Not understanding what made something good

>not understanding what made something good

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Other urls found in this thread:– with_women_in_the_lead_roles

>female superhans


do americans actually believe this?

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america needs to be fucking nuked

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Isn't that what nearly ever female duo comedy is, anyway?

Like, Broad City and that show that is basically the same thing but on... CBS? CW?

You can't replace David Mitchell and Robert Webb. No one here is even remotely close.

The Sophie’s Peep Show DVD extra shows that it can work just fine with women, I’m just not sure I’d trust American writers to do it

>casuals not realising that Sophie was originally supposed to be a POV character

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I'd trust Louise CK to do it. But he's not allowed to work anymore.

It can be good if they keep the formula but don't just make female versions of the characters. Sounds like a though job as it means writing most from scratch. Hope they don't make it ridiculous and stay grounded like early Peep Show.

She didn't write and direct the show though. That's the clincher here.

its not like the brits are any less cucked than us. they're probably just mad they didnt get the idea first.

i mean, look at this shit.

fleabag already did this idea, but better

But they're dickheads. You can't portray women as dickheads in the current year.

I refuse to believe this is real
good ruse op, well played

>comment disabled


It isn't just about creating entertainment for women and minorities, it is about destroying white men's.

Attached: AjfyC8ICIAEnmcL.jpg (500x375, 40K)– with_women_in_the_lead_roles

>’What would Peep Show have been like with women as the two leads? It’s a great question – and it’s one I’ll shortly have the answer to, because there is a script in development for a U.S. Peep Show with two female leads.

>It’s at FX Networks and it will be written by top comedy brain Karey Dornetto.’

>Karey Dornetto is an American screenwriter known for her work on television series such as Arrested Development, Community, Portlandia and South Park

Maybe it’ll be fine?

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And obviously there was that female Inbetweeners adaptation that tanked

It's gonna flop, let's not get our panties in a bunch

BAFTA has a fucking diversity requirement to get nominated.


>Hollywood wants to replace every male character with a woman
>”We don’t want to replace you!”

all the us comedies nowadays are non-white and if they are white they have females as the leads

not surprising. louie was like the last one, if you call him white, and nathan for you.

If they swap the quality as well it’d be good

Pretty much. Fleabag is basically the female equivalent of comedies featuring awful male protagonists. And it's great, because she's not just a gender swapped version of those characters.

>remaking Peep Show at all
>remaking Peep Show with chicks
>thinking chicks are funny

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Well if you're going to get muslims to bomb innocent muslim women and children you need pretty strong propaganda.

Which show was that? Drifters?

British humour doesn't translate well onto American screens

Only white people could care about this.

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jez as a woman sort of works because he's a selfish piece of shit whore so he already has woman characteristics but mark is basically an incel and they wouldn't be able to get the friendship part right because women don't really have friendships the way men do. and women arn't really funny either. they can do OK writing but women 'acting' funny? hahaha no.

the office us is better than uk


right mate do you want a slap?

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>british humour
>is just two autistic morons acting silly
checks out

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not a translation though is it

Neither did Mitchell and Webb

Jesus, is there anything they won't ruin at this point?

Someone ban these kids already lmao

Could be fun. There aren't a lot of introspective female comedies on just honestly being unperfect average shitty people out there.
If the writers are strong and can turn the concept to a woman's POV it could be p good.

that's a big if tho

women are inherently unfunny and unrelatable.

>muh vagina humor
get ready

It's done. I don't want anymore Peep Show.

then they should make their own show and not remake something else

Gender swapped peep show isn't peep show. The entire show is based around two weird or awkward men. It would be a completely different of if they were women.

>Community episodes
Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts
Early 21st Century Romanticism
Contemporary American Poultry
Basic Genealogy

Mostly S1/S2 work when the show was at it's best. Standout is the Zombie Outbreak episode and the Goodfellas episode. The rest are all great like the Father's Day one, the Shirley gives birth one and the one Troy and Abed try to get the librarian.

>Arrested Development
credited as "staff writer" on a lot of episodes, dunno if that's bullshit or not
only episode that's credited to her is some episode in s3 I can't remember.

She can write funny I guess

They made a pilot for a US peep show years back with men and it sucked ass

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Meh, depends on what they'll do.
If they're just getting the concept of a show told from some asshole's direct POV and running with their own original stories, then it's fine. FX's What We Do in the Shadows did this and it's going ok desu

If they're going to literally just remake episodes but with women then there's no fucking point.


and worst of all
>remaking Peep Show in America

Sounds like femcel kino is on the menu boys. Just had sex btw

What we do in the shadows works because clements and whakiti are very involved

>introspective female

>FX's What We Do in the Shadows
Thanks user I didn't know that was a thing

There was already an American version & it was so banned it got canned

I thought kath & kim is female it
or absolutely fabulous

*so bad it got canned

we've already seen that show though, why no a change of perspective?

this is outrageous

Why remake it for an audience that already speaks the language the original show was produced in?

