Admit it, the trilogy is otherwise untouchable but this was pure bullshit

Admit it, the trilogy is otherwise untouchable but this was pure bullshit.

Attached: Ghost Army.jpg (800x351, 65K)

>admit it
i've never seen someone unironically defending it

Entirely forgettable gnome-trash.

star wars has always been shit


why didn't they just give the ghosts the one ring and let them dump it into mount doom

Ghosts can't carry stuff

but they stabbed all the orcs and shit? how can they stab orcs and not be able to carry stuff?

>mfw the ghosts havent had sex for 1000 years

Attached: 1503514474355.png (391x462, 114K)

Sometimes thinking you were stabbed is just as dangerous as being stabbed.

Those are spectral swords they don't carry physical swords they are of the ghost element which can affect orcs, it's neutral damage not of the slashing or piercing attack so it's not blocked by offense, essentially true damage, spirit types like these soldiers have a passive where they can't pick up non-spirit type objects. But they are essentially immune to anything but holy or a dispell. Attacks are basic, can't be silenced.

well im thinking about getting a bj from your mom right now but i dont feel anything
youre a liar

the scene where the orcs wait for reinforcements but its aragorn and the ghosts on the ship is ace though

still mor than u


In the book, the ghosts only help in the attack on the corsairs of Umbar and don't really kill anyone. Their presence in the ranks of Aragorn's Gondorian levy and Dunédain rangers when they charge just puts the enemy to flight through fear and allows Aragorn to capture the ships.

>the scene where the orcs wait for reinforcements but its aragorn and the ghosts on the ship is ace though

Why do ghosts need ships to travel? It didn't need the ghosts there. In the books their debt was paid before Aragorn even started sailing north.

they must have developed some weird fetishes. theres probably ghoul semen everywhere in that cave

It's not even the worst scene.

This. Only retards complain about the ghosts being there. If you don't like their very addition it's because you don't like fantasy.

why didn't aragon stab himself and ghost walk in mordor

>getting a bj is getting stabbed
learn sex

Only flaws
-Elrond and Isildur in the mountain
-Ghost army
-Gimli's comic relief

All I can think of

-cgi Gollum

the scene with cate blanchett is so gay

>Not liking Gimli
Pleb detected

Undead are OP in all universes.

Attached: Sandro Heroes of Might and Magic.jpg (1424x842, 370K)

I love gimli but hate the fart joke shit that makes him a joke

I also think that the elves at helms deep is stupid
there's other things I didn't like in the trilogy but I understand why they were done, i.e. Pippin and Mary