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as long as MEW gets cast as Cortana it's ok

Good thing I stopped caring about Halo after Reach, like a normal person.

Cortana will be made a nigger

Who even gives a shit, it will be trash no matter what.

Halo isn't that great of a story and won't adapt well to television. At the same time, they've already tried adapting it what, three or more times now? each and every single time it's been mediocre to downright bad.

I guarantee this will be no different. It's just not that interesting when it's not a video game.


Surprising no one.

As long cortana is skimpy, lewd and sexual I'm okay with it.

>tfw doesn't own an console
>still waiting for halo mcc to be release on steam


>Cortana will be made a nigger
Ay'o Ma$$a Chief!

honestly in the halo universe the typical level of forced diversity isn't actually out of place

Did u like reach or did u think it sucked

>thing MAY be different from source thing
>source: my anus
modern journalism


Will MC be taking off his helmet or something?

Like white girl Cortana is any better

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Everyones roles will be the same except for chief, who will be played by a PoC because canonically he is a white male. And we cant have that

ayo where da blue women at

that's what makes it even more retarded

who will play sgt. johnson? terry crews could work

>Who even gives a shit, it will be trash no matter what.
Halo stopped being good once Halo 4 came out. Bonnie Ross is to Halo what Kathleen Kennedy is to Star Wars.

>another ginger replaced for "diversity"

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I will never understand why people care about race in fictional fantasy worlds.

why do they have to change everything into fucking niggers? why it is never asians or latinos.. always goddamned nogs.. boring

that's 343 fanfic desu

they could have the chief be voiced by a PoC but never reveal himself and then nobody would care

Wasn't master chief a nigger?

No, he was a ginger.

The Chief has been cast already though.

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terry crews as master chief
latoya jackson as cortana

The games literally already have diversity so why do they feel the need to add MORE to it? Do they need every white character to be non white or something to be satisfied?

I keep waiting for the moment where /pol/ brigades Hollywood into having more Asians or whatever in films. Just whatever highlights the hypocrisy in Hollywood that diversity = casting black people. I don't even care at this point I just want to accelerate things back to the point where we can cast characters as what they were w/o some propaganda or woke marketing.

Niggers have no culture and whine the most

Just once can they stop themselves from doing this? Like, happens so often it's already reached joke status for a number of years. Can they not see why people get pissed about it?

Why are you so damn triggered over black people?

>Halo isn't that great of a story and wouldn't adapt well for television
Bullshit. Halo had some pretty decent lore and given to the right person it could make an awesome sci-fi series. That being said, you're right. It'll suck. Halo's sucked since Halo 4.

they are simply disgusting to look at. that all.
dont even come up with any racism stuff because i dont mind asians, middle-eastern people or even natives

Commit the most crime
Whine the most
Suck up the most welfare per capita
Reduce property values
Their retarded white defenders
Did I mention the whining?



All of that went out the window the minute 343 took over the franchise and shoehorned their shitty novels as being necessary to understand what the fuck was going on in their awful stories in halo 4 and 5.

The forerunner were interesting because we didn't really know anything about them except they built the rings and the ark. After halo 3 though, suddenly the forerunner needed to be the main antagonists so we had to flesh out their backstory and it completely ruined all the lore and mystery that was in place before, and now who even gives a fuck about Halo anymore. It has no soul.

i dont like watching ugly people on screen period.

and niggers are objectively ugly creatures.

You tell me.

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This. It's not a racist thing, it's just aesthetics, or lack of it.

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Halo isnt even relevent anymore
hasnt this shit been in development hell for like a decade now?

they better not turn my ngga Svgt Johnson into a honkey ass cracker!


>only 6'5"
Fucking manlet.
Hopefully he can do a good gravelly voice.

Yep. After they replaced the flood with the prometheans I knew the Halo series was dead. I still think Destiny would've worked better as a Halo game that takes place after Halo 3. So long as they still left out the fucking promethean crap though. There'd still be a power gap with the remaining covenant, uneasy truce with the elites factions, shady human factions, forerunner technology all factions are fighting over, etc they could've explored.

That's just dyed. Chief's a ging, though.

Chief shouldn’t show his face so it doesn’t matter. He’s supposed to be an Everyman. He could be anyone. The only one who’s race matters is Sergeant Johnson.