>American remakes aren't funny
>women aren't funny
American producer: Boy have i got a great idea!

They're rare but they exist

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To be fair, it's not exactly the fact that they are males that are good. It's more that it was a perfect combination of Mitchell & Webb and the two writers who wrote the perfect dialog to them. There is no show without those four.

That and the low budget Britishness of it all just made it work. If they make it to "clean" and perfect like most American shows it will just come off as a sitcom with annoying main characters. You need that "real everyday people" feeling where everyone is a bit ugly. Can't really do that with perfectly groomed Americans.

Yes but how can americans relate to non-mutts?

>Hollywood is run by greedy corporatists who will say anything to stand, get a promotion and make money
>The ones who succeed is almost pure luck
>The current trend to stand out is to push diversity
>Magapedes think this is a coordinated attack on their neet lifestyles

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No, they only exist in fiction. Females will always adopt the values of the group they belong to because that's how you survive when you're as weak as a female.

based incel

I have no idea what this shit is but if its about peep shows, strip clubs or porn, it could actually be a lot more fun with some cute girls.

Based american


based retard

It's sort of about all of that


only if they’re ugly and thus need to develop a personality to find a man.
so it is possible, but not for the right reasons.

have sex

can't wait for this scene gender swapped

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it would be kino if it honestly tackled the average everyday roastie insanity

this but unironically

Darkies don't even care about basic sanitation. They'll gladly wallow in their own filth unless whitey makes them clean it up.

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remakes are never good no matter who makes them or what they’re remaking.
it’s just a lazy cash grab and it inevitably ruins any property it’s tried on.
why can’t these “”””people”””” write their own stories?

its not wrong

You guys are looking at this the wrong way. It's will be written by women for women. SO instead of being a comedy you can see it as a guide to what they really think when they're spewing their bullshit

this will be a truly horrible thing to watch. being 'frank' about the interior life of roasties is a descent into the greatest villainy in humanity.

Yes because it's true

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so it'll be anti-comedy disguised as comedy
because women can't tell a joke to save their lives, not even deliver one a man wrote.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ.

Once it's gone, we can't reclaim it. It happened to Rome.

>The current trend to stand out is to push diversity

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already exists

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Hollywood producers aren't very clever or imaginative. They all just follow what everyone else is doing

That's just stupid.
I can see women acting like Jez (in fact most of them do) but expecting a woman to act like Mark is completely unrealistic.

>implying the character personalities will be in any way similar to the original
they're both going to be loud raunchy jew women

>US comedy show
Yeah it won't be as good as the UK one.

how do these people keep getting away with this?

What's the appeal of Peep Show anyway?
I tried watching it way back then, and just couldn't get into it at all. And whacky brit bong accents weren't doing it any favors. Not american btw.

>What's the appeal of Peep Show anyway?
it's funny

Why would they even want to do this women. Mark and Jermey are pathetic and no woman should find them empowering at all so why make them women? Who is this for?

But men did

Well can you link any good jokes?
First two episodes were just "awkward" and "cringe"

it's just not your thing.

yeah but why do we have to 'look out' for them like some fucking witch hunt. if they wanna be extreme right wing whats the damn problem?

It'll just go the way of the American Red Dwarf pilots.

No, but we're told to.

relatable characters, not just the two leads who are somewhat exaggerated archetypes, but still sympathetic in a lot of ways, but ESPECIALLY the secondary characters qnd the random normied they deal with dy in day out. Someone like Jeff exists in every office, as doed the 7/10 girl who suddeny seems mch more appealing. plus Superhans is just fucking funny. And yeah, a lot of it is quit culturally specific so I'm not surprised you Burgers dont get it (although all my American friends like it). It peaked around season 3 and stopped being funny when the leads stopped being likeable. Also the inner monologue as the driving narrative worked well and hasn't really been tried before that I know of in a sitcom.

scrubs is inner monologue driven

but if it already exists, why remake it exactly the same way?

>it’s an Americans take a popular british show and completely fuck it up, missing on what made it good in the first place
add it to the rubbish pile, lads

that’s the exception though

>thinking an uncultured trash heap like america is anything like rome

ok but Peepshow did it better

you can go to /pol/ and see most of these in an hour though


Sunni Muslims kill Shia Muslims all the fucking time. What are you smoking, user?

As did The IT Crowd pilot, even with Richard Ayoade still playing Moss.

Did we learn nothing from Ghostbusters

Come on, user. You know very well that will never happen.

just run bro

Or ocean's eleven

>Not american btw
Really? You use American phrases and spell just like an American.

>good jokes
It isn't a stand up, there aren't any "jokes".

this can work.
as long as it's a tit show

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