Is it kino what are some kino about this kinos for this feel

is it kino what are some kino about this kinos for this feel

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fuck wh*tes



wh*teoids btfo

based jussie

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he shouldve made a twitter saying fuck drumpf before committing his crimes.

Before thread gets deleted, serious question.

What are some really good law and/or detective kinos? Old or new is fine.

>/int/ wins again
When will wh*Toids learn?

Jussie is the stupidest fucking nigger name ever made in the entire world. KILL EVERY SINGLE BLACK AFRICAN BANTU AND BUSHMAN NEGRO FUCKING SHIT!! DEATH TO ALL NIGGERS AND JEWS!!!!

>Racky admitted his crimes after he was arrested
His own fault for being a fucking retard. Don't talk to cops and lawyer up 100% of the time, that's how you get charges dropped.

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sounds to me like this criminal white guy is comparing hisself to a man not found guilty of anything for no good reason
but what do i know *sips tea*

When are the postal service or fbi going to fuck this nigger up?

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Daniel Craig version.

Where are the blacks to defend this KaNg?

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Okay can I get some serious answers please

monk and columbo

his christian name is justin, don't put this on his parents the dumb faggot chose it himself

>Admit to charges
>Get criminal record
I have no sympathy for this senseless fool

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

Kill yourself worthless zoomer cock sucker

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Try to start race war by filing false criminal charges and orchestrating fake hate crime. Get off with Community Service Served of 10 hours. LOL

Call them so they can run a train on me


Kill yourself faggot scum

Johnny Staccato

I'm a woman

Making a Murderer

>old man with dementia charged with filing false police reports
just put the guy in a home

Mindhunter, really short, but really good comfy show

ignore all other suggestions and watch "the night of" right now

Jussie got off too easy but that really is how the justice system works. You can beat the vast majority of low level charges by literally just standing strong and not snitching on yourself for no good reason. There's no way in hell this old man would have gotten convicted or likely even charged had he just kept his mouth shut and waited for his public defender. The article even says he "saved the city a lengthy investigation." If you read between the lines, that's code for "it wouldn't have been worth the time but this dumb motherfucker did all of the work for us so we might as well charge him now." Of course they're going to convict you and hit you with a big fine if you rat on yourself, that's just good business. It's all dollars, cents and quotas unless you kill someone or some shit. It's your job as a criminal to do everything you can to jack up the cost and effort involved in convicting you. If the system has to spend $50K investigating and prosecuting you but can only get $25K in return with court fees, fines and prison labor, they'll stop fucking with you real quick.

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>I'm a woman

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Did you cry when you saw the cat at the end?

Update: Nigerian bros have a civil suit & Jussies lawyers are avoiding them.
Kim Fox is ducking process servers.
Jussie fucked off from Chicago to LA in March
Federal charges/mail tampering still pending.

No, I'm a female.

Based update user. You're a good guy.

This. I tell people all the time, if they're asking questions, it means they don't know. Plead ignorance and stick to your story.

Now that his file is unsealed what's gonna happen next?
Has anyone read it?