Its le youtube kino too

continued from and so you know it's officially Yea Forums related.

What do you think of Soph, the redpilled 14 year old girl sweeping the internet?

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's a mouthpiece for hateful extremists and has destroyed the "at least we don't corrupt children" argument for right-wingers.

why does she make Yea Forums and Yea Forums roasties so mad? it's like lauren southern but a dude

t. seething jew. off yourself

She could be a great video game streamer, too bad she has the wrong opinions.

shes going to regret having made these videos

she's so ugly
if she were hot i would care

>18 minutes

Ain't watching that. Someone give us a basic gesalt of the "red pilling" a little child can possibly do

she's a cross dressing dwarf

pics or gtfo

Why am I hearing about this?

If what she's saying is wrong why does nobody ever pick apart her arguments
If they can't, what's wrong with a 14 year old broadcasting uncomfortable truths?


does anybody know where i can find a transcription of the thing she says in that vid?
i can't concentrate more than one minute in this language she's using...

as a hateful right-wing extremist, there are no hateful right-win extremists in the public sphere. I like to think it's because we're just THAT cool. doesn't get more contrarian than this desu. out-hipstering the hipsters

she already does lel

She is just saying the same things they all say.

You're a blockhead joe

The mods already had to delete the last one. You're literally advertising a JewTube channel and, thusly, feeding into (((their))) schemes, dimwit. We don't care about your fugly sister's content you write for her. Fuck off already.

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I always enjoy the response children get when they say or do things politically

1. if they agree with the kid
>From the mouth of babes

2.if they disagree
>they're corrupting the children

Yea looks like the right wing has sunk to the levels of liberal teachers who want "pedophilia is just a sexual preference" taught in schools.

The only reason Yea Forums likes her is due to the rampant pedophilia on this board.

I want to facefuck the little foul mouthed slut.

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I mean the two options are either:

1. She's a mouthpiece for adults angling for outragebux by getting shilling and clickbait news both from people who are SHOCKED and OUTRAGED about a kid saying adult vulgar things and whatever her "politics" are supposed to be and from people who like what she says (and a lot of them are pedos or borderline pedos).

2. She's a somewhat precocious kid who sees that this is a way to make money.

Everyone and their dog knows to try to get $$$$$ parroting buzzwords and talking points from this or that "political" point and shilling their videos on FUCKING Yea Forums.

You're most successful getting $$$$$ if you're a hot girl, a cute kid, you have a cute cat or whatever the fuck. DO you believe what you say? In most cases, no, and even when people do believe it, their real feelings are more complicated than shocking attention getting and/or pandering to whatever your customers want.

These people are like Flo or Ronald McDonald. It's just instead of selling an actual product, they play characters that pander to and/or rile up people so they'll click. It's just merging making cute/attractive merch with outrage culture. Like any product most products fail and a few catch on and make lots of fucking money at least for a little while.

Also you're a fucking shill.

corbis was pretty fun

sophie is a bit too much, but still funny sometimes in a "i can't believe this kid" sort of way

where are her parents???

>I watch political videos made by children

Attached: lddxz7s3usm11.png (708x556, 135K)

>commits mass shootings AND believes their own lies about pedo acceptance

You're out of your mind

Google image search
first result

Attached: 1385413908264.gif (1024x768, 1.56M)

You people are fucking retarded beyond belief. That speech was written by his brother, like most of the things she said. She is just an "edgy kid" who is constantly being influenced by things her brother says.

>where are her parents???

zoomers don't have parents in the traditional sense. the internet is the parent.

libertarianism is cringe but she's great otherwise

I mean I still would, but she really isn't very hot. She's a solid 5 at best.

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Her commentary is basically just scripted Hydewars. Not that that’s a bad thing, she’ll get better as time goes on, but it’s more of the same stuff we’ve already heard. As long as she doesn’t start making boring and gay crypto Anti-SJW videos like Tim Pool or James Allsup I think she’ll be okay.



right wingers unironically rallying behind a child who's obviously reading some adult's dumb script

Ethan Gunt Ralph is that you

Dunno if she means well or not, but her parents have absolutely failed her by letting her do shit like this and drawing attention from scum (like Bernstein) who will happily ruin her life.

t. jelly that a literal child's more articulate

>"i can't believe this kid"
What? Wasn't Hit Girl 50 fucking years ago? How out of touch to you have to be that a 5 year old girl shouting "cocks faggots motherfuckers niggers faggots kikes shitfuckers cumsuckers Hitler was right" or fucking anything is new? Shit since at least the 1970s this "hilariously novel" concept was floating around and "lol kids doing adult things" way before that.
My grandparents had dead baby humor, really little kids killing people because "lol" and "Hitler was right lol" "RAEP LOL" said by little kids for the hilarity. This is three generations behind. You need something new for fuck's sake.

she's cool as fuck

Why is /pol/ obsessed with children? I thought that was exclusively a Jewish thing?