The Halo series died when Halo 2 Live went down. Everything after that has been a big pile of steaming goatshit.

Bullshit and fuck you, 3 had value, ODST had value, Reach had immense god damn value, piss on your mother you fag I'll shit in your eyes

its Quortanya

If they replace Linda I'm going to kill someone

Halo 2 Live shut down the same year Reach came out.

good thing i havent cared about halo since i was 14

Ok I'm sorry


>every existing property made into a movie becomes a game of nigrafication for the film studio
Fucking why?

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that's because you're fucking retarded.

It's weird to think Halo actually existed in a time where putting in the token black guy was still seen as enough for settling diversity (and as token black dudes went, he was cool, even if he was a rip off of another token black guy).


Cringe. Halo 3 was the height of multiplayer with friends


FUCK incels

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Is this even still happening?
The 360 was considered 'current gen' when it was announced and now the One is on it's way out the door.

So they’re going to create an entirely different story but still call it ‘Halo’?
Do they really believe that’s what the Halo fans want?

they seem to be importing the most niggers at the moment, every ad on the internet, social media and television caters to niggers, the radio plays only nigger songs. I am suddenly surrounded by them in northern Alberta it's like fucking Africa 2.0 up here. I fucking hate it. The media is in full spin conditioning people to tolerate niggers.

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>Not stopping after the travesty that was odst

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>Posting the Halo 5 (((Cortana)))
How about the real Cortana.

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yeah well fuck you n i g g e r


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But what if it's a tweet that's pro white genocide?

Um that Cortana is problematic sweetie. She's too sexy looking and women aren't allowed to be sexy in 2019, not even the fake ones. Like literally have sex.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Cortana isn’t a home wrecking whore

Pleb Status: Filtered

Not that user but Reach was great and anyone who bitches about armor upgrades was just a shitter that sucked with equipment in 3.

who cares?

at this point it's just expected they will cast a darkie and that darkie will fuck a white woman. and then Yea Forums will bitch. like usual. cycle continues

Pick one and only one

Not triggered, disgusted

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based Chinks

>cutie antisocial redhead sniper is now a niggress
This show is going to be a trainwreck.

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>that's 343 fanfic desu
No, it's Bungie canon. John 117 was a white boy with freckles, blue eyes and dark/dirty blond hair. As an adult he was described as being "too white" due to lack of sunlight from practically living in his armor.

Reach sucked donkey ass. 3 was the last good Gaylo.

No joke, Halo 4 Cortana literally got me into Halo only a couple of months ago. Came for the tits, stayed for the lore... and the tits.

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I was under the impression it won’t be about MC.

That's fine. Who cares?

based chinks

I remember back when I was in high school (03-07) the rumor mill was saying Peter Jackson was going to direct. Then Neil Blomkamp was going to be given the shot with Disctrict 9 acting as his sort of 'audition' for helming a Halo movie. Then I heard some bullshit about how they were going to make a Splinter Cell movie as well with George Clooney playing Sam. Also, because some random user reminded me of it a couple weeks ago, Pikablu

>erase white people
>racism bad

Have you fucking seen them? Black people are seriously off putting. Not even a racist I don't think they are inferior I just don't like looking at them physically.

I unironically hope they cast Robert Downey Jr in his Tropic Thunder getup.

Then you will come here retardedly bitching about /pol/ 24/7, as is natural of commie vegetables.

Don't worry insmell, white people still exist.

I see lions and other animals that arent apes.
God black people are so fragile

>that 1 guy who kept his og xbox on for years to keep Halo 2 matchmaking alive

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>"too white" due to lack of sunlight
Whoa he's just like me

I read the article, and it says they're just likelyt to change some minor racial or ethnic ties, not necessarily changing major characters races.

I'm more concerned about the fact they're talking about just showing Chief's face in the show. Judge Dredd 2.0 up in this bitch.

>master chiefs always wears a mask so his ethnicity doesn’t matter
>a number of the aliens (like arbiter and Tartarus) were voiced by black actors
>cortana is blue so skin colour doesn’t matter (but she probably won’t be sexy because muh sexism)
>Johnson is already black
How can they really change ethnicities much?
Will master chief remove the helmet and an afro springs out and he’s now a proud woman of colour

Source or this is edited bait. I understand the obsession in current year of fucking niggering every conceivable thing but I need a source.

