Spend 8 seasons fighting over a throne

>spend 8 seasons fighting over a throne
>"uh, what if we all agree to just change our entire political system here on the spot?"
what the fuck is this show

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The point was the struggle over a thrown was meaningless because the real fight was wirh death itself, but they memed that away in an episode and the writers are hacks

>guys what if we give the whole population of who 99% can't read, write or perform simple math, the right to vote!

post fakes

But they didn't give people the right to vote

>Undoing a system that’s been in place for centuries just because a guy said so.
>None of the other dozens of Lords/Ladies get any say in the matter

Haven't watched funhaus in about a year. How is it nowadays?

>the real game of thrones was the friends we made along the way

Lawrence is feeling bold enough to express his shit opinions so that should be telling enough

>elyse will never laugh at my cock
feels bad man


They’re the same, mostly great. Avoid the podcasts though, they have shit opinions.

the lords laughing at Sam's stupid proposal was pretty based desu
Salsa should've told him to have sex, instead of Radmure

James, Adam and Bruce are gold as a trio, Demo Disk and Wheelhaus are still solid.

Shit. They hired a new girl who sucks and they moved into a new, soulless office.

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Haven’t watched in three years. What did I miss in the two years before you?
>still subbed for no reason

The Arizona circles pilot is based and I'm very excited to see the full series

I like Alanah

Hi Lawrence!

Get back to work

That was always the case, as far as I can remember

me too

I think they're still as funny as they've always been. That's a lot more than I can say about other youtube channels.

I recently started watching their gameplay videos a few days ago, they're okay

why is Elyse so aesthetic?

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>haha white people
>haha cucks
>haha edgy sex jokes.
>haha we're not racist
>haha star wars and GOT are great!

They didn't, only the noble heads of houses vote on the king

because she's shy and looks like she's not a pain in the ass to be around.

There's something extremely hot with the way Elyse says "cunt" in this clip:


Someone help me out why this is the case. Am I the only one that gets turned on by the way she says it?

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The point was not the throne, but rather, the friends that they made along the way.

The others are bannermen to these. They'll do what they're told

>haha star wars and GOT are great!

Bruce isn't the only Star Wars fan now?

>the frown
>the slight pause before saying it like she's building up power like Goku
>the hard "K" sound like it's coming from the bottom of her throat
>the slight turn of eyes as she says it, showing introspection and adding to the weight of the word
I can see why you think it's hot

Why does she always look like she just run a marathon?

Oh they hired the annoying Aussie "gamer girl"
Fuck she is annoying and that is coming from an Aussie.

Thanks man.

No-one cares about you inbred faggots on desert ireland nor your opinions, go on a murder spree for seeing 2 muslims in your whole country despite the fact it was started by killing abos.

hard to say, but they never said anything really bad about it.

Still can get over retarded their take on GOT was tho. All they said was "yeah the ending is not great but don't forget the previous seasons!!! respect the work DnD did before etc..if you hated it you are a entitled idiot"
They are not completely wrong but it's a big hypocritical to say that when they pass their time shitting on games (good and bad).

I feel like they never want to say anything too negative about curent things, especially when it's Disney related.

used to watch. adam and bruce are the best, never watch anything with aussie girl, lawrence is trash.

friend simulator like most of youtube, being a youtuber is weird, there is no space to grow out of being a friend simulator and eventually the 'content creators' just get lazy with the patreon money and all that shit.

white people cannot be openly racist or even state a difference between the behavior of different groups even if it is obvious, so they gotta use the whole 'we are characters guys, cmon...'

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Fuck off you dumb mutt. I live in a paradise, you live in future Mexico.

God James is a beautiful man.

>tfw you want to fuck Elyse
>tfw you want to watch Elyse and James fuck

Of course white people can, they're just too pussy to do so.

Genuine npc's

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you're the one scouring twitter

Anybody who proudly admits they post on /r/freefolk needs a bullet to the brain

Why do people act like voting is a new thing? Great Councils already had a precedent. The probably 3rd or 4th most famous King in the ASOIAF setting was Aegon the Unlikely, elected to office after Aemon refused. The exact legal mechanisms of Robert's ascension is somewhat vague, but if it was presented as a Great Coucil electing him as king (which he would easily win due to being voted for by the North, the Riverlands, the Vale, the Stormlands, and the Westerlands) then his reign has precedence and legitimacy.

It was under one tweet of that roastie who insulted Eric Butts, also checked.

because blood succession was kind of a big deal throughout the story. Bran is elected king under the assumption he can't have heirs. They break the wheel where Daenerys couldn't

that's just how women over 35 look when they're not wearing makeup user. Don't be sexist.

subverted the expectation that someone always wants to sit in the Big Chair

alanah looks like she fucks black men and has white male stalkers

>We will never get a good adaptation of a song of ice and fire
>We came close but it got ruined by hacks

it's what happens when the writers completely give up

>17 minutes of dialogue

>I wouldn't date
Of course a woman can only judge things by the only thing that makes her valuable on the market: Her holes.


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>tits and dragons show
>Suddenly realise it's dumb in the final season

>more candles than books
imagine caring about this thoughtless thots opinions

>not enjoying a refreshing vanilla sent while you suck on them toes

>he doesn't enjoy girls for their dumb little quirks like lighting up candles
Way to spell "GAY" on your forehead, gayman.

old or tricks. saw those things barefoot a few years ago. would not touch/10

>>Undoing a system that’s been the direct cause of countless deaths for centuries

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We are out of the 1800s

This, end capitalism. Communism now!

easy for you to say when you have nothing to lose

>I feel like they never want to say anything too negative about curent things, especially when it's Disney related.

It seems like that's everyone with a sizable audience. Most seem terrified of the toxic label, a lot of people seem to personally identify with this stuff so when someone says X sucks they take it as a personal attack.

Yeah dude. FUCK BOOKS

>undoing the system that gave them power
>caring about the life of your peasants who die of cold and hunger anyway if they don't fight.
don't dream

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imagine your girlfriend/wife posting these attention whore pictures for a whole lot of people and you having to pretend that its ok.


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don't act like you spend your free time reading books, we all know you're full of shit.

Just an anime. No big deal innit

Everyone ran a train on her before filming.

>Communism now!
More death please!

I thought Alanna was in her 30s, she’s only fucking 26.

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She's not awful, but she's just not as funny as the position requires.



sounds like america

10/10 footpussy, incredible arches, would breed

it wasn't supposed to be a documentary...

She'll fit right in

She needs to cut back on the high heels

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>because the real fight was wirh death itself,
wow, who wins? wait, don't spoil it, i haven't finished the series yet.

everyone who really wanted it died
the iron throne was a poison chalice

Funniest part about this is that I actually do. Maybe you should try reading a few ;^)

The funny thing is, the show would be half redeemed if it got a season 9, where the opening cut after intro is someone tossing hotwheels Bran down some stairs.

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Because she has an actual personality outside of just being "the chick" unlike virtually all the other women on these gaming channels

Best video combo is Adam, Bruce, Elyse And James. Rahul and Jon Smith are good too.