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>liberals : young teens should be able to vote

>liberals : this girl is just being brainwashed by an adult incel altrighter !


Maybe the fact that a 14 year old understands this world better than you just makes you a triggered retard?

Who commits mass shootings, surely you aren’t referring to Israelis?

She should be learning about how cutting off the penis of a 5 year old is a normal thing.

ok retard incel, take a deep fucking breath and relax your fucking sandy vaginoplasty-non-pussy.

what i mean is, she's obviously smart so i can't believe she's playing into this right wing bullshit that's going to cost her a lot when she's grown up. she knows what she's doing. i can't believe she's doing it.

So, you are saying a muslim girl is a right wing extremist? What a racist sexist person you are.

I wish reddit was just a meme and these sad people didn't exist though

>going to cost her a lot when she's grown up
The world is changing boomer, it prolly won't cost her a damn thing and she will only gain from it.

>that's going to cost her a lot
Well, lets make a world that's not taken by insane leftists who ruin your life the moment you have different opinions.

I suspect your breathe reeks of foreskin

lol good luck having a decent job or gf, or group of friends even, maga cucks.

The only thing “progressives” are correct about is that progress IS inevitable. The left doesn’t represent that, however, it represents unwavering, fanatical devotion to the status quo. They are unironically on the wrong side of history, it is not possible for them to win.

these people are going to kill people like you at some point in the next couple decades, careful there

All fanatics end up being taken down.
You are no different.

When the elite want to loot America with civil war, they will do it with the snap of a finger. Gotta get utility out of us when automation hits anyways.

triggered snowflakes with no future absolutely seething

Learn to lighten up and maybe you won’t hate yourself

but she isn't. if you watch a bunch of her stuff you can seen the awkwardness saying certain thing, like someone reading for the class. she's obviously a smart kid, but it's also obvious her dad or someone else is writing this.

>fanatical devotion to the status quo

>waaah i don't want poc in my city
>waaah i don't want gays marrying or adopting
>waaah i don't want gun control
>waaah i don't want other cultures influencing my shut-in american non-culture
>waaah i don't want women to do anything but cook and clean
>waaah i don't poor people to have decent wages
>waaah i don't want to be called out when i'm racist or sexist

do you hear yourself?


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You are the status quo, and you are on the wrong side of history.

You already know this, this is why you are so bitter and full of hatred. You already know you are forced to watch history march on without you.

I already have a job, i'm in the military.

same here. Always space for another one in the spare room.

>gets accused of standing only for the status quo
>spouts bs fully aligned with the status quo

enjoy the pstd and killing civilians in the interest of oil companies!

>Mass murdering pedos
He never said he was Muslim

since when is all that the status quo lmao

weren't you incels trying to make america great again, ie. maintaining the status quo of baby boomers?

>oil companies
These retarded communists are basically just teenagers. Anyone who actually knows anything about the world would have said "in the interest of Greater Israel".

>in the interest of oil companies!
that's a lot of letters for "jews"

Die. Bootlicker.

>thinking israel isn't behind every oil company

the absolute state of high schoolers

I'm not American, so my military isn't Israel's favourite PMC.
Although if I find one that pays properly, I may join one.

what if it turns out she's trans?

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If you live in a western nation, you are serving Israel

>since when is all that the status quo lmao
did you even read your own post, you can't get more status quo than that; they truly did a number on you

Well, i've been sitting on my ass in the reserve for 2 years now.
But if Israel wants me to spend the day staring at my phone screen playing games and browsing Yea Forums, I guess i'm their loyal pawn.

They do want that

glad other people do this.
the knowyourmeme filename is another i keep seeing on this board now ()
at least its a good way of highlighting redditors

how did Yea Forums become so left? lotta anons here lately sound like r/politics faggots
I guess it should have been obvious with all the GOT threads..

based 1791

you already figured out why

please google what status quo means retard

start a thread about Jordan Peele and all of /pol/ will arrive in no time.

Well, if they want me to make money out of nothing, then I guess I don't really understand their master plan.
But it is getting boring, so I hope I can get into a PMC soon.

nibba, the bullshit you believe in is what every corporation and institution in the western world has been pushing for at least several decades