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(and this is a good thing)

I think you made a mistake friend. You made a post without an argument in it. Want to try again?

Imagine being this addicted to video games instead of having children and a massive income stream.

Jesus Christ. You're all pathetic. You should have enjoyed Halo while it was a white man's phenomenon. Now Microcucks need to make money off the negro cattle. White slavers aren't producing them enough profits.

Move on... and have sex

also me but slightly cringe, not my proudest moment

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You start.

Why are you so obsessed with race? There is no scientific basis for race. It doesn't matter in the slightest.

why should he have to argue the truth? you still haven't had your sex so you're still going to throw dumb insults

found your new Cortana

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>gosh stop worrying white bois there's still 1,000 of you left on the planet no biggie

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Read this post again but ignore the mean word that hurt your feefees

What is "guau"?

fuck anything after halo 4

"Have sex" must really sting for you to try to co opt it like this.
Who are you quoting?

She's so perfect guys

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>imagine not having kids and not playing video games with your kids
How's it feel being neglectful dad 2.0?

You didn't answer my question, you are actually lowering this board's IQ with these mind numbing shit posts.

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Anyone that didn't pause the game to jerk off to Cortanas based titties and ass is s gaylord.

But why?

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>Who are you quoting?
I'll give it to you straight then, twitter nigger.
You cannot tell yourself 'they will still exist' as the numbers continue to decline. That's how things go extinct. Stupid retard, you can't derail this argument.

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This is racist because they say so. Baraka and that genre of pretentious films juxtaposition humans and animals all the time because DUDE WE'RE THE SAME and the makers are probably the kind of people who would gladly genocide all whites.

Studies have shown that niggers will buy literally anything that has a nigger on it, latinos identify with whites in ads, and asians are immune to traditional advertising
So the smart bet is to just put a nigger in everything.

memes aside, that would be almost perfect

>ITT: Yea Forumsirgins seething

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this'll do

Daily reminder that Halo CE was more fun than Doom and boomers are jealous.

Are they gonna make Sergeant Johnson Asian?

Yikes, that ain't it chief

Most of the irl US Marine Corps and US Navy is Filipino and Mexican anyway so they're probably doing it to make the portrayal more authentic.

>back in my day...

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the jews

TV series? Yeah its going to be waste.

They want to tap into the black audience that would buy th-

Oh wait.

who is mew?

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>mass replying still doesn't render a permanent ban
Thanks jannies

Mewtu from the pokay'mon games

>You made a post without an argument in it.
On Yea Forums. Imagine my shock.

Halo was never good

u mad?


wtf! hollywood is taking a thing that was popular and changing it!? why would anybody do that!?!?


i'm 100% confident they just hate money at this point

All me

The irony is that Halo is now boomer tier. Your average Yea Forums faggot was born after Halo was released

We need to get rid of these damn niggers

This user gets it

Is it Linda or Kelly that is Chief's interest?

>In an act unmitigated sacrilege, Sargent Johnson is cast as a white guy
How mad would you be?

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>ywn play rocket race split screen with your friend ever again

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It's the most demoralizing

She's a fucking slut shut the fuck up.



Well,if we gonna funpost..

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are a group of developmental disabilities ... Others repeat the same words or phrases over and over.

At least get the music right, please.

Female spartans killed Halo

Anybody who thinks reach is a good halo game is a fanboy retard who never knew why halo was good.

Cortana will be abbo.

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A man of exquisite taste.

The Reach gunplay was the most balanced I've ever played on a console shooter. Every weapon and armor ability had a purpose (except the Storm Rifle; that shit blew ass).

Based halofag here. All this shit makes me wanna go on a stabbing spree bros

Fuck that, why do most popular things being made into a movie or a series get announced twenty years after anyone gives a shit? Who the fuck cares about goddamn Halo anymore, for real.

The series died when Bungie left it. Ironically, Bungie died too.


probably a reddit thing

stop saying reddit shit and expecting us to know what the fuck youre talking about

why? it had diversity to begin with

I wouldn't mind Terry Crews as a spartan, but not as Master Chief.

More like MC will be made a nigger. Calling it now. Hell, even the Keyes might be made niggers.

mary elizabeth winstead

>instead of having children and a massive income stream
>massive income
Childless virgin false-flagger detected.

