on choker necklaces? I think Miya Cech's going to get great roles moving forward, she can really emote.
Anyway, I thought it was great. you guys should check it out.
we had a thread about it yesterday
show looks like ASS
a 'choker' as you call it is a piece victorian jewelry that is in no way sexual. just because you have sexualised it because you are a degenerate scum bag, dosent make it so for everyone
she doesn't but her costar amanda cerny does
Excellent movie
Who is this cutie?
Honestly I think this movie was written by stoner college kids who watch Always Sunny
one bag of popcorn
zero sodas
>One of you can sleep with me.
What did she mean by this?
It's a retro thing, butterfly clips and chokers were all the rage for preteens back in the 90s
how lewd does this totally 18 year old get in this flick?
Considering that one scene is the only thing posted. Thats as far as it goes for her
you snooze
you lose
dick sucking lips
They make tons of jokes about dicking her but that's it
Damn. I was almost going to make a lewd joke, but for once the Asian girl that looks 12 years old is actually 12 years old.
This movie sucks. The characters have arcs that make no sense and the pacing is all over the place.
The one thing that was cool was the alien, but that's about it.
It's like an awful movie adaptation of a book. Is it?
Overall, it was pretty decent, well paced, and fun. The pandering to Chinese audience was pretty hamfisted and obvious. Nigs McKinsey was a painfully thin chracature trying too hard to be le funny negro comedy reflief, and most of his shit kinda just falls flat on its face(but maybe this shit is funny to 12yo kids these days, I dunno). The VFX are just slightly better than a shitty Asylum flick, but all the practical effects are really well done. There's an entire sequence trying to ripoff Jurassic Park like no one would notice. I literally(sic) laughed my ass off when the kid's huge character arc climax was just figuring out how to numbers, and I say that as someone who's suffered from mild dyslexia my whole life. There's a few other pure shlock moments that had me in tears. But the kid actors are pretty great, and surprisingly age appropriate for the roles. The Ginger kid specifically kinda steals the show.