Activision sucked the life out of Bungie and now it’s killing Blizzard too

Bungie killed it with reach 343 just danced on the grave

Nah, Reach is kino.

343 at least attempts to listen to fans. Infinite has a very slight chance of actually being good.


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To control socialisation of the individuals in society, install new trends, etc, etc.

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t. Bungiedrone shiteater
Worst maps in the series by far, franchise ruining game design choices (sprint, jetpack, armor abilities at spawn), lore ruining campaign, ugly CoD aesthetic and permanently ruined the community by creating CoD/Reachniggers which give us 343 drones.

Fuck reach and fuck reachniggers.

If cortana isn’t a QT the series is dead in the water

Come on dude, ODST sucked ass

ODST was a spectacular concept ruined by a half ass team tacking on shitty levels to their amazing hub world. Firefight is kino tho.

You got me there

join nigger

SSSSHHHH!! We can't sell our product by telling people how diverse we made it, if they know it was already diverse to begin with!!

I'd write my congressman.

The forerunners finna be Wakanda'd

stfu and lurk moar

Starting to get tired with (((them))) tbqh. Seriously bored of it.

because asians and latinos don't complain, they don't care, in fact, they love when the race matches the original source

t. latino

>sprint, jetpack, armor abilities at spawn
Literally all took up the same slot. You couldn't use Sprint and X or Jetpack and Y. Like I said earlier. You're just a shitter who couldn't use equipment properly in 3. The worst maps in the series were any of the CE maps that WEREN'T Blood Gulch, Sidewinder or CTF on Boarding Action.

Just don't like em.

Simple as.

>Hurr stop whitewashing >:(
>blackwashing #sobrave :*)

What did the shitlib media mean by this

>another /pol/ thread

You should realize that those are ads mean for white woman and ads show them an idealized version of themselves.
Most white girls dream about a black boyfriend/husband but most show restraint and are smart enough to know that their sons will look be mutts and that coal burners pay the toll most of the time. However should we all revert to or basic instincts whites would probably become extinct due to sexual selection in just a generation or two.

>if I bury my head in the sand deep enough I can pretend everyone else is a nazi and I won't even have to listen to their side of things
I've never liked the right wing but you fucking leftists are intellectually dishonest and disgusting in your refusal to acknowledge what's happening around the media. It's plain as day but the instant you get challenged on it all you can spout is /pol/ this and nazi-incel that. It's fucking pathetic.

When you realise their only genuine opinion is anti-white/male/westerncivilisation all their hypocrisies and contradictions become clear.

Whether they are aware of it or not, it's the only consistent factor in their ramblings. Why? Who knows. Da Jooz? Inferiority complex? Subconscious need to fight da power?

>Subconscious need to fight da power
I think this is a big factor in it. Americans are rebellious by nature. Just look at our media and stories. Sci Fi stories are always about some benevolent rebellion against an evil empire. War movies almost always have the hero defy direct orders to save the day. Our country was created by a rebellion. Our founding fathers were all rebels. All our legends and folk tales have rebels as heroes. When the American doesn't have an 'evil empire' to rebel against they become confused and attack any and everything with even a modicum of perceived, tyrannical power. I.E. the juice, illuminati, nwo, reptilian aliens, fucking white males, whatever.

>how illfated these alien widdly dink
>their actions indoobeldy they rue oh I say

>don't complain
Sure but irrelevant.

Nigs aren't even complaining have nothing to do with it for they are simply dancing to the tune of their puppetmasters exactly as predicted (propaganda is down to a fucking science)

This Imagine how difficult it would be to manipulate 100's of millions of a majority/dominate culture into accepting a foreign people and culture that's the absolute fucking worst of humanity (Africa & all it's history, any neighborhood in any US city with a large black pop, gangs, drugs, violence & murder rates, rap/thug culture popularized (hmm), welfare leeches. etc etc..welp, (((they))) did it in ~70 to completely subvert, dominate, and demoralize via propaganda from birth (school, uni, tv, movies, news, ALL meda).

(((They))) weaponized tolerance against us and here we fucking are. A White HS kid in a MAGA hat SMIRKING at an Indian (the aggressor beating drum inches from his face) somehow becomes Headline Nation (Worldwide even) News.

Keith David would be much more kino and less over the top, even though he voices the Arbiter i think

Lel, what a picture, did you draw that m8o?

Based insider user. That tactic will backfire in gayming media though.

100% fact


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Imagine an obese nigger hologram woman giving master chief some sass

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Why are you here

Strongly agree here to the point that we could base a friendship off of that alone

Is this the price (((they))) demanded in exchange for taking it out of development hell?

Halo is basically a ripoff of the Alien franchise, mixed in with other random bullshit. That's why a TV show / movie always fails.

This, Starfire was already changed to a negress so changing Cortana into one wouldn't surprise me.

Not Aliens, Starship Troopers.

And yet you "understand" whenever the blacks complain a character is made white who was originally black.

You truly are retarded.

Americans believe that including blacks = diversity. No other skin colors matter.

Tell me about the Chief.
Why does he wear the mask?

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nigger ive been on this board for four years and not once heard that before. been on this site for over a decade still havent heard it elsewhere either.

Cute tiny asian grill as cortana please preferably one that only reaches MC's waist.

Fuck yea dude

>no one likes Locke
>they just make Chief himself black instead

I fucking hate these people


>loli cortana
a man can dream

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The games only have a half dozen characters, and one of them is already black. Why can't they just add some new characters (since they'll need to because Halo doesn't have many) and make them poc instead of race changing characters?

oooooo massa put me inside yo head

I'm glad there were points in the game where you could just stare at Cortana before pulling her out of the console and continuing with the mission. It's like they knew what people were going to do and made it easier for them.

he's got nice legs

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Ayo hol up

She cute

>Fall of Reach animated movie

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They should've made a series about the ODST.

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One thing that's always bugged me is what was 343's excuse for Captain King getting all new armor while he was frozen in carbonite?

>deleting a Cortana

They said Cortana spent 4 years altering his armour with nanomachines to stave off loneliness.

sup rabbi

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well of course only a black sista could have built the system and modeled the hologram after her BBW self

Master chief will become master queef

Will they still be kidnapping kids and replacing them with clones meant to get sick and die. Then torturing said kids and giving them medical treatment the cripple %25 and Mentally destroy %25

The covenant will be race realists.

their leader will be orange

there are less than 2,800 in the world 7 foot or taller, and that's not accounting for gender

Master Chief is only 6'10" without armour.

i know, i just don't know the statistic for that particular height
point is, Hollywood doesn't have a lot of super tall actors to begin with because it's easier to make short people look taller than big people look smaller
a good example of this Tom Hardy's Bane at 5'9"

Bungie is not that white anymore. The only whites left are talent-less soi hipsters. Watch any Destiny vidoc it's jarring.

they are already race realists
all the races in the covenant have their defined place

Nah, it's jews. The americans are just cattle, especially since the rebels were flouded with commies and their kike masters in the 1830s. Why do you think that americans are calles clapistanis?

t. Retard

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You are not from this board kys you reddit cuck.

no you're a newfag.

>I've been on this board for four years
>not a newfag
LMAO are you people really this delusional? It's not about how long you've been on the site, it's when you came.

>literally take up the same spot
Half the reason why it’s bad. Unequal starts at spawn is pants on head retarded

>y-you’re b-b-bad
Not an argument

>CE maps
No, it was reach maps, they literally were so lazy they reused campaign maps as multiplayer maps.

Halo was better than Tf2.

facinating, but I'm leaning more toward "they want money from a proven franchise" over "total world domination based on media viewing habits". I get where the OP is coming from, but it's a hard leap to make.

they were always race realists. literally.


t. CoD kiddy

>it's boomer to like Reach now
just fuck off already faggot, you gotta be 18+ to post here.

According to google it's Spanish for "bark". What a stupid fucking language

I'm on board with this. We can make the spartans all women of color and the convenant can be white straight men.

I'd love to kick a Grunt in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch it with the full force of my steel capped toe under its chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As it lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on its own blood, its jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over it and laugh wickedly. It looks up at me in fear and pain, its eyes searching, begging me for mercy. it finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting its skull like a melon and finally ending its pathetic life.

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Oh, they'll make the black sarge white then? That seems uncalled for.

dont bully

he was never white.



Funny how the people that cry racism about this are the actual racists
>Only point out the pictures with apes in them, thereby comparing black people to apes
>Often use the "chinese society is full of racism therefor this is probably racist" argument

I like her cyber fetties

Não parece